If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Universal Beauty | Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1497


(Part 9oa of 11)

Beauty can be viewed as the compound word, Be + au + ti.
We will only summarize these three parts since they have been explored elsewhere.


“Be” is bi, bo, ba, bu, which is two, which is the duality of the two truths.


“Au” is oldest, primordial, born of.


“Ti” is duality in two or more forms.

Beauty is the oldest two.


Beauti is the double form of Beau as Beau-Beau or Beau-ti. (BB 179/191)
Beau is abeau which is the “abode” birthplace in positive mode that duplicates into beau-ti. (BB 182/194, 384/396)
Beau is the abode of the soul. The abode as the “Bu-t: which is another spelling of beauty and buddy, thus beauti are friends. (BB 114/126)
Beau also signifies the branch as in branching out, thus the child. (BB 53/65)

When the abeau moves from negative mode into positive mode to duplicate into beau-ti, this is the state of be-ing and breathing. This is the early stage of shape-shifting self, transforming self, transubstantiating self, transfiguring self, conjugating self using the verb “to be.” (BB 240/252)
The beauty of this is that beau-ti is spirit and soul. These two forms of truth differentiate subject and verb tense while retaining the oneness of sentence. This is beauty of sameness and difference.
Beauty is based on beau. So whatever is beautiful (of the fullest beauty), must reflect the thinking and behavior of two truths united at the fundamental level for the greater good. Beau-ti is uni-ti,(universal unity).

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Transubstantiation Transformation | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1496


(Part 9nz of 11)

The invisible elemental souls of life of Mother Earth and Mother Heaven were always present in the minds of the people. This was described in many ways using many sign-language metaphors of animals, plants, other creations and from daily human living. In any mode of expression, the manifestations of spirit still meant change, transformation, Kepher, Kephera.

Now we fast forward to recent times.
Transubstantiate is another way to say transform, change, convert, transfigure, glorified, shape-shift, conjugate.
Transubstantiation is not unique to the Roman Catholic version of Christianity.

Taking place all the time is the transformation of one form of matter into another form of matter, matter into spirit, spirit into matter and spirit into spirit, immortal into mortal, mortal into immortal, prepubescent into pubescent, one phase or stage into another phase or stage and so on.
Transubstantiation is common. Transubstantiation is basically what chemical process do. Transelement is another word for transformation (transubstantiation)
For instance, transubstantiation is photosynthesis and digestion.
Transubstantiation describes a whole bunch of what we do and what other creations do in our daily lives and is what is taking place inside of us and throughout the ecosystem that causes things to exist and change.

Somebody came along less than 1,000 years ago and tried to make transubstantiation something unique to Roman Catholic Christianity. This is the result of mistaking the Solar Eschatology Christ as a human rather than as the elemental soul of life in the Sun. I suspect this was to add to the mystery of something they didn't understand so they used uncommon words to present to the people who also would not understand. This was back in the day when access to information was not as quick as it is today.

Through Kemet we learn a mummy was a way of demonstrating portions of the life into afterlife transformation that could not be seen. This especially related to transformation of spirit from the human body into the spiritual body (sahu-mummy). The mummy was described as unleavened bread and water which was then resurrected through processes in Amenta into leavened bread and wine. By the time the Twa made it into Egypt they had learned bread was puffed up (leavened) by invisible spirit, same as womb being puffed up with child. They also learned water in fruit also changed to wine over time and also created an invisible essence (gas). This mystery was confiscated by latecomers who tried to only make it apply to bread, wine and the body and blood of a Jesus. Truth is every time bread is made or a pancake, this form of transubstantiation is taking place. Every time any type of wine is made, transubstantiation is taking place. As said above, transubstantiation means transformation; therefore, any type of transformation is a form of transubstantiation. The caterpillar into the butterfly, the sperm and egg into the fetus, the seed into what it is intended to be, water into urine, soil into plants into flesh into feces, sunlight into energy into electricity into light, hydrogen and oxygen into water, elements into amino acids into proteins, elements into nutrients, water into hydrogen and oxygen, waters into the seven elemental souls of life.... (AE1 221/231, 225/235)

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Churinga & Pet Rocks, Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1495


(Part 9ny of 11)

We've taken progressive steps to go back and fetch membrances of fetish. Now we go back further and farther to the word Churinga, which was used before the word fetish.

Churinga Comes From The Word Alcheringa

Alcheringa is the period of time when, and the place where, humans were differentiated out of other primates.
Alcheringa is also the elemental souls of life who made the transformation possible.
Alcheringa is three things in one, a trinity of thought.
Therefore, a Churinga is a three-way representation of Alcheringa, thus of totem identity.

Churinga is singular and plural and is the earlier word before fetish was used by us as Europeans. We will get to the root of this.

Fetish speaks to the elemental souls of life responsible for the manifestations of all things. Fetish is a reminder of the totem in its entirety (the extended self).
Churinga speaks to the elemental souls of life, plus the birthplace and birth period of humans.
As we can see, fetish and churinga, in their optimal forms of awareness, are the same things, that might sometimes emphasize one portion; however, all meanings are always present because they are inseparable.

Based on the overall encompassing aspect of churinga and the connection to visible nature and to invisible nature (spirit) and how all of this helps tell us who we are and where we come from and connects us to the life processes of birth, puberty transformation and death, then churinga must be the basis of church.
We can approach this another way from chur to khur to kher to kherkh to khekh.
“Ing” is a form of ankh. Ga is a form of Kha, Ka, Khu. (BB 209/221)
Roughly we can see the compound formation of churinga from Kher, ank, ka.
This also leads us to consider khekh yielding church and check, thus church is supposed to be where we check our logic against nature's logic, not against a small viewpoint within the already small human viewpoint.
Human and superhuman is not an equality although these two divisions form a whole.

Churinga As The Birthplace

The first two totem divisions are Mother Earth Totems based on South and North. The next two divisions are subdivisions of South and North. These subdivisions are the Human Mother Totems of Tree and Rock. These are the first human totems that divided humans based on birth through human mother blood. The divisions of North and South divided humans geographically but this did not create tabu against sexual relations within the Northern Totem or within the Southern Totem. Sexual tabu did not begin to take place until the Tree Totem and Rock Totem existed because these two totems are based on human mother blood relationship.

As a result of this distinction between Mother Earth Totems and Human Mother Totems, then Tree Totem and Rock Totem were designated as the Two Primary Classes (classifications). All humans fall into either the Tree Totem or Rock Totem which are two divisions of one human mother. Humans were born at the equator, thus it is splitting hairs to say humans initially belonged to the South Totem or North Totem. These totems pertain to all creations on Earth. For all intents and purposes, all humans belong to both totems South and North.

In order for humans to help identify who belonged to each totem, early humans created Churinga, which are objects made of stone or wood. (AE1 53/63, 56/66, 80-1/90-1, 101/111)

Churinga Are Sacred Stones & Sacred Pieces Of Wood

Since the first human birthplaces were the tree and the cave. and these were also the first human-based totems, then this piece of information, in the minds of humans, was represented by objects in the form pieces of wood and stones so the ideas could be communicated to each other. Eventually these churinga, which represented group identity. became also used to represent individual identity. Eventually these stones and pieces of wood were carved with markings and eventually into totem poles and rock sculptures and other smaller forms of churinga such as masks, sticks, stools, etc. Also there were larger sacred boulders, caves, rocks, mountains, trees and groves as another way to represent totem genealogy, not just the most recent totem. Early humans kept records of their ancestry.

All these behaviors are part of Sign-Language (communicating thoughts and ideas using one aspect of nature to represent another aspect.)
This must be properly understood. Humans communicated using the only thing available - - nature. This went through many forms including gestures, sound, images, objects and then mdw ntr (hieroglyphics), then other variations of languages. Even so, we still use all of the former methods of communicating and representation. What human group does not have something made out of some sort of material, usually stone or metal, as a symbol of their origin, or at least have a sacred mountain or other living type of representation? We even love to carve things in trees and get our names carved out of wood. We also like to chisel things into rocks and metal and put markings on things. Graffiti is a form of this behavior.
Today's forms of written and spoken language ARE NOT more preferable to former forms because we have lost context, definitions and meanings. As a result, the basis of our logic is disconnected from the nature of self and all else. Our behavior bears witness. Churinga are helpful in this regard because they concisely contain a lot of information. As a result, churinga were made of stone, ivory, wood or bone or the most durable material available. Churinga are recordings of history that existed when there were no other varieties of African in the world, long before the Twa became known as Egyptians. (Churchward: Signs 18, 251, 107/605)
Sometimes Churinga were worn, sometimes hung on totem poles, sometimes kept in a sacred place where only a few could view them and sometimes loaned to others. (AE1 60-1/70-1, 133-4/143-4) (Churchward: Signs 105-6/605)

I suspect “sticks and stones may break my bones” has something to do with Churinga and Tree and Rock Totems.

