If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, July 30, 2020

If Oceans Are Deserts, Then Cytoplasm Is Also
Unity Consciousness #2213


( 9and of 11)

The title of this message must be the logical pairing if we accept the notion that oceans are deserts as expressed in Oceans are Deserts

My comment to the above video: This is so fundamentally flawed, it confirms the level of miseducation of the masses. My rebuttal is going to be too long, so I'll publish it to the internet within the next few weeks. The title will include the title of this video.

Brief Working Definitions

Ocean – most sources say an ocean is a large body of saltwater. I say an ocean is a large body of water between continents. Although we have given oceans different names, if we take a macroview of water on Earth, we can consider all the water on Earth as a big lake containing many islands.

Desert – most sources say a desert is an arid environment with low precipitation. I say a desert is an environment that does not have one or more conditions necessary to support a large diversity of macroorganisms (visible to the naked human eye). Oases within these areas are exceptions.

Deserts are places where the ecosystem is resting, healing, restoring and accumulating resources.

Biomass - Biomass is organic material from plants and animals that contains stored energy from the sun. I say water is also bio. Water contains mass.

Inorganic - does not contain carbon bonded with hydrogen. Inanimate, non-living.

Organic - contains carbon bonded to hydrogen (hydrocarbons).

Something has to catalyze and instruct the process to transform inorganic into organic. One of the places this process takes place is in water through the use of some source of energy. Then the so-called photosynthesizing primary producers, begin utilizing the inorganic compounds, water, chemical energy from the sun or other sources.

Primary Producers are organisms that make their own food from sunlight and/or chemical energy from deep sea vents. They are the base of every food chain They are said to be responsible for all or most of the biomass on Earth.

In the video above, in order to arrive at the statement “oceans are deserts,” another notion called average net primary production is used in addition to primary producers and primary production. Average net primary production is the rate at which the primary producers (plants and other photosynthsizers) produce useful chemicals (such as glucose or something) in an ecosystem). This is measured by how much mass of biologically useful material is created over a given area over a given time. The video goes on to say that this average net primary production is the most important figure to look at when assessing an ecosystem's productivity because it is the primary producers that everything else feeds on either directly or indirectly. The video goes on to say that all energy in the ecosystem is managed by these primary producers and so they determine how productive the rest of the ecosystem is.

We are being told that we should judge oceans by the average net plant output in the ocean and then we should judge deserts by the comparison of average net primary production compared to coral reefs and rainforests, but we should not understand at all that both coral reefs and rainforests or any land area with plants that have a high average net primary production, can't do a damn thing without the water in that environment, of which the oceans are an essential part of the global water cycle.

Primary producers can't do anything without raw materials that go beyond chemical energy as photons or other forms. Thus before primary producers as photosynthesizers can form the foundation of an ecosystem, they themselves must be synthesized from building block raw materials that form a more fundamental foundation in the ecosystem.
Oceans are not only primary producers, they are primary suppliers to primary producers on land that use photosynthesis, thus oceans cannot be deserts unless you measure them in the wrong context of comparison.

To claim primary producers are the basis of primary measure of value in an ecosystem before the raw materials that primary producers use is to say proteins are more important than amino acids and amino acids are more important than the elements and water is more important than hydrogen and oxygen.

The ocean ecosystem is abundant enough with primary producers for that environment to produce an enormous diversity of life from micro-organisms to macro-organisms.
Clearly, primary producers on land are “dead in the water” so to speak, without consumers and primary decomposers who also convert energy to make raw materials once again available to plants, thus reforming and resupplying the foundation of the ecosystem.

Producers - are organisms capable of creating simple carbohydrates such as glucose, from carbon dioxide. This process of producing organic molecules from inorganic carbon sources is called primary production. The energy for this process can come from solar radiation, chemical reactions or from the heat in deep ocean geothermal vents. On land, most producers are plants.
There are two major types of primary producers – phototrophs and chemotrophs. Both are autotrophs.
Phototrophs use the energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates. The process by which this occurs is called photosynthesis. Later, the chemical bond energy in carbohydrates is released through respiration and used to fuel metabolic pathways. A similar process occurs in chemotrophs, except that the energy source is inorganic oxidation and reduction reactions. Chemotrophs are nearly always microscopic and are found in regions where water and light are scarce.

Global Primary Production Of Oceans

This is not talking about average net primary production, but I still say that the calculation of primary production, net and average must be difficult at best to calculate, especially for an entire group of organisms and entire ecosystems; therefore I place no trust in these types of measurements and can only lightly use statements relating to them.

Oceans carry out about 50% of global primary production and support the greatest biodiversity on the planet.

Although primary producers in the ocean are responsible for nearly half of the biospheric NPP (net primary production), they represent only 0.2% of global primary producer biomass. This uncoupling between NPP and biomass is a consequence of more than three orders of magnitude faster turnover time of plant organic matter in the oceans (avg. 2 to 6 days) than on land (average 19 years).

Net Primary Production can be simply described as the difference between photosynthesis and the biosynthesis of organic compounds and biomass.

Primary production via photosynthesis is a key process within the ecosystem, as the producers form the base of the entire food web, both on land and in the oceans. The oceans play a significant role in global carbon budgets via photosynthesis. Approximately half of all global net annual photosynthesis occurs in the oceans, with 10-15% of production occurring on the continental shelves alone.

If life is based on water, and the oceans have water, but not enough primary production to not not be considered a desert, then what kind of logic is that? I will continue to repeat myself because you have to hit the nail on the head more than once to get it to sink all the way in to a piece of wood.

If the ocean is desert due to the deeper portions of the ocean being cold and without light, then so also is all the deeper portions of Earth under dry land where oxygen is not sufficient to support root growth or other organisms, thus little to no life.

Since the human body is not a primary producer, then humans must be deserts, if we keep following fragmented logic with broken logic with ill logic.

Because coral reefs might be comparable to rainforests in terms of their relatively high output via photosynthesis, this does not mean the rest of the ocean is comparable to a desert. If the ocean is a desert due to its relative average net primary production, then so also are temperate areas to be considered deserts due to their relatively low annual output compared to tropic ecosystems.

As another example, to suggest a measure based on energy production and organic biomass output as a determinant of a desert is to suggest that Mitochondria are the oasis, coral reef and rainforest equivalents in cells, and all else in the cell, including the watery ocean-like cytoplasm, must be a desert.

Water (liquid matter) and dry land (solid matter) are formed from the same pool of elements. They need each other and cannot exist or function alone in order to create life, both are lifeless without the other. thus neither can claim greater relevance or productivity than the other because their functions are co-dependent.

As another example to debunk the oceans are deserts foolishness.
Sleep is a productive time of each day despite its reduced level of activity and seemingly reduced productivity. Thus so also are the ocean and dry land the yen and yang to each other. When water is bound up in more solid organisms, water is in a less active state even though it is being used in processes and being recycled. Likewise when land is in water, it is in a less active state, even though solid components are being used in processes and being recycled. Water incubates dry land and dry land incubates water. When water rises, it pull land up with it, and the other ways around.

Be sure to understand that if there are variations of energy productivity on dry land, then certainly the same is true in oceans, thus there are deserts in oceans but oceans in general or overall are not deserts.
In other words, if on dry land deserts exist mainly due to insufficient water and/or heat, then in water environments deserts can exist due to insufficient solid nutrients and/or heat.

Notwithstanding the above paragraph, oceans produce a whole lot of oxygen, a useful element, so for this reason alone, deserts are still very important to the global ecosystem, even when the desert exists in human logic..

Great Changes, Great Seasons & Real Science Fiction
Unity Consciousness #2212


( 9anc of 11)

Continuing from previous years, lots more easily noticeable environmental change is taking place in 2020. Worldwide there are a high number of weather events that have broken recent patterns. Also, most societies are in the midst of even more easily noticeable societal upheaval.

In terms of physical changes taking place with Earth, we've been witnessing these changes daily, weekly, monthly, annually. These same types of physical changes are taking place on a Great Year Great Cycle Great Season basis.

The Solar System is moving above the Great Year Horizon, moving from Night to Morning and from Winter to Spring. The entire Solar System is moving into the upper half of the galactic circle.
Thus not only is there Global Warming, there is also Solar System Warming taking place.
Also, not only is there Global Environmental Change, there is also Solar System Environmental Change taking place.

The Galactic Horizon is the galactic equator.

This again additionally helps explain the Great Change spoken of by the Ancients and that I am sure is on more than one paper papyrus now in the hands of thieves. This information is also on the scrolls of African genetics that are unfurling, unpacking and unzipping, along with similar processes throughout Earth and Solar System. A Great Change must take place at least twice per Great Year but could be said to take place with every change of the 19 Ages. We know a Great Change has occurred many times before, don't we? Of course we do. We speak about these changes but don't call them that.
In other words, what's happening taking place right now is not only are humans waking up, Earth is waking up and so is the Solar System. More than warming is taking place as explained by environmental change. Expand this beyond humans and Earth.
What this also means is that life is awakening in the Solar System, thus there is something to the interaction of humans on this planet with humans on other planets in this Solar System, other Solar Systems and other Galaxies. Aliens I see you.

