If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Basic Thinking Is Ass Backwards In Societies
Unity Consciousness #2127


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This is another brief installment of what is flipped and turned around upside down that has caused civilizations to deteriorate and allow societies to take their place.

So now we review a few things much discussed and end with the recent movie of the moment – Covid-19.

1. We shouldn't be afraid of guns. Instead we should be afraid of the system of logic that creates the type of thinking that abuses the use of guns.

2. Likewise, it's rather silly to be afraid of fever, runny nose, coughing, pain, sweating, chills, diarrhea, nausea and other symptoms, rather than be afraid of what causes those symptoms.
The cause is at least a two-part progression.
First of all a pathogen enters cells which provokes and invokes a system response that produces symptoms; therefore we should be more concerned about the pathogen and how we contracted it, rather than eliminating, subduing and avoiding symptoms, most of which are taking place for our benefit.
Second of all, but primary in our consideration, should be our level of health that makes us susceptible to the worst possible manifestation when a pathogen is encountered.
3. If we were healthier from the start as the direct result of healthy logic, then we would quickly realize that we should be able to overcome almost all sicknesses, via the use of basic nutrition as food and medicine when the body is alerting us by way of exhibiting symptoms that something ain't right with our balance with the ecosystem from which pathogens come. Therefore, we should be most afraid of the logic that had led us to have such a weakened state of health and the logic that relies on human concocted solutions (treatments, medications, vaccines and band-aid social adjustments superimposed on an unhealthy culture). So now during this Sars-CoV-2 miniseries drama soap opera, we should be more focused on the foundational health nutrition ecosystem solutions that all other creatures use to maintain health, strength and fight off pathogens by any name. This then will automatically take care of the symptoms.

4. Human are the only species that has thousands of ailments. Why is that?

Humans are the only species that has to go to experts of their species in order for the rest of the species to know what to do.

Humans are the only species that use way more natural resources than any other species, yet humans live the most unnatural lives out of sync with the ecosystem.
What other species works for each other in order to fulfill basic needs? If a species does, other than humans, that species shares equally in the fruits of labor.

5. All this then is scarier than guns and COVID-19.
What has been done to stop the spread of this kind of infectious deadening logic? We are so afraid for our lives, yet we keep living dangerous lives thinking that our greatest threat is coronavirus.