Whirler & Bull Roarer

One type of Churinga was a whirler which is also called roarer, bull-roarer, thun-thunie, menait. This later became a European toy called the “fun of the fair.” (AE1 102/112, 113/123, 308-9/318-19)

Since totems and elemental spirits are all tied into transformation which takes place at birth, puberty and resurrection, one of the animal symbols of this spirit is the hawk eagle that flies in circles to reach great heights. These types of birds are said to spiral, circle, wheel, whirl or turn round and round. They are called the turning ones or whirlers. These birds represent the soul of life in air that also turns round and roars when there is great change and transformation of weather. Also the sun rose daily on the breeze to great heights.
”Will it go round in circles, will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?”
If we reflect on these lyrics from the song “Will it Go Round In Circles, we can see the song is talking about changes that are different from, or opposite than, the status quo current way of thinking and behavior. These words were brought forth in 1972, and became a number one song in Summer 1973 during the first month of the Egyptian Year. All things considered, this song is likely a harbinger of Kepheus out front, whereas Aquaria was already being heralded out front by “The Age of Aquarius (Let The Sunshine In)” in 1969 With this reminder we can state that “dawn” is a time of Sun, wind, water, puberty and lions roaring on the horizons. (AE1 246/256)

We can take further note of the musical group, The Fifth Dimension's correlation with the fifth dimensional birth and rebirth of the eight principles and characteristics of everything. All of this is part of the current climate change, upheaval and fulfillment. Every thought, behavior, action, reaction, cause and effect of all things are all tied together. Many messages come through song and movies, including the movie “Hair” which incorporates the same coming of age, pubescent, twinlight zone where different worlds merge and collide and the opposite manifestation comes out on the other side, often counter to expectation.

Churinga Stones Are Pet Rocks In Ancient & Modern Senses

Even if we don't consciously keep in touch with spirit, spirit still consciously keeps in touch with us and with all other creations. This is the spirit keeping in touch with self.

We already know the human world is not a separate world. Neither is the spirit world separate from anything taking place with matter and energy.
As a small example, in the last century, to add to the process of reminding us who we are, spirit gave birth to “pet rock” logic which gave birth to pet rocks as a product. This is a suboptimal expression but is a precursor of seeking knowledge of self that is already taking place among greater numbers of people, even as the larger majority is still groggy. So regardless of the human intent of pet rocks, they were much more than that, beyond the Giri So.

Pet Rocks were announcers and re-introducers of the rebirth of Rock Totem awareness to masses wanting a different way of thinking and behaving. Now we offer a different way of looking at pet rocks.

“Pet” is the name of the birthplace as crib, bed, manger. (BB 123/135), (NG1 136/154)
Variations: Put, Puth, Peth, Peht, Apt, Aft, Beth, But, Bat, Pat, Pod, Pit, Fit, Feit, Fat, Phat, Phut, Bit, Bet, Ped, Fed... (BB 34/46, 115/122)

A Pet Rock is a Soul Rock, Rock Solid, Mother Rock, Birth Stone, Rock of Ages (Lineages), Cornerstone, Multiplication Rock, Bed Rock, Faith Rock

Pet also means two, both, foundation, heaven, circle, ser, seed, body, soul, matter, spirit-soul. All these we've discussed. (BB 53/65, 69/81, 114/126), (NG2 69/77)
Pet is not only the birthplace's gentle caress, it is also the beatdown. Pet also means: strike, beat, trample, foot, claw, hand, sceptre, rule, throne, sign of command, to stretch, to reach, to attain. (BB 52/64, 68/80, 252/264, 353/365)

We continue to infer and extract:
1. Since pet is heaven and circle, it is ter and total. Pet + ter or peht + ter likely connects to picture. This is seconded by pet as the pit as the abyss of waters that gives birth to all things. Waters are a mirror of images.

2. If heaven is pet and the parent is pet, then we are pets and pet projects. This is why we pet-ti-tion the Creator.

3. In the current sense, a pet is something dear to us that we take care of like a child. In a primitive sense, pet is the ever-coming child. Same is still same. (AE1 509/519)

4. This explains the birth of a child being associated with “hearing the pit-ter pat-ter of little feet.” Humans overall are still small in understanding and still children.

5. We can be certain pet and phet lead to fet, phat, fath, fat, fit, fait to faith to fetish, thus petish and phetish.

6. A Churinga (fetish) is based on faith because the evidence is everywhere in every form and every sense in every pet place, pet person, pet thing, pet rock and pet tree.
Even so, a partially good definition of faith in Hebrew 11:1 matches the trust in the elementals souls of life, which is what churinga (fetish) is partially about.
Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” [based on evidence already seen many times in many forms]

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man : The Evolution of Religious Doctrines from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians," George Allen & Company/E. P. Dutton & Company, (London/New York:1913), Second Edition, An authorized facsimile of the original book, and was produced in 1969 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Fetishes & Fetishism | Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1494


(Part 9nx of 11)

There are so many fetishes in use today, we no longer recognize them as such. Fetishism is part of Totemism. A fetish is a visible item that represents an invisible elemental spirit (power, force, energy, soul of life). A fetish object is something you can touch to help you stay in touch or feel in touch with the invisible spirit you can't touch. A fetish can be anything tangible, naturally made or human made. A fetish can be living animals and plants. The fetish object is a reminder of what we already know based on evidence of the spirit's manifestations in nature. Fetishes are worn and or used in various ways to invoke the spirit, the power, the energy, the force. (NG1 71/89, 391/409), (AE1 111/121, 114/124, 140/150)

Humans recognized animals had powers superior to theirs and that invisible powers were superior to animals. Humans then used animals to represent the superior elemental forces that were viewed as the mother of all things. (AE1 91/101)
As a result, when totems were developed, animals were used to represent the elemental spirits in different forms of nature. These types were used to communicate ideas through signs, gestures, sounds, dances, tattus, fetishes, mdw ntr, alphabet and so on.
Fetish objects are merely a way to carry with us a three dimensional reminder of the elemental spirit and reminder of the totem, thus reminder of who we are in relation to all else.
The fetish objects were not worshiped, but were held in high regard because they were the tangible, touchable visible representatives of the intangible, invisible spirits whose powers gave birth to and sustained all things. This is why some human members of the totem were highly regarded because they were tasked with maintaining spirit connection. This is also why other rulers such as Per-aas (pharaohs) were highly regarded. They were repas of the spirit.

Spirit, The God Of Touch Needs To Be Touched

Sa (Ka) is the god of Touch. Sa is spirit. Spirit needs to be touched. Touch is essential for the functioning of elements and chemicals and for motion to take place. Spirit needs us to be ever-aware of the spirit's presence in all things, all actions and interactions. This awareness is necessary for optimal functioning of self and all else.

A fetish is simply the beginning of the process of humans using physical reminders of the spirit's active involvement in our daily lives. Now what can be so God awful about that?
We humans like to tell each other “keep in touch.” It makes us feel friendly, thoughtful, special, loved.
Spirit needs to stay in touch with matter. Spirit also needs all creations, who have the capacity to remain aware of self as spirit and of spirit's presence in all else. This awareness undergirds the optimal context necessary for harmonic thinking and behavior. The progressive thought achieved by early humans is a beautiful progression that aided them in figuring out the foundation of all things and building multi-levels of thought.

Every aspect of nature is an example of technology. A fetish is the further use of technology. Any use of technology is supposed to help us stay in touch with totems, which includes other creations in all their forms and all elemental forms of spirit.

My Flag, My Fetish, My Bad

Very Short List of Types of Fetishes: objects, figures, images, symbols, statues, idols, amulets, talismans, mascots, tokens, good luck charms, bad luck charms, holy books, flags, clothing, skin, horns, teeth, feathers, rattles, tails, hair, roots, bones, ivory, skulls, stone, wood, plants, ankhs, gree-grees, gru-grus, ju-jus, enquizi, mokisso, rosary, cross, bulls, cows, pigs... (AE1 112-13/122-3, 115-16/125-26), (NG2 33/51)

Fetishes are ubiquitous. Each fetish represents a specific elemental spirit and one or more manifestations. A fetish later became used to represent the spirit of a human ancestor. Fetishes were not chosen randomly but developed as a means of expressing thoughts using Sign-language based on what their senses experienced in their environment. In earlier times, the connection of fetish to totem to nature to communication to spirit was commonly understood, yet as times changed, these things faded and became misused or became secrets. (AE1 113/123, 117/127, 120/130), (NG2 16/34, 51/69)

A fetish is simply another way to express Sign-Language. The alphabet is a form of Sign-Language. The alphabet is a fetish and so are all character sets of all languages. All languages use characters based on nature to express thoughts that were previously expressed mainly through gestures and signs. We have a reverent regard for our languages and what we think they represent (high intelligence). This is a spiritual reverence that makes us feel more in touch with some higher power that made us superior to other animals.

