If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, August 26, 2019

Hate Crimes, Racism & Go Cry Me A Semite River
Unity Consciousness #1701


(Part 9tr of 11)

The closest match to ”the word” Anti-semitsim is Anti-Hamitism. (Anti-Semitic and Anti-Hamitic)

The difference is: Anti-Semitism means Shemites (also spelled Semites) who get their pride, feelings and self-esteem hurt because of the thin house of cracked ice their identity lives in and is based on.

On the other hand, Anti-Hamitism is Racism. Racism means one group as a collective infringes upon the rights of another group as a collective. We all know racism involves far more than feelings getting hurt. Racism is never an individual act. The collective is always a co-conspirator through all of its major institutions, culture and deep culture.
Lastly, be certain to understand that Racism in the United States Of America would not be possible were it not for the same racism in other countries who are working with and supporting USA racism by maintaining racism in their own countries. Racism is not individual or local. Racism is collective and global.
These Semites are part of the racist collective.

There is no equal crime to the crime of racism. To compare racism to anti-semitism (if it exists) is to compare the real offense of genocide to the perceived offense of saying something you don't like.

I wish racism meant calling me a nigger or someone wearing “blackface,” but it ain't. I actually prefer those things to knives in my back.

There is no crime in history as deeply pervasive and damaging as racism. No, not even genderism.
Racism is the Maafa. The Maafa is the Holocaust multiplied by 10,000 and still multiplying.

When it comes to cries of fouls against Semites, there is no collective group large enough or powerful enough who are infringing upon the rights of Semites as a collective.

The category or group called Semites, is a misleading categorization. Semite means descendant of Shem of Seth of Adam.

Seth's lineage begat Noah. So according to the JC bible, Ham and Japheth are also Semites.
Why is this so? Because Seth, Sheth, Shet, Shem and Sem are the same word in a different form.

If it is valid to label individual acts against Shemites as hate crimes, then woo wee, the entire racist collective is guilty of 24/7/365 hate crimes against all Hamites (Africans, Blacks, Negros, African-Americans, darker people in general). The strictest penalties and redresses apply.

Lastly, I must add what is not said often enough, although always a present truth:
The power of the racist collective in the world is not the most powerful power that exists among humans. This must be properly understood by studying power in as many forms as you think power exists.