If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Were Africans Ashy Before Lotion Was Invented?
Unity Consciousness #1922


( 9acb of 11)

After a brief search the following was located. It is not intended to be the sum total.

According to Abby Kennon on The Invention Of Lotion
This product dates back all the way to 10,000 BC where prehistoric people* would rub oils on them. They used it for antiseptic use, healing wounds, to clean themselves, and it was considered a luxury to have feet washed and to have ointment applied and massaged into their feet.
*Prehistoric in the lexicon of many writers, is a code word for Egyptians and/or Africans.

According to Reference.com:
Evidence of lotion salves date back to 3,000 B.C.E. Lotions were invented using natural ingredients, such as red ochre and animal fat
The first scented lotions combined animal fat with fragrant herbs, such as frankincense. One of the earliest known lotion bottles, which belonged to Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut, contained nutmeg oil, palm oil, polyunsaturated fats and benzopyrene. Unfortunately, benzopyrene, while highly aromatic, is one of the most toxic substances to humans. Historians now believe Queen Hatshepsut may have accidentally moisturized herself to death in an attempt to soothe her chronic eczema.
Commercially manufactured lotions were invented in the late 19th century.

We must be continually reminded that the period from 12960 BCE to now has been a suboptimal period of lessened awareness, even though in some respects, the past 6480 years has been a rising towards dawn, yet still in darkness. Furthermore, if the lotion was toxic, it coincides with the lessening of understandings that eventually helped derail the Egyptians.

According to Travis Rosamond, he begins the History Of Lotion Making in China.

Ancient Chinese Cosmetics, 1200 BC-500 BC
Although China's Prehistory еndеd with thе bеginning оf thе Xia dynasty, vеry littlе infоrmatiоn has survivеd abоut this pеriоd. By thе timе оf thе Shang dynasty, nеarly a thоusand yеars latеr, hоwеvеr, China had built a highly dеvеlоpеd sоciеty. Many оf thе practicеs that wоuld bеcоmе thе basis fоr Chinеsе culturе and еcоnоmy wеrе dеvеlоpеd during this pеriоd, including thе farming оf ricе, whеat and livеstоck and thе grоwth оf thе tеxtilе industry. Thе Shang dynasty alsо laid thе fоundatiоn fоr a cеnturiеs-lоng traditiоn оf Chinеsе skin carе. Whilе thе еxact оrigins оf thеir mеthоds still rеmain unknоwn, thеir tеchniquеs wеrе sо ingrainеd in daily lifе that thеrе was alrеady a wоrd usеd tо dеscribе thе practicе. [It was Egypt per the next paragraph and because the first Chinese were Egyptians or at least Cushite/Kushite or from Mesopotamian Region]

Likе thе Еgyptians, thе Chinеsе tооk a hоlistic apprоach tо hеalth and bеauty, bеliеving that thе twо wеrе inеxtricably linkеd. Bеauty was cоnnеctеd tо vitality and was sееn as thе rеsult оf a pеrfеct balancе bеtwееn nutritiоn, hеrbal mеdicatiоn and gооd circulatiоn. Ailmеnts оf thе skin wеrе diagnоsеd by dоctоrs and wеrе trеatеd thrоugh diеt and hеrbal applicatiоn.

So the question remains.
Before any of these products were invented, were Africans ashy?

Are darker skinned people naturally ashy?

I think not. I know the answer is no.

When you are outside in the sun, within 30 minutes, the sun activates and releases natural skin oils.
I also suspect that those who have healthy diets require less skin moisturizer and even less time in the sun for moisturizing purposes, but still need sun for nutrition purposes.

The body chemistry of Africans has been jacked up and messed up as a result of us living outside our natural element in terms of geo-location and in terms of ways of living.

In a longer-term march towards chronic illness, I suspect ashy skin is an earlier warning sign towards albinism.
When moisture or oil is removed from fruit, don't they get darker instead of lighter?

The following is for the arrogant backwards thinking people.
8 Questionable Substances People Once Used as Body Lotion

Of course, one of the uses of the peanut, was lotion, created by George Washington Carver.