If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, May 31, 2020

You Must Embrace Your Africanness For Success In War
Unity Consciousness #2137


( 9ake of 11)

All you black people out there who are still running around, claiming to be pro-Black but still push back, kick back and negatively react to acknowledging you are African, you will remain in a whole heap of trouble because you have no firm fertile foundation otherwise.
All you Black people by any name anywhere in the world, you are in the same bottomless boat. Your whole life is spent trying to stay afloat, treading water, dreading whatever comes your way.

All you politically correct, up-to-date, modern mentality Blacks who call yourself African-American or allow yourself to be called African-American, do you know how inconsistently contradictory it is that you deny you are African? For those of you in the USA, what the hell do you think African-American means? Evidently you think you are American, black and a whole bunch of other misfit identity shit, anything but African.

Truth is, being African is the most valuable thing you have, and you piss on it by dismissing it. You have no idea what Africa is and Africa means geographically, mentally, physically, spiritually, galactically, universally, fundamentally.

In the briefest sense, Africa is the spirit of all it takes to create a world. Africa physical is word is born is Earth is born is creations is born. Africa is Earth and all its creations and all that preceded Earth.
Africans cannot overcome the cacophony of chaos without the spiritual that is summarized as Africa.
No mental ability, physical ability or emotional ability or spiritual ability is enough without it being fed by what is Africa and African.

You are self-defeated when you ignore the core of what allows you to be completed.
And this is why, since the initial infection and invasion, all efforts of Black people have been thwarted, even after initial short-term progress, even in Africa.
You must embrace your Africanness in order to stay on course and overcome this obstacle course designed specifically for the Spirit called Africa.
As Malcolm X said, you can't hate the root and not hate yourself.
Self-hate is the gate to self-defeat.

Part Two of Two

The Initiate always finds a way to seek an additional perspective that is always contained in every word, every event, every message.
If self-hate is the gate to self-defeat, then what does this predict for our enemies who also hate themselves, as evidenced by their hatred for Africa?
They and us both hate ourselves who hate Africa.
We Africans are going to allow them to take us down with their self-destruction. Our enemies have never thrived and cannot continue to survive hating Africa. All indicators show the glide path of their demise, and we, like lobotomized fools, choose to go along for the ride by paying the price of the Africa we deny. Everything our enemies are doing is hastening their own demise. This has been discussed, and if you take some moments to study what is taking place, you'll begin to recognize it also. Nothing they are doing ensures they will have food, water, shelter and the understandings necessary to survive a rapidly changing world. This is why they are always trying to maintain possession of Africa, the nucleus. Yet you Africans who deny Africa in her true sense, continue to follow the enemy way. That makes a lot of sense.
You must have proper identity first, if you are to chart a healthy sustainable course.
Otherwise our improper identity has us on an unhealthy sustainable course, which is why our troubles and pain have been sustained and have gained force because we refuse to reverse course back to the source.

We are in a goddamn war! How many identities can a winning strategy and winning force afford to have?
There is no negotiating with opposing forces, only navigating the waters and applying the necessary force to keep us on our desired course.

Part Three Of Three

Truth is, people out of balance with space and time, want to be human and want to be this, that and the other, yet don't want to be African, and then don't want to be primates or animals or all other things we fundamentally are. Primates are simply the per-mati, the two truths that form the circle and cycle of creation. This is far more encompassing than the psuedo-scientific definition handed to you by your enemy of what a primate is. All this connects us to evolution, which is what life and existence is.

Africans cannot emerge out of the de-evolution of our present circumstances until we begin to switch our thinking, our many pieces of logic, back to the the evolving side that allows us to rise, rather than go along for the ride, go along to get along for the ride someone else decides every aspect of.

As stated elsewhere, Africans have already overcame many obstacles and created high civilizations. Those civilizations had to be broken down in order to establish a new set of conditions for Africans to overcome. This is basically what is taking place. Each time we overcame, we overcame through the spiritual merged with the mental, emotional and physical. Africa is calling us and showing us the way.

Part Four Of Four

We are in a war! If you don't have this as your primary context, all else will harm you.

You must know who your enemies are.
You must know the forms your enemies take. This includes, but is not limited to persons and ways of thinking.
You must know what weakens you.
You must know your strengths.
You must get healthy self-esteem and stop asking and start taking back what is rightfully yours, which Africa, the Greater, is trying to teach you to remember how to retrieve.

The solutions are not new. They are old as the star upon the pole and constellation that precedes the rising sun.