A knotted tie is one of the most primitive and important of all fetishes. It is the gree-gree and a form of ankh. We've modified the knotted tie in many ways when we tie things such as scarves and necklaces, but especially necktie and bow tie, which together, form another version of the ankh. (AE1 116/126)

In a reversal of fetish, the number two current day fetish takes the form of humans. These are humans we consider as prophets or intermediaries between us and divine spirit or between us and divine higher authority. Most elected, anointed or self-appointed “officials” are also usually held in higher regard than the general public. This includes valuing their lives more. This is fetishism gone bad. Famous, fetish, what's the difference?

Probably the number one current day fetish is a flag. A flag is a symbol of the national totem that represents the identity of the person. This identity is tied to multiple ideologies that make us feel empowered and entitled. People die for flags and kill for flags. Pieces of cloth with markings on them. They regard the flag more than life. This is an aberration, abomination and suboptimization of the use of fetish. The spirit associated with flags is the human spirit of a small group of people rather than the elemental spirits of all creations, thus the ideologies under all such flags infringe rights of creation, even among citizens under the same flag and in the same subgroup and in the same family and in the same household. (Churchward: Signs 108-110/605)

All items used by superheroes are fetishes; however, spiritual acknowledgment has been left out.
Lastly, a person called a “muse” is a fetish.

Fetish As Mental Medicine

The fetish we place faith in and hold in high regard, forms a covenant relationship. “I respect and honor you, the spirit, then you continue to help me in multiple forms. I seek to align myself with you and gain favor by treating you and all creations with respect. I especially seek your powers of food, water, protection, healing and continuous self-renewal (eternal life).”
Most of us still seek some sort of afterlife and are doing so through the use of fetish objects (bibles included) and rituals as a means of worshiping an invisible spirit who can help us achieve eternal life. Christians still use the lamb animal of God and objects shaped like crosses. We still use many images of humans, other animals, plants, and the primordials in our religious ideologies. The fetish shaped like a cross is commonly thought to have the power to ward off evil spirits and vampires. (AE1 11213/122-3)

This is another perfect segue to the faith we place in current human fabricated medicine. Human medication and treatments are also fetishes and covenants that we think have the power to heal us.
Before the rampant aberrant transformation of medicine into medication and the abandonment of food as medicine, fetishes were worn to invoke the power of the mind to heal the body in conjunction with the invisible superhuman elemental spirit power of self-renewal. Eventually it was understood some objects did have healing power. This was the beginning of medicine as a separate item from food, but not separate from spirit and not separate from medicine as something naturally occurring that Mother Spirit gave birth to through Mother Earth. Medicine was also not separate in a way that it came with the current faker's dozen of sickening side effects. (AE1 117-19/127-9)

The past 15,000 years, beginning with the Age of Herakles, are the first half of the Heraklean Great Year of the Human (Four Ages are the Prepubescent Period). This is why we must redo our context, definitions, meanings. It's time to grow up as humans during this period when humans, under Lord as Herakles, have been allowed Earth rule and to symbolize spirit in human likeness. Kepheus begins the second half of the Great Year of the Human (Four Ages are the Pubescent Period).
During earlier times we knew aspects of nature had healing power. Then we knew that power could be directed through the assistance of medicine women, medicine men, ngangas, witch doctors, sorcerers, magicians, shamans and other names of people we immaturely and prematurely denigrate. However, today we still use the same type of people as doctors, nurses and medical people by any name. Both groups use potions, spells, concoctions, and “strange” methods.


Although everything in nature could be used a a reminder of the ever-present spirit, not everything is used as a fetish. Perhaps this is why we do not respect each other or other aspects of nature, especially the primordials. Or perhaps its because we've low-rated so many previous practices, we've been taught to be afraid of a reverent regard for all aspects of nature, because its evil, pagan, demonic, backwards, primitive and savage. (AE1 16/26, 112/122, 119/129)

What is considered a backwards mode of expression as fetish, is nowadays considered a progressive mode of expression and religious and civilized. (NG2 xii/14)

An optimal view of a fetish is that the spirit power it represents is greater, superior and dominant to that which any human or group of humans could ever manifest. This spirit is neither beneficent nor harmful. It depends on our understanding and cooperation with the spirit in relation to how the spirit is functioning in relation to all else.

Fetishes are everywhere in our current lives. Just look at any object you use daily or less frequently and reflect on its use and meaning and what you trust the object can do. Most certainly you will find fetishes connected to holidays, traditions, customs, religions, schools and so in in every area of life. (NG2 501/509)

See also: PBS program: Growing Native Great Lakes Turtle Island (S1 EP 3)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man : The Evolution of Religious Doctrines from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians," George Allen & Company/E. P. Dutton & Company, (London/New York:1913), Second Edition, An authorized facsimile of the original book, and was produced in 1969 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Tattoo, Tattu & Totems, Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1493


(Part 9nw of 11)

We've just shown how totems of the past are still very much alive in totems of the present, thus active in our lives. Likewise, tribal markings of the past are also still alive in many forms. One of those present-day tribal forms is the tattoo (tattu). Tattus came into use long ago, but...

Before Tattus There Was Physical Demonstration Of Totem Identity

There were no totem names developed yet which could be spoken to communicate totem identity. Neither had the art and science of tattuing been created. Therefore, identify in the totem was communicated to each other by acting and imitating the character of the zoötype of the totem. This was demonstrated to the best they could mimic the animal through gestures, sounds and wearing the skin, feathers horns and other body parts of the animals. This developed into more elaborate use of masks, costumes and dance. This is the origin of theatrical pantomime that has been attributed to much later people. No wonder we dance the funky chicken, jitterbug, watusi, snake, bump and many other animal-based, plant-based and totem-based dances. (AE1 51/61, 62/72)
We also do totemic dances at sporting events when teams win, they gather in a bunch, jump on each other, then jump up and down like pogo sticks. Fans do the same thing. Fans also wear various costumes, yell whoop and holler.

Initial Purposes Of Tattus

Once the art of tattuing was created, it was used for the same purposes as physical demonstrations:
1. Permanently mark a person with their identifying totem. The tattu served as a group name badge. Therefore, tattus were easily visible and not placed on a portion of the body frequently covered. (AE1 62/72)

2. Indicate pubescence has been reached and initiation completed. Thus a tattu was a sign and seal of womanhood and manhood. A seal of approval of being ready for what comes with full membership in the totem. This seal became the origin of family seals, family crests, coats of arms, signets, and government seals stamped into official documents. (AE1 62/72, 95/105), (NG1 62/80, 361/369)
The totemic spirit descends upon the child and causes transformation into puberty. (AE1 246/256)

3. Help indicate which members certain tabus applied. (AE1 60/70)

4. Demonstrate bravery and triumph over pain, thus readiness to deal with responsibilities necessary to maintain the group. (NG1 92/110)

Additional Purposes Of Tattus Were Added As Understandings Matured

5. Demonstrate union of divine superhuman nature and human nature. (AE1 224/234)

6. Represent transformation from firstborn child of mother to first begotten child of father. (AE2 902/366)
Ra, the holy spirit, descends upon the child and causes transformation into puberty. This same process causes resurrection in Amenta. (AE1 246/256)

7. Symbol and reminder of Tattu, the place of establishing and re-establishing stability, foundation and foreverness. (BB 267/279), (AE1 351/361), (NG1 437/455)

8. Sign of the bond of fellowship before tattus were turned into badges of bondage. Along these lines, there are many natural tattus used as badges of bondage such as gender, skin color and many other tattus we are born with. (NG1 111/129)

9. A tattoo is a graven image. Additional purposes are interwoven in sections below.

Methods Of Tattuing

1. Cutting deep designs into the skin to cause raised scars. Keloidable skin is perfect for this. The use of cutting was diminished as skin grew relatively lighter. (NG1 91/109)

2. Patterns were made in the skin by a series of pricks. Same as use of needles. (NG1 111/129)

3. An image of the totem was formed on the skin using a paste made from crushed plants. This was set on fire to cause the image to be burned into the flesh. Some humans today still choose to have their flesh branded by hot instruments. (AE1 95/105)

4. Painting the body. Face painting and body painting are still common today. (AE1 96/106)

5. Dyeing the skin. Skin lightening, darkening, bleaching and tanning is still taking place in several ways, including through daily use of makeup. However, to have naturally red lips or paint the lips red was tabu because it represented prepubescence. Naturally red lips of pubescent girls were covered or tattued darker.

