If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, April 9, 2021

Mamlouk Caucasian History Is Still Coming True
Unity Consciousness #2401


(9aui of 11)

Caucasian has been used as a synonym for white people, just as also has been the terms Aryan and European. All three of these terms are recent suboptimal usages because the first people by those names, or from those areas, were not white skinned.

Name Variations: Mamlouks (military slaves), Mamelus, Mamelukes, Caucasian, Mamlouk Caucasian, Pale Cell Thalassemia Prone White & Near White People, Aryan, European, Eurasians, Asians, Arabs, Russians, Tcherkaffes (Circassians), Mingrelians, Abazans and more. (The New Werner Twentieth Century Edition vol 23)

Africans in black skin were the first to move into the area of the Caucasus Mountains. Some came from western Asia, some from eastern Asia, some from southern Asia, some from northern Asia and some from Africa Proper, Africa Magna.
Eventually those Caucasus dwelling people became distinguished by pale skin and hair, in contrast to the widest norm of darker skin and hair. These lighter skinned people invaded Syria and Egypt and most certainly surrounding countries. They were then enslaved in the Caucasus Mountain region by Ottoman Turks for two hundred and thirty years. Then they were carried off to Egypt by Arabs around 1171 CE who had taken Egypt from the Frank Crusaders and another group of Arabs. In 1227, the Mogol rampage in Asia caused Mamlouk Caucasians north of Caspian Sea to flee to Egypt. In 1230 CE, Arabs in Egypt purchased twelve thousand Mamlouk Caucasians. They were already warmongers and were now trained as soldiers. They were still enslaved and were often mutinous and began to make their own laws. In 1250, they took over Egypt. Caucasians have no healthy basis of unity other than short-term concerns, their supposed right to be the authority and insatiable thirst for continual warmongering. Thus these Caucasians had no other rule of conduct than violence. The Caucasian Cult and Klan deceive themselves by saying they must use preemptive violence to protect their freedom. They ignore the violence nurtured in their homes that manifests in worldwide Maafa racism. Thus they claim to be peace-loving while attacking. While taking as much as their grubby coffers can hold, they drop a crumb and moment of altruism and call it compassion and claim to be champions of humanity. As explained often, none of this is contradictory to Caucasians because it fits their Utamawazo and Asili which fulfills the need-want incentive. (Volney, “Travels Through Syria & Egypt,” Vol. 01, 2nd Ed., during 1783-1785 CE)

In 1517 CE, the Mamlouk Caucasians, headed by Toumam Bey, in Egypt were overthrown by Turkish Ottomans. Mamlouks were allowed to remain in Egypt and given assistance. They prospered in wealth but were never able to reproduce beyond the second generation among themselves without marrying natives from the Caucasus Mountain region. These were also slaves brought from Georgia, Mingrelia, etc].
Per Volney, all the Caucasian children perish in the first or second generation. Same goes for Turks. Also, plants from the Caucasus region are not able to reproduce sustainably because the Mamlouks, contrary to what is normal, did not adapt well anywhere based on naturalizing to climate and other local conditions, thus the Caucasians could only be continued as a group by continuous influxes of Caucasians from the Caucasus. This explains why Europeans and other Asians want and protect immigrants from Asia and why the USA has paid for Syrian immigrants. (Volney)

Volney said, the Turks, when they subdued Egypt, should have prohibited slavery. Their refusal to do so was the cause of their reversal of fortune which seems about to dispossess them of their conquest as of 1785 CE. This self-destruction was aided by many political errors that have established a long paved road downwards. (Volney)

Per American Universal Geography, Vol. II, those from the Caucasus Mountain region, when found in Egypt are chiefly Georgians, Circassians, and Mingrelians. They marry only with slaves from that country, who are constantly sold in the market. They never have descendants beyond the second generation, and those are greatly inferior to themselves in activity and energy. Hence they are constantly obliged to replenish their number by youths from Georgia, and the neighboring countries, who are brought to Egypt, sold as slaves to the Mamelukes, educated as soldiers, and then set free to continue the same bad behavior.

