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Synonyms: Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neuropathology, Neuro-immune Syndrome, Neurological Disorders, Neurocognitive Disorders, Neuronal Dysfunction, Neuron Dysfunction, Neuropathy, Neurological Sensory Disorders, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Neurobehavioral Toxicity, Neurotransmitter Imbalance, Mental Disorders, Mental Illness, Methylation Dysfunction, Dementia Syndrome, Nervous System Dysfunction, Nervous System Disorder Syndrome, Thought Process Disorder Syndrome...Alzheimer's disease (AD), as a manifestation of Dementia Syndrome, is the most common neurodegenerative disorder worldwide. [This tells us that the problem is a human thinking and behavior problem in the sense of being at cross purposes with the natural world of self and all else. It tells us that societies and their cultures are all broken and sickening. But this we already know in a myriad of ways.]
It is estimated that the prevalence of dementia is expected to double every 20 years such that 115.4 million individuals will have dementia by 2050. Isn't this a pandemic? No! It's a bonanza for those who thrive on and profit from sickness. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5804548/ (2017) and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35178511/ (2022)
Methylation Dysfunction As An Earlier Culprit
Methylation is the transfer of four atoms - one carbon and three hydrogen (CH3) – from one substance to another. Methylation impacts hundreds of chemical reactions that regulate activities of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive and detoxification systems, including those relating to: DNA production and repair, Neurotransmitter production and repair, Detoxification, Histamine metabolism, Estrogen metabolism, Eye health, Fat metabolism, Cellular energy, Liver health, dopamine, cortisol and serotonin levels, nitric oxide production, cell turn over and division, membrane properties, mitochondrial function, and limbic status.Methylation activates processes (turns them on or up), while demethylation deactivates processes (turns them off or down). This process is largely dependent on Vitamin B5 Folate; however, many other nutrients must also be present such as Vitamin B12 Cobalamin. https://www.thorne.com/take-5-daily/article/what-is-methylation-and-why-should-you-care-about-it (2018) and https://duckduckgo.com/?q=what+are+the+cofactors+of+choline&ia=web
Methylation dsyfunction plays a key role in the pathology of neuro-immune syndromes which are defined by their symptoms because causes are not known.
Many neuro-immune syndrome patients have membrane bound folic acid receptor auto-antibodies, which prevent the reduced folate carrier from binding to folate receptors. This does allow the active form of folate to be transported into cells of the nervous and immune systems. This causes elevated levels of folic acid in blood plasma. Development of folic acid receptor auto-antibodies is triggered by casein (protein in cow' milk) exposure during infancy or with bowel irritation. [based on what we know about how cows are raised and medicated, we should avoid products made with cow's milk.]
http://www.neurobiologix.com/v/Files/Methylation%20Deficiency%20by%20Dr.%20Kendal%20Stewart.pdf (2012)