If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 25, 2020

Experiment Notes: Dinosaurs & Humans
Unity Consciousness #2130


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My current level of understanding is that the Supreme Being is the Supreme Scientist conducting numerous experiments as part of fulfilling the need incentive to maintain everlasting cycles of life and death. Creation, as many of us call it, is part of that much greater experiment. Thus, Creation comes with Destruction and Re-creation.
This then is what I suspect was the general impetus for what happened to the dinosaurs. They were an experiment that met its objective of providing the necessary understandings to answer the hypothesis and hypotheses and impact on other hypotheses.
I further suspect that the size and mix of dinosaurs and their need to establish turf to meet basic needs, weighed heavily on the ecosystem as dinosaurs proliferated. This was likely faster than the rest of the ecosystem could regenerate. Also likely was the impact on many species that could not thrive under such conditions. Most certainly the dinosaurs were beneficial, but after a while, the cost benefit must have proven too costly in return for diminishing optimal returns of what was being learned by the Supreme Scientist.

Fast forward through many iterations of humans and we finally arrive at the current human formulation that includes the genetic code learning of all previous iterations. Combine this will all the other components in the experiment, and finally humans were finally able to get over the hump of understandings necessary to use genetic potential in such as way as to cause a wide range of causes and effects, thus provide more insight into self for the Creator-Destroyer.
A partial summation is that humans have achieved different types and levels of cooperation and domination over many cycles. However, it appears the current formulation of humans and human-mix is not sufficient to result in continuous harmony during both suboptimal and optimal cycles of various sets of conditions. In other words, the current formulation of humans is too greatly influenced by power, understandings and the current set of conditions when deciding and applying the primary use of free will.

So far, the pattern has shown that species come and go and so also does their place in the pecking order of more and less checks. Based on results of Great Year Winter of the past 13,000 years, humans cannot remain on this Earth much longer without a change of conditions (climate change) and a change in logic. A problem in this reformulation process is that humans have such a short attention span and fragmented thought process.

This has resulted in uncountable deceptions of perception. In recent Ages, most advances of humans have perhaps resulted in a return to longer life spans, but for certain those lives have been longer unhealthier lives that must be supported by many props, preparations and medications that further diminish the quality of life. This is to be expected during the season of dormancy of vibrancy. This has led to further false notions such as:
1. A better life is a life of leisure or without struggle.
2. A better life is an abundance of the weakest means to basic needs.
3. A better life is access to anything you want and desire as long as you can afford it. Let us now consider the fact that because afford and effort are two sides of the same word, what is affordable is what is worth the effort.

Bottom Line: Both dinosaurs and humans are iterations of God. As the saying goes, I brought you into this life and I can take you out. Humans have forgotten this due to their greater influence on the much smaller human matrix. Dinosaurs were taken out by nature. The transition from civilizations to societies was aided by viral pathogens. True to pattern, there is no reason to expect something other than superhuman nature to assist the changeover from Pisces to Aquaria and from Wepwawet to Kepheus and from the Old World Order to the New World Order.
I suspect there is more to gain from leaving humans as a specie on this Earth in order to see how to achieve knowledge of self and restore parities from the worst of times.

By The Way: Based on bread crumbs, there are indications of a trail that leads to some humans on this planet coming into remembrance and possession of knowledge that will allow them to overpower the fire of liars and simultaneously achieve the necessary level of blood sacrifice to secure the new covenants. This then will knock human dinosaurs down to size, and as promised, only a remnant of humans will remain in the ecosystem for a new iteration of experiments.

Secondly, experiment contains the word expert. A true expert uses the supreme scientific method that takes into consideration all things from the context of self and all else. Anything short of this type of learning process, should alert us to be suspect of human experts and a least closely inspect and doublecheck against the natural world context what human experts profess to know but are not tapping into the knowledge base of enormous amount of experiments the Supreme Being has and is conducting.