If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, May 24, 2020

When Proper & Improper English Matches Kherrekh Egyptian
Unity Consciousness #2126


( 9aju of 11)

I Am Is Kherrekh and correct.
Since I am is both kherrekh Egyptian and proper English, then we can use I Am as a key that can be added to all the other fundamental keys we've been recollecting. This eventually leads us to understand that all of the following sentence constructions are kherrekh in Egyptian, a grandparent language of English.
I am
I is
I are
I be
I was
I were

Not only are the verbs interchangeable, so also are the nouns such as I, me, mine, myself, you, we, us, my, ours, your, yours, yourself, they, them, their, him, her, it, she, he and so on.

What we've been recently taught is that the choice of nouns, pronouns, subjects and verbs must be in agreement as to the singular and the plural. What we are remembering is that all words contain both the singular and plural. Therefore, for instance, both We are and We is are correct sentence constructions in Egyptian, when Egyptian is understood through Mdw Ntr.

I've just now come to realize that the phrase, “one for you, two for me,” though seemingly incorrect and unfair, is actually kherrekh.
The phrase is, one for IU and two for MA. This is the oneness and the twoness.
Thus then, no matter what we say or do or understand, included in it somewhere is the absolute totality of truth.

I is sick and tired of Asians in the west called Europeans and Asians elsewhere called by a plethora of names, trying to tell me what is correct, but have no idea what is kherrekh. Until the pathological logic of societies is damned, well I'll be.

The beloved King James Annuals of Proper English is one place of reference where ”be thy” is used in various ways,including in place of “is” and “are”

See “proper english”

Lastly let us be reminded that context is the beginning of accuracy and inaccuracy. The suboptimal context leads from accuracy to inaccuracy and from correct to incorrect.
The optimal context leads from belief to knowing to more beliefs to multiple ways of knowing to kherrekhness and be-ingness, thus unity consciousness, the most complete state of life and existence.

For the Initiate pursuing adeptness, [unity consciousness is “uc” is ukh is the reflection of khu and ankh and thanks, thus to be completely thankful is to be ankhful is to be conscious of the fullness of khu]
We will further notice that a form of Khu is Khi is Khy is Chy. In English, many words ending in chy have the meaning of a lot, or very or great intensity. These meanings speak to Khi and Khu and Kha which is Spirit-Soul that manifests all things. Thus, even in English and its diminished understandings, there is the complete truth hidden in plain sight.
Thus even in the greatest lie, there is the greatest truth. In one is the other. We just have to find it. We are best able to do so as we combine and kherrekhly align more and more aspects of truth. This then is again another way of describing the process of know yourself, unity consciousness, beingness, maturing and so many other phrases.