Some of you are giving your spirit grief with your disbelief that there is such a thing as a Great Year and Great Year Seasons. This disbelief is due to the absence of discussion among the masses and media verification. This disbelief exists despite believing in a Galaxy. Thought processes are not healthy enough to understand the logic incongruity since the Galaxy is a system and a cycle and is where the zodiac signs (star constellations) reside, and that these cycles are what cause the Ages to change in Stages. The Galaxy is filled with suns, moons, planets and other stars. Earth is not the only place that has day and night and seasons. This awareness is going to change, but perhaps not among the masses for another 10 to 40 years or until the magnetic pole flips.

Now we already know that when seasons change from winter to spring that it warms up, ice melts, it rains more, there are more electrical storms, and life emerges out of earth and other forms of tombs, wombs and cocoons.
Aren't these same things taking place on a global scale? And if you open your eyes wider, you will realize that these same things are also taking place on a solar system scale.

Because the Solar System is warming, that means it is also being exposed to more light and/or more intense light wave vibrations. This then should change the dynamics between Earth, Sun, Moon and other celestial bodies in the Solar System. There is an increasing amount of energy circulating in the Solar System. This should cause a reconfiguration of the Solar System.
How will this change the daily and annual daylight hours for Earth and other workings?
The Sun and Solar System are dawning as they are moving above the balancing line. This then is an additional way of explaining the double meaning of The Age of Aquaria in regards to Earth and Let The Sunshine In in regards to the Solar System. This also accounts for the two rhythms for these two cycles that are working together and playing out in the same song.
The Solar System is being resurrected via the younger Horus, the renewed soul of life in the sun, Ra and the elemental souls of life and their productions such as elements.
Let's face it, the Solar System has been asleep, at least in human awareness, even though signs of its awakening have been mostly hidden by heinous humans for centuries, but now Shiloh comes and many more evidences will be noticeable in plain sight. Just as mythology is again becoming history, science fiction is again becoming reality.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Not Enough Public Disgust Against Street Justice Lynchings Of Truth
Unity Consciousness #2211


( 9anb of 11)

Snippets of comments from Nick Cannon Gets Schooled By a Zionist!

[Begin comment exchange]
Me: I'm not convinced that the Anti-Zionist Jews are true to that description because I don't see them identify themselves and speak out when it comes to Zionist racism, treachery and other foolishness. Thus I don't see them as soldiers for justice, if they know better but do not use their ability to speak truth, thus avoid the Anti-Semite wolves crying victim.

Someone else: Anti-Zionist Jews speak out against Zionist racism all the time. Zionism itself is racism. There is no such thing as non-racist Zionism. Organizations like If Not Now, Jewish Voices for Peace and Independent Jewish Voices constantly speak out against it. You just never hear about it because those organizations don't have money. There are also many Jewish journalists and historians who talk about it. The ones who do are often rejected by their own communities. But they are growing every day.

Me: Thanks for the info. Lack of money is no excuse for invisibility in an internet world and public protest culture. I looked up "If Not Now.
They say: " for decades, AIPAC has weaponized Jewish identity and false accusations of antisemitism to ensure that politicians across the board vote to give Israel a blank check even as it continues to deny freedom and dignity to the Palestinian people.
They also say: "We are mobilizing Jews to protest antisemitism and white nationalism, making it impossible for our public officials to hide their own antisemitism behind unquestioning support for Israel."
The "If Not Now" organization still promotes the notion that there is such a thing as antisemitism.

Me: By the way, IFNOTNOW has a youtube channel with only 352 subscribers. There are not very many of them, which to me speaks to their invisibility.

Someone else: Yes, they don't have much youtube presence. They focus more on local organizing. There are INN chapters in many major cities in the US and Canada.

Antisemitism does exist. The problem is that the discourse of Antisemitism has been dominated by the right for decades. The Jewish left is finally reforming, regrouping, and pushing back. Jews for Racial and Economic Justice put out a really good pdf on the subject. It was written mostly by non-white Jews.
[End of comment exchange]

You mean to tell me , that none of these organizations can get enough public traction to be known for speaking out against the White Jewish public lynching of Louis Farrakhan, Nick Cannon and truth?

This is why I say it is like trying to find lint on a cotton plantation to try to parse racist collectives into good guys and bad guys. They are not ideologically different enough to be against lynching truth.

Despite his public lynching because he spoke truth about the original black Jews and johnny-come-lately white jews, let me be briefly repeat my thoughts regarding Nick Cannon's statements of truth and subsequent capitulation to the street justice of zionist racist white jews.:
Nick was not forced. No one can be forced to do anything. We always choose the truth or the lie in consideration of the reward or punishment. Nick just castrated himself like Steve Harvey and others. He is another good example of being careful of who we follow. He served a good purpose for blacks to tell the truths he did tell, now time to move on from him. Truth and lie don't need individuals or collectives. If all humans fail the truth and the lie, truth and lie still exist and will be told and shifted around, rising and falling in due time.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Vaccine Definitions For Lemmings Who Comply Till They Die
Unity Consciousness #2210


( 9ana of 11)

I typed vaccine into google and only got 142 results. This is extremely low for such a common word. There are usually millions of results. Also, usually when you type in a single word, the first results will give you a definition of the word. This was not the case. Almost all the results were about covid-19. Is the word vaccine synonymous with coronavirus? There are lots of vaccines but these didn't show up in the results. Google results are clearly slanted to the current rather than the relevant.

The non-gullible know not to willingly comply with taking vaccines of any type.

Vaccinate and inoculate are the same things that lead to immunization.
A vaccine is supposed to result in fewer or less severe symptoms when a stronger version of the pathogen is encountered. A vaccine is not designed to prevent getting a disease, but rather cause the body to respond quickly to it before the pathogen can make a person very sick. Immune response effectiveness once antibodies have been produced, will depend on the health of the person at the time the full pathogen is encountered and what the person does from the moment they first begin to feel sick. This is true whether or not a person has received a vaccine.

A vaccine basically gives the immune system a time advantage headstart in fighting a pathogen by allowing the immune system to produce some antigens in advance, thus allowing for a quicker response to weakening a pathogen. A vaccine is not prevention or cure and does not guarantee a person will not contract a pathogen or not be sickened by it or not be infected. Infection exists from the first moment a pathogen enters the body. The infection doesn't have to last long or make a person sick for an infection to exist.

This message does not cover the alternatives to human-made vaccines that have been discussed in terms of food as medicine and using plants, including weeds, to strengthen health and kill pathogens.

Truth is, the people you are following off the cliff have no desire or concern to help you prevent, cure or heal from coronavirus or anything else. They don't want to hear about ways to keep you healthy or get you healthy.

Vaccine Definitions (Some are shortened and paraphrased) Question-raising portions underlined.

1. Per vaccines.gov, a vaccine is made from very small amounts of weak or dead germs. A vaccine prepares your body to fight the disease faster and more effectively so you won’t get sick.

2. Per CDC.gov, a vaccine is a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.
[So why do vaccines have to be taken more than once?]

3. Per the Washington Post, vaccines deliver a snip of genetic material that carries the blueprint for the spiky protein that dots the surface of the coronavirus. After a person is vaccinated, their cells will follow the genetic instructions to build the proteins, and their immune systems, confronted with the spike protein, learn how to recognize and mount a defense to the virus without ever being infected.

The genetic material in the vaccine is just a fragment that codes for a piece of the virus. Nobody is given the complete virus.

4. Per Brittannica.,com, a vaccine is a suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins or of antibodies or lymphocytes that is administered primarily to prevent disease.

A vaccine can confer active immunity against a specific harmful agent by stimulating the immune system to attack the agent. Once stimulated by a vaccine, the antibody-producing cells, called B cells (or B lymphocytes), remain sensitized and ready to respond to the agent should it ever gain entry to the body. A vaccine may also confer passive immunity by providing antibodies or lymphocytes already made by an animal or human donor. [Since many humans have gotten over the coronavirus there should be antibodies available, thus no need to search for or produce a vaccine. Just extract from healthy donors and replicate the antibodies.]

5. Per Merriam-Webster, a vaccine is a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.

6. Per medicinenet.com, a vaccination is an injection of a killed microbe in order to stimulate the immune system against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. The healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them. Immunizations prepare the immune system to ward off a disease.

Once again, I'll state the obvious, [it is false to suggest that everyone needs a vaccine and that healthy people are at a high risk of death if they contact a pathogen naturally.]

7. Per the Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, Churchill Hospital, University of Oxford, a vaccine is a type of medicine that trains the body’s immune system so that it can fight a disease it has not come into contact with before. Vaccines are designed to prevent disease, rather than treat a disease once you have caught it.

8. Per sciencenewsforstudents, the immune system is the body’s natural defense against germs. When a germ invades, the immune system sends special cells to fight it off. Sometimes, though, the immune system is not naturally strong enough to prevent a disease from seriously harming someone or even killing them. But there’s a way to give the immune system a boost. It’s known as a vaccine. Vaccines are substances that prepare the immune system to fight a disease-causing germ or other pathogen by imitating an infection. They trick the immune system into making a “memory” of that germ without ever having to fight the real germ in the first place. Now, when the immune system encounters the real pathogen — whether it’s a virus, bacterium or other microbe — it is ready to attack it. As a result, the vaccinated person doesn’t get sick. [these two paragraphs are filled with question-raising portions]

9. Per Usa.gov, a vaccination is the injection of a killed or weakened organism into your body by a needle, swallowing, or inhaling. The vaccine produces immunity in the body against that organism.

