If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Purpose | Another Look At Origin, Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2395


(9auc of 11)

We already know purpose is:
1. reason
2. what it's for
3. what's the use
4. usefulness
5. intent
6. intention
7. intended
8. aim
9. goal
10. point
11. pose
12. form assumed, likeness, image
13. function
14. poise
15. position
16. place
17. placement
18. possibility
19. why something exists
20. why something is here
21. what is my complementary equal and apposite response to being alive
22. voice
23. servant
24. service
25. duty
26. job (this explains a lot)
27. responsibility
28. who something is
29. what the being is
30. what is the contribution to the whole
31. work
32. kherp
33. quirk
34. nature
35. neter
36. destiny, destinypurpose
37. assignment
38. mission (see messem or semsem)
39. calling
40. role

Purpose is not defined as “dream” because dream is an easily manipulated notion that societies have attacked and reprogrammed to suit their status quo desires.

This is at least the fourth attempt to explain purpose.
I stepped into a dry puddle covered with ash of the past and started to shovel nutrients into a bucket to manually diffuse to other garden spaces. The ash was merely a thin trap covering another rabbit's holy crevasse, containing memory mummies whose shadows even moved fast. So I had to take a different path.


Mur is the circle, water limit of the land.
Mar is youthful, splendid (BB2)
Mare is likeness.
Thus Pur is the initial likeness fresh out the womb of heaven. What is this initial likeness, this fresh prince? Answer: The Baal heir as spirit-soul in balance, the duality of two truths.
See also Per and Ter. Baal is Bel and Ber and Bear and Abra and Afra.


Sefa from sepa from sepo from pose.
Sefa is make humid, moisten, dissolve, liquefy, purify, inundation of waters. This is Kefa, Khefa as both Kepheus and Aquarius.
Thus Pose is to make ready to spark a pose, poise, position, shape, form.

Purpose is pre-position (preposition, perpos-ition). A preposition is a word placed before another word to shows its relationship to other words in the statement. A preposition shows the pre-position and answers where, when, how, which, degree, frequency. To say this another way, different aspects of spirit are so prepared and arranged so as to give their divisions and combinations different purposes. (This is the same as form and function). The same form can have different purposes while different forms can have the same purpose.

Pakht from pakh from pase from pose is the Great MotherFather. Also because pakh is khap is khep.
Pakha from pase from pose means to divide, a division, one of two sides or parts. (A part is simply a reduced form of parent. The parent is made of parts.)
Purpose is in the preparation. How something is prepared determines the purpose. We know this in many different ways of daily living.

Purpose is in the sound, the voice, the vibration, the frequency, the rhythm, the motion. All of this is the word, the speech, the language of how spirit pieces communicate. What motions is the organism communicating? What are we naturally tuned into right now, in recent years and earlier in this life?
Pak from pose is the voice, the ka, kaka, kak, quack, to be dual or divide.

Purpose is determined in the womb. Thus the womb of the human parentage lineage, Earth as parent and Universe as parent, the waters of Nun.
Do not be deceived, there are many wombs and places of rebirth for each being as spirit-soul and in tangible form. Thus there are many types of parents that combine to bring about these transformations (meta-morphose-s. Notice how morphose is murpose, is purpose. Notice again how meta is team, thus all purposes in the universe are team purposes. And all purposes are personal purposes since meta is a-tem is i-tem. A, I, AI, IA is the Ankh. )

What are your pareposes? Your pair poses.
What is your pare-ent-ent (enti)?
Intent is ent-ent is en-titi is entity.
What is your parent intent for you?
[Do seek to understand more fully what a parent is, who a parent is and how many parents each creation has and in how many forms those parents exist. We must gain a greater understanding of the Creator-Destroyer by any name. The Ancients in the Nile Valley were teaching us to understand the natural world on Earth and outside Earth and understand the similarity of parentage, thus the emergence of the mummy. You must get yourself converted to optimal theory, otherwise many understandings will remain perverted, fragmented and contradictory.]

Thus some purposes are fixed, our overall common purposes come from PUR, the common likeness which comes from the lowest common denominator the highest common unifier.
Other purposes are flexible depending on each organism's set of experiences which comes from POSE. We can say these same two things about larger and larger collectives of the same or complementary organisms. We know this because this is what it takes to form an ecosystem.

Whatever purposes there are for an organism is based on spirit-soul duality, whether this manifests optimally or suboptimally. This determines the degree of harmony.

We turn to basic examples to review. We know there is a purpose for both good and evil spirits. There is a purpose for darkness and lightness and for salt water and fresh water and composition and decomposition, gods and devils, and demons and angels.
Spirit-soul manifests in many purposes by assuming many forms.

At any given point in time, each organism has multiple purposes. We know this and see this in the elements Hydrogen and Oxygen.

Because too many of us are deficient in knowledge of self, we must then be deficient in understanding and fulfilling purposes because we don't know who we are. Thus we turn to the society to define “purpose”. And this is why many people place great stock and value in doing a job they are employed to do because it gives them a much needed sense of purpose, thus they do the job with conviction regardless of its effects. The sense of purpose is wanting and haunting because it resides on the surface.