6. Blacking the teeth or filing the teeth down is a modified form of tattuing. Instead of this, Egyptians painted or tattued ovals around their eyes and put black or green lines under their eyes. Makeup then and now is still a symbol of pubescent females. (NG1 95-8/113-14)

7. Clothing is also a form of tattu as explained in the opening section of this message. We still use clothing, attire and uniforms in various situations to indicate what totem we are part of or temporarily participating in. An easy one to recognize is the clothing we tattu ourselves with when going to our work totem. We can easily see it in others when they wear certain colors and styles. We call these gang members.
These things must be properly understood. The universe is moving us back to understanding practices that existed long ago. Back to the way we were during the days we came to be mostly who we are now. These back and forth motions of universe and our motions are creating energies that are assisting hidden and suboptimal truth and allowing it re-germinate, gain nutrient strengths and emerge in pubescent optimal forms. We are reassembling the pieces of the puzzle so it all makes sense and works. This helps us understand that the same powers to be, back then, are the same powers to be, now. This further helps us be encouraged and follow healthy processes because big and small rise and fall in cycles and so do all empires, underdogs, cinderellas and stepchildren. We just need to understand what season we are in so we will know what season comes next so we'll know how to adjust our logic and behavior to be prepared.

Tat or Tatt

In early human thought, tat only represented the maternal, but was later understood to also represent the paternal. This is the double tat or tat times two or tattu. It represents the cross of solstice totem and equinox totem, the two dividing lines of the circle. The cross was an early image used as a body tattu. Turnabout always happens. First the cross was put on the man, then man was put on the cross. (NG1 63/81, 438/456)

A tattu represents the combining, blending, joining, reuniting of two truths that visibly re-displays the covenant implied by tabu, totem, existence. Tattu is a reminder that the covenant remains despite transformation.

Before there was sufficient speech or tattooing and even before dancing was used, humans first demonstrated the covenant by “tatting” on each other (licking each other with their tongue). This expressed mutual agreement, mutual affection, giving and taking. Licking is a good healthy natural part of animal communication.
All tied up in the notion of tat, tattu, hand, tongue and licking is also the notion of belt, whip, lashing, thrashing and beating. This latter group of words is obviously in relation to a broken covenant.
Eventually licking by humans gave way to spitting. This led to spitting colors on the hand to make an imprint as a tattu of covenant. This led to spitting in the hand and joining hands (shaking hands) as a form of demonstrating a covenant. We still shake hands today. Lastly, we transformed licking and spitting into joining mouth to mouth or mouth to cheek and also tongue kissing. These methods also communicate bond and covenant and sealing with a kiss. (NG1 86-7/104-5, 88/106)

Opportune Segue To Discuss An Interesting Connection

When animals are in a mixed setting, with balanced space allotted and access to basic needs, animals are then drawn out of their primal isolation thinking and behavior driven by fear and desperation for survival. This reduces conflict and animals are then moved towards a mature preexistence state of logic which is mixing behavior that forms friendships with different creations. A live and let live mentality is an indicator of evolution into civilized thinking and behavior, and away from the need to establish an equilibrium-altering ranking system with self at the top by any means necessary to the detriment of self

By looking at the example of all animals before humans were created, we know there is no single animal that reigns supreme. Various animals reign supreme temporarily in a given space under a given set of conditions, then that changes and keeps changing. This helps us understand flawed human logic. Most animals only use what they were born with in dealing with each other. Humans require the use of many things they were not born with. Human also require the use of many things just to deal with the environment. It is mental illness to put unshakable faith in what humans create in light of evidence that humans of the current Age have forgotten how to live on land or live with each other. So now, as ecosystem living conditions significantly change, what should we expect when superhuman change meets human unchanged? As weather does whatever, what will keep us secure in basic needs when our thinking is basically insecure? We frequently find ourselves without power because our logic lacks power that comes from wholeness thinking modeled after Mother Earth's wholeness behavior.

Our ape ancestor, the perfect beast, tends towards friendship and cooperation with other creatures. There is no species or group within a species that collude in alignment against another species or groups within their species beyond the extent of necessary territory. This explains what is also known based on human thinking and behavior of the past few Ages. We know there are some creatures (including humans) that never evolve beyond a certain point or they devolve to the point where their imperfection threatens optimizing the diversity of the greater collective. The output of these creatures tag them for extinction because the rest of the universe is moving towards optimizing the diversity of the collective by re-establishing balance. Thus, creatures unable to change become untenable tenants in the current living arrangement of space and time as determined by judgment made in Tattu, not determined by me or you. Simply put, their lease on life expires in time while their leash on life expires in space. This is what is happening to a large portion of the defective genetics of a large portion of the human collective. Only the remnants of tribes will remain, which will be gathered from all corners, as promised, in order to reunite that which has been dispersed and weakened. The universe always keeps it covenants, always takes and gives lickings. (NG1 88/106)

Tattu Is Also A Place

As indicated elsewhere and above, Tattu is also a place. Tattu is the place of re-establishing perfection, thus balance, thus health, thus justice, thus eternal life, (AE1 363/373), (AE2 870/334)
Tattu is where the two halves of the two truths are reunited in a holy kiss of agreement. The two halves of the soul are blended in reunion through perfect communion. This is the core root basis of family reunions and all reunions of any type. All forms of two truths are blended in Tattu in order to become one again and no longer two. Major forms of this blending are feminine and masculine; darkness and lightness; water and air; mortal and immortal, matter and spirit. Tattu is the place of origin of preexistence before there was division and all things were in harmony because knowledge of self was optimal. When harmony is re-established via behavior informed by healthy knowledge of self, eternal life is re-established, ready to begin anew in Annu due to Tattu. In addition to that which is obvious, Abyss, Amen and Amenta are also active. (AE1 224/234, 237/247)

This must be properly understood:
Knowledge of self is essential to turning things around. This will take place in humans come hell or high water, and if necessary, through hell and high water. By any means necessary to get humans to go back and reunite with who we are, where we came from and why we are here. Even if this process requires putting humans in a position where we no longer have all these modern contrivances that make us isolated by the human.


Those who have read more than a handful of messages on this blog have likely realized the pattern of different messages leading to the same understandings in different forms which lead to the same conclusions. This is so because this Existence called Creation is based on the same two things that manifest in different forms but together express oneness of truth.

In a fuller sense, a tattoo is a symbol of a covenant between many forms of the two truths and a basic societal symbol of totem identity based on elemental souls of life, Mother Earth and Mother Blood.
It's good to increase understanding of tattoos and connect thinking and behavior “back then,” to thinking and behavior “now.”
A very interesting connection of Tat, is to the inevitable resurrection of truth that has been under subjection so long, it seems hopeless. This resurrection is said to be accomplished via the Avenger. This lends credence to “vengeance is mine saith the Lord of Tattu” who rules all four corners, thus leaving nowhere else to turn, nowhere to run and nowhere where human rule is permanently sovereign and able to continue to run roughshod over dogs and gods.
In the historical record are many mentions of a certain day and night when things finally reverse as if a switch and script have been flipped. We frequently witness such occurrences in nature, especially among the primordial avengers: water, wind, sun and earth, These are the ones who make that which is high low, and that which is low, high. (AE2 741/205)

There are two truths, four truths, twelve truths, seventy-two truths and seven times seventy. All of these, form crosses, circles and foundations which serve as points of establishing and re-establishing law and order (the covenant between preexistence and existence, self and all else). Simply put, humans have been temporarily allowed to do what we do, but now, the extent of our free willy-nillyness is being limited, once again becoming Tabu, because of our harmful effects upon greater totem stability.
As is common, humans are resistant to the changing of the guard, so we double down on ignorance and arrogance, yet there are two many forms of the same truth in too many locations for humans to continue to “conquer,” hold down and avoid. To the degree humans are able to “defeat” nature, is the degree to which nature will “defeat” humans, when the time for change comes.
We can recognize these things through what is already on display. Signs and symbols exist everywhere because all creations are a form of ever-changing tattoo in animation as moving pictures. Tattoos are messages that communicate information. Cloud formations, star constellations, moonbows, rainbows...everything that displays any shape, form or design. Everything is part of the Greater Covenant, part of the deal between the Divine Being as One and the Divine Being as Many. The Divine Being always Self-Corrects even if it requires cutting off and casting part of self into the fire, so the rest may enter into another cycle of eternal life. (AE2 750/214)

Things always change in time as a fail-safe when things don't change in mind. Things changed in paradise in Africa, in paradise in Mesopotamia, in paradise in all river valleys, in paradise in Puerto Rico, in paradise in Hawaii, in paradise in California, in paradise in habitats everywhere on Earth. We are in the midst of days and nights of increasing vibration frequency momentum producing quicker series of major seismic shifts. Big Mama Great Mother Mami Wata is almost fully in the driver's seat with Big Poppa as co-pilot. She is moving from tongue lashing to whip lashing.
As said before, whatever we are already paying attention to, that place also includes enough messages for us to know change that's gonna come is already coming down our streets, locally, nationally and celestially.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Ignorance Of The Law & Giving Thanks Retroactively
Unity Consciousness #1492


(Part 9nv of 11)

Once upon a time we touched upon Ignorance Of The Law.