10. Per Carrington College, a vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. It contains an agent resembling a disease-inducing microorganism– a bacterium, virus or toxin – that activates the body’s immune system. White blood cells – APCs, B cells, and T-cells – recognize, destroy and “remember” this version of the pathogen. That way, the immune system can quickly recognize and destroy this harmful microorganism later on. A vaccine is essentially a pathogen-imposter.

11. Vaccine Types:
(a) Weakened, or attenuated, vaccines consist of microorganisms that have lost the ability to cause serious illness but retain the ability to stimulate immunity.

(b) Inactivated vaccines are those that contain organisms that have been killed or inactivated with heat or chemicals. Inactivated vaccines elicit an immune response, but the response often is less complete than with attenuated vaccines.

(c) A subunit vaccine is made from proteins found on the surface of infectious agents.

(d) When toxins, the metabolic by-products of infectious organisms, are inactivated to form toxoids, they can be used to stimulate immunity against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough (pertussis).

(e) Immunity-stimulating proteins (called antigens) can be mass-produced and used in vaccines.

(f) Using Recombinant DNA technology, genetic material that codes for a desired antigen is inserted into the attenuated form of a large virus. The altered virus acts as a carrier and is injected into an individual to stimulate antibody production to the foreign proteins.

(g) Viruslike particles (VLPs) are prepared via recombinant technology.

(h) Naked DNA therapy, involves injecting DNA that encodes a foreign protein into muscle cells. The cells produce the foreign antigen, which stimulates an immune response.

Adjuvants, such as aluminum, are incorporated into vaccines to hasten the body's immune response. However, per pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences.

A vaccine does not need to contain anything other than the pathogen and perhaps water or saline. I suspect all this “developing” of a vaccine is sickos trying to concoct what harms specific groups the most.

If a vaccine is truly a vaccine, as in a weakened pathogen, there is no need to test it. It will create an immune response to produce antibodies.

Also, truth is, if a vaccine works by exposing a person to a pathogen, then it is counterproductive for healthy people to social distance. Only people who have weak health or feel sick should social distance. In this manner, healthy people could be exposed naturally and develop immunity the way the rest of the natural world develops immunity.

This should not be ignored. Vaccines can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

I'll repeat that a vaccine is a weakened pathogen inserted in the body to give the immune system time to develop antibodies so that when it encounters a stronger version of the pathogen, the immune response is immediate.
Thus there is no need to “develop” a vaccine because all you have to do is use a weakened version of the pathogen.

All the lemmings and their leaders need to go back to the Ebers Papyrus found in Egypt that discusses African medical knowledge of plants (herbs) and other things. If this knowledge was made available to the insane following suboptimal theory, how much more has been and continues to be revealed to the sane following optimal theory? Tekha Hekha Khiao Khashe.
By The Way, this medical papyrus was written above by the ever-coming ones and ever-living ones in the form of Iu-em-hetep,. Sut, Sut-Anup (Sut-Anush), Sut-Anubis (the first Hermes), Sut-Typhon and Tekh (Kar-tek), Taht-Tekh-Tehuti and Menat-Tekhi-Seshat, Ra, Nun/Ptah/Atum.

Shu, Eshu, Kepheus & New Age Monkeys
Unity Consciousness #2209


( 9amz of 11)

Those whose safari has intersected with this safari covering many messages, might perhaps appreciate that these messages are once again taking another turn to more nitties, gritties, nooks and crannies. In keeping with the above and with the Primordial Five, this feels like an indicator of a transition to another stage of remembering self and all else.

Per Dr. Greg Carr, Shu (Eshu) is the irritator and the one who causes us to make decisions at the crossroads. (minute 32)

Shu is at the crossroads of the northern and southern galactic poles. Shu is the Age of Kepheus that is already here and will be fully installed by 2051. Kepheus constellation is the new Corona Crown Prince. Aligning with Kepheus are Corona Borealis in the north, and likely Corona Australis in the south.

The monkey symbol of Eshu coincides with pubescent Shu as the Kaf-Ape. Shu is the maturation of the trickster. He is tricking all those who are opposed to his rulership, thus the restoration of Africa, the rights of creation and the dismantling of Maafa Racism, genderism and other evil discriminations. Shu is okie doking okie dokers.

Shu is a form of reborn Horus and resurrected Osiris whose birthwaters, called the Nile inundation, reached Egypt in late July. The grape harvest and Uaka festival took place to celebrate the combined resurrection of old life and birth of new life (the resurrection and the life).

Uaka is part of the word Uakanda and Wakanda. To form Wakanda, Ua and/or Uaka is combined with kanda from kandake. This then boils down to July, the rebirth, the harvest and the Uaka festival as pertaining to the Queen Mother and child, thus Aquaria and Kepheus, the new sky rulers.
We are reminded that the Uaka Festival is a New Year's celebration on Earth and a New Age celebration in the Galaxy marked by rebirth, harvest and flowing of red liquid essence.

I do not think many dams of recent times are a good idea, especially those on the sacred River Nile.
And neither are dams a good idea blocking the flow of nutrients and information to create a healthy ecosystem and feed the four inseparable aspects of self.

As has been mentioned for several years now, dams of all types are failing to hold back the flow of pent up pressure tension. The greater part of this flow is the elemental souls of life who can be symbolized by monkeys. The galaxy is going through ape-shift is one way to succinctly describe what is taking place.

Brief Foray Into Erosion & Soil Erosion
Unity Consciousness #2208


( 9amy of 11)

When I was partially awake, I decided not to mention “erosion” in the previous message UC#2207; however erosion, not ready to be so easily pushed aside, waited until I was more fully awake and still sleepy, to insist I put erosion back into the rotation of remembrances towards knowledge of self and all else.

Our first thought regarding erosion is usually soil erosion, so that's where we'll start.
Who is helping who in the prevention of soil erosion?

Insert your answers here.

Is soil erosion the failure of or breakdown of an ecosystem?
yes and no.

Is erosion necessary and planned and part of a healthy ecosystem?
yes and no.

Soil erosion has shown me the way to understand and remember other erosions.
Isn't it the erosive behavior of humans that is causing a higher number of trees to fall down in urban-suburban areas?
Isn't human erosive behavior a necessary part of the process of the human ecosystem, Earth ecosystem and even larger ecosystem?
Hasn't human desecration of the abundance of Earth been like a very thorough but destructive harvest of Earth's resources?
yes it has.

Humans have cleared the fields of resources so Earth can reset and reboot and prepare for another abundance season by going through environmental change in preparation for Great Year Spring.

Therefore then, even in urban-suburban areas where human behavior impales the ecosystem, trees return the disfavor to human constructions.
However, because there are ways to address all situations, circumstances and sets of conditions, there is a way, even in urban-suburban areas to greatly minimize trees falling down, that requires very little adjustment to human logic. Humans could hold on to their mentally ill culture, but simply:
1. Plant more clusters of shrubs and other perennials around trees.
2. Plant at least two trees in limited growing spaces.
3. Plant more trees around trees.
4. Plant trees of shorter height.
5. Cut trees off at 8 to 10 feet in height.
6. Plant trees that can take a lot of abuse and endure other suboptimal conditions.
7. Keep trees mulched to the extent of their branch spread.

Far more than soil suffers from erosion. Understanding can erode, trust can erode, truth can erode in humans, awareness can erode, fear can erode, constructions can erode, status quo can erode, privacy can erode, freedom can erode, character can erode, conscience can erode, consciousness can erode, knowledge of self can erode, sleep and sleepiness can erode, fogginess can erode like morning mist, confidence can erode, the physical can erode, and so on.
Erosion is the same as decomposition, deterioration, disintegration, destruction and so on.
All that erodes can be restored through remediation and remembering the pieces.

There are ecosystem components that prevent each other from eroding just as there are ecosystem components that predispose components to come together as surely as egg and sperm or hydrogen and oxygen in the same causeway.

Whether or not erosion is an optimal or suboptimal process or regardless of why erosions occur, the same but opposite processes must also be true regarding how things are built up, come together and work together.
Parts are dismantled. Parts are assembled. This is how it is with human logic. These processes can crawl along and then take leaps and bounds.

Because everything is in motion and everything occupies space, then there must be a way to maintain motion and spacing when needed, and then to also allow objects to come together and occupy the same space or displace each other. Because Aquaria and Kepheus are using pressure tension to displace Pisces and Jackal above, eroding their ruling position, thus stabilities and instabilities are eroding below in the natural environment and in human societies and being replaced by new ones.

Delving Deeper Into Tree Root Depth & Distribution To Further Explain Why Certain Trees Fall In Storms
Unity Consciousness #2207


( 9amx of 11)

This follows Five Quick Slow Motion Reasons Trees Are Falling, Unity Consciousness #2182

Barriers To Root Growth

Sidewalks, driveways, pavement, dense rock layers, poor drainage, soil compaction, toxins (herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, road salt, tap water), pockets of wet areas between sidewalks and curbs, malnutrition and other societal practices are barriers to optimal root development. Combine this with lack of recognition of these problems, denial and refusal to take corrective actions, then trees in urban-suburban landscaped areas will continue to fall down at a higher and increasing rate than trees in other settings.

The impediments to healthy root growth harm roots all around the tree. It is already known that when roots on just one side of a healthy tree are damaged or stunted, that this one factor significantly weakens the tree and its stability. Urban-suburban trees experience several factors that weaken them.

