If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, April 12, 2021

A Pandemic During The Best Of Times...
Unity Consciousness #2406


(9aun of 11)

is like a couple who are madly in love with each other announcing they are getting divorced as they celebrate their golden wedding anniversary with family and friends.

It's an incongruency, an inconsistency, a contradiction of logic and a conflict between conditions and results, outcomes, results, responses, behaviors and effects.
It's like getting a checkup and receiving a clean bill of health and then dropping dead right there in the doctor's office.
It's like having perfect weather and the worst weather at the same time.

It's like going to the hospital for some condition and never getting any better, but getting steadily worse. Is it the hospital's (medical industry, thus country culture) fault or the condition you were in when you went in? Or is it both? Is it the fault of coronavirus or some country of origin or is it the condition of our logic and the condition of our health? Or is it all four?

A pandemic during the best of times...
Is like hating someone's guts and loving them completely.
Is like nothing getting wet, yet it's raining.
Is like choosing medication with a laundry list of direct negative effects as a better health option than food as medicine.
Is like loving someone and retarding their progress towards their optimal self.

If the past 100 years are the best of times for human logic as evidenced by how we've organized ourselves into groups from couples to nations, then a viral pandemic would not have any chance of taking place similar to a snowball's chance in hell. The snowball wouldn't make it past the gates, and certainly not past Purgatory. The snowball would never reach the masses.
If prior to 2019, we were living during the best of times, human logic and all the systems we have in place for daily living would stop any biological virus in its tracks long before it got out of control and reached pandemic proportions.

We must conclude either:
1. The past 100 years are the best of times, thus there is no pandemic. Or
2. The pandemic is our logic which sets us on a daily course of accidents waiting to happen and okie dokes waiting to happen.

Meanwhile we still think our logic is the best of all times, thus, guided by gods (“authorities,” “experts,” “science” and “studies"), we are making all the right choices concerning this virus pandemic and yet the virus is still in control and will be for years in the future, according to what we are being told (sold) as those who are daily fed like a house plant unable to fend for itself or tend to itself..
This is like declaring a 7-alarm fire for a house fire and that fire rages on for months despite all hands on deck and tons of water being poured on it and all the best tactics being used, including the new version bucket brigade approach that peer pressures everyone in the community to lend a hand and be a now suddenly unselfish neighbor focused on the greater good like a person whose logic is controlled by a Pavlovian switch backed up by a mallet.

A Pandemic During The Worst of Times makes more sense to describe what has been taking place right now and for thousands of years. This explains, as clearcut for instances, the proliferation of physical sickness and mental illness, including whiteness logic and Maafa Racism. That these are the worst of times coincides with the rise of these human elements. The human virus and its variants keep changing. If there is any chance for Sars-CoV-2 and its variants to be brought under control below the pandemic level, then the same will have to be achieved regarding the humans who are a virus and their logic.

Since these are the best of times and the worst of times, we sugarcoat things for babies, all others get it straight, no mixer, no chaser, yet Earth, Wind, Fire and Rain don't make it any easier on old growth, new growth or newly sprouted seeds in the same area.

We've now had at least a year of coronavirus experience, plus other life experiences. The majority of us are still as clueless as ever regarding the information we are eating as daily bread. We keep having someone else chew it up for us and regurgitate it into our mouths. We equate the decision to swallow with chewing and critical thinking. Good is the grief that keeps us asleep. We have a big ole blindspot in our hindsight because we love too much being led so we don't have to do the gathering and information processing. All we have to do is the following, which is as about as much of a thought process we can handle. And the band plays on...in a ball of confusion.