If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Coronavirus Related | Major Points Being Downplayed
Unity Consciousness #2028


( 9agc of 11)

Based on all reports about the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), it is likely this virus is:
1. Like other viruses in the sense it can be spread through the air and through contact with surfaces that contain the virus.

2. Unlike other viruses, COVID-19 can be spread over greater distances through the air and through moisture such as rain. It has a greater shelf life when it contacts other surfaces and/or can go in and out of dormancy in order to survive longer.

All indicators suggest this version of coronavirus is more durable, thus is able to go undetected on surfaces. It can also travel on other organisms and be transmitted before and after symptoms appear.

This second point is what is being downplayed so as to not let you know that we are in greater danger than these folks want to admit. We know this another way because why else are they constantly telling us there's no need to worry, don't panic, everything's under control? Because the opposite is true. Yet the stock market has panicked, which is them doing that to the market and making that panic seem normal and okay.

Consider the truth of what we are told each year about the flu virus, yet I myself and many others around the world do not get flu shots and we are fine each year. But we are told to be concerned and get flu shots when there's no need to be concerned, except for the weak and unhealthy. Weak and unhealthy describes more people in “developed” countries than it describes people in “undeveloped” countries. Notice how whether or not you have healthcare insurance is not a factor in your survivability of the coronavirus except that over reliance on health insurance to make up for otherwise unhealthy logic makes us more vulnerable to that which the societal systems are ill-equipped to address.

3. Mr and Mrs. Coronavirus 2019 is gaining momentum. Spring rains and wind and warmer temperatures will keep the virus spreading for many months to come until it has ran its course through the human herd of animals. It is a year-round virus. By the time any sort of treatment labeled as effective is developed, the virus will have changed into multiple more versions, just like annual flu viruses.
Current treatments amount to suppressing symptoms with Pain relievers, Cough suppressants, along with Rest and Fluid intake. So basically the treatment is to get more rest and drink more water, and it goes without saying, also get better nutrition. None of this requires a doctor or health insurance which is why people without these things have at least a good of a chance or better than those with “modern” healthcare and why people die in the hospital with modern healthcare. What is also being downplayed is that the problem and solution is not the corronavirus and modern medicine but rather our overall culture (lifestyle worldview) and our level of nutrition, which are one and the same.

Greater sickness across the board is the new normal of the transition period into the New Ages and their accompanying environmental changes. Have we not seen, despite all the progress we think we've made, greater physical sickness along with mental illness, emotional pathology and spiritual corruptness?

Part of the self-correction strategy for elemental souls of life and for Earth is a series of events to reduce the population via sicknesses of their own reshaping, especially among the “haves” in societies because most of them are the weakest in each aspect of self, thus so also in all else.

This then does not bode well for citizens of countries who cannot control their sick behavior. Even so, we still think these sick people have the sense-ability to stop viral avalanches morphing into earthquakes morphing into mudslides, morphing into floods morphing into fires, morphing into windstorms.

4. Now we go back to repeat that this version of coronavirus is contagious before and after symptoms. This then allows the virus to spread more easily. What I am suspecting is that this virus has a minimum two-part survival strategy.
First part is to spread in a mild stage, then secondly mutate within the host or in conjunction with an environment activator.
5. And so now we repeat the issue of to panic or not to panic. COVID-10 is being called an outbreak and global pandemic. There is enormous inconsistency in information coming from supposedly reliable media and supposedly reliable government agencies and universities. These people have been holding global meetings and forums for something we are told is not panic worthy. On the other hand, we are told the seasonal flu kills 40,000 per year, yet where are the global forums and media splash every year about deaths and about the urgency to solve this problem. We are told COVID-19 is less threatening than seasonal flu yet it has caused people to go into action whereas they have not on the more predictably deadly seasonal flu.
The linked video laments the lack of public trust in institutions. This is for good reason. For example, institutions have not called out DNA testing companies on their misuse of the human genome in explaining genetic heritage. The information they present is partially true but mostly misleading. Institutions, in conjunction with their government agency alter egos, are generally not concerned with truth or accuracy until its something out of their control and they want to control the narrative and public response. To their credit, this forum did mention the need to be prepared, meaning get you some supplies that are going to last you two or three months. Preparedness of a broader nature has been the call of this blog since delving into global warming climate change environmental change.

Our logic is as Humpty-Dumpty. It is high and mighty and bloated and precariously balanced on a small foundation. This logic is having a great fall in slow motion all of a sudden as it takes it time through stages, accumulates and hits home. This is being downplayed. Coronavirus is part of the logic of environmental change that will cause Humpty to fall off its high and mighty perch looking down on everyone and everything else. It is the small thing that helps bring down the big thing.

This Just In

More information regarding the connection between coronavirus and 5G as mentioned in UC#2025.

Thus what is being downplayed is the human-made nature of this coronavirus and other viruses over the past several decades. We are being told not to panic because they don't want us to be prepared or get healthy or know not to take vaccines or suspect them as the culprits or listen to anyone but them to lead us to more slaughter.

This virus can be activated with vibration waves from cell phone towers. Be certain the virus is not 100% controllable and once activated can take its own paths and forms. It's like a person wearing gasoline drawers trying to light a barbecue grill on a windy day using lighter fluid and a blow torch. These are the crazies we should be panicked about who flourish on the Asian continent and have crazified the world. Too crazy to panic about our own logic that continues to trust killers who kill by any means necessary. These are the people who have killed more humans and other life forms in the past couple of hundred years than any other period.

See Human Killer Events Are Societal Byproducts, Unity Consciousness #1787

6. And lastly, just in case we're confused about whether or not we should be concerned, just today, the The World Health Organization, for what it's worth, just raised their level of concern to “very high risk” globally. And then comes the contradiction, “we don't see evidence that the virus is spreading freely in communities.” I say, if that is the case that the virus does not spread freely, then why wear masks and do all that is being done? That statement is simply another attempt to say we are very concerned but don't you be concerned at all. This is par for the course of how citizens allow supposed experts to talk to them due to our habit of not being able to process and retain information. How can there be an “outbreak” but the virus is not “spreading freely” yet the virus spreads via the air? Does not the air spread freely? This lack of double-checking of logic, is being downplayed.

Please don't panic. Just take reasonable measures, precautions and preparedness, including fundamentally for the rest of your life, working on changing, adjusting and modifying your worldview and the components of what you think and do. That is the only solution, the only cure, and this is being downplayed that an overhaul is necessary if there is ever to be justice for all or any kind of peace on Earth or goodwill towards all creatures or any kind of return of civilization or any kind of return to people being able to understand and manifest their destinypurposes early in life and live lives free from predictable byproducts of mental illness of societies, of which coronavirus is one of those byproducts of swamp logic that tries to burn off leeches with chemotherapy. All of this is being downplayed because it's all related.