If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, April 25, 2022

Big Time, Little Time & Little Little History
Unity Consciousness #2704

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Take a moment and think of how we use the phrase “Big Time.”
Then ease into self-control. Decide to glide and slip into the big stream of consciousness.

Time In General and Overall

A way to keep track of cycles is by using a reckoning method called Time (ti-me, me-ti, meti, mati, mait, maat).
Time is motion is locomotion primary and mation secondary. Time is how things get from place to place.
Space is mation is transformation primary and motion secondary. Space is place (a state of transformation). Space is where things get from one form to another. This includes changes of the same form.

Both motion and mation are forms of two words:
1. Meh-ten. Meh-ten is Maiden, Mama, Ma, Meh, Maat, Makh, Maten, Katen, Khaten, Aten, Atum, Atom, Word, Kart, Karten, Carton, Marton, Martin, Martian.
“Maten”means to go, move away, give way to. From this comes “mation” and “motion” (space and time).

2. Mer-ten. Mer is the circle and water. Ten is to complete, fill up, terminate and determine. Mert-ten is the reckoner and determiner of circles (space change) and cycles (time change).

Big Time

Time is also called Maat, Big Mama, I am, Ima, Amma, Eve and more. Maat is both One Truth & Two Truths. One form is Preexistence and Existence, also known as Pre-sen-tation and Re-pre-sen-tation. These Two Truths are the Universe before transformation as One Time (mest) and after transformation as Two Times (mesti, mes-ti, ti-mes). These are Two Circles of Time. They are the result of the splitting of the Universe as One Time, the Supreme State of Being, eternal, eternity, always, forever, never-ending, continuous repetitions of life cycles. All things are in harmony in the I.
After One Time splits its person reality (personality), this duplication reproduction of self becomes Two Times, temporal, temporary. Quality (pronounced Khu-ality) has become Duality. These Two Times split, specialize, divide duties. All things are still in harmony in what is now I and I. This stage of Two Times is the first instance of a new Heaven and new Earth.
Since these Two Times are identical, one of them serves as shadow hidden nucleus original bios and outer membrane, the control where only carefully authorized changes are allowed as pilot monitoring. The second of the Two Times serves as revealed nucleus and cytoplasm where far more lenient changes are allowed, the experiment as pilot flying. These are the Holy of Holies and the Holy. The Second Two Times is the Universe we refer to. It is the All in All; thus, it is not the outermost Universe, the All in One.
After going through the motions and mations of many lifecycle iterations, these Two Times then merge and re-split. In between these mergings they are still communicating and exchanging information (downloads, uploads) because they are interconnected and interdependent.
As one example, this splitting of one into two and their merging is the same as sex cells that are spit between two organisms. When these organisms have sex, they procreate, per-create, pre-create and recreate. The sex cells merge again, then split (divide duties within the same organism by one becoming dominant, primary, revealed and outer while the other becomes recessive, secondary, hidden and inner, a backseat driver)
A second example is the Two Great Years whose overall timings split and merge every once in a while.

Since Time is Maat, then Time is also an expression of what Maat is. Therefore, Time is also a representation of understanding, clarity, awake and alert, truth, dynamic balance, ecosystem, harmony, reciprocity, justice, peace, health, appreciation, security, contentment, love, shared abundance, alignment, completeness, connection, conservation, diversity, energy, eternal, expert, flourish, friend, healing, health, intelligence, intuition, nutrition, solution, spirit-soul, self-sustaining, thrive, wisdom, wholeness, evolution, perfection and more.

Simply put, for now, time is spirit-motion taking place in the body and life cycles of the Supreme Being. Time provides a way of measuring and coordinating how many Spirit motions it takes to achieve a certain spirit mation, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. These are the same as physicality and physical reality, mentality and mental reality, emotionality and emotion reality, spirituality and spiritual reality. The first begets the second.

