If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 29, 2017

DuDu is Two-Two is Duty Is MotherFucker
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1116


(Part 9o of 11)

Then preparations for Nutrition were made. The invited were no-shows and/or wasted what they were served, seeking desserts only. The invitation has Now been extended to all outside of the first place birthright of inheritance. The messenger of energy is delivering meals and bringing guests who quest, to the table.
Du is zero and zero as sameness.
Du is zero and one as difference. Everything is based on Zero which duplicated itself into Double Zero.

Du is one as oneness (sameness).
Du is one as manyness (difference).

DuDu is Du-ti (duty).
The only reason We, the Many, have duti is because Me, the One, has duti.
We is the flipside* of Me.
Me is the One. We is the Many.
The only reason the individual has duty is because the collective has duti, and the other way around.
The Sun shines because the Moon glows, and the other way around.

DuDu and Du-ti is:
Me and We.
One and Many.

Thus, to say I am We, is to say, Me am We, I am I, Creator am Creator...

The Creator is the Individual and Creation is the Collective.
The Creator is the Collective and Creation is the Individual.

This is why it is suboptimal to view self as an individual as separate or part of a collective without simultaneously viewing self as both separate and apart and simultaneously as different and same.

Look in the mirror. The mirror reflects the flipside.
The mirror is the metaphor. That which looks into the mirror is also the metaphor.
Metaphor looks into metaphor. Du transforms into Du, two into two.**
The metaphor is One reflecting as Many reflecting as One.
The metaphor is same reflecting as same, difference reflecting as difference and same reflecting as difference and difference reflecting as same and one reflecting as one, many as many and one as many and many as one. All of this is a different metaphor that is the same.

*an operational and optical aspect of One System, that must, by necessity of the need incentive, function as Many Systems in order to know self in order to grow self in order to maintain self.
**This is why any number divided into itself equals One and any number minus itself equals Zero and why any number plus itself or multiplied by itself, equals DuDu. Everything is based on Zero as Du and Double Zero as DuDu.

DuDu is Two Truths. Zero in the first instance as Preexistence and Zero in the second instance as Existence.
Both are True and Both are False at different points in the Circle Cycle of Life.
This is why the Truth of Preexistence becomes Nothingness and False when Existence dominates thought processes, as is currently the case.

Second Truth – Necessity is the Mother*** of Invention.
First Truth – Everlasting Life is the Mother of Necessity.

***The words ”Mother and Father,” were not gender specific in the beginning and are not gender specific outside human thought. Both male and female started out as, and still can be, mother and father. Mother and Father are the same word in different forms, just as male and female are the same creation in different forms. If we take this further, the term “MotherFucker,” is a form of MotherFather, which is a form of DuDu, albeit, in a suboptimal sense, which is to say, the Second Truth. On the other hand, Father does indeed fekh the Mother, that is to say fertilize, pollinate and impregnate. Fekh is fec is fecundate, which we now say fuck. Thus MotherFekher is the First Truth in a more optimal sense, or MotherFecundator.
Just to make sure we understand, we shall use one more example: Education is a motherfekhing process, while miseducation is a motherfucking process. When the mind is fekhed with logic, we are healthy. When the mind is fucked with logic, we are unhealthy. We are currently both fekhed up and fucked up to varying degrees.

”Definition | Curse Words, Swear Words & Profanity”

This must be understood. Everything we say is bad, ugly, evil, worse, devil, profane, etc. are Second Truth forms of DuDu. DuDu is FirstSecond, SecondFirst, FirstFirst, SecondSecond.
The question for us is “what combination of truth is my duty reflecting (all the things I consider to be my duty)?

There are multiple multiple forms of DuDu always in existence which are always changing as the Cycle changes. This is why the truth changed and is changing.
This is why and how first becomes last and last becomes first. This is why, even if all the “bad” people work together 24/7 and all the “good” people do nothing, yet and still, the First Truth will prevail and “bad” people will fail and fall from every form of high falutin' place.

If we take this further, we can see how “multiple” is the same thing as duplication.
Multiple is mul-ti-ple. Mu is du, thus dul-ti-ple. Dul-ti is Du-ti is DuDu, thus DuDu-ple, thus we shorten to du-ple, which is dupli-cation. This is why we we multiply, we are duplicating. Multiple means duplication.
Now, even when we have multiple things that are different, we are still duplicating, because we already know difference is the same thing as sameness. Therefore, anytime we hear the word multiply or multiple, we are talking about duplication and DuDu.

