If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 4, 2020

Living On Borrowed Time From Timelessness
Unity Consciousness #2106


( 9aje of 11)

In consideration of the recent message titled, “How Hearts Become Lighter Than A Feather,” and the message, “One Second Future,” we revisit the time we actually have by listing our understandings.

1. We lack understanding necessary to understand specifically why some creations, including humans, have longer life cycles than others and the actual lifespan of organisms within each grouping, also varies.

2. We know time is motion and motion is energy and energy is spirit-soul. Time is given and taken through transformations of spirit-soul that creates energy, causes motion and is reckoned as time (ti-me, mati, maat). Time is a version of the two truths, one thing in relation to another. We can refer to time using any of these words and concepts.

3. We are all living on borrowed time because time is given and taken, not earned, nor deserved. Time is given in advance and we are always working it off to pay it back, pay it now and pay it forward. At the end of this stage of life on this Earth, everyone still ends up indebted to time, thus indebted to spirit-soul. This is so for a handful of reasons:
a) The amount time it took to bring everything into existence that brought us into existence.
b) The amount of time it takes to sustain everything.
c) Time occurs as the future first, then the present, then the past. This means we always live one second at a time, in the present, using one second at a time, borrowed from the future. The future had to be created first in order to provide the time for creation to be created and for creation to exist. Since time is dynamic and interdependent, time must be created by a fixed variable amount whose fulfillment generates variable fixed cycles.

d) We know we are living on borrowed time because time is not promised and cannot be guaranteed, at least not by humans at our present stage of development.
e) This is how we can explain events when multiple people die at the same time.
Is it reasonable to say time was up for each one of those people and somehow they all ended up in the same place and same time to allow the same event to take them out?
Or, is it more reasonable to say since time is not promised and we are all living on borrowed time borrowed one second at a time from the future, that the only time we have is the present moment. Therefore, the end of time here on this Earth has little to nothing to do with our personal thinking and behavior but rather it has more to do with a much more complex set of variables and conditions that are clearly not based on individual deservedness based on how we make use of time in a single life-death cycle.
The timeclock for any creation is not preset. The time an organism gets to live life is primarily determined by the need incentive and any means necessary to ensure the complex set of ever-changing motions necessary to fulfill the need incentive.

4. Thus then, to say this another way, not only are all creations living on borrowed time borrowed one second at a time from the future, the future we are borrowing from is eternity, which is never-ending cycles, which is timelessness.
Time is cycles of motion; timelessness is never-ending cycles of motion.

5. This message is to help us remember that although we expectantly reckon certain amounts of future time, time can change in one second for any aspect of creation or for any number of creations at the same time or rapid succession (known as the domino effect that is always in effect). In other words, not everything has to follow a gradual process or follow every step of a process. These truths we are shown every day all day in many ways. So have faith in process, but also know there are other possibilities. Even so, it is risky to think we can borrow much more time than the current moment.