These are some of the major barriers and major influences on tree root development. This causes trees in urban and suburban environments to be unhealthy and fall at a higher rate during storms than trees in the same geographic area, but growing in natural conditions.

Tree Roots In General

1. As it is with all research on any topic, there are wide variances of findings and interpretations regarding tree root development. Some studies say tree root depth is mostly limited by water availability or subsoil characteristics, while others say trees can grow roots well beyond the subsoil and into the weathered bedrock and/or maintain active roots below the average soil water level.

2. Tree roots can extend 1 to 2.5 times the radius of the branches (canopy, drip line, branch spread).

3. Although soil compaction is an impediment to root growth, however in the long run, root depth does not appear to be affected by soil type. Roots will grow faster in less compacted soils, if all other needs for healthy tree growth are present.

4. Root systems are usually not uniformly distributed around a tree due to variations in conditions around the tree.

5. Depths at which any type of plant has 50% or 95% of their root biomass, are significantly deeper in drier than in humid environments.

6. Genetics, physiological needs, external physical factors and biochemical factors influence root development. Due to the adaptability of genetics, root development of each tree species varies from optimal to suboptimal in response to the overall set of conditions each tree and each species experience.

7. Global models of root distribution in forests show root distribution and root depth are driven by climate variables.

8. Globally, the rooting depths of trees is 23 feet to 26 feet.

9. Some articles say root depth is limited when roots reach soil that has no oxygen and that plants have evolved to grow their roots near the soil surface. I suspect this is only partially true under certain conditions. Oxygen must be able to be transported to roots where there is not enough oxygen in the same way nutrients are transported around the plant's circulatory system. Trees in low oxygen soil can adapt just as trees growing in water have figured out a way to get oxygen to their underwater roots.

Tree Root Development In Natural Environments, Open Environments, Forest Environments

Trunk diameter is about as good as it gets for estimating root spread of unobstructed trees. Small young trees have a much wider root spread than we realize. The ratio of trunk diameter to root spread decreases with age. In general, older trees spend a greater proportion of their resources on tree maintenance and growing very small absorbing roots.

Root depth of first year Scotch pine trees reached 5.7 feet. Pecan trees root depth in Georgia rarely exceeds 5 feet. Oak trees in Nebraska were found to not only have lateral roots that were 2 to 4 times the branch spread, but also had deep roots that reached 14 feet.

In evergreen tropical forests, a number of tree species have deep root systems greater than 26 feet. I suspect this is true for evergreens growing in temperate zones, that they also have deeper root systems than deciduous trees because evergreens do not have a dormant period and must be able to access water year round.

In tropical rainforests where humidity is high, the first six to eight inches of soil is a compost of decaying organic matter. To tap this resource, trees are shallow rooted; however another study says that taller trees in a mature rainforest develop deep roots while shorter trees in the understorey develop shallower roots. This is what agroforestry somewhat mimics by combining agriculture and tree conservation, thus agroforestry is known to promote deeper rooting of trees compared with monoculture agriculture or monoculture tree farms. This again highlights the adaptive response (plastic, plasticity) in trees and other plants that allows them to grow deeper roots when other soil vegetation is occupying topmost soil layers.

Rooting depths of tropical trees can reach or exceed depths of 23 feet.
Most tree roots outside of tropics extend more than 5 feet.

Tree Roots In Urban-Suburban Areas, Built Environments & Commercial Tree Farms , Fruit Farms, Nut Farms

Many trees in urban-suburban areas do not allow nowhere near normal root development.

For fruit trees grown on an experimental farm, the greatest amount of roots appeared in the upper 3 feet while some roots penetrated to 9 feet.

It is uncommon for landscape trees to have roots deeper than 6 feet, although some really small roots of only a few millimeters thickness can extend to 15 feet or more. 90% of all roots are located in the upper 2 feet of soil.

Under good conditions, 50 percent of roots are in the top 1 foot of soil and 40 to 45 percent is in the next 2 feet. Root spread is typically 2 to 3 times tree height or branch spread.
In compacted soils, roots will be shallower with a wider spread.

Most landscape-trees are not strongly taprooted.

When it comes to commonly known trees in urban-suburban environments, some of them, such as oak, hickory, walnut, and pine that normally develop deep taproots up to 8 foot in natural settings; only grow taproots of no more than a few feet in urban-suburban areas, with most roots appearing in the upper 1 foot to 3 feet of soil.

99% of urban-suburban tree roots are located in the top 3 feet. In loose deep soils, deeper roots do occur.


We are not trying to specifically determine how wide or deep tree roots grow. It is enough to understand that tree roots grow deeper and wider in natural settings. Our main goal is to understand a little better why trees fall down on a regular basis in urban-suburban areas when the wind blows strongly.

Simply put it is due to the perfect storm of human events and superhuman events.

Many urban-suburban trees in parkways and in yards and other landscaped places, will most likely have stunted damaged root systems due to numerous inappropriate cultural practices that are not conducive to healthy trees. Humans fail to understand, respect and live in harmony with the ecosystem, thus we run around giving little to no consideration to the workings of the natural world, except in the most immature of climate change ways.

This message and UC#2182 linked above, came about as the result of hearing a weatherchannel segment say that due to the shallow roots of trees, combined with water saturated soils in a strong windy environment, that these are the main factors responsible for trees falling down. The news program said most tree roots are in the top 2 feet of soil and showed a graphic of a tree with a root system smaller or equal to the branch spread.
One of the problems with that news report was that it was talking about trees in urban-suburban environments but this was not specified. Neither did the report state that trees suffer due to many types of human practices.

I sent an email to the weatherchannel and they corrected the report sufficiently enough for what it was intended to accomplish; however I had more questions.

It is misleading to say trees fall down in heavy winds due to waterlogged rain saturated soil and shallow narrow root systems and then leave the impression that these root systems are normal for trees in general. This blames nature's design for the pandemic and pandemonium of trees falling down on houses, cars, utility lines, roads, people and so on.
If nature was to blame, then what we should see is more trees falling in open areas and at the edge of forests and on large streets and highways. Truth is, the main cause of trees falling is human culture being enormously out of sync with the ecosystem to the point of repeatedly carrying out a lot of small, medium and large behaviors that work against ecosystem health, soil health, tree health, human health.

Trees, other plants, animals, insects, other organisms, above and below ground rocks and layers of soil, all support each other by forming an interlocking network of sharing.
We know a primary function of roots is to anchor the plant, anchor the person.
If tree roots fail to strongly anchor a tree in various sets of conditions, then very suboptimal conditions must exist.
If roots fail to strongly anchor a person in various sets of conditions, then very suboptimal conditions must exist.

Therefore then, to overcome this weakness and grow healthier, either genetics must evolve or conditions must change or both. Both is what is taking place via multiple interconnected forms of environmental change.
Trees are falling, submerging. Trees are rising, emerging.
It is the best of times and worst of times, the age of wisdom and foolishness, the epoch of belief and incredulity, the season of Light and Darkness, the spring of hope and winter of despair… (from a tale of two cities)

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Plants Can't Breathe Among Weeds?
Unity Consciousness #2205


( 9amv of 11)

I was basically told that plants can't breathe when they are surrounded by weeds.
I have a rose bush that has wild violets around its base. Someone saw this and said I need to cut them down, weed around the plant because the plant can't breathe. I was told this needed to be done throughout the garden.

Truth is, roots from other plants help aerate the soil and provide numerous other benefits, thus plants help each other breathe, including the perennials and annuals we love.

Recommending Weed-Whackers Anonymous For Wackiness
Unity Consciousness #2206


( 9amw of 11)

Weeds are sinister.
Weeds are evil.
Weeds are bad.
Weeds are pests.
Weeds are invasive.
Weeds are ugly.
Weeds are a headache
Weeds are worthless.
Weeds are a problem.
Weeds are out of control.
Weeds are just awful.
Weeds are illegal.
Weeds attract snakes.
Weeds make me feel bad, look lazy, look like a nasty person, look trashy and look uncivilized in the eyes of my neighbors. And that's what I think about them also.
Weeds ...[insert more profanities and insanities]

How hard is it to understand the basic truth of self, also applies to plants, animals and insects?
Other creatures also need a place to live and eat.
Plants, animals and insects have what they need until certain humans come along singing the silly willie wonky wacky song about plants created all wrong and it is our duty to correct God and protect beauty to get rid of weeds.

Before humans came to the place where you currently live, there were no weeds there.
Humans created the weeds with their toxic logic. Words do hurt, don't they?
Plant diversity is fundamental to the health of the planet, but not on our property.

Before humans, there were no pests either until humans came along bugging out with their Pandora's box of problem-causing broken logic.

How hard is it to understand that before humans began planting things to eat, that animals and insects ate the plants that were already there?
Animals and insects don't particularly or specifically or primarily or only want the plants that we plant.

Is it difficult to realize that when we remove the plants we don't want and then replace them with plants we want, that the only plants left for insects and animals are “our” plants?

Is it difficult to understand that almost all the plants that are not in your yard, that if you are a weed-whacker, that you would also consider those plants weeds also growing out in nature, in parks, meadows, fields, pastures, marshes and mountainsides?

Despite knowing that most of the plants in our yard that we want to produce food for us, need pollinators, we still don't realize that pollinators need a lot more continuous food that just the flowers we allow to grow.