Now we return to the word “Many.”
Many is Ma-ny is Ma-ni is Ma-ti is MaMa is DuDu is Ma-ti is Maat is Two Truths.
Thus Many is the duplication of Ma, the Ma-ker, the Ma-ther, the Fa-ther, the Fa-ker.
Since Ma/Pa is also Me/Fe, Mi/Fi, Mo/Fo, and Mu/Fu, then we also have Mekher/Fekher, Mukher/Fuker, Mekhi/Fekhi, Mickie/Fickie...
When we reverse MaMa, we have AmAm and when we reverse one, we have Amma, thus Amma is the Creator as DuDu as First and Second Truth expressed as sameness and difference.
Likewise, Mama is the Creator as DuDu as First and Second Truth expressed as sameness and sameness or difference and difference. Likewise, the same is true of Papa. This is why we speak of Ma & Pa in many ways together and separately. We are speaking of DuDu and Du, Double Zero and Zero.

Now we come back around to gender. Gender is Gens-ar, the child of the gens. Gens is the Generator (Zero as Du). The child is female and male (One as Du). Thus we have Zero, female and male who are Generator, Gestator, Fecundator. The Generator is Du, thus can create alone. Female and Male are each one-half of Du who are separate, thus must come together to create, generate, duplicate, in a first truth optimal way.

DuDu Thought Processes Then & Now
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1115


(Part 9n of 11)

When I-n-I compare thought processes Now and Then, we see sameness and difference. We are able to better understand what we are thinking and behaving Now, compared to what we were thinking and behaving Then, compared to what others are seeking and reading Now & Then. The comparisons are different and same, as are the understandings.
As darkness becomes dusk becomes dawning of Aquarian/Kephean Age, stars climbing stairs, lifts us, shifts us, helps us become more aware. I understand thought processes Now, began December 2012, and before that, they began in 2007, and before that, since the day I-n-I was born, and before that, since the day I-n-I was formed and before that since the moment We preexisted, and before that, there is nothing else to think about.

For all of us, all of our thought process are about Now and Then and bringing the two back together again as one. Our personal relationships are about the same thing – seeking the reuniting of Dudu, which is the same thing as wholeness, euphoria, utopia, beingness...
We are following the same path, pattern and life cycle of StarLight (Moon and Sun as sameness and difference, their range, reign, domain and domain). This is so because the elementals came first and we are their generations.

”Always Darkest Before Dawn | Meaning & Expanded Definition, Scientifically, Yes It Is, No It Isn't, Unity Consciousness #782”

The most important things are not what Trump says or what America is doing.
They (individual, country and collective) are a small part of the process. Their significance and power is fading unless you allow them to hold your focus and keep you in fear of their “boogey men” and concerns.

Then We grew down with the Light, Now it's time to grow up with the Light.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1114


(Part 9m of 11)

Sameness and difference
Metaform and form

Monday, October 16, 2017

Duplications, Clones, Originals & Variations Of The Same
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1113


(Part 9l of 11)

We previously learned Du is duality is duplication.
Du is Tu is two.

Based on the Big Bang philosophy, whatever explosion took place still had to create the Universe from whatever exploded that already existed.
Based on spiritual religious philosophies, a Creator created Everything and nothing else existed except the Creator; therefore, Creation is a duplication of the Only One & Only Thing that existed in the beginning. Creation is not only made in the image of God, but also from the same two-part substance as God (spirit-soul energy and matter).
So regardless of the approach taken, there is no avoiding the understanding that the Universe is based on identical duplication and variations of combinations of duplication.

Everything is a duplication of whatever was in the waters of Nun. A clone, replication, copy and reproduction are all the same things as a duplication.
Also, as we just learned, to create is to duplicate. Since Creation is a duplication, anything and everything we create is still a duplication. So to again burst the bubble of human intelligence, when we think we are being original, we are, but original does not mean we are the first to create it. Original means we are creating (duplicating) the origin. Everything humans create is a duplication of Nature. Humans are the last duplication of Nature and are the last duplications to also duplicate Nature.

”Intelligence Diffuses, Yet Confuses Humans”

Duplication started with the Circle Zero duplicating into the Double Circle-Double Zero.
One way we are reminded of this is via the double rainbow.
We are more frequently reminded as our cells and the cells of most life forms are constantly duplicating.
All difference is also still duplication.
Even though we have different cells, they are still duplications that have specialized, thus varied in form to serve varied functions.
A change of mixture, formula and form does not change the genetic potential being used - which is still duplicated genetic potential all the way back to Zero, Double Zero and One.