Ignorance of the law is said to not be good enough to serve as an excuse or a defense.

If so, then why is ignorance of a crime a pretty good defense? Especially when you are responsible for knowing and the only reason for your ignorance is negligence and lack of due diligence.

The Same Inhumane, Medically Ascertained, Mentally Insane Defective Self-uncorrected Collective is still very active 365/24/7.

Clearly the recent murder of Jemel Roberson by another murderer masquerading as police officer is one of the more recent publicized uses of illegality protected by ignorance. The murderer lied and said he was ignorant of the fact that Jemel was a security guard. This feigned claimed ignorance evidently is a good excuse because the lies have already started by multiple government agencies to continue to protect murderers for hire. As usual. Oscar Grant and billions of others bear witness to the truth of two sets of human laws, not just in the USA.

Shall we give thanks under the foolishness of platitudes for backstabbing pilgrims and shall we give thanks despite our continued gullibleness or shall we give thanks for...

Turnabout Is Fair Play

Ignorance of tabu is no excuse.
Ignorance of totems is no excuse.
Ignorance of the two truths is no excuse.
What goose begat that held gander back, becomes its epithet and epitaph.
As the world turns the tables are turning slowly, then suddenly all at once like flash fires, flash floods, derechos, earthquakes and pent up pressure and tension released through funnel-shaped mounds of earth. For the superhuman adjudication of tabu, I give thanks.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Taboo, Tabu & Law, Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1491


(Part 9nu of 11)

Along with Totems come Tabus.

More Optimal Definition & Meanings

Tabu (Taboo) means behavior that is against the laws of the group. The group is the extended group as defined by its totem. Tabu is the same thing as illegal. (AE1 32/42, 55/65, 60/70)
In a lost sense of the word, Tabu also means that which is sacred.
Furthermore, that which is law and sacred is a form of covenant among totem members, including the other creatures, elementals and spirits of the totem. This is the nature of what “law” means in a fuller sense. A law is a covenant with self, other humans and the rest of the extended self, including that which is divine. It is a stretch of illusion to think most human laws today meet the more optimal meaning of law and tabu. This is why most human laws facilitate disharmony, evil discrimination, evil manipulation, mental illness and things that foster the suboptimal. Along these suboptimal lines, tabu is related to “keeping tabs.” Likely this phrase has come down to us as a form of keeping track of tabus.

Every totem member was taught tabus as soon as they could understand; however they were only taught at the child level. Another level of more mature, wiser understanding of totem tabus was taught upon initiation into pubescence. (AE1 82/92)

Some Of The Countless Forms of Tabu From Then To Now

1. No sex until pubescent. (AE1 60/70)

2. No sex during the five days of menstruation. (NG2 275/283)

3. No eating of other totems unless bartered for.

4. No eating of one's own totems except on special occasions. This is a later change from the freedom to eat one's own totem anytime except when supplies were low. (Churchward: Origin 31-32/510 )

5. No breaking of any bone of an animal sacrifice. (Churchward: Origin 480/510)

6. No totem member can abstain from eating the totem mother whether human or another animal. (AE1 73/83)

7. No eating a red calf or red maize or cow or swine or cow's milk or sow's milk. All of these are tabu because they represent either the prepubescent female, pubescent female or Mother. (AE1 82/92)

Commonly known is the Muslim tabu against eating pork, but the origin of the tabu is not commonly known, not even among Muslims. It's not that swine is an unclean unhealthy animal, it's because the swine represents the mother. Muslims, as followers of Abraham, copy a lot from Judaism which also includes hidden references to the mother. (AE1 456/466)

8. No eating the female of any animal.

9. No eating fruit of the tree of knowledge [sexual knowledge of the mother]. (AE1 83/93)

10. No exposure to wind, sun, earth or rain during the first menstruation because the elemental soul of life might impregnate you. (AE1 135/145)

11. Feet should not touch the ground for the highest respected humans who communicate with deities. These highly respected humans are seers, prophesiers mediums, medicine-men and women, sorcerers, magi, spiritualists, wizards, shamans, exorcists, etc. (AE1 168/178)

12. In various totem groups (cultures) there are stories regarding the first man and woman creating problems due to breaking tabu.
a) Floods are caused by the first female who did not keep the secret of the water source. The first man ate the forbidden fruit. This brought death into the world which caused paradise to be lost. (AE1 265/275, 444/452)
b) Death came into the world because Kumu and Lalo ate the forbidden breadfruit. (NG2 385/403)

13. No polygamy. Throughout human existence, even if all males were married to one female, there would still be a lot of unmarried women because there are always more women than men. Polygamy was and is a social necessity when all parties are aware and in agreement. (Diop: Barbarism113/127)

14. No visiting graves. (Churchward: Signs 199/605)

15. No graves and crop cultivation on same land.

16. No planting food in your front yard because that's just ugly and uncivilized.

17. No using plants for healing without government approval.

18. No building your own home without government approval.

19. No digging a deep hole in your yard to get water.

20. Home is your business unless its a home business.

21. No letting me put poison in your children with a variety pack of vaccines, then no letting you send your kids to school to get more poison in their minds.

22. No doing a thousand different things without government approval and annual extortion fees.

The core of our cultures, customs, traditions, beliefs, religions, values, morals, philosophies, ideologies, contexts, concepts, definitions and meanings. is all tied with tabus and totems, which are all tied into our understandings of nature as self and nature as all else.
Ultimately, Tabu became Maat became Taboo. These three words mean law. Today we simply use words such as laws, rules, regulations, restrictions, ordinances, prohibitions, sins, forbidden things, off limits, untouchables, negative confessions, admonitions to maat and other synonyms. (AE1 362/372)

Along with Totems come Tabus, then along with Totems come the origin of the notion of law to regulate human behavior. Most of us today think we are far removed from totems and don't practice it in any way, yet we claim to obey the law. We can't shake totemism because it remains with us like a shadow, in sync with our every thought and every behavior.

BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Origin & Evolution Of Religion," George Allen & Unwin Ltd., (London:1924)

Churchward, Albert, "The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man : The Evolution of Religious Doctrines from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians," George Allen & Company/E. P. Dutton & Company, (London/New York:1913), Second Edition, An authorized facsimile of the original book, and was produced in 1969 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

Diop, Cheikh Anta, "Civilization or Barbarism, An Authentic Anthropology,"Chicago Press Review, (Chicago:1991), Translated from the French by Yaa-Linga Meema Ngemi, First published as “Civilisation ou barbarie,” Presence Africaine, (Paris:1981)

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Everything Totemism & Personal Briefly Revisited
Unity Consciousness #1490


(Part 9nt of 11)

Definitions & Meanings Of Tem

Because we've discussed To and Tem elsewhere, we'll only mention a few things as we deconstruct the word totem.
“To” is two, duality, two or more.
“Tem” is a totality in two halves. Tem is also a total of “Created Persons.” These created persons are:

1. Created via the elementals as part of the homogeneous universal collective. This is the first birth.

2. Created as a specific unique individual by virtue of pubescence and becoming part of a totem. This is the second birth. (AE1 55/65)

All divisions of anything are totems (two or more parts of the total). By virtue of being a created person, each human is a part of many involuntary totems. Involuntary because we did not choose the totems and can't change our membership in those totems. Secondly, humans are also part of many self-chosen totems (group identifiers). For instance, in the USA, there are national animals and plants and each municipality also has its own version. Of course zodiac signs are totems. Your birthdate is a totem. The list of totems is enormous. We still choose totemism such as fraternities, sororities, girls and boy scouts, clubs, gangs, brotherhoods, teams, political parties, citizenship, sisterhoods, marches and any “#movement” we're a hashtag part of and so on. (AE1 53/63, 87/97)

”Person” Does Not Just Apply To Humans

1. Humans are created out of egg, sperm and sex. How many other creatures are created the same way?
When you deconstruct egg, sperm and sex you will find them composed of the same elementals in all creatures and of the same fundamental actions. Egg, sperm and sex create created persons. Two seeds unite in sex to create a person in general, then, through the process of development, the general person becomes a specific person. Some of that development takes place in the womb of the closest mother and the rest of the development takes place in the womb of a larger mother, such as Mother Water, Mother Air, Mother Earth or Mother Fire. A fish and a human have the same elemental beginnings and same process beginnings. Both are animals. How did one become a person and the other not?