Don't we understand that when humans, for several generations, plant what humans want and remove what other creatures want, we are also teaching those creatures in their genetics to recalibrate what they eat to the only plants available, the ones we want around? This then is just one of those pandemics causing pandemonium.

How refreshing is the outdoors without plants of all types everywhere?

To hate weeds and to keep whacking the hell out of them is to spit in the face of Earth's abundant freely giving nature. It is the same as killing a lot of food and medicine. Which is exactly one of the main reasons we are sick in spirit, emotions, body and mind. Instead of fearing little coronavirus, we should be much more afraid of the Greater Bigger Corona who is forcing us back to a firsthand reliance on nature where self-help is available.

The Matrimony Of Pandemic & Pandemonium
Unity Consciousness #2204


( 9amu of 11)

A multitude of things in all societies have been problematic for centuries and now those chickens are coming home to roost for the mass sheeple chickenheads who have their faces between the legs of those they follow and swallow their secretions of logic.

The matrimony of pandemic and pandemonium is the marriage of inbreeding of pure evil in the flesh and the logic of Maafa racism as the chief evil followed by wrongs against the rights of creation.

If you don't know by now, you will likely never ever know that current societies are not worth saving which is why they are being dismantled by humans and the Lords of the Ages.

Those in the favored group continue to think they are free and clear but it is you with your expensive pensions and healthcare that the system cannot afford to pay; therefore complete pandemonium must be created to renege on false senses of security. All of this includes even more pain, suffering and murders in multiple ways to cull the population by half, two-thirds or three-fourths. All the evidence is already available if you have an honest conversation with yourself.

Let's keep this 100. The mass sheeple are responsible for encouraging, fighting for and approving the matrimony of pandemic and pandemonium. We consigned and co-conspired and keep doing it with our compliance in hundreds of ways that has created many forms of pandemics and pandemoniums for various groups of people, other creations and even for self, as currently evident.
Be certain that life will never go back to the way it was before the covid-19 plannedemic. When you think it has, it hasn't. It will only be the eye of the human hurricane.
This plandemic is the wedding dress rehearsal for the ultimate plandemic and pandemonium – complete loss of all freedoms.

There is no hope unless each of us admit that all this is our fault, we the people, for listening to the wrong folks in the ten areas of people activity.

Pandemics, Plandemics, Scamdemics and Pandemoniums come out of Chaos, thus massive amounts of confusion, confused thinking, thus mental illness thus ill-logic, thus miseducation, thus stupidity masquerading as legitimacy. It comes out of a serious loss of understanding of basic truths.

Elsewhere it has been said that when you allow someone to tell you something and then you are so afraid that you panic and do whatever that person says, you create pandemics by your panic + them (dem) = pandemic.

We all know about the shacking up that has been taking place for centuries but we have justified it.
Pandemics and pandemonium have lived together in common law marriage and now they have just gone public to have an official ceremony and renew their vows to unite in violence.

Despite the number and level of pandemics and pandemonium that have existed and currently exist, pain, suffering and death is going to get worse as long we keep going along with the unholy matrimony of pandemic and pandemonium.

By The Way, let me just briefly point out the obvious.
1. Can't you see, you haven't been allowed to freely breathe, think, eat, live or have control over your own movements?

2. I can understand people in the most favored group thinking if they comply they have a better chance, but I don't understand people in the most disfavored group thinking that compliance is a good thing.

3. I can see why people in the most favored group continue to trust lies, but I don't understand why people in the most disfavored group trust anything coming from the government, experts, media.

4. You see how money has no value and no power except based on our agreement and usage.

5. You see how whether or not you have a business or a job is unimportant. Thus that good feeling you had and looking down on the unemployed or looking up to business owners or how much a job pays, is all false in this society because the society has thrown businesses and the employed and salaries of all sizes under the bus.

6. You see how all the laws have been quickly adjusted to suit whatever purpose politicians want, but they are only effective if mass numbers go along with things.

7. You see how allowing all sorts of evil to persist has mutated into this 2020 worldwide devastation situation. This had to happen and so does more unless there is revolution of thought and behavior away from thinking that your captors are your saviors.

8. You see how education is really not important, at least not the type you were told is a good education.

9. You see how keeping you under control is the most important thing.

10. You should see that all those securities you thought you were building up and working towards are useless and won't be there to provide your basic needs.

11. You see how information continues to be censored so you won't hear opposing views.

12. You see how your reliance on getting food from a store and water from a faucet and heat from a machine puts you in a highly vulnerable position.

13. You see how your access to your money can be changed instantly or even your ability to go out and work and get more money. Money is on its last legs.

14. You see how your ability to pay rent or mortgage is being controlled so that you will comply to try to end the pandemic, thus you will take the vaccine, when a fake, but deadly, one is put out there.

15. You see how your reliance on the healthcare system, medical industry and medication is extremely foolish.

16. Can't you see how all this is just a shell game, carnival game and casino setup where the house always wins the most?

17. You see how the information regarding coronavirus has been extremely contradictory and always changing to suit different scenarios and groups of people.

18. You should see that everything about how your society operates is nothing but a sinister game of illusion. You are being lied to in hundreds of ways. Things will not get better as long we continue to go along with what these crazies are saying we must do or suffer the consequences because they claim to know what's best for us. They have no honest track record of looking out for the best interests of the masses.

19. Can't you see how crazy it is to be afeared of one disease while accepting hundreds of other diseases and living with many diseases in your own life?

20. You see a whole lot more of how this epidemic has been plandomly picked out of a grab bag of epidemics to adversely affect you and the people you know causing your entire life to be uncertain.

21. If nothing said here is enough for you to stop going along, then I now pronounce you manservant and maidservant to the cult for the rest of the little bit of life you have left. Keep drinking the juice from those who piss on everything.

22. Meanwhile the world was gonna change anyway because it has always been changing and we are in the midst of large changes according to the Ages. This is why there are many large weather events taking place right now that is also causing upheaval. This will make it worse for everyone who depend on the constructions of their society.

23. Since violence begins at home, we know we are dealing with millions of people who were treated cruelly at home all during childhood. These are the insane children in adult bodies that we listen to, not based on merit of logic, but based on job title. All the offspring from the matrimony of pandemic and pandemonium are our responsibility to take care of before they kill us because we love these spawn of Satan so much and are afraid to live and die without them.23.

24. This is too damn bad. For several generations we've been living in a status quo of pandemic and pandemonium and we have treated it as normal and as the best kind of normal. Now all of that nonsense we allowed to remain and fester into form after form, has all coalesced into the current madness of the past 20 years and 2020.

25. You Are Almost Out Of Time | Prophetic Update!2

26. Africans, can't you see we are paying for not being African?

Saturday, July 25, 2020

A Terrible Waste Of God's Good Mercy
Unity Consciousness #2203


( 9amt of 11)

Mercy is wasted on the unrepentant and the late to repent due to denial and resistance.

Let the Lord have mercy on these folks who are generally merciless. That is, if it is the Lord's wish. And if so, then I am ensured of receiving mercy for being merciful in general but specifically unmerciful to the merciless.

Shall God have more mercy for the least merciful or extend mercy to the most merciful?

Think of the craziness of contradictions in what we've been told, sold and bought.
In this life, we are told reward is based on personal merit; however in the afterlife, reward is based on mercy and the sacrifice of the firstborn only child of the God who created us.
We are told God did this to makeup for incorrigible sinful people, yet in this life, we must pay for our mistakes to the point of not even receiving enough mercy to have God-given rights of creation. This logic is a continuous mindfuck by Cool Whip & the Gangbangers.

So to repeat what has just been said, we are told the fruits of heaven cannot be achieved through merit without a lot of mercy added, and on the other hand, the fruits of this life are based on a lot of merit with mercy subtracted.
This logic. Because it is followed by the masses, creates inequality. Inequality is not rooted in the society and its institutions but rather in the logic of its people who all claim to be intelligent, but do not specify what type or in relation to what, and have assumed their intelligence is too intelligent to be tricked.
To claim having greater or higher intelligence, yet your productions are disharmonious, is a self-conflicting and self-convicting claim. It says you know better but choose to not do better. It cancels plausible deniability.

Mercy is a form of Mer is a form of love. Hate is a form of love that we must Rem-em-ber. Aquaria Lord have mercy in abundance according to the two truths of mercy. Uphold wrath against riff-raff, without mercy, as put forth in the Book of Revelation. Take vengeance upon the merciless and allow me to join you.

Now let us focus in on those who have spat on and slapped away the extended hand of mercy by avoiding doing the better they know better to do. Riff-raff are also those who have also avoided doing better by seeking truth when it has been brought to their attention that the information they are operating with, is faulty, significantly incomplete or incongruent. It is these deniers who are the greater transgressors, because the denial or non-doing of a single truth causes a multitude of non-stop crimes as long as truth is not viewed alongside its twin.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Like Trying To Find Lint On A Cotton Plantation...
Unity Consciousness #2202


( 9ams of 11)

...so also is it crazy and a waste of time to continue parsing racist collectives into good and bad and by degrees of their racist contributions.

There might indeed be rare scant pieces of lint in cotton fields, but no one cares except the cotton, because then you'll spend less time focusing on the bulk of what exists dealing with it for what it is and taking it out of its natural environment.

