If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Never Seen Anything Like This Before In My Lifetime
Unity Consciousness #2132


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As we transit through the twinlight twilight zone there are an increasing number of people claiming a timeframe that's essentially insane and inane. This is as expected, both the statement being made and the increasing revelations of how insane, illogical, imbalanced our logic is.
To say, “I've never seen anything like this before in my lifetime,” or to make any other similar statement that you base on “your lifetime” is quite ridiculous.

Whenever you hear such a statement, the person is using their lifetime as a basis to give credence and credibility to an event and to claim an event is rare or unusual because they themselves have never seen it in their individual lifetime.
Newsflash: your lifetime is minuscule, though important in other ways. Events do not take place during every lifetime. You are not aware of all events that have taken place during your lifetime.
Stop using your lifetime as a basis of comparison to larger events as if your lifetime is the foundational timeframe. Instead use larger events and larger periods of time as a basis of comparison to your lifetime.
To do otherwise and go around saying, I've never seen anything like this before in my lifetime, is proof that you have a very skewed perspective of self and a very limited perspective of all else.
This is true even if you live to be 200 years old.
When you hear someone say, I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime:
1. Ignore the statement in regards to the event they are linking it to.
2. Take note of the statement and remember it in regards to the person making the statement so you'll remember the significant glitch in their logic that they think is normal. This is a red flag regarding other logic they use. This applies to everyone no matter how “expert” they supposedly are.
3. They are stuck in the mental midget matrix of the status quo logic that forms and maintains their society. They are simply repeating and parroting programmed logic and are not giving it a second thought or a complete thought. They might as well be a drone or robot.

Each time someone talks out the side of their neck and says, I've never seen anything like this before IN MY LIFETIME, it does not mean the event is rare, unusual or has never happened before.

A similar piece of faulty logic is when someone says, usually a “paid expert,” that “something has not happened in history, or on record, or in recorded history.” This type of statement is also quite goofy as an attempt to give importance to an event based on a truncated, narrow, short timeframe, that also pretends to have taken into account all such events during that timeframe.

Europeans are the most notorious users and abusers of both types of faulty logic above. This is made worse by being added to one more piece of logic that these people use to claim something based on their group experience as Europeans or Americans, but do not state it in those terms, but instead make it seem as if it applies to the entire world and all people. This is the basis of most of their historical statements and references. Their logic is based on when they came on the scene, woke up, came out of the dark ages and first achieved something. This collective logic is the same logic displayed by individuals when they give way too much importance to their lifetime as a measuring stick.