Despite these scientific proofs, we humans love to say no two snowflakes, fingerprints or whales' tails are alike, yet the fundamental truth, is that these things are exactly alike even though they are expressing difference.
Sameness and difference is a two-part, two-sided duality. This means they are both forms of each other - flipsides. Difference is an expression of sameness and sameness is an expression of difference.

All this means there are exact duplicate creations in the Universe.
We already know this to be true among a countless number of species on Earth.
We know this to be true among humans.
We know this to be true within our own bodies.
As we continue to focus on humans, what this also means, is there are expressions of genetic potential that are also duplicated among humans. In other words whatever talent or ability that has been expressed by one human has also been duplicated in another human or will be reproduced in someone sooner or later.
This means, that yes, there has been, is and will be people who can do what others have done, are doing and will do.
The Universe is filled with nothing but the duplicated seeds of genetic potential. Whenever and whatever expression of genetic potential is needed, the Universe will make it happen. The human body uses resources elsewhere in the body when another portion needs it. Same is same for what Earth needs. The Solar System, Galaxy System and systems within Earth will make it happen. This is already evident.
We are not without unlimited possibilities to do whatever needs to be done no matter the seeming enormity of the current suboptimal set of conditions. We are only dealing with humans on this Earth. There is an entire Universe of resource and recourse and an Earth that is miles deep undergrounds and underwaters. The Universe is filled with genetic potential being exposed to many conditions and the Universe is filled with an extensive genetic library containing all understandings. Including the knowledge of “aliens” and including the secretive knowledge of the current criminal collective. The current collective of humans are overwhelmed by small, predictable occurrences of Nature on Earth, let alone any aspect outside Earth, especially unpredictable.
The Circlemaker has knowledge of all genetic potential and all understandings taking place throughout the Universe and can bring all of this to bear upon Earth. The Universe within humans has the same information and/or can access the information via download as knowledge of self and all else increases.

In keeping with the need incentive, the Universe is testing all combinations of genetic potential under a given set of conditions. Two Circle Cycles are switching to Optimal Optimal from Suboptimal Suboptimal. Star Constellations ruled by Aquaria (Hathor-Nut)/Aquarius and Kepheus (Shu-Kafi) represent Water, Wind, Moon, Sun & Earth and we wonder why there is an increase in Primordial-related events. And yet there is much more these Ages represent and are manifesting which we have also been experiencing during the previous two centuries.

Whatever is happening now in the world is a duplication of what has already happened. It is just in a different form. Solutions exist before the problem and just have to be taken from earlier times, duplicated and varied as needed.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Two More For The Road | Poem
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1112


(Part 9k of 11)

Two More For The Road

by Ancestors through Usiku

In the beginning
The Circle was closed tight
Then came Word and Light
Of necessity and same plight
Born for more insight
Two more dimensions for the cycle
When we encountered them
They were positioned suboptimal
Until star power turned them
Halfway round the Circle
From front to behind
To know themselves earlier in time

From this perspective they found
Waters birthing Darkness and Sound
Growing up into the ground
Then Word and Light understood
Why their roots seemed to grow down

Small & Large Numbers | Reality & Illusion
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1111


(Part 9j of 11)

Small and large, great and small, little and big, a lot and a little are all the same version of duality. Any duality that compares quantity, amount or degree is the same duality. Thus we know Nothing and Everything, Nonexistence and Existence, empty and full, weak and strong, rich and poor, less and more, partial and complete, minority and majority, etc. are all the same version of duality.

When it comes to this duality put in terms of small numbers compared to large numbers, for example, 10 is not greater than 3. This is the reality of the current illusion.
No larger number is greater than any smaller number. Both are of the same value.
3 is the totality in 3 parts, while 10 is the totality in 10 parts.
These things we already know. We know each of us are a totality in millions of parts because we contain millions of cells. Are we greater now than we were when we were 3 days old in the womb when our number of cells were much smaller?

During different points in the cycle, both small numbers and large numbers have their good points and bad points depending on the intended purpose in relation to the current set of conditions. This we already know. Sometimes a larger number is good, sometimes bad. We can understand how this applies to any two things where one is larger in size, amount, number, quantity, quality, volume, mass, degree or any measure of comparison, such as beauty and ugly.