If lint wanted to save itself from the same treatment and fate of cotton, then it's up to lint to show itself, make itself clearly known and stand out like a sore thumb so that it is easily noticeable from afar and not just upon closer magnifying glass assisted inspection. Besides, a lot of lint was born as cotton, so treating lint differently would still require me giving up my benefit of the doubt. Why should I take that risk?
If different and it wanted to be treated differently, lint would remove itself from the cotton environment.

It is not for the reaper to give lint the benefit of the doubt. The onus is on lint and not on trying to give different consideration to something that is right where it wants to be, in a cotton blend.

Revisiting Celestine Prophecy Insights & Knowledge Of Self
Unity Consciousness #2201


( 9amr of 11)

Intro To What Ancient Ancients Know This Is Fundamentally About

First the hidden is revealed, then that truth goes through various stages of belief and disbelief. Then more truths corroborate each other and belief becomes investigated, understood and transformed into knowledge.
Simultaneously lies are revealed, but under the current lie-first paradigm still controlling minds, lies are first believed, then found to be uncorroborated, further investigated, understood and transformed into knowledge.
Truth revealed also exposes lies, and this is why, for example, the Zionist White Jew Racists are so adamant about playing the Holocaust victim card when truth is put forth.
Lies revealed also expose truth.
Understand the difference. In the human matrix, it is not the telling of truth and lie that matters most, but rather belief, disbelief and the process that turns both into knowledge. This then is why Zionist White Jew Racists focus on getting you to think about something else rather than allowing you to focus on the merits of what is said to be truth or lie. They are one example of evil manipulators extraordinaire but not par excellence. This then is an example of what we are dealing with as we are going through the process of awakening. This is occurring because many factions want to keep you asleep, ignorant and limited in your thought processes so that your main decision is whether or not you believe something, thus then you will continue to give up your free will, control and energy.
Truth and lie are what they are. They are not changed or limited by human belief, but rather only helped or hindered in the human matrix by humans operating based on those notions, true or false.
Despite humans getting it right or wrong, truth and lie still are what they are, and remain unchanged at higher levels of awareness. Truth and lie are greater than humans and do not depend on humans for their existence or sustenance. Humans are merely aiders and abettors of the Greater Truths that provide their own proofs above and beyond.
The history and recording of truth and lie is kept in many forms in many places that humans cannot alter. The truth and lie of humans and their doings is not just known by humans and some far off God.
When it comes to human understandings, truth and lie are quickly and easily understood when thought processes always include critical analysis. Even a small amount of critical analysis, such as comparison and contrast, shortly exposes almost all truth and lies. Further analysis reveals the rest. This is proven everyday all day through the though processes of children all over the world long before they succumb to miseducation.
Both truth and lie can be known through each other. Let people speak and write what they will. Check it out sufficiently enough and truth and lie will be revealed.
A large part of the human problem is our weak-ass, sick-ass thought processes based on belief and a suboptimal worldview, asili and all the messed up definitions and meanings that come with it. This messed up context occupies the portion of our memory cache that we most frequently access, thus our thinking and behavior is already predisposed to being skewed and jacked up once we begin relying on the belief that we already understand something, thus we abandon critical analysis as we encounter additional information,because what we already supposedly understand is only backed up by itself, rather than how it also fits in with information from the extended self.

Recycled Valuable Insights

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield was published in 1993, 27 years ago. Its plot regarding scrolls and Vicente Lodge in Peru is not based on new ideas, but rather much older ideas. There is nothing new under the Sun, only that which is revised and renewed. We also know it is not new even when we refer to the Christian bible, other religious texts and other texts in general. In various ways of presentation, many texts discuss human spiritual development.

The nine insights of the Celestine Prophecy are an expanded remix of know yourself from Egypt, Africa, the Nile Valley, Tehuti and Seshat, Ptah-hotep and Ahkenaten/Amenhotep IV.
As a person matures in knowledge of self, understandings, awarenesses and insights take place, just as these synonymous things take place simultaneously and automatically as a person begins to understand anything. This is true even when misunderstandings and suboptimal understandings are learned. There is insight that applies to each level of awareness.

In the Celestine Prophecy, it is accurate to represent the government, military, scholars, academics, experts and religion as being in cahoots to suppress this information because this has been taking place for at least one-quarter great year of approximately 6,500 lesser years.

From the book, “The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision,” published 24 years ago in 1996, the author, James Redfield states:
Like the Celestine Prophecy, this sequel is an adventure parable, an attempt to illustrate the ongoing spiritual transformation that is occurring in our time.
At best, the Celestine Prophecy does not clear up our view of things through a glass darkly, as a filter of our perceptions. It reminds us of some basic truths to help us begin to seek to see things more clearly and alerts us that reality is much more than what we've been living. It sorta provides a road map with a lot large gaps that could cause many to think they should and will progress through each of the insights as presented; however this is unlikely due to the tremendous amount of understandings related to each insight that are not neatly packaged under each insight or understandable by focusing on one insight at a time. The learning process is not straight line or even. There are many rabbit holes that are tombs, wombs and cocoons. The book does tells us that we each must follow our own path. I liken this process to assembling a jigsaw puzzle without all the pieces and only a partial picture. The book correctly addresses different ways of knowing when it says answers are coming from many different areas of inquiry and fields of knowledge that are all coming together into a new synthesis, synchronizing, changing perceptions. I say do not expect to grasp an insight sufficiently enough to move on the next insight. It is more likely you will grasp bits and pieces of various insights, some more than others. The Celestine Prophecy is a necessary part of awakening some of us.

Nine Celestine Insights Paraphrased. Included Are Snippets Of Know Yourself Coordinates

1. We are remembering we live in a world full of destined coincidence (synchronicity).

Synchronicity is just another form of words such as sync, synchronize, synchronous, conspiracy, interrelated, interconnected and action/reaction. Simply put, synchronicity means related events. I suspect the sound and rhythm of an uncommonly used word, helps in the awakening. Synchronicity is not a new concept. It is the same thing as coordinates and coincidence. Coincidence is co-incidents. Co-incidents do not occur based on unrelated happenstance. Everything taking place in sync and out of synchronicity is due to chains of interrelated interconnected causes and effects. Events are destined because they are bound to happen by covenant. They are bound because they are combined and have a common bond linearly, circularly, radially and circuitously.

2. As more of us remember, we will redefine the universe as energetic and sacred.

The rising star constellations Aquaria and Kepheus, “Back To New School” teachers, are reconfiguring logic, causing genetic awakening, climate change and environmental change.

Assistance is being given to truthseekers who have become Initiates to become Adept in understanding self, thus all else.
More people are investigating that lingering sense within that "something ain't right." This unsettled feeling within is the minute-macro elemental souls of life reconfiguring their influences.

3. We are beginning to see and understand that everything consists of and stems from the same divine energy.

The Supreme Divine Highest Being & Power is composed of matter and energy, which are the same things in different stages of transformation. This can be called spirit-soul the double force primitive essence.

By default of this twin truth, we are not only seeking to understand who we are, but also the why, where, what and when of who we are. As said earlier, we are awakening to the fact that the suboptimal context we live in, along with its definitions and meanings and suboptimal identifiers of self, are nowhere near sufficient for us to live fully, no matter the heights achieved under the suboptimal context deformed human matrix.

4. Since humans are currently disconnected from understanding divine energy's universality, humans currently feel insecure because they do not know how to access enough energy to satisfy what self innately needs. Humans try to get enough energy by taking energy from other creations without returning an equal or greater amount. This is responsible for all human deficits, thus contradictions (imbalances) of logic, thus conflict of truth.

Our behavior as energy predators and parasites stems from our misguided understanding regarding competition, survival, thriving, living, viability and more.
By default, all creation craves learning because understanding is the principal nutrition. Despite being mostly unaware of our innate basic needs, we still crave to understand our natural state of existence so we can express our potential optimally. This yearning is currently completely or partially subconscious in most humans that what we are really craving is oneness with the full divine nature within self and within all else. We have a struggle overcoming the suboptimal chains on our beingness metamorphosis because we spend an inordinate amount of resources acquiring the most basic of physical needs. This then must change in order for humans to evolve back into civilizations and another period of Golden Ages.

Reliance on a suboptimal worldview and self view must change in order for humans to become truthseekers seeking the guidance of spirit-soul to become energy whole rather than following after the partial truth of flesh and the physical of the story poorly told.

5. To solve human deficits, imbalances and conflicts, we must cultivate a reconnection with the divine. This process leads to more complete self-awareness.

This is similar to the four levels of awareness, the process of becoming, beingness, knowing yourself, the extended self, unity consciousness, ways of knowing, superhuman and fundamental keys.

6. The process of remembering our optimal mission helps evolve humanity. This helps us stop feeling the need to take and control the energy of other creations.

This is the same as the process of understanding destiny, purpose, destinypurpose, supreme destinypurpose. This process feeds us more optimal energy and feeds a larger amount of that energy into the universe near and far. It is a process of abundance rather than scarcity.

7. As we seek to understand our optimal mission, we can rediscover our inner intuition that guides us. If we make only positive interpretations, a flow of coincidences occur that opens doors for our mission to unfold.

