If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 18, 2020

Something More Than Love
Unity Consciousness #2119


( 9ajn of 11)

Something More Than Love

by Nana Usekhu Neberter

Thought to be the superglue of lovers
The words I love you falter and flutter
Rejected for something greater to cover
The need for something more than love
That includes intense love, intense hate
Soulmates narrow, wide, crooked, straight
The spontaneous and the contemplative
With excitement and sedative in the narrative
Darkness yen plus light yang produces life
All right wronged needs all that's left right
Every affection of caring needs neglect glaring
So it goes for twins also known as perfection
Who provide suggestion and direction
Through cycles of highs, midrange and lows
Joys and pains in their throes
Open minds and thoughts closed

This is the something more than love
To help me with reality and illusion
To distinguish clarity and delusion
Help me fine tune my choosing
The ones, twos and fews of fusing
Pros of profusion and cons of confusion
So I can know better, then do better relationships

Clearly, love alone is insufficient
It is one-sided and deficient
Stated in word, song, poem
Or no matter how shown
Which is why many who focus on love only
Take right turns and end up in the same place
Outside themselves and inside lonely
And often mad as hell and hurt as hell and broken

The unavoidable self reflection mirror makes clearer
All sides of life's truths and lies
Reveals what is most often denied
There are things about myself I very much dislike
So you can't possibly love everything about me
You can only love me partially
Thus the I hate you aspect of outward devotion
Must also be recognized as part of the pairing potion
The simultaneous roll of two single dice
When all perspective logic sides
Are considered and properly applied
Then the fullest communion is comprised
This closes the perceptual and actual divide
Between what is controllable from either side
It takes a lot of communication for relationships to thrive
Despite the erased and the written
The replaced and the rewritten
Presence of recall and absence of retention
The unacceptable and the forgiven
And the ability to avoid compromise
That does not result in three sides optimized

Spirits pass on the final nudge
Into the zone where all strings tug
I love you came his half-hearted hug
Sincere but unclear and fundamentally smug
She scoffed and shrugged it off
Until we submerge and immerse in foundations
We cannot converge lasting vibrations
And emerge united as consciousness
Not subjugating but conjugating endlessness
Enhancing advancing something more than love
That emulates totality supreme
That preexisted itself as everything

I am how is it
You are most exquisite
Something more than love
The fullest word

This is why self love is never enough
Always needing something else
Until knowledge of self is all that's left
And two become one again
And why I love you on its own
Never forms an unbreakable bond
Until it matures in understanding
To allow want and need to automatically agree
As one in two, what I am, 2B
This is the way, total commitment is achieved
In any form full blown
Completeness need not be spoken or shown
For purposes of assertation or confirmation
Because when self is soulfully spiritually understood
What is forevermore is simply known