If we were forced to say whether larger or smaller was greater, we must choose neither.
In the smaller number there is greater viability due to unity of understanding, yet there is greater vulnerability due to lack of diversity. And the other way around.
In the larger number there is greater viability due to diversity, yet there is greater vulnerability due to lack of unity and harmony of understanding. And the other way around.
To say this another way, there is a benefit and detriment to understanding that comes from large numbers and small numbers.
All understandings and misunderstandings, small and large, are powerful. This is why the Universe is based and sustained on both small numbers and large numbers. Small and large work together to form the dynamic balance of duality that gives the ecosystem the ability to self-adjust and maintain eternal life.

Understanding translates into power because it is understanding that moves genetic potential and informs genetic potential how to combine with other genetic potential. And this is why, the summary directive is to understand self. In doing so, we come to understand all else. As understanding of the duality of self and all else increases, so does optimization of genetic potential of self and all else. Power, pure, simple and strong, is understanding how to optimize all forms of duality according to the current set of conditions. Power, pure, simple and weak is misunderstanding which leads to suboptimization of many forms of duality.

The power of understandings helps us reduce confusing reality and illusion, while the power of misunderstandings increases our susceptibility to confusion. Understanding dualities, or simply how, why and for what purposes things work together or not, is powerful understanding to have, and as it is achieved, this logic begins automatically manifesting within self through more harmonious unity in concepts such as nutrition, ecosystem, nature, collective, communal, extended self, Ujima, Ujamaa, Utamawazo and alignment with optimal energies, especially those of the prevailing star energies ruling the Great Years.

All of this is powerful because, by aligning healthy logic, we are aligning healthy understanding, thus we are increasing power, strength, and even more importantly, we are increasing our ability to:
1. Thrive, even during portions of the cycle when the suboptimal dominates and
2. Transform genetic potential into the fashion we imagine. In other words, the only thing standing in the way of genetic potential being used to do whatever we imagine is the understandings how and for what purposes. Our imaginings are the first step of the process just like belief. But also like belief, we need understanding to transform imaginings into reality just as we need understandings to transform belief into knowing.

We must remain aware all understandings/misunderstandings, small and large, are powerful because they contribute to guiding the use of genetic potential large and small. We must continuously seek to understand anything and everything whenever we can. Once we become an Initiate of Learning and decide what the primary use of free will, will be, then we will be better able to:
1. Detect and understand the nature of the logic guiding us and
2. Know whether it is healthy or not, and thus, we will know which way to go. In these last days of the current Star Ages, there is an intense crying out deep within of “Show me the way,” which is good, even if the Supreme we are crying to is significantly misunderstood. It's all good as long as the crying is accompanied by willingness of trying the many reorienting untangling processes necessary to reknew logic. Thus we must not cry out on one hand, yet resist, deny and hide out on the other hand because we'd rather get right to the joys of growing and knowing the way and skip fast past the pains of growing into knowing the way (letting go of the comfortable chains of logic that are shackling yokes to us and controlling reins in the hands of others).

More Reality & Illusion

Since power is contained in both large and small numbers in the Universe, as represented by genetic potential as guided by understanding, then we know Nature is the Superpower. Even so, some humans have created the illusion of their power by renaming, rebranding and marketing themselves as Superpowers. This takes many forms such as superweapons, supertechnology, supermoney, superintelligence, superscience, superexpertise, superresearch, supercivilization, superanatomy, superphilosophies, supermedicines, supermales, superlanguage, superdivinity, and on and on.
Also, in a bit of superfluous double trickery (hokie okie doke), humans have taken the truth of the superiority of Nature, and used this natural fact to gain more of the suboptimal kind of superpower. This is done by calling some foods superfoods, even though all food is a superfood whether nutrient dense (large) or nutrient sparse (small). By not understanding this, we are willing to pay high prices to get nutrition found in an enormous variety of foods untainted by our processes. The reason certain foods seem super to us is because most of the food we consume is tainted and our overall general health is weak, and because of illusion because our logic is weak because of the foods* we eat.
*(spirit-soul food, mental food, emotional food, physical food).
We are functioning on the surface topmost layers of genetics and understanding which is weak, while our stronger lowermost genetics and understandings are deeper within us, separated by barriers, voids and broken connections. We are not accessing the many deeper layers of Source Code logic that empowers potential.