This is also similar to the process of becoming and beingness; however coincidences are not solely based on what we think and do, and neither are they based solely on positive interpretations of intuition. Intuition has many synonyms but the main ones are spirit and soul. Intuition is a form of spirit communication that transfers understanding and guidance from the larger extended self to the conscious mind. Intuition is one of the six ways of knowing.

8. When enough humans begin remembering insights, we and our societies will evolves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Evolution, evolve and evolving have been discussed extensively as to how this process changes understandings, thus changes genetics, thus logic, thus thinking, thus behavior, thus programming, thus chromosomes, thus descendants, thus generations. This manifests in the productions of humans, thus whether or not heaven or hell is created on Earth as it is in the Universe.

Neither evolution nor de-evolution occurs without upheaval that leads to fulfillment.

9. Through the process of remembering insights, we participate in the long journey of evolution that started from the Big Bang and doesn't end until we restore enough energy to ourselves, generation by generation, and recreate heaven on Earth.

Creation did not start from the Big Bang but rather from the Primate of the Essences when all things were in harmony in the waters of Nun. Then there was the inner Big Bang within the Creator and then the outer Big Bang that created what we call Creation through the Word, Atum and his/her atoms, atomic explosions of creativity.

During optimal portions of the Great Year Cycle, heaven was created on Earth as evidenced by Upper and Lower Egypt and other civilizations in the Nile Valley, elsewhere in Africa and on every continent. First see evolution and see heaven to understand the context and concepts. Allow intuition to be your guide, which is to say become more spirit-centered rather than head-centered and mind-centered.
It just occurred to me how we have been programmed to aggressively value and use reasoning regressively by not simultaneously double and triple-checking logic through multiple layers of critical analysis.

As a result of achieving the ninth insight, vibrations are raised even higher which causes the person to manifest more purely as spirit-soul, thus as energy. This energy is not perceivable by those on lower levels of awareness.

10. Understanding all nine insights from the higher perspective of the other dimension, so we can understand why this transformation is happening and participate more fully.

This insight is a repeat of the ninth because the insights are supposed to build on each other and be comprehensive, thus a person must go through the process of insights step by step.

My eye version of the tenth insight is this:
The tenth insight is not an insight achievable by humans in our current genetic configuration, but rather an insight of our evolved self as evolved beings who are able to understand more purely from the perspective of one or more other creations and move about more as pure energy. Some of this is partially what Redfield is saying.

I will go further to say what is achievable by humans on the verge of making an evolutionary leap, as explained in So Dayi awareness. The tenth insight brings understanding of how two truths change orientation to create great shifts that overtake the world as currently configured by causing many truths to trade places, thus slowly and suddenly alter natural laws of power, spark, vibration, waves, energy, matter, genetic logic, motion, time, space, dimension.

It is this awareness of the two truths, in relation to history couched in mythology and vouched for in Great Year Cycles, that is the stage of the evolutionary process achieved in the Nile Valley before our Great Year evolutionary process was interrupted.
In a much shorter time than it took to forget who we are, we will remember and re-attain the level of awareness of our Ancestors because they are awakening in the greening Sahara in us.
Because all of this is based on knowledge of self, the universe will not look favorably upon those who reject the truths of this re-emerging knowledge.

Peru Expanded For The Unconvinced Of The Africaness of Ancientness & Highly Touted Prophecies

Peru and Meru are forms of the same word. These words include the meanings of paradise and messiah, birthplace and rebirthplace.
Meru is a form of Meroe, Mestrea, Mitzraim, Mes-terui, Kep-en-teriu and Mest-ru. The rebirthplace draws from the abyss to give birth to the elemental souls of life. This synchronizes with awakening genetic material, potential and logic, thus understandings.

Per Drusilla Houston in The Wonderful Ethiopians, Ethiopians are responsible for monuments worldwide, including Peru. We must further understand that the Stone Age began 75, 000 years ago. Under no circumstances did the Stone Age begin in Egypt in the last 13,000 to 6,000 years ago. The Stone Age has a long history and so does Egypt and so does African manifestations all over the planet. If Africans were not manifesting the Stone Age, then who was 75,000 years ago?

The 600 BCE dating of the scrolls of the Celestine Prophecy is also another awakening of the building of another birthplace outside Africa where the seed of know thyself was planted and then brought forth again in the 1993 CE for times such as these. The building of Vicente/Viciente was a rebirth of large-scale monuments that began in Africa.

The Mayans were the authors of the manuscripts in the Celestine Prophecy. This then fell into the hands of those named Inca and then Spanish Catholic Christians.

The Mayans were Great Uncles and Great Aunts to the lineage of Noah as follows: (Shem, Ham, Japheth) of Noah of Lemech of Methuselah of Enoch of (Yered who had a sibling named MAYA) of Mahalalel of Qeinan of Enosh of Cain of (Adam & Eve) of God (Chronicles of Jerahmeel pdf 54-56). The Mayans are an old people, older than Methuselah.

Maya also means Mother and is a name of Great Mother Yemaya.

All roads continue to lead from and back to Aethiopia, a vastly larger area than what it is today. The Mayans were Ethiopians, Kush, Cushite, Egyptian, Nile Valley Africans. They were inseparably part of the people in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, thus the Ethiopians and other Africans were the original Hebrews and Ius (Jews).

Per (Verrill's Old Civilizations of the New World, New York, 1938.) and (The Story of the American Indian, p. 77, Garden City, 1937) and (Human Origins, by Samuel Laing, p. 30, London, 1913.) and previous studies, we learn the following:
Indians in Guatemala were another of many groups worldwide who bowed down to the image of a Black Christ. This tradition was of Mayan origin. The Mayas possessed knowledge of the arts and sciences equivalent to that of the ancients of the Old World (Africa). The Mayas were a fully developed civilization transplanted from elsewhere. Civilizations in Egypt and Western Asia tell the same story, that from their inception, the civilization was highly developed. This means the birthplace of their people and the founding knowledge took place elsewhere. The origin of the birthplace itself happened so long ago that the retelling was done through myth and understandings lost. The development of these originating civilizations that gave birth to Egypt and other cultures worldwide must have required an immense time. Thus what is called prehistory is vastly longer than what is called history and is also far more productive in its development of and contributions to civilizations.

In keeping with the paragraph above, on Christmas Day when the Christ, the Buddha, or Mithras was born, the birth-day of the Sun in the Winter Solstice, the constellation of the Virgin arose upon the horizon; she was represented as holding the new-born child in her arms, and being pursued by the Serpent which opened its mouth just beneath her in the position of being trodden under-foot. The symbolism was applied to Isis and Horus in Egypt; to Maya and Buddha in India and China; to the Woman and Child in Revelation, to Mary and Jesus in Rome; and is still to be read in the signs of heaven, where it is old enough to prove there is one single common unity of origin that shows all these myths came from the same source. (Natural Genesis, Volume 1, 311/329)

Be certain to keep in mind that awakening has been taking place worldwide continuously. This awakening put forth by Redfield was for a certain group of people at that point in time. It's as if the most asleep were saved for last to try to awaken. This makes sense since it is the willful cooperation of the masses that makes the world go round and allows human collectives to construct according to their agreed understandings.

Brief Chronicle Of We, The Christs

In preexistence we were whole as one in stage zero. Our energy was undivided. This sense of wholeness remains as one becomes two, then three then many more, as long as growth and development continues to take place within. This process helps us continually mature in understandings which helps us learn how to access energy and create energy.
There are different levels of reality. At some point, the larger reality more forcefully imposes its will upon everything within it by causing changes to take place in logic.

You, in some form or another, have been alive since the beginning. You are the ever-coming one. Not you the human, but you the khuman as spirit-soul energy and matter in a form and awareness you don't currently remember but still resemble. You were there in the beginning because you are part of everything eternal. You have been continuously getting packed and unpacked, composed and decomposed. This we know to be self-evidently true of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, even in this lifetime's portion of the journey.

Rebirth reawakening of the entombed Christ within us is achieved through nutrition (knowledge of self, the primordial five, the seven elemental souls of life and other nutrients). Nutrition raises vibration frequencies and unlocks genetic potential until it becomes the without, within above and below. This then causes genetic potential to become the same as time, space and everything within it. Thus genetic potential returns to the stem in the system and the mest in Mestrea, Mes-terui and mystery.

As understandings occur, individuals and collectives expand their genetic material and instructions. Central and critical to this process is the revival, renewal, rebirth, revision, reproduction, resurrection, restoration, regeneration, renovation and remembering of melanin. Melanin is able to convert, transform and metamorphosize energy and matter, thus aids in understanding one thing, multiple ways.

Restoration of the heal-thy self of Earth and its inhabitants is being achieved through environmental change that is increasing water, sunlight, air and other nutrients to unseat toxins and their constructions. By communing with the healthy constructions of spirit-soul, the elementals and primordials, we are placing ourselves back into the flow of the stream of cconsciousness of well-balanced energy. You are what you eat, consume and repeat. I am that I am. I am and you are a metaphor for the entirety. Grow to know yourself and grow to know all else.

By The Way, melanin in black form is optimally attuned in a heat defined and light defined environment. Melanin in white form is optimally attuned in a cold defined and dark defined environment. There are anomalies in the short-term when organisms are able to stay colder or warmer than the environment or avoid light or obtain light. Listen for a minute in silence and stillness. Then understand that melanin is green in plants, blue in sky and water and other colors in other creations. Even if melanin is black, black contains all and can manifest as all, but that is not the point. Melanin's prowess, power, energy and effectiveness is not limited to one color throughout all space and time. If this were so, this limited configuration would be an anomaly in a multi-faceted universe

We have been currently living in a colder and darker set of conditions according to Great Year Cycles of Seasons. This is partly why white skin coated humans figured out ways to proliferate in the past 13,000 years, and finally, as they got whiter and whiter, they began to inundate the world in the worst way during the very last portions of the current Ages.