Little Time

Since there is Big Time, there is also Little Time. All divisions of Two Times (Duality) are Little Times that are various degrees of separation from Big Time calculations. Little Time is also Maat as Little Mama, Little Mamas, Divas (Time, Tive, Tiva, Diva). Little Times are smaller cycles of spirit motion and spirit mation. These motions can be optimal or suboptimal to, what Maat is. All things are not in harmony. Thus Little Time, under the influences of organisms with varying levels of power, and some with unhealthy knowledge of self, begets misunderstanding, confusion, lies, sleep and low level of awareness, imbalance, disharmony, one-sideness, injustice, war, sickness, jealousy envy, insecurity, discontentment, hate, scarcity, misalignment, greed, fragmentation, disconnection, waste, lesser organisms as Supreme, monolithic monocultures, temporal, fakers, retardation, enemies, maiming, stupidity, tuition, artificial, toxins, problems, Ogo/Yurugu, waning and draining, barely alive, mind-centeredness, devolution, imperfection. All this spreads among the same organisms and to other organisms, thus infecting many systems.

Time Out For Human

Recent humans base time on Earth Time and their lifetime, both of which are useful, but extremely limited together or by themselves. This is so because neither Solar System, Galaxy or Universe revolve around this Earth or human understandings about what is what or what time it is.

Earth Time is Little Little Time and Human lives are also Little Little Time.
Humans act like and claim to be Big Time, yet we reckon our existence, motions and mations based on Little Little Time. We continue this belittling of Time when we reckon time based on our formation of nations and when we began keeping track of time regarding a set of events (called history) or any single event (called history). Thus the history we talk about, in regards to anything, is Little Little History to the nth degree of littleness. This allows history to fit into our unexpanded minds, spirits, emotions.
Time is belittled by us, not because it is little little time, but because we do not properly understand big and little time and keep them in their proper perspective. Thus the little time we rely on to understand all motions and mations, becomes great big time in our minds, which are of course, confined and misaligned. The signs of the times are the signs of motions and mations. This is also true for humans. The signs of the times, no matter how well we understand time is represented by how humans move and what we create. Dynamic imbalance is the norm.
Climate environmental change is a set of signs of Times that are much bigger than the little little times used by recent human minds. This mismatch of reckoning is a major impediment to humans being able to adequately understand and adjust to the motions and mations of Climate change which are fundamentally due to time change and space change bigger than human lifetimes and bigger than Earth Time.
Climate is Cli-mate, Khli-mate, Khri-mate, Kher-mate, Kher-mati, Truth-Duality. Thus Climate is Two Truths and Climate Change is Big Change in Two Truths that trumps the Little Truths and misaligned Truths of humans. This is because changes in sets of Two Truths change the motion and energy of spirit-soul and also changes the form of their creations, thus space and time are changing which is to say energy and matter are changing, thus also the energy and matter within all creations, especially those misaligned with the Changing Times.
Spirit-soul in humans began its safari in the spiritsphere from preexistence; however, spirit-soul does not always remain flowing in that primarily evolutionary stream that leads to the next form of creation. Corrupt spirit-soul can be cut-off, dismembered and remelted in the Pool of Fire to become part of several existing forms of creation OR a portion might get recycled remixed into another spirit-soul destined to become human OR the entire spirit-soul might become another human in a different set of conditions OR the entire spirit-soul might become reborn into another organism with lesser ability to be a monkey wrench in the ecosystem, thus with lesser ability to be caretaker for many of its own species and caretaker over many species, thus with lesser ability to be unity conscious beyond self and the little worlds such a limited consciousness creates.
We can say these possibilities exist because this is also what happens to the elements matter is composed of when an organism makes a transition out of life, into death and then rebirth.
The journey of spirit-soul is to become one again as the Supreme Being while going through many repetitions of life cycles, thus become more trustworthily educated in the use of power and free will, both of which require ever-improving knowledge of self and all else.
Let us be sure to understand that the spirit-soul of the first human did not begin as human direct from the All-Being Eye of the I. Spirit-soul of the first human began after another series of evolutions of organisms, most recently the primate ape whose gorilla glued grip on our genetic landscape we cannot escape. The change of spirit-soul's motions and mations into human has had big successes and big failures, in recent Ages big failures on a mass scale, which is why, for instance, almost all humans barely use a smidgen of their genetic potential and our attempts at organizing ourselves stalls at the societal level and our response is to prefer pushing and towing rather than rethinking and repair.