If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, March 30, 2018

Origin Meanings Of God, Goddess Unconstricted
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1303


(Part 9gs of 11)

As shown in many messages, the concept of God the Father is an African concept. All other concepts of God the Father are versions of the African. This must be so because all people, their language, cultures and religions are versions of African rootstock.

Because “G” comes from an earlier ”KH,” then God is Khod. (BB 141/153)

Khod connects us to Khot, Khos, Khots, Khost. These words we can see more clearly in current forms of cot, cos, cots, cost. But when we go back and substitute many vowels into the “KH” form of the words, we find earlier words we are remembering: Khat, Khut, Khis, Khes, Khu, Kha, Ka. This is enough to show the connection between the word God and many earlier words straight out of Africa. These earlier words include the meaning of God, however the earlier words mean much more such as the all-encompassing, all-inclusive spirit-soul which is dual. The dual nature of spirit-soul includes the duality of God & Goddess. Where there is one, there is the other.

The word “God” is the same as “Khut,” the god of the triangle, of which the equinox was the apex, the Khut. (BB 333/345)

Before God and Goddess came to mean people like us, God and Goddess meant elementals, nature powers.
Keep in mind we are re-membering. The basic goal is to understand more than we did before. Not to know all there is to know through one message.
Because the concept of God & Goddess is based on the elements which are based on spirit-soul, then the concept of God & Goddess means everything in creation in every form.
These truths do not depend on your agreement or disagreement or whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not.

For those who are still hooked on God the Father by any name in any religion, you know that makes no sense because there is no balance. It is not possible for one side of a duality to exist and the other side not also exist.

So the question remains: Where is Goddess The Mother in your God The Father religion?

If there is not male and female in your Divinity, then there should not be the necessity for male and female to be in you genetically, since you were created by a God the Father who had no need for a Goddess The Mother.
Yes, our education has set us up for failure of logic.

In the Christian religion, did not the child God come from the mother's womb?
Same is true in the African original of Christianity where the Son was begotten of the father, yet still had to be brought forth through the mother. (AE2 758/222)

Now we come back to the word God and its earlier form in KH.
KH means two, thus written into the name God, but hidden, is the concept of twoness in oneness. (NG1 220/238)
Also inherent in the word God is the circle, water, life in the water, parent and child. The child who is both male and female because the parent is both male and female. (BB 143/155)
In other words, if your concept of God does not match what are clearly natural facts of science, then your God concept is incomplete. Science tells us life is based on the duality of energy and matter, negative and positive, female and male, and so on.
How come a God who is not of a dual nature, creates you of a dual nature and a universe of a dual nature, yet you and the universe are supposed to be in the image of God who is not of a dual nature? Huh? How come?

Show me one Almighty God The Father who has proven anywhere in Creation that life can come forth by the male by himself. It makes no sense below on this Earth, thus it makes no sense above in Heaven. As above, so below is fundamental.

On the other hand, some females can bring forth life by themselves, but can only do so because they have male and female in them and have the womb to do so and the uterus for the child to come out.

So until the male gets a womb and other things, and the female has no need of male genes, then there will never be a Supreme Being above who is not God & Goddess all wrapped up in One.

These truths are so wide, you can't get around it, so low you can't get under it, so high you can't get over it. This is period in the cycle that gives us the best chance to dance a new way out of our constrictions.

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