2. Person is per + sun. Sun is Su. Su is both the parent and child of duality, semultaneously at the sem-same time. Su is the su-per and the per-su. Super leads to Kheper while persu is person; therefore, Kheper is the parent of person. Kheper gives rebirth to self as person. Kheper transforms into person (super transforms into persu). Kheper becomes the person (super becomes persu*). The person is the mirror image metaphor of the super. Each person is a smaller part, yet total version, of Kheper. [*See Perseus. Another word for two truths. (BB 352-3/364-5)]

3. A person is an I-TEM in the Totem. An item is an individual in the total. “I” represents two things: (1) an Individual in the total, and (2) the total in the individual. (Sem-Sem Synonym Metaphors: Atmu, Atum, Atom, Adam, Aten, Atem) (NG2 267/275)

4. We know person is part of the word personality. Anything that has a personality is a person. Personality is the same as character which is the same as characteristic. Anything that has a characteristic has a personality and is a person.

5. That which has a personality, also has a persona. Persona forms personal. Personal is person + al. We have studied “Al.” Al is El and Ar. All three of these are the same thing as the Su. Thus, in the word “personal,” we have the su as son and the su as al. Two forms of su which simply means duality is present and clearly shown. Per also means the circle is present and clearly shown. Per + son + al is the circle and the cross, the totality shown as one, two and four. This totality is the basic four-cornered foundation and cardinal points of the universe. Whatever division of the universe includes humans as persons, another division of the universe includes other creations as persons.
Needful to say, a division is the same thing as a dimension; therefore two creations can be in the same place at the same time and both of them exist as persons who are the same but look and function differently.

6. A person is a universal concept that belongs to all creations. The designation of “person,” is not the exclusive personal nomenclature property of humans.

7. Perhaps it would be easier to understand what “person” means by simply remembering who you are as a human.

Ultimately, person is persen is persyn is persem is persentence is percent.
A person is a percent of the total. Since humans do not represent 100% of the total, then the remainder must also represent percentages and personages.


The Universe (Nature, Ecosystem, Creation) is a Totem System is a Total System. Every word used to identify something is a part of a totem. Every part of the entire description of something is what makes up the totem pole, the totem family tree.
Every creature is a person and has a totem pole (another way to record lineage, genealogy, descent). These three words are also totems that apply to human ancestors to show interconnectedness and interrelatedness to the Total through the Totem.
A totem is a division of the whole total.
All forms of spirit, energy, matter, elements, chemicals, nutrients and language are parts of totems.
God, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a Totem System and so is Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Juhu. And so is Jehovah, Yahweh, Adonai, Elohim and El-Shaddai . Any Divine Being and its creations are also a totem system (Islam fits this description). The realms of Buddhism are a Totem System. The spirit world, human world, shamans, non-shamans and upper, middle, lower worlds form a part of the Totem System of Shamanism. Just because one totem system exists in a different form and set of groupings doesn't stop it from being a totem. Just because a culture exists in a different form, groupings and names doesn't make it stop being a culture. Likewise then, just because a person exists in a different form from hippo to ape to human doesn't make it stop being a person or exempt from being in a totem or a participant in totemism by choice for those persons who have free will.

Totems (groupings of duality) are part of the superstructure of how the universe is organized, correlated, coordinated. There are many layers of totems that apply to individuals and to collectives.

Totems divide the whole to allow for grouping and regrouping. This temporarily facilitates mixing and non-mixing of certain parts of group genetics. This is all about how universal genetics are forming and functioning all at once in the same space to form an ecosystem that mixes and matches and changes back and forth, and yet the whole thing doesn't crash, only relatively small portions go out of whack until order is put back at the fundamental level by the same genetic seed pack.

Go back and understand what totem fundamentally means. Regroup and recoup understandings. This is the basic process to correct all understandings. Go back and get fundamental definitions and meanings. By doing so you will understand God is the everything who divided into the totem of spirit-soul who divided into the totem of seven elementals, plus one, who combine in various ways to form all energy and matter. Totems are the basis of science. A macro totem is (1) eight elementals (everything) and (2) eight principles and characteristics. This is eight by eight which boils down to everything by everything is everything.

This is key to understanding who you are, where you came from and why you are here in the current set of conditions you find yourself in. You must answer these questions about self while also answering them about all else. This is the two-way street we must travel by thinking in one direction, then turning and coming back from the other direction. Don't you know more than one way how to get somewhere and get back? Don't you travel in different circles? Totems facilitate this process and ensure full circle ecosystem eco-sensible thinking, behavior, processes and functions will take place in the collective, even if not in all individuals. The previous sentence must be read two ways. Once from the perspective that humans are a collective and once more from the perspective that the human collective is also an individual. Totality two ways. Totality to tems. Creation is based on two, thus what is created is based on the total of two (totem). All understanding of any subject or topic is rooted in its twoness, its totemism, its two parts, its two-sidedness. This is personal universal.

In To and Tem is also Teem. Teem as in Esteem. "To"-Esteem is the same as "self"-esteem is the same as to-tem. Self-esteem is self as sem as stem. Self-esteem is based on self-estimation which includes understanding what totems we are part of.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Totem Poles & Mirror Souls: Expanded Definition Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1489


(Part 9ns of 11)

Totemism & Mother Earth

Before Totems based on human mothers, division was made based on Mother Earth. Humans were divided into two groups, one North and one South. Then, in each hemisphere, humans were subdivided into two groups. Those who started out living in trees. They became known as children of The Tree (wood). The other subdivision consisted of those who started out living in caves. They became known as children of The Rock (stone). Both groups existed south and north. These subdivisions existed because other primates also lived in trees or caves. These two divisions are also called categories and classes but are the first totems. All other divisions fall under one of these two initial totems based on Mother Earth. Totemism was the first social construct that divided the homogeneous human family into family groups called totems. (AE1 80-1/90-1, 98/108, 133/143, 4/14 )

Fuller Awareness Of Extended Self Once Existed

Since partially dividing from other primates, humans have come a long way and have lost much ground also. Even in the midst of many unknowns, early humans continued to learn and make adjustments while remaining aware of self in relation to all else sufficiently enough to create the foundation of knowledge indispensable to humans today.

During the necessary initial period of human promiscuity, humans were also going through the initial phase of fear of the unknown which was first summarized in Apap. Development of signs, gestures, understandings and ways to communicate began transforming thinking and behavior until human totemism based on human mothers was initiated.

Expository Narrative On Totems & Totemism

Totemism is a continuation of Sign Language and Gesture Language. These two forms, along with Sound Language, form the basis for human language. All three of these forms are based on nature because that's all there is.

Language is a means of separating ideas and understandings into categories for the purpose of storing, retrieving, communicating, exchanging, developing and revising these understandings. This process facilitates development of self while continuously refashioning self in relation to all else.

Before there were human totems, humans were already using totems when they were dividing aspects of nature into water, air, earth, fire, birds, fish, plants, etc. All of these are totems because they group aspects of nature into families. Therefore, the whole classification of species we rely on so heavily is fundamentally a Totem System. All systems of classifying and naming using any form or method is a totem system.

One use of totems is to communicate human groupings in relation to superhuman nature. There were no separate names for humans and then separate names for other aspects of nature. Everything started from Oneness of Origin and Understanding as humans reviewed each observation and experience until meaning and pattern could be established. Eventually this approach led to awareness of the Superhuman Totem and Human Totem. Humans eventually found themselves in this two-way sem-sem mirror. Due to the strong force of the need incentive, in order to survive, humans were innately driven and compelled to formulate understandings based on looking into the mirror of nature. These understandings were used to group nature. Then, we used those understandings and groupings to name ourselves and group ourselves. There is no backwardness or stupidity or scary animism to this except during times like now when knowledge of self is at another weak point.
All human names are totems. Now it's time to recoup and regroup. There is a natural genesis to all things, as Massey often reminds us. The process continues to work itself back around to replenish knowledge of self in relation to the extended self in the totem pole and totem souls. This process taking multiple generations to do so.

Meanwhile humans go through periods of functioning with lesser understandings as nature continues to function as it always has. Lack of understanding of all else and self in relation to each other, as early humans understood, puts humans today in jeopardy due to not understanding how to move thinking among fixed, variable and various combinations.
We've lost touch with the abilities of critical analysis, critical thinking, inference, extrapolation, inductive reasoning, inductive synthesis and multiple ways of knowing, Simply put, our whole notion of 'learning” is stunted and adjusts at a pace even slower than the workings of nature. We are out of rhythm, helpless when nature speeds up. This causes what we recognize in ourselves as behaving without “rhyme or reason.”
This of course always puts us in a vulnerable behind position as being the last to know what to do in advance. So as nature continues to do its basic things we are left unawares, unprepared and totally reliant on weak human understanding that depend on “beating” nature. Sure, we'll just build a dam and that will stop the water. Sure, we'll just spray water on it and that will put out the fire. Sure, we'll just use sandbags and board up our windows and that will protect us. Sure we'll just wear masks and keep on breathing, that should be enough. Sure, we'll do everything that works against water retention in soil. Sure we'll ignore the larger landscape and topography and not account for how our smaller actions affect the larger nature and how the larger nature affects our smaller worlds. Early humans began to account for all these things. This allowed them to survive, thrive and develop all the knowledge bases that we use today.

