If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Mayan Origin, Part 2 & Intro To Votan & Zamná
Unity Consciousness #2417


(9auy of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.

The Serpent's home is tepht (depth), the abyss of source, the place of transformation, which was personified as Tep or Typhon, the mother. Votan is the son of Typhon the Snake. The Initiates of Egypt were called Hivim when they went through the passage and same transformation growth process of the shedding mother snake, the Hefa (Khefa, Kefa), (Jefe in Spanish). (NG1) Hefer, Heffer, hefa, heffa is also used as profanity against a female. It is the same as bitch.
Hivim are Chivim, Gevim, Kheftim, Gutim as the first to cross the waters and rivers of understanding.

Votan was a founder of the Maya civilization. Instead of son of the mother, Votan says he is son of the father as a descendant of Noah (Khnum, Num, Nnu, Nu, Nub, Nem) of the inundation and Noah as Nef (Khnef) is the lord of breath and sailing. Thus Votan is the masculine Nun as the soul of life in water and air. As a Kamite solar god he is the soul of life in the night sun. Votan resembles Zamná and Quetzalcoatl.

Num is serpent-crowned in Kamite Egypt. Votan says he assisted building the Tower of Babel. After the confusion of tongues he led a portion of the dispersed people to America. There he established the kingdom of Xibalba and built the city of Palenque. We are reminded that the Tower of Babel is in Shinar, both of which were founded by Nimrod of Cush of Ham of Noah. Thus then we have another angle of light insight to know who the original Mayans were, especially since Votan says he is of the race of Chan (Khan, Kham). Kamit for Egypt, Neb, Num, Nebrod and Nimrod. (BB)

The god of the eschatological third region, the abyss of the waters, was the Af-Ra, in Egypt; Yav (Tzav, Tzva, Tzva'ot) or Hea in Assyria; Javeh or Jah in Israel. Num was likewise a form of this solar god as mother-elder-younger with father out front. He says he is the third Votaus. (NG1), (NG2)

Follower Of Votan

Chanes (Khamite, Khamit, Kemet, Egypt, Culhuas, Xelhua, Serpents), is a name given to the subjects of Votan and his successors, is the equivalent of Culhuas and Culhuacan.[because it refers to the birthplace of the seven caves.]
(Kharua becomes Carhua becomes Culhua becomes Xelhua).

Cocomes in Yucatan signifies in the Nahua tongue ‘ serpents,’ like the name Chanes, although in the Maya tongue Cocome means ‘listener. Cocomes is the oldest royal family, the most ancient people, the oldest line of kings and nobles in Yucatan. They are the descendants of this first ruler, Votan, They were also followers of Cukulcan (Cocolcan) and Quetzalacoatl.

Cocomes must relate to Kak and Kaka (Coc, Coco), thus darkness and boat.
Mes is a diadem (headdress) and signifies the anointed or to anoint.
Mes means mass, cake, child, chaos, the product of the waters gathered, engendered, massed, the primeval land, the pure land periodically produced from the waters, the land of Mesr.
Mes for generation, birth, mixing is the equivalent of mest, and mes-ru the outlet of birth of mestru, thus Mestrea, Mestraean. (BB), (BB2)

Tzequiles is another name applied to Votan’s followers by the aborigines, - or rather, it would seem, bv the first to the second division of the Serpents (Culebras). Tzequiles, in the Tzendal language, means “men with petticoats.” Ococingo (an earlier Copan) with Tulan as it's capital, Maya with Mayapan as its capital in Yucatan, the territory with Chiquimula (a later Copan) as its capital in Honduras, were allied with and subordinate to the original empire in Xibalba whose capital was Nachan (Palenque), built and ruled by Votan and his descendants.
Note: Ococingo brings to mind Ocho Cinco which means eighty-five.

