If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, February 29, 2020

High-School Dropouts | Turn It Around
Unity Consciousness #2030


( 9age of 11)

We often hear about high school dropouts. Our minds tell us this is talking about people, about children who stopped going to school. Our minds tell us these children don't care, don't want to learn, are problems, useless, bad, ignorant, stupid, unintelligent, poor, come from bad homes, are inner city and a whole bunch more other stuff our minds tell us. All of it is false.

Remember, we are the ones hearing and receiving the words, “high-school dropouts.”
Someone is writing or repeating those words and we are hearing them and reading them.
We are receiving someone else's conclusion and using it as a starting point for our thought processes that end up going nowhere because we conclude what we started with, without any investigation of what is being presented as the truth or as a truthful context.

Where did those other people get the information, the description, the phrasing “high-school dropout?
What if they've got it wrong, backwards, or sideways?
Turn it around in order to double-check.
High Schools Drop Out Kids
That's a different story isn't it?
Is it true that high-schools are the problem that is dropping out kids? Must be. Why else would kids go and then drop out?
I have never seen a child that does not want to learn. Never in any species. Never.
It's prevalent among adult humans but non-existent among human children.
In fact, every person who dropouts of high school is a person who has been learning their entire life. What they finally realize is there is a serious problem with what is being taught and the realities of life. The society is the problem, not the child.

In order for a child to not want to learn, something must beat the hell out and suck the hell out of learning.
Or we could say beat the heaven out and suck the heaven out of learning.

In fact, it is this combination of sentences, that is exactly what happens, and eventually many adults succumb to as a finality.
High-school graduates and college graduates drop out of learning and stick to information that is incomplete at best. They stop learning and revert to what is mostly taught: memorize and repeat what helps you pass the test in school and get by in society.

If this were not true, then the child would have dropped out in primary school or middle school junior high. High-school is when children are taught they are more of an adult and can make decisions, thus they choose to dropout. If this were told to younger children, they'd dropout also. In fact they do in various ways interpreted as being learning problems or behavioral problems.

In reviewing my school experiences from kindergarten to Master's Degree and various seminars, I'm surprised I learned anything at all except how to memorize and repeat what was needed for a test. No need to understand, no need to critically think.

What we also know is true is that even for students who graduate high-school, society drops them all out on the street and say compete, but you can't unless you pay us some money and go to school some more. Thus high-school graduates are made to feel worthless unless they keep playing the game. They then are in no better position than a person called a high-school dropout.

Thus then a person called a high-school dropout is someone who is more awakened to the realities of societies. Most of us take many more years of college and jobs to accept our disillusionment.

Thus it is our societies, our cultures that are responsible for dropping children, not out of high-school but out of society, from birth and at multiple points along the way.

And this is why a whole bunch of folks get dropped out of social security, pensions, life insurance health insurance and other things they thought they qualified for, for life.
People who drop out of high-school recognize the game early on. They are the sane ones.
In the USA, for a great number of our African children, it is better for them to dropout of high-school and start their own businesses rather than be subjected to useless abusive curriculum, teachers, administrators and police and then job markets that give them slim to no chance unless they beg and accept the lowest wage in the worst conditions. Societies (cultures) today are no friends to any children. This then is near the root of the problems among humans and how we move in the world. We are uneducated in what it takes to be holistic, wholeness, wholesome, harmonic, ecosystem universal, fair, just, decent, honest, healthy, sane, balanced.
And this is why every society is filled with a multitude of spiritual problems, emotional problems, mental problems and physical problems. All of these due to our logic. High-school dropouts have at least figured out that the path of schooling they are on is a dead end even for those who continue on as walking dead.

Throughout this African safari, we have used many methods to keep ourselves thinking critically and looking at things differently so as not to get stuck and stagnant on fragments of logic. Turning things around is just one way of doing do so. The worst that can happen is we have two fragments that go together.
Some things only have to be turned around once to bring about significantly more understandings.
Other things have to be turned around and around and around...
This then is exactly how the world works, days turn around, years turn around and so on in larger and smaller ways all things turn around in cycles. We have to purposefully consciously practice moving our logic around so we can understand what is presented to us in one way only, thus keeping us logically limited.
It doesn't mean we have to change our mind about anything or accept it or agree with another perspective, but I can guarantee you, that even understanding racism, will be beneficial, just as understanding all aspects of any truth is beneficial.

Practicing turning things around means you are exercising a fuller ranger of your mind and thought process to help you look at more of the whole picture of what exists and is taking place. That's all it amounts to, which is enough because it is everything.

By The Way, this message is not for those who want to know everything they need to know in life but don't like it when someone else does understand more of the everything they need to know, especially beyond their own rememberings and conceivings and first step believing. I am tired of those people who are not trying to learn to turn things around in their logic.