Some Of The Reasons And/Or Benefits Of Human Use Of Totems

1. Identification as humans and also identification of offspring from different human mothers and different Earth Mothers. (AE1 58/68)
2. Limit promiscuity through regulation of sexual intercourse within totems.
3. Begin genetic separation for temporary periods of time. This ensures genetic diversity among humans who live in close proximity or have the ability to travel and interact.
4. Form beginning basis for regulating marriage,
5. Beginning of recordkeeping of lineage. This recordkeeping captures many parameters of human experiences and development. Lineage, like totems, is not simply a name badge. (NG1 59-60/77-78, 203/221)
6. Property is held in common, including totem plants and animals. (Today we only have small outdoor common areas owned by the government but not the people. The notion of collective is defective)
7. Plants, animals and Primordials were protected by totem members
. 8. Members had a primary objective to increase the supply of the plants and animals of their totem. (AE1 56-7/66-7)

Early Totems Were Elemental Nature Powers

After the division by the poles of south and north, the next totems were the Primordials of Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Tree, Mountain, etc. For instance, those claiming Water Totem descent, say each of their births is the result of the spirit of water reincorporating in human form. The water spirit inhabits various forms of water and is always lying in wait for pubescent women so it can impregnate them and be embodied in human form. There is only one water spirit who transforms itself into all humans who are born into the Water Totem. This same spirit also transforms into all other creatures associated with water such as fish, crocodiles, hippopotamuses and turtles. (AE1 132/142, 138/148)

This Water Spirit is the elemental ancestor called an Alcheringa. This ancestral soul of life in water also matches the Water God of Egypt who bore names such as Nnu (Num, Hapi); however this Water Spirit, in much earlier times, as an Alcheringa, was not yet considered a God or Goddess. (AE1 66-7/76-7), (Churchward 414/605)

Totems were not just designations of birth and groupings. Totems represented superhuman powers that were superior to humans in at least two ways:
1. The power to give life in general and also give life through humans.
2. Every human sense, ability and strength was found to exist in nature to a greater degree. It was reasoned that since abilities were the same except in power, humans and superhumans must get their abilities from the same spirit. Since the spirit was invisible, the spirit of the totem was represented by the visible greater manifestor of the ability or power. Totems taught much respect for self and all else, yet there was still distance kept from aspects of nature that could do humans harm. (NG1 72-3/90-1)

Female Motherhood & Matriarchy Ruled

Even though the elemental spirit was considered the superhuman parent, the human female was the other half of the highly esteemed parenthood tandem. Humans had not yet figured out cause and effect in relation to sex and fatherhood, so they figured human females also bore fruit in the same way life seemed to come from other creations, via the same invisible force whose presence brought forth life via plants and water. During this stage of thought, there were souls, but none were considered human. There were only totemic souls. Whatever totem the human belonged to represented an elemental soul of life which created a certain group of creatures. Initially, and for the longest time in human societies, matriarchy was the social construct that determined descent and rulership. Above that rulership is Mother Earth. (AE1 141/151)

Eventually, human descent from a single human mother was further divided into descent from two mothers or two sisters or from a mother and elder daughter. This change took place because humans began to recognize the different roles of the female. She gave birth and nursed. Also, sometimes one female gave birth and another female assisted and helped nurse, nurture, raise the child. After twin sisters, next came totems based on twin brothers. After that came divisions based on twin siblings as male and female. These divisions mirror the early formation of creation. This continued to be reflected in later mythology. What masquerades today as modern is simply a more recent form of what existed yesterday. This is true physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. There is nothing new, only that which is transformed renewed, transformed reknewed. (Churchward 99-100/605), (NG1 69/87)

Belief In Spirit Incorporating Into Humans Is Still Common Today

By default, totems and totemism are grounded in spirit because spirit is the only thing that exists, even when it exists as soul or as matter. Most humans claim to have spirit or soul and acknowledge being formed of matter. This combination is spirit incorporation of mind, body and soul. We can call it something else but the truth remains throughout all Ages.

We are looking in the mirror at ourselves as early humans and are in disbelief that it's us staring back asking what's up. Early humans are looking in the mirror at what they've become as us.
Present, past and future are mirror images, not just as periods of time, but also as forms of things that have changed during those times.
Everything being said about early humans still applies to us today in some way, shape, form and fashion.
We might be in the habit of thinking early human thinking no longer exists in our current ways of life, but we would be mistaken.
Just like early humans, billions of us still think human females can be impregnated by a spirit without human male involvement.
This is the same as Mother Mary of Jesus being fecundated by the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.
This is the same as Catholic representations of Virgin Mary inhaling the fragrance of lillies as a means of immaculate conception.
This is the same as Auset-Isis being impregnated by the penis of dead Ausar-Osiris.
On another line of reasoning, the notion of spirit power existing in water is the same as people who think baptism or christening or anointing has spiritual power over the physical and human body in a cleansing purifying way. (AE1 139/140)


Short list of words that mean the same thing as totems: families, moieties, clans, tribes, tems, hams, ankhs, ings, tuns, gens, nations, countries, provinces, prefectures, towns, villages, communities, race, species, colony, county, district, categories, classes...

Totemism is a way for all members of the Universal Family to always be included in human groupings whether we are aware of it or not. Totems unite the individual and the collectve. Totems unite the self and the extended self. All of our names and naming systems reflect this truth even if our understandings do not. Totemism is the Creator's way of organizing information within the Greater Self. Totemism is duality in another form. Every human group is a totem that goes all the way back to and still includes Twa, Alcheringa, Inapertwa, other primates, other animals, plants, primordials, elementals and spirit-soul. Totems are time capsules of information, thus history, that interweave all time periods through various forms of totems existing during different periods. This speaks directly to there being no such thing as prehistory in the sense that there are no written or recorded records of human events. Humans who today still maintain the notion of prehistory are using prehistoric thinking. (AE1 49/59)

Totemism, as applied to humans, is the continuation of the process the Creator is going through to unify consciousness and regain knowledge of self. Totems are the basic work in process of duality. The Creator, in the form of Us as humans and Us as superhumans, is trying to recreate understanding of self through us remembering who we are, where we came from and why we are here. Any of the ways we self-identify (self-itemize, self-totemize) is a good place to start.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man : The Evolution of Religious Doctrines from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians," George Allen & Company/E. P. Dutton & Company, (London/New York:1913), Second Edition, An authorized facsimile of the original book, and was produced in 1969 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Evolution Of Inapertwa Beings Into Twa Human Beings
Unity Consciousness #1488


(Part 9nr of 11)

Evolution Of Species

As part of Earth's continuous evolution, species (races) continue to evolve. All things on and in Earth are for Earth just as Earth is for all things it houses. All for one, one for all. During a much earlier stage in the Great Before, the perfect beast completed a major step in evolving into the human beast. This process followed the manner of all evolutions - - slowly continuously in stages, then suddenly all at once as all previous stages came together in an accumulation of causes and effects transforming genetics.* First in matter, then in mind and emotions, then in spirit. These three parts in sequence, then continuously repeating. Little by little, beings evolve, all the while moving towards totality of expression of genetic potential. This potential having a floor fixed to the pre-evolutionary pubescent state. For humans, that pre-evolutionary pubescent stage is the perfect beast. Human de-evolution stops at this level of regression. This is why we are really good at being beasts absent of humanity. The potential evolutionary ceiling of any species is variable based on the duration of maintaining optimal manifestations which pushes potential to harmonic limits, thus encourages more evolution. The timeframe is also variable, up to a fixed point, in relation to other beings and their evolutions. (search “perfect beast”)

*Fundamentally the same as conception, gestation, childbirth, nurturing and upbringing.

Evolution Of Human Species

The general evolutionary process above, as it applies to humans, involves many players. Some of the main players are:
1. Earlier primates (apes, chimpanzees, monkeys, etc.)
2. Moonstar
a) Front end supported by prepubescent and pubescent polestar.
b) Front end supported by prepubescent planets.
c) Back end supported by pubescent planets and prepubescent and pubescent sunstar.
3. Elementals (Inapertwa & Alcheringa)
4. Auruti Twa humans (shorter people derisively called pygmies and dwarfs)
5. Ruti humans (taller people developed before Egypt existed.)

Search “primates” and “primate” for the detailed basis not included here.

