If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

What This All Boils Down To Healthwise
Unity Consciousness #2701

(9azzzzzzzr of 11)

What this all boils down to is another version of what has been said under “health information”.

1. Improve nutrition (includes rest, fresh air, water, sunlight)
2. Reduce toxins in food, personal care products and household cleaners.
3. Stress. Stress, improperly handled, becomes pressure improperly applied, which interferes with movement, thus interferes with the changes necessary for living organisms to remain viable. Stress includes fear, worry, sadness, dissatisfaction...
4. Maintain sufficient activity levels/exercising of mind, body, emotions and spirit-soul.

It only takes one thing to go wrong to make a batch of other things go wrong, but as always, it takes two to make a thing go right.
Whatever diagnosis (imbalance, dysfunction) or diagnoses a person starts out with, if that person takes medications long enough or uses medications as their primary means of addressing dysfunction, we can be certain that person will develop other diagnoses.

What is absent from many studies we trust to benefit our self doubt in the science of self, is not only do these studies fail to take into account the comprehensive and cumulative effects on the comprehensive cumulative self, these studies also do not account for at least the top ten health checkpoint of the patient or the population in general. Taking these things into account would allow for better understanding of commonalities to root out cause, if cause detection for the purpose of course correction is the true goal. We know the answer because the village people settle for the symptomology approach and treatments/medications that are blindsighted pin the tail on the denatured primate. This is like, after pursuing the easy way in, then seeking the easy way out that keeps caving in.
No one should expect their primary care physician, or any specialist, to take any or all these things into consideration for them or even understand them. We shouldn't expect it since we know the vast amount of miseducation that exists which gives birth to societies.

We are on a healthcare tilt-a-whirl rollercoaster scrambler that is sinking and falling apart yet we refuse to get off.

What all this boils down to is:
1. Nutrition is medicine.
2. Continue growing in knowing yourself.
3. Nutrition and knowing self, frees you. Likewise, toxins and not knowing self, imprisons you. Free your mind and the ka-rest will follow.