Nonexistence & Existence | Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1110


(Part 9i of 11)

Defining and Explaining Everything Through Nonexistence

Non is None. Nonexistence is the same as Nonexistence.
None does not mean it does not exist. None means not revealed in the dimension of Creation we are in due to being uncreated and/or due to lack of awareness. In other words, just because we can't see something or otherwise sense it, doesn't mean it does not exist. We know this to be absolute truth.
Since Non is None, and Non is Nun, then None also means Nun. Therefore Nonexistence is Nunexistence.
Much has been discussed about the waters of Nun, the birthplace of all beginnings. Thus, Nunexistence is Preexistence. Thus Preexistence is Existence preceding this Existence, just as Zero precedes One.

In numeric expression of Sign-language, Zero, the Circle of All Beginnings, is Nonexistence, Nunexistence and Preexistence.
When Zero duplicated into double Zero, the second Zero became known as One. Therefore One is Existence, also known as Creation.

Now that we have the binary duality of Nonexistence in Zero and Existence in One, we can more easily understand what we are actually referring to when we use words and phrases such as Nonexistence, Existence, nonexistent, no longer exists, does not exist, cannot exist, exist, existing, existed. Zero is both Nonexistence and Existence. One is both Existence and Nonexistence.

Everything thought to be Nonexistent, exists in the hidden aspect of genetic potential of the Circle which also means everything thought to be Nonexistent exists in the hidden aspect of self. Likewise everything thought to be in Existence, exists because of the revealed aspect of the same genetic potential in the same Circle and in self.
What we call Existence, was once concealed in the potential of Preexistence (Nonexistence). Since it is not possible for something to come out of nothing, then we know Nonexistence does not mean there is no Existence. Nonexistence is simply a type and form of Existence. Or to flip the script: Existence is a type and form of Nonexistence.

Furthermore, in this Existence we are most familiar with, there is Existence and also Nonexistence/Preexistence/Nunexistence, both in the same time and space. Where there is part of a duality, there is also the other, even if in the background subconsciousness.
We already understand Nonexistence/Preexistence/Nunexistence and Existence, both existed before this Creation Universe was formed. Therefore, all forms of Nonexistence exist in the duality of Zero and One, the Double Circle, each circle consisting of two halves (Nonexistence Unseen and Existence Seen).

Fuller Understanding

The only way for genetic potential to move or transform itself is through the motion of genetic information (data and instructions), otherwise called logic and illogic, otherwise called understanding and misunderstanding. In other words, the differences and sameness between Nonexistence and Existence is due to differences and sameness of understandings. This is why the principal need incentive is based on understanding, awareness, consciousness, knowing self.

Since Nunexistence/Nonexistence/Preexistence and Existence is a duality, same as hidden invisible and revealed visible, then we also know that what exists and does not exist and what is perceived to exist and perceived not to exist, changes during cycles of seasons. We know light exists then does not exist, yet we also know the nonexistence of light in one place means the existence of light in another place. Even if we are of the mindset that humans did not exist before we were born, we know we exist right now and one day we will again not exist. Duality works this way. Things come forth, switch around, become sideways and upside down and then move back the way they were in the beginning of the cycle, properly oriented and with evolved understanding, then begin another cycle of uncreation/creation and understanding/misunderstanding and Khaos/Chaos.

Quite interestingly, our references to Nonexistence are also the same as referring to something coming “out of nowhere” and something disappearing “into thin air.” Even though we do not understand these three words and phrases, we are still speaking truth.
I repeat, Nonexistence simply means hidden from awareness or not currently manifesting.
Much of what is considered not to exist is simply hidden in plain sight, which is to say, it is hidden from us due to the double whammy of malnutrition and toxins which weakens our logic which causes us to use our genetic potential in plain minimal suboptimal ways because we are disconnected from the foundational essence of who we are, what this is, and what this is all about.

Now we continue to re-expand our understanding of Nonexistence to a level of awareness we once had. The duality term, “After and Before" is also talking about Nonexistence/Preexistence/Nunexistence and Existence. Nonexistence is after existence. Existence is before Nonexistence.

