If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Toltec Deity Huemae Of The Culhuas At Culhuacan
Unity Consciousness #2418


(9auz of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.

Culhuacan, Deity and Capital City

Culhuacan is one of the seven caves birthplaces of the seven elemental souls of life and of human families. Culhuas are serpents. In Africa, one of the names of the birthplace is Kharua, Karua, two words which can lead to the words Culhua and Xelhua.

Culhuacan Above is the celestial pole with the Akhemu Seku never-setting circumpolar constellations and also Ursa Major by itself or Ursa Minor. Thus at all major birthplaces, above and below, you will find mountains and/or pyramids numbering two or more. Mount Culhuacan has the same basic meaning as a place of new beginnings as other mountains such as Annu, Ararat, Nizir, or Meru to name a few.

In Central America, Culhuacan in Anáhuae worshiped by the Culhuas is a later form of Nachan in Xibalba worshiped by the Mayans as the serpents N'chustan, Votan and Ytzamná.

Capital cities listed in order of spiritual, political, governmental importance are Culhuacan, Otompan, Tollan, Teotihuacan, Cholula and Tezcuco; however Tollan began to rival Culhuacan, first in the magnificence of its buildings, and then, because the people were enamored with the display, this allowed Tollan to claim greater spiritual authority.

Toltecs are Toltec Culhua Chichimec............Mayans.....Cushites, Kushites......[see upcoming message]

Before Huemae was worshiped at Culhuacan, we find Votan and Zamna then Huemae then Quetzalcoatl.


Toltec Huemac is the same as Egyptian Shu and Hebrew Moses, who both lead souls out of bondage in the Lower Egypt of the Amenta Underworld.
Note: Huemae (Huemac, this spelling might be a typeset error or pdf reader error)

Huemae comes from Anáhuae from Nanahuetzin (Nanahuatzin). Huemae is the mother.

Tezcatlipoca is another name of a deity used at the same time as Huemae. Tezcatlipoca is the same as Jehovah. None of this should be confusing or overwhelming since even in the USA we use the words President, POTUS, Commander-in-Chief.


Although Huemae was worshiped at Culhuacan, the title was not used by those kings. Instead it was used by some of the kings at Tollan (Tulan).
Huemae II was the first to use the title of Quetzalcoatl (Quetzallacxoyatl) as high-priest of Culhuacan in addition to Huemae as King of Tollan.
On rare occasions, the high-priest would use one of the royal titles. This sounds like a power struggle.
As in Egypt, the King (Pharaoh) was also high-priest and heir-apparent to the deity because the King was the son of the deity, thus giving him the basis to claim authority as ruler on Earth.

Hue and Que are forms of same word, huemae might be maehue, maahue, ma-shu, makhu as son or mother, makhua
Some additional forms are: Wue, Khue, Kue, Chue, Cue, Tue, Due, Gue, Fue, Vue and more.
Think of what we are saying when we say Deja vu. One meaning is I remember you two too, the two truths deo, jah and two points of view.

Human Huemae Presented Another Way

1. Huemae I
a) Huemae and Tezcatlipoca are titles that apply to Kings of Tollan because the titles are deities. Although Huemae the deity's main home was Culhuacan, Kings of Culhuacan didn't use the title. Kings of Tollan used the title, as I suspect, to try to rise to the importance of Kings of Culhuacan.
b) Common name of this king is Texcatlipocatl (son/brother of Iztac Mixcohuatl, Totepeuh I) (brother of Camaxtli, Totepeuh II) [I have renumbered the Totepeuh's]

2. Huemae II
a) Common name of this king is Tecpanealtzin (son of Ceacatl, Totepeuh III)
Reigned at Tollan and also used title of Tezcatlipoca
Used title of Quetzalcoatl as high-priest of Culhuacan
Made Cholula the capital of what may almost be termed a new Toltec monarchy. This indicates a dispute as to who was heir-apparent to the throne in Culhuacan. It was actually Huemae I but the people chose Nauhyotl II, the second son of Camxtli to rule at Culhuacan after his grandfather, Mixcohuatl (the first) died
Also reigned at Tollan
went back to Cholula after fighting with Huemae I.

3. Huemae III
a) Common name of this king is Matlacxochitl (possibly son of Aexitl, but unclear)