Khent means hinder part in the south and going back from the north. South as the quarter of the summer solstice was the solar point of turning back and going down. This was the Egyptian beginning of another year. Sut-Typhon, the crocodile and Great Bear, with long tail erect, was an early type of the Turner back in the South, where Polaris South (Sothis, Sut) rose to announce the returning back ot the Inundation at the turning-point of the year. Another type is the animal’s skin with the tail attached. Another type of Khent (Kant) is the Cynocephalus with its long tail. Khant or Kant lead to Chanes. Thus we have the Khant, Kant, Khan, Kan, Kham, Kam, Khamit, Kamit, Khemi as words indicating who the Chanes are. All these words also tell us who humans are because Khemi is Khem is Homo (Latin). Therefore, stop saying humans originated in Asia or anywhere outside of Africa. (BB)
Understand a little more of what this fundamentally means and how that applies to climate change.
Latin homo is a modified form of Khemu. Khemu, to prevail, be master, have potency, authority. the typical seat, abode, the shrine, the habitation of the child, the womb. Menti (Amenta) is the region of the dead in the lower half of the circle which we have been living in. Amenta is the “re-foundry,” where the image is regenerated in the likeness of the generator, Men-(K)amen (Homo-Sapien).


Zamná, son of Votan, was the inventor of Mayan hieroglyphics. Zamná is also called Ytzamná and Kinich Kakmo.
Mystic water of feminine source is SEN, blood; Sen is ZEM. (BB)
Na reads of, from, to, by, black, red, water, blood.
Ytz is Ftz is Mtz

The snake Tet is an earlier Tset (Set, Sut and Tet, Taht), thus Ytz includes the meanings of snake and duality, thus the double-headed snake, also 9 and 90, thus Ptah, the dual parent.
Tsa is the ankh, the soul of the mummy of reproduction.
Mitzar is the star of the Mes (t) in the Great Bear birthplace.
Tz and Ts is the human version of the prehuman click.

Zamná is close enough to Votan to be Votan. Zamná is likely the older form being practiced in the Yucatee, Tzendal, Quiché and Toltec traditions before Votan arrived.
Zamna is said to have come from the west.

Sem (Khema, Shema, Tzema) is the representative sign, the likeness, the mummy-type, the Mamit or spirit.
Zema (Zemi) is a departed spirit and the representative image in death (BB2). The old Caribs worshiped an inferior kind of deity imaged as a Zemi.
Maya lesser gods were called Zemes, family spirits of humans.

After Zamná's rule, we find three brothers collectively called, the Itzaob or Itzas, reigning at Chichen over a people called Itzas in a city called Chichen Itza. The Itzabob,like Zamná, came from the west. Itza is an abbreviation that comes from Ytza from Ytzamná.

Mayan & Votanic Empire

Mayans are Egyptians, Kamites, those from the Nile Valley. Mayapan in the Yucatan was one of the allied capitals with Palenque, Tulan, and Copan, that constituted the Xibalban, or Votanic empire.
The Quichés, and people of Guatemala, Chiapas, and Honduras descended directly from the Maya of Palenque,
The Americas were certainly peopled before the Votanic era per the basis given in the first four recent “origin” messages. Another way of knowing is told to us by Votan himself. He calls his followers Chanes. Chan is from Nachan and Nachash from N'chushtan who is Nanahuatzin [Nanahuetzin]. In this we see Chush which is Khush and Kush and Kham and Kam. So Votan tells us he is a later form of what already existed in Central America. The Mayans came from and/or through Lower Egypt.
The Maya tribe of the Zapotees was considered primitive and one of the first tribes “known” to be in the area. This is in conjunction with the Miztecs, Olmecs and Xicalaneas.

Once we make it back to the Nile Valley, its mythology contains all we need to derive the word “Maya.”
Also we find Suka or Sukat as the south and Sekhet. Sekhet also means field and forest.
Sukat is Yucat + an is Yucatan. So we have Mother Maya who gives us Mayan and Mother Sukat who gives us Yucatan.
”An” of course is a birthplace, rebirthplace.