In keeping with the natural fact that Everything in Existence originated in the Nowhereness Thin Airness of Nonexistence, we find many verifications throughout the world. Because the Universe is a duality place where optimal is mixed with suboptimal and Khaos is mixed with Chaos, so also does human logic reflect the same thing in the form of understandings mixed with misunderstandings. This is why, in religious school books, some of which are called Bibles, we find many expressions of Nonexistence and Existence, especially when these textbooks explain how everything came into being and what power caused it to be so.
Likewise, the Chinese system of “Fung-Shui,” is said to have commenced with the “Absolute Nothing” out of which evolved the “Great Absolute.” Fung-Shui begins with Water and Breath as the “Two Truths” of natural phenomena. This corresponds perfectly to the Water and Breath of the Egyptian Mati, Water, or Shui, for Shade and Light. The female principle represents Nonexistence, because it transformed into Existence as Breath [male principle]. Because these two are a duality, they are essentially one, just as dew is condensed vapor and vapor is expanded moisture (cold and hot diffusion). (NG1 399/417)

From this brief exploration of Fung-Shui, we can see:
1. Absolute Nothing is the same as Nonexistence/Nunexistence/Preexistence, and the Great Absolute is the same as Existence.
2. Fung-Shui has come to be less optimally known as Feng-Shui. The core duality concept of Feng Shui is not recent and originated in the philosophy of the Nile Valley in Africa, something which is not surprising since the first Chinese were much darker skinned migrants from Africa and the recent much lighter skinned version of Chinese are not that old of a variation mixed with Cro-Magnon mutation.

Furthermore, what we are able to understand by working through this discussion with the answer and the guide, is that Nonexistence is Nothing and Existence is Everything. Nothing and Everything are two sides of a duality of perception and are exactly the same thing, just in different form and number, just as One and Many are exactly the same thing, different only in form and number.
In other words, the concept of Everything is the concept of Nothing and Nonexistence which is the concept of Existence, all of which is the concept of Water and Breath which is the concept of Nunexistence which is the concept of Preexistence.

“Early Formation Of Creation: Preexistence To Seventh Dimension Unity Consciousness #748”

For the Initiate whose thirst for understanding self is not quenched for long, there is plenty of moisture for days like this. We now know when the Uncreated duplicated self into double Zero, both Zeroes were still Uncreated, thus the Universe dimension we are in is Uncreated. At the same time, the Uncreated One is also the Creator, therefore everything manifested by the Creator is Created. In other words, the Uncreated is the Creator and Creation is also Uncreation (Nuncreation). If the Uncreated is the Creator, then Nonexistence must also be Existence. Duality means one thing in two different forms functioning as oneness because of sameness. Sameness and difference is the duality of duality, and so is illusion and reality. This is why Nonexistence and Existence are the same, yet different. This is why Everything is Everything, Nothing is Nothing, Everything is Nothing, Nothing is Everything, Nonexistence is Existence is Preexistence is Nunexistence and explains nothing and everything about the phrases “I Am, You Are, We Are, Us, I Am Not, You Are Not, We Are Not and Us.” This will hold true in all instances and forms of language no matter what portion of Existence or Nonexistence we are referring to and whether or not we are talking about The Supreme Being or Any Other Being.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Answer Guide | Poem
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1109


(Part 9h of 11)

Answer Guide

by Ancestors through Usiku

Going through progressions
Discovery and rediscovery
Finding and seeking
Answer and question sessions
Always in the hall, way of double doors
Still going, needing more
Wanting a specific something
To go along with
What I've decided before

Show me the way, I'm quick to say
An answer, a guide
Some logic I can ride to live by
So I can know what's best
Logic that contains the entire thought process
Logic that carries me to the other side
Of the question and answer divide
Without me having to figure out currents and tides
Of who what where when how and why
Summarize and optimize understandings of lives
Shorten the process of becoming and beingness
So I can skip reason, rhyme and rhythm
And just listen to music to be a better dancer
Help me learn by giving me the answer
Without the questing of questioning
Within easy reach
Without testing or stretching
So I can get to the next step
Show me the way this time, I say
And I'll do the rest
All of this is the fine print subtext of Show me the way]

After the briefest delay
A case is reopened in the answer book of space
Containing everything that isn't and is on display
As these guides figure and customize the way
I suddenly now know how to decide
So I turn away, run away from what they say
Afraid of this and that way
Afraid of entre' coming another way

After repeated self-imposed necessary delays
Of going ways contradicting the inner page
I now pray, keep me out the way of being in the way

Now I'm redressing, finally progressing
Considering all experiences, extracting lessons
Analyzing all logic circulating in the system
The essence of toxin and nutrition
Under the configuration of a set of conditions
I'm relearning to recognize
Making adjustments to know myself
To optimize what I decide
My consciousness is always the answer and guide
Of how I use duality potential
Navigating correlating non and essential

”Thinking, Becoming, Connecting”