Always The Initiate Until Becoming All Ways Always Forever

To understand the next direction this safari in the spiritsphere should take, the Initiate will listen as they perform a search of “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, published in 1988, 32 years ago. In this flattened and side-bound scroll, it says, “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

This must be expanded back to its two truth understandings and dynamic balance as follows: The universe does both, it conspires to help us move toward the optimal or suboptimal or optimal and suboptimal.
The universe is able to read all parts of our memory, whether we use it consciously or subconsciously, even if the information is in deep dormancy in our memory. There is no privacy in memory, just as there is no privacy in information stored outside of self among humans. Thus the all-out human invasion of privacy is the suboptimal form of what the universe has always been doing, and is doing more of recently as memory is being read and truths are being uncovered, unpacked and released into the flow of energy. This is making the wannbe wise weak in the needs.

The universal recorder of deeds and oracle reader is able to detect, read, understand and re-teach the vibrations of our minds, bodies, emotions and spirits and of all creations.
Therefore, what we want and need is expressed in many forms, not just consciously. Often we are unaware of wants and needs and most of the time we don't think the universe and others are clued in because we are clueless or are attempting to hide clues.

However, spirit-soul always knows and understands before we do. And this is why things are prepared in advance to cover any and all eventualities, if it so satisfies the need incentive.

The awakening among humans is a delayed reaction to the awakening in other creations in Earth, Solar System and Galaxy. Energy is changing in multiple ways to awaken and accomplish the task of taking out the old ages and bringing in the new ages. This then is why there is a lot of upheaval in the world. Humans are not the main drivers of the Chaos necessary to restore Khaos in the BIOS of the CMOS.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

4 Steps To Help Leggy Seedlings Strengthen & Heal Thy Self
Unity Consciousness #2200


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Regardless of whether seeds are germinated in the soil ecosystem where the plant will grow or is sown in containers or in raised beds or sown in seed trays, all of these seeds can potentially germinate and, due to suboptimal conditions, become leggy and stretched. Leggy means the stem immediately grows tall, thin and long. This is not a good sign for most plants. The main reason this occurs is lack of sufficient light. Other reasons are secondary. Plants need a sufficient spectrum of light in order to produce food through photosynthesis before the small packet of energy stored in the seed runs out. This search for light is an immediate pressing priority need.

In most cases, leggy stretched spindly seedlings, regardless of the reason why, if detected early, can be fixed, saved, recovered, strengthened and healed by immediately doing the following.

1. Immediately move the plant to an area where it gets more and stronger sunlight.
If the plant was grown indoors, in a greenhouse or in the shade, you will have to slowly move the plant into stronger light over the course of one week. This is called “hardening off.”
If the plant was grown in a movable container outdoors, the hardening off period should only take three to four days. This is because completely sheltered plants not only have to adjust to light, but also temperature and air fluctuations day and night.
If the plant is growing where you want it to grow, you will have to remove or trim other plants. If this is not possible, then move the plant by digging up a large shovel-full of soil with it. This plant will then need to be slightly sheltered for a few days, unless you are fortunate to be moving the plant during slightly cooler temperatures and cloudy overcast days.

2. Make sure the plant has enough room for its roots to grow as deeply and widely as they wish.
This means get the plant in the soil outside or in a much larger container.
This includes making sure the growing medium, hopefully soil, is soil (fully alive), thus nutrient-rich or is soil-like with as much soil life as possible. If the plant is not being grown in the ground in soil, then make sure the container has enough nutrients. However, DO NOT add any fertilizer until the plant is showing new growth. Avoid fertilizer altogether and feed the soil using organic matter that slowly decomposes. Just like us, when plants are healing, they need rest and plenty of fluids, then eat when they begin feeling better, but eat small light meals. Do not fertilize leggy seedlings until they are healed.
Make sure the soil in the new location is broadly and deeply loosened.

Remember, plants grown in soil, never need to be fertilized. Only the soil needs to be fed through the activities of the life in the soil and the organic matter in and on the soil that feeds that life. This, by default, feeds plants. If you are fertilizing or feeding specific plants and using specific amendments to feed plants, you do not yet have optimal growing conditions for plants. Your soil is not yet thriving. You are acting as a nanny and bottle feeding your plants rather than allowing your plants to breastfeed from Mother Earth. This has been discussed elsewhere. In other words you don't put milk into a mother in order for her to pass that milk to the child. No, instead you make sure the mother receives the best nutrition possible in all aspects of self, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. The mother then is ensured of passing on the best breastmilk nutrition to the child.

3. Make sure the plant has sufficient water. The best way to do this is to mulch the plants, then water initially, then allow rain to do the watering unless rain is infrequent and the soil is dry. Mulch the plants enough to retain water for three to four days and then mulch a little bit more and then one more time in another three to four days. This mulching process covers three times in ten days. You will place the mulch around the stem to help the stem stand up. You want the plant to stand up the way it is supposed to. By supporting the stem with mulch you are giving the plant support until it is able to stand straight on its own as it grows taller. Mulch a large area around the plant. In this area, as long as it is not touching the stem, you can mulch heavily immediately.
Note #1: I have seen where placing too much mulch touching the stem very early before the plant has adjusted to the new amount of light, will usually cause an additional stress to a stem that is not thick, tough or hardened. You can mulch plants up to the bottom of the first leaves. Some plants you can mulch higher, but this should not come into play because we are talking about seedlings that are no more than 48 hours sprouted and that are unlikely to put forth much more growth until their conditions are improved and the seedling becomes resettled and re-acclimated.
Note #2: The greatest danger in mulching too much too close to young tender seedling stems, leggy or not, is when fresh green undried grass clippings are used. These clippings produce a lot of heat, a lot of heat. Fresh grass clippings can still be used around any seedling, but these fresh grass clippings should be thoroughly watered when they are initially placed around the seedling.
Note #3: By default, soil also means mulch. In order for ground and dirt to be soil it must be an ecosystem, a component of which is mulch (various forms of organic matter). Black plastic is not mulch. Properly mulched soil around plants can hold enough water to sustain the soil ecosystem, including plants even if it doesn't rain for 14 to 21 days. Therefore then, spend less time and resources on watering and watering systems and more time and resources on mulch and mulching systems. Mulch serves all purposes and makes everyone happy.

4. Check the seedlings frequently every day and perhaps two to three times per day if possible to make sure they are looking okay and are progressing by growing new leaves and the stem is thickening. Check for leaf wilt, leaf color and soil moisture. Adjust light and water as necessary.

5. So what we have done to help the seedling strengthen and heal thy self is address the Primordial Four of Earth, Wind, Fire, Water. We increased fire (sunlight), earth (soil solid nutrients) and water retention and availability (liquid nutrient). The plant should already be getting enough above surface wind (air). It should also be getting enough below surface wind (oxygen) if planted in soil. We should remain mindful however, that indoor grown plants or plants grown in protected environments, will not have the same wind experiences as plants grown in completely natural conditions, thus those protected plants will have weaker genetics, although they will still usually produce fruit.

6. I have never had leggy seedlings when planting outdoors in the soil, except in two instances. When I sowed seeds in the wrong sun exposure location and when I sowed seeds but didn't have any mulch. I covered the entire area of bare exposed earth with pieces of cardboard with holes poked in them to block the sun, let in water while generating soil heat and retaining moisture. The plants sprouted faster than I expected and had grown without light for about 24 hours. This was long enough for the seedlings to grow leggy about one to two inches. I took the above steps and now the plants, though taller than normal, are stronger and have many leaves that are even bigger than the same plants sown several weeks earlier in more optimal germinating conditions, but not optimal maturing conditions. The soil was not loosened broadly enough, only in the planting hole and mulch, because not available, was not applied to a broad enough area. The living mulch of natural plant cover is insufficient because the soil is heavily compacted and rocky and these well-adapted perennials are most certainly using a lot of water. It was either remove the natural plants and have bare soil or leave them as a living mulch that keeps the soil cooler and help minimize insect damage and eventually feed creatures above and below the soil.

7. These kinds of considerations bring us to Spirit, which is the fifth member of the Primordial Four, thus making them the Primordial Five. By using our spirit to help us understand things, including what plants need and how they grow naturally, when we see a weak seedling, we can begin to take immediately convalescing steps to nudge the seedling back towards having what it needs to heal thy self. This is the approach we would take with ourselves or perhaps with a baby.
We diagnose the problem, reduce the solution to a few main steps, then start applying them immediately. We then followup frequently throughout each day for several days until we see improvements, then we taper off certain aspects. If the child seems to get worse or show no improvement, we double-check and adjust and get more information. All this is more of a basic intuitive spirit-led approach that applies to the growth and development of anything, including our own projects that also have a life of their own, but not on their own or all alone.

8. By using the Primordial Five as a checklist, you can diagnose and help plants strengthen and heal thy self with a lot of help from their friends in the ecosystem and a little help from you, another friend. You can use the same approach for your own personal health.