If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, May 30, 2020

White People, Most Destructive Creatures In History
Unity Consciousness #2136


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In case you've forgotten the enormous amount of supporting corroborating evidence, next to God's use of the elementals, white folks are the best at destroying shit, yet their constructions fall way short of optimal logic. White people are the epitome epidemic virus pathogen pathology of logic that can only destroy in mass quantities by functioning as one mass collective of destruction.
If this is not already self-evident, you are either very young and wet behind the ears or very stupid and dry behind the eyes.

White people started out being stuck on stupid and got stuck in the ice. Then their whole existence was survival of the fittest and competition against each other for limited resources. This was the reset of their context of what life and existence was all about. This logic formed deformed when blacks turned white and became permanently albino and an antithesis to the stars ( sun, moon, pole star and other celestial bodies).

White people means whites and all their wannabes that have been mentioned hundreds of times in this portion of the blogosphere.

White people have caused the most destruction and havoc to the ecosystem. This is clear. Including outer space.
White people have constructed societies that do things in the most inefficient, destructive,
shortsighted way. This is clear.
White people have lorded over the period of the most human wars.
White people have lorded over the period of the most pandemic epidemics.
White people authored the most destructive logic of all times – Maafa Racism.
The ideologies that guide all the main areas of people activity are filled with nonsense that is intentionally harmful, unbalanced, thus destructive.
We could further detail the destructiveness, but is it necessary?
No amount of human fabricated technology makes up for sociopathology and psychopathology.
Take me back prior to 13,000 BCE, a much better place, in time and space, for all races of beings, yes even for whites.

This post is merely a regurgitation of many messages. It is written lest we forget what white people have caused due to this planned pandemic and all the broken logic of theirs that persists that is the impetus for the most recent protests caused by 365/24/7 things of destructiveness that their societies worldwide have constructed that are self-destructive. Self-destruction is the good news.

Stay tuned to more of what is taking place and is not taking place. It shouldn't take long to see the patterns of contradictions that always stem from and lead to more destructiveness. For instance the destructiveness of the plannedemic and all the shenanigans to deal with it is leading to many laws of restrictiveness and forced monitoring and vaccinations and many more things beyond the detailed scope of this message. Nothing white people do leads to a better place, outcome or result. I can't name one fundamentally good thing or eco-sensible thing that has existed under the direction of white people since they broke ranks and defected from their African teachers and went on to infect, colonize, conquer, discover, confiscate, decimate the planet. And if there is something good, it would not come close to offsetting their propensity for destructiveness.

In case you missed the point of why this message is repeated repeated in the following words. White people are the biggest looters, the biggest vandals, the biggest rioters, the biggest criminals, the biggest liars, the biggest lawbreakers, the biggest walking dead, the most community destroyers, the trashiest, the most white on white criminals, the biggest druggies, the most religious about whiteness and manifest destiny, the most gullible, the most scared, the most unhealthy in all four aspects of self, the poorest, the most violent, evil, barbaric, the weakest, the most miseducated, the most enslaved, the least free not by a little, but by a lot, there is no contest for them being the champions of destructiveness. These people have been around for an extremely short period of time in human history and continue to double down on destructiveness. They are always engaged in every stage, form and type of war. To think otherwise, even for a second, contributes to your own demise.
Of course, as always, despite the overwhelming preponderance of these things among these racist collectives, there are individual anomalies of the most rarest kind. You are more likely to hit the lottery than encountering one. I've met some who have had moments of kindness, but when forced to choose, they always choose whiteness, yellowness, brownness.