If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Who Doesn't Know To Beware Of Modern Medicine Methodology?
Unity Consciousness #2394


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Listen people, who are Africans, blacks and both.
The moment you feel any type of cold, sneeze, cough, mucous, jump on it immediately by eating healthier, resting, hydrating and getting every little bit of infection out of you, spit it out, blow it out, take castor oil to excrete it out, drink water to piss it out, each spicy foods to raise internal cellular temperature to create an unpleasant environment for the virus or bacteria. Take steam baths and showers. Overdress to the point of always feeling hot and sweating. Drink teas such as ginger, honeysuckle, knotweed and others. All these things have been discussed, yet people are still relying on modern medicine to fix a lack of common sense.
When it comes to Sars-CoV-2, the worst thing you can do is to check yourself into a hospital and let them put you on a ventilator. Now you're in place of concentrated sickness with people dealing with a lot of patients and in rooms they keep cold and pump you up with medicines and introduce IV's into your body. This is roulette. https://rumble.com/vktdpt-our-first-hand-icu-story-what-is-actually-killing-people-in-the-hospital.html
Humans have lived a hell of a longer time and flourished without modern medicine as a bandaid to societal failings.
If cornavirus was the plague it would kill the evil ones in short order and bypass others.
Get right with yourself in connection with all else and this will take care of your health.

Understand clearly that more people have died in hospitals while being treated for a virus, than people have died from the same virus who did not go to the hospital but instead treated themselves early and often with natural remedies and treated their health with more natural sense.
If you go into a hospital for a virus, there's no way you should die unless the people treating you don't understand what they are doing despite believing they do. Hospitals get you in there and try to run as many tests as possible, have you visited by as many experts as possible, give you as many medicines as possible, do as many procedures and treatments as possible and keep you as long as possible in the highest grossing accommodations.

These modernizers of medicine, supposedly the best thing available have for months now been setting up the sheeple to take vaccines annually for life, since the flu vaccine just wasn't doing the trickery.
Now wealth is being transferred to the topmost in the medical industry and largest employers and rental industries and restaurant and entertainment industries, after wealth has been transferred to the the topmost in the financial, military,police, agriculture, education, and nonprofit industries.

And the sheeple get pacified with unemployment checks, stimulus checks and continued employment and loan deferment and utility deferment and free food and the privilege of being experimented on. Don't you know these people don't know what they are doing in terms of many aspects of dealing with coronavirus?