It is likely your body is not just stronger in defense of that toxin due to the different mix of your basic level of health. Think about this in terms of a natural environment.
If you and another person found a naturally growing food and one of you had an allergic reaction to that food, you would naturally suspect and understand that you also shouldn't be eating that food. Truth is, once an item causes an allergic reaction, it no longer becomes food.
When we have allergies, focusing on what we can't eat or shouldn't eat is one thing and is a good thing; however we must also keep in mind that something is seriously wrong in multiple places regarding our health and we need to figure out what it is. The problem is not just that one thing that causes the allergic reaction. We undoubtedly also have a nutrition-toxin imbalance.Nutrition-toxin applies to all forms that the spirit, mind, emotions and body encounters, accepts, uses or rejects. A big thing we fail to account for is what we drink. We must drink water and eliminate most other drinks. Eventually we might have to test using different water sources. The shortest route to clearing up allergies is:
1. have our own homegrown naturally grown foods that are eaten as soon as possible after harvesting and with no processing or minimal processing.
2. Get to know yourself through your origin. This will lead to Africa on Earth and Africa above.
3. Get rid of bad relationships with people, places and workplaces.
4. Get quiet and still more frequently and ask the Highest Power to guide you. Then listen, Then do. Bottom line, it is next to impossible to heal yourself by bringing yourself back into balance, without whole things that feed spirit, mind, emotions and body. We must seek out the whole logic of optimal theory and natural world context upon which the African Utamawazo is based.