If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Confidence Through Health Of Self
Unity Consciousness #1919


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It takes two to make a thing go right, then left again.
When you have two truths, you have what it takes.
Two truths is the first form of the totality of existence.
This is all it takes.
When you have what it takes, you have confidence.

You don't have to think of it in this manner, and yet you can still have confidence.
It happens all the time.
We have confidence when we think we have what it takes.

When we don't think we have what it takes, the flip-side of confidence emerges – fear, doubt, hatred and a bunch of other stuff.

You and I, we and us have what it takes because I am proof of the two truths genes in us.
The genes in us are our genius.
What genius lacks confidence?
As you begin to understand more of your totality, you'll grow into confidence.

Confidence Can Be Achieved Through Fear. Confidence Must Be Achieved Through Fear

Fear is good, natural and normal. Fear is part of the process.
Don't think just because you have fear you don't have confidence.
The presence of fear confirms the presence of confidence.
Be encouraged by the ways you already know you have what it takes. Then take that confidence in self and allow it to grow, expand.

Because you are part of existence, you have the competence to be what you were born to be.
Confidence comes from understanding you have competence.

You have competence because you have common potentials.
Common potentials reduce to com potents and combines into compotents, competence.

To be competent is to have the common potentials any creature of the same type has.
Confidence comes from knowing who you are and why you are here (destinypurposes).

Otherwise, we will most likely seek to gain competence in things that are not the optimal use of our genetic potential. This then leads to a lack of confidence because we are trying to force a square peg into a round hole. It would be like trying to get a fish to fly or a bird to swim or rain to dry your clothes.
We must begin maturing in knowledge of self. Doing so will allow confidence to grow. Confidence will grow in self and also in the African collective competence to do whatever it takes because we have what it takes.

This confidence comes not from wishful thinking or hyperbole, but from hundreds of thousands of years of history that are part of knowledge of self that is already inside us that we just need to access and awaken and bring out of deep storage memory and into subconsciousness and then into consciousness.

Humans have the same common potential. We also have the same 8 principles and characteristics as everything else in the universe. Our overall health of spirit, mind, body and emotion influences these potentials. In other words, all forms of nutrition, matters.

You have the same eight principles and characteristics as any other creation in the universe.

Pick something in the universe, world or anywhere that you think is great.
You are supreme in the same 8 ways that that creation is also. For instance Earth, The Sun, A Whale, An Eagle, A Bee, and so on ain't got nothing on you at the foundational level. All of these things are just using their genetic potential as intended. Imagine if the Sun tried to be a whale. The sun's competence would be less and so would the sun's confidence. The sun would be judging itself based on the destinypurpose of a whale rather than on it's own destinypurpose.

What are your destinypurposes? You have many.

Getting more understandings and confidence that comes from understanding your common potential (your competence) will put fear in its proper place. Fear can never be eliminated, but it can be available to use when appropriate. Knowing this then we come back around to realize that confidence can also never be eliminated. Confidence has merely been inundated by allowing fear into places it should not be. There is no such thing as lack of confidence or lack of fear. There is such a thing an imbalance of the confidence-fear relationship. They are a couple just like positive-negative, truth-lie, reality-illusion, give-take and all other two truths.

Unhealthy Fear Comes From Belief. Unhealthy Confidence Comes From Belief

Most of the unhealthy logic in life comes from belief that never matures into knowing. Thus logic is based on unverified hypothesis. Instead in most cases, the belief is disproven; however, the logic of the belief is not abandoned or updated.
In places in the mind where fear reigns supreme, belief also reigns supreme. The person's logic is based on belief that they themselves are aware doesn't make sense. As belief is replaced by knowing, then fear is moderated away from destructive and into a more productive mode.

A seed is a perfect example of having confidence through understanding of competence.
A seed is tiny. Even a coconut is small, compared to what it becomes. The seed contains whatever it takes to go through various stages to complete the task of its life. You started as a seed and are a seed and produce seeds. You are filled with competencies and confidences that carry out many functions that allow you to be who you're supposed to be and do what you were created to do.
Know yourself. It is the key to all else.