In general, Caucasian slaves were sold by their parents, or carried off by by their enemies, at a very early age. They seldom remember much of their origin or their country or if they do, hide who they are. (Volney)

In other words, Caucasians of the most recent Ages are sick in body, mind, emotion and spirit. This we already know. They have many genetic fault lines, thus are obsessed with their genetic annihilation, thus the annihilation of others, including non-humans. They are a variant strain of coronavirus for which the universe is mounting multiple immune responses. They have continued to mix and mingle with almost every group in Asia, thus spreading their range such that yes white people throughout the world are the current Caucasians and so also are many called Asian, Arab and other groups of a lighter hue.

Once again, we have yet another way to see that white people, arabs, other asians and pretty much all people were slaves and invaders long before Africans were enslaved during the Ages of Pisces and Ursa Minor. This broad group of people called Caucasians have barbarism in their veins, thus they will never change as a collective. Only a few here and there will find their way back to healthy knowledge of self and all else. I am almost 60 and have not yet met 12 good Caucasians. I've only met funk fakers who are only nice superficially, and when faced with the moral choice, will always side with their Caucasian History and the Caucasian Collective.

Additional Notes To Show Original Blackness Of Caucasians

Per Book of the Beginnings, Vol. 1 (BB), the word Caucasian tells us of its origin in the Kaf or Kaffir, both of which include “black” as part of their meaning.

The Auritae (Oritae) inhabited the Caucasus Mountain region. The Auritae are the black race, the Rut (Root). (BB2) Auritae are the Kafritae of the birthplace in Africa [the so-called pygmies, pigmean]. This tells us that their time in the Caucasus Mountain region was tens of thousands of years before they turned lighter whiter sicker physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I wonder if this has something to do with the Cro-Magnon influence.
Pacts and Scyths are a form of the Auritae

Caucasus is said to come from Graucasus, a Scythian word. Grau or crau is rock or mountain. Casus means white. [I'm not so sure about this explanation.] (Names and Their Histories)
Khau means malady, seize, scholar, ape, dog, wood.
Kau (Ka) means call, say.
Kau means earth, Khus means to found, lay the basis. Thus Kau-Khus. Kas means coffin, dwelling, house, womb. Khus means to found. Khus is a name of Kush and Cassiopeia, Queen of Aethiopia above.
Influencing the word Caucasus might be Karka for circle, people, lower nethermost earliest enclosure.

Shus (shish) is the name of the servant and follower. Baka means to beg, pray. Baka + Shish yield Bakshish, the present solicited by the servant and follower. Thus possible forms are Khau-Bak-Shus and Kau-Bak-Shus to reach Caucasus.

Circaseia (Circassia) in the Caucasus Mountain region, is the land of the Circassians. The word Circaseia is said to be a Genoese corruption of the Turkish name Tcherkess, which means 'brigands' and 'those who cut off the road.' Tcher, a 'road,' and kes-mek, 'to cut off.' Compare this to tcherkaffes as an earlier spelling of Circassian. (Names and Their Histories)

Mingrelia was a Russian (ruten) province in the Caucasus Mountain region. When it was under Turkish control it was called Mingreul. (Names and Their Histories)

”Mamlouk” is a form of malak. Malak means to possess, one possessed by another, the property of, another. This definition gives the sense of slave. Mamlouk slaves were distinguished from domestic slaves, [those from Egypt or Africa]. These domestic slaves were blacks called Abd (Volney)
The Malak might have been named after:
1. Abd-el Melek (Melek Adel), an Arab who ruled in Egypt. (Wilkinson: Modern Egypt 484, 492)
2. Ma means with. Thus Ma + Melek (Mamelek) would be “with Melek.”
3. Ma also means authority, thus Mamelek would be “by the authority of Melek.”
4. In Turkish, the BULUK is a number of persons, as a military company. We've shown that Mamlouk means military slaves. Buluk is Muluk, thus Ma-Muluk could lead to Mamlouk. Bu-lekh are the people of the womb, who descended on the mother’s side when the individual fatherhood was necessarily unknown. Lekh is rekh is rut.
5. Kamrekh (kam-rekh) is kamlek is kamluk which could lead to Mamluk and Mamlouk.

Abd has several possibilities such as:
1. Abad is a form of Apap of the abyss and darkness.
2. Kabat (Kapat). Kabal is the sanctuary, the Kep of the mother.
3. Apt is the parent.
4. Kheft (Khaft) is the hinder part in the south when facing north as the front.
5. Abd is bad. (See next message)