If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Reading Between The Lines Is A Universal Saying
Unity Consciousness #1918


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There's such a thing as superior and then there's such as thing as supreme.
We understand these two words are the same thing when we reach universal understanding.
A large portion of humans of the type we are, tend to not reach the universal, thus our usage of the terms superior and supreme are suboptimal.

I say all this to say, that what is truly superior and supreme is the logic of the Supreme Being - not the logic of human supreme courts or humans who think they are superior.

What does all this have to do with reading between the lines?

Human usage of the phrase “read between the lines” is good and useful; however, it has also caused us to become limited by stagnation.
We think if we read between the lines, we have reached the highest height, the deepest depth, the ultimate understanding that can be obtained. We think this simply because we have taken the step of reading and added the additional step of reading between the lines.

Re-Opening The Gateway To “Khu Kabs Of Ken In Us” (Goo Gobs Of Genius)

The Supreme Being is the ultimate superior universal genius.
All the things we humans do, that we think is good or bad, the Supreme Being has, can and will outdo us on it.

Some of the meanings of “read between the lines.”

1. Read what's not there. Read what's not being written.

2. Listen to what's not being said.

3. In a basic sense we know that between lines of words, there are spaces. So there's nothing there. It's blank. However words on a page are simply messages written on top of other messages. How is this? A blank page is a piece of paper that tells it's own story and it's own potentials. Words added tend to have us focus on the words and forget what came before the words. Secondly, regardless of how completely something is said, there is always something not said. This is always intentional and unintentional. Thus then, this entire point #3 supports the necessity to read between the lines.

4. Reading is not limited to the eyes. This we already know by an easily understood example of a computer reading information. We also know our genetic code is read continuously within our cells. There are thousands of other examples. Thus Reading means processing information. This leads us the next points.

5. Reading also means understanding, thus reading comprehension. It's one thing to read something, but when you read between the lines, you understand. There are lines between each letter and between each word, so there's understanding at that level. Then there's lines between the lines of spaces and words, so there's understanding at that level. Thus the process of understanding is the process of reading between multiple levels and layers of lines. Thus the process of understanding is the process of reading between the lines.

6. Seeing between the lines is also taking place when we also process information with our minds or other senses and get understanding. Seeing between the lines also takes place when we read body language. Thus when we are observing someone we are reading what they are saying with words but also reading between the lines of their words by reading their body language.

7. Thus we are listening between the lines by using both our ears and eyes and other senses.
8. There are multiple ways of reading and multiple ways of reading between the lines.
9. Any sensing ability we have is an ability that reads and reads between the lines.

10. Thinking is reading information stored in our memory. Thus thinking is the process of reading information and understanding it for the purposes of applying it for a specific function. This does not mean understanding is what it needs to be, but it does mean understanding is what it should be based on all the components that affect our thought processes.

11. To say this another way, thinking is the process of thinking through what is on the lines and also thinking between the lines and beyond the confines of what is most easily noticeable. This surface layer can occupy the entirety of our minds, if that is how we've been re-trained to think.

12. Again I try to summarize by saying that reading between the lines also involves reading in front of the lines (that which comes before). It also involves reading behind the lines (paying attention to what comes next). It also involves reading over the lines (that which is produced and fruited). It also involves reading under the lines (that which is more deeply rooted). It also involves reading what is around the lines (that which is larger, greater, macro). It also involves that which is inside the lines (that which is smaller, lesser, micro).

13. Reading is fundamental and so are lines. Lines are dimensions, layers.

14. This is why we must learn to read symbols, signs and patterns. This is in fact the way we learn to read the vocal verbal language we speak. But yet, it applies to much more than that.

15. We have previously discussed reading and literacy and illiteracy and the false notions surrounding these things such that most of who laud and applaud our literacy, are yet still, very much illiterate. This then is a failure of not being able to read between the lines.

16. All this is to say that humans did not come up with the phrase read between the lines. The Supreme Being did. Reading between the lines is what the Supreme Being uses to function as a rule, principle and law to live by to promote growth, balance and to always see more of the underlying foundation, the universal, thus see more of self.

17. Reading between the lines means being simultaneously aware of the revealed and the hidden.

18. Whenever we are ready the Supreme Being always provides the way to take one more step. Be certain that what we humans perceive as the next step is usually multiple steps in the mind of the Supreme Being.

19. As an added bonus, we can go to another next level of reading between the lines by going to the word “ready.”
Ready is readi. The “d” does double duty as part of “read” and as part of”di.” DI signifying the same thing as TI, the two truths, the many, the plural, the expansion of singular, the totality of oneness.

Thus, in one sense, To Be Ready (readi) means to have everything in the balance that the moment or conditions require.
To Be is Do Be is Dubi is Doubly. To be ready is to be doubly ready which means having awareness of the two truths and how they apply to the moment and the current set of conditions. This is what makes us Readi (Ready)

20. The doors of the church are open! Come now, all who will and take your fill.

12/26/19 Update
They Live (1988 Movie)