Earlier Stage Humans

Monogamy among primates is a rarity. Thus, it stands to reason that the next evolution of species would also start our being non-monogamous (promiscuous). A tiny reason for promiscuity is the lack of a marriage ideology that wasn't necessary as a pre-human primate. Humans began as one homogenous group. Earlier humans had a long ways to go before they even began to conceive of things such as South, North, elementals, Great Mother and Water-Cow. Earlier humans had just crossed the border from the pre-human state. The entirety of their thinking and behavior also needed to be transformed in stages, little by little. Because humans are primates, human genetics are based on the foundation of primates, thus humans contain the epigenetic memory of primates, thus we contain primate thinking and behavior. Primate genetics are a savior to us and is one of the main things that allowed us to become sophisticated domesticated primates.

We started with the basics of transforming the primate language we knew into another form of Sign Language and Gesture Language to match the new perspective we had as another race of primates. These foundational forms of language are grounded in nature, thus are necessary to form the infrastructure for all communication. (AE1 50-1/60-1)

Sign Language

Sign Language has been discussed, so we now approach from another angle of light. Early humans had not yet developed an evolved verbal language, so they communicated by making signs and gestures. These signs and gestures came from the movements of other creatures and aspects of nature. These signs and gestures are still part of our language and still part of other forms of communication.
Sign Language is a “substitution of similars (metaphors).” (AE1 10/20)
Sign Language is developed through a process of comparing things and using one to represent the other. For instance, the invisible force of wind was represented by sound of a lion or ape. This “substitution of similars” is the logical use of metaphor and is the same thing as Sem-Sem. Further example is shown by the moon as the eye of the dark being represented by the cat's eye. Cats/felines are animals that are seers in the dark and whose eyes glow in the dark. Early humans had to typify things according to a set of common characteristics so they could give names to the invisible and visible. (NG1 313/331)

After thousands of years of language development and overall development of self, humans were able to reflect and express understandings in a way not previously available. Humans were able to describe a time when they were not divided by gender. Pubescence was vaguely understood and only in relation to the female. There was not yet any cutting of the male or opening of the female with the firestick or the stone knife by which the sexes were divided, made or created into men and women. These humans who were not yet divided into gender physically nor by name are called “Inapertwa Beings [who lived] in the Alcheringa.”

What Does Alcheringa Mean? Definition & Meanings

Based on references to the Alcheringa, it'st likely the word Alcheringa follows the same pattern as other words. It represents three things:
1. a period - an undefined time extremely long ago (possibly gestation, incubation, early formation)
2. a place - an incubator location in the forest where primates became humans and/or a place in the galaxy and/or a form of cellular environment.
3. a person - an elemental soul of life who became a human soul and is considered a human ancestor. This is not to be confused with humans who are ancestors. (AE1 47/57, 429/439)

Inapertwa Beings Definitions & Meanings

Inapertwa Beings are described as preceding the division of humans into women and men. They are further described as the Unopened or Uncircumcised, who had to be transformed into women and men. This was accomplished by cutting via circumcision or subincision of the male. For the female, it was opening via introcision. The Inapertwa had not yet gone through this process, thus were neither female nor male, sexless, genderless, neutral, neuter. (AE1 47/57, 429/439)

Possible Forms Of Inapertwa Beings

1. As Elementals: Everything we've learned so far regarding elementals we bring to bear. The only thing that creates change is spirit-soul. Spirit-soul changed itself into the elementals. All genetics are formed out of spirit-soul in the form of spirit-soul or in the form of elementals. All change and transformation of any type is thus driven.

So when we really want to get to the root, heart and origin of the matter regarding anything that has, will or is changing and transforming, we must reach down to spirit-soul in order to rebuild understanding from a solid foundation rather than remain confused by misunderstandings regarding change and transformation.

Inapertwa is also referring to elemental souls of life as they are going through a developmental transition reconfiguration reformulation stage to create humans. The Arunta-Twa description of Inapertwa could be one of their earlier attempts to describe the role of elemental souls in the evolution of perfect beasts into imperfect humans. This would be caused by the soul of life in blood as human as Atum. This soul is dual in sex and then later divides into female and male. We have a pattern of precedence that shows this described as Shu and Tefnut as elements; then described as mother and son as humans; then described as Amu and Amsu as the soul of life in blood divided into female human and male human; then described as Adam and Eve as humans by Hebrews. The undivided elemenal, Atum, represents the Inapertwa. Atum divides into Amu & Amsu which represents the Twa female and male. (AE1 439-441/449-451)

We will also allow for the possibility that the evolution of primates into human primates came via one primate or a small group who were all able to self-create and give birth without sexual intercourse, thus following the process of duplication that created Two Circles out of One Circle. After a small number of these biune beings (Inapertwa) duplicating, then they finally began to differentiate into the last basic physical stage of female and male. Early human thought regarding evolution and process might have been insufficient to create the critical analysis necessary to connect this particular set of causes and effects. Or it could be the memory of the Arunta has faded. Or it could be we don't have all of the information the Arunta have. This is likely hidden from current humans on purpose because all information is scientific information. In our miseducated beingness, certain types of information is dangerous to a large degree.

2. As Not Ape, Monkey Or Human: Inapertwa could also be a description of primate-humans who were neither the former stage, nor the current stage, Thus the Inapertwa could be the intermediate undefined undifferentiated prepubescent stage of the first phase, thus not yet finished evolving physically enough to reproduce, thus not ready to be opened. Since the Inapertwa are said to be in the Alcheringa, this indicates a separate incubating place in the forest or perhaps on an island in the lake.

Items 1 and 2 might explain the Arunta's mention of two self-created females called Ungambikula who brought about the transformation from beast to human, plus also causing advancement from the stage of human prepubescence. (AE1 66-7/76-7)

3. As Humans: In another sense, Inapertwa are the Twa of Inner Africa's Great Lakes Region. The Twa is our first group name as humans. The Twa are the first stage of early humans who developed Sign Language, Gesture Language, Agriculture, Sea Navigation and other cultural foundations still in use today.

In considering the sound-alike words “Inapertwa” and “aperture,” plus considering the Inapertwa were said to be the “unopened,” we should then consider the following: Humans had no need to be opened by firesticks or cutting. Humans were primates who had already been female and male and were already open enough to have sex and give birth. Thus, what needed to be opened was the human eye and human mind. This was not understood until much later, and is still not understood by some cultures. If there was an “opening,” that was a one-time occurrence for the species and was taken care of by nature. “Opening” is not an ongoing necessary human thing. Neither was it back in the day. Dividing genetics into male and female is an internal cellular process that we know takes place when the genes of the fetus (which contains both sexes) differentiates into one sex as the reproductive sex of the person. Opening, splitting, cutting or separating a person into a female or male after they have been born is not necessary and neither is it necessary to make someone holier.

Furthermore we know the words twa and ture, relate to ter and are united by per and ap. Additionally, twa is tua and uat which we've discussed several times. All of this places the Inapertwa and Twa in the same place in history and same location in the South Karuan Lakeside Birthplace, which all of us have carried with us.
Reflecting on the words repertoire, inventor and inventory can also yield understandings in relation to everything said about genes, genetics and elementals in this message as the basic building blocks of all things in all forms, simply put, of all change. Nothing exists or moves unless genetics exist or move. This understanding will help us understand how close the Twa were to connecting link of everything. If we limit their understandings to our understandings, that's all we'll get - - what the weakest link in our genetics is able to handle.

Lastly, the information we have regarding the Inapertwa comes from the Arunta people (Aranda, Arente) of Australia. Through minimal effort, we can simply take the name Arunta and show it comes from Auruti, Kharu, Karu, Karua and more. The Arunta are a group of Twa who left the South Karuan birthplace and did not continue to interact back and forth. Thus, their culture in Australia preserves a stage of development that had been further developed by Twa migrations down the Nile that remained in contact with the human nucleus birthplace.

Twa, More Defined, Adds Clarity & Credence

The Twa include Aeithiopians, Angolians, Asians, Babylonians, Bantu, Bahutu, Batwa, Bushmen, Chaldeans, Chinese, Cushite, Dwarf, Egyptians, Europeans, Galla, Gullah, Hottentot, Hutu, Igala, Inapertwa, Indonesians, Inuit, Japanese, Kalahari, Kamites, Kemites, Khoi-Khoi, Khoisan, Kushite, Lilliputians, Nahisi, Nahsi, Native Americans, Negro, Nubians, Polynesians, Pygmy, San, Tutsi, Twi, Watutsi and all other groups by any name. (From Two Circles: Preexistence & Existence Du-ing The Do, Unity Consciousness #1318)

When the Twa became known as Egyptians, they recorded their origin as coming from the foothills of the Mountains of the Moon. where God Hapi (Kafi) dwells. Hapi is shown with both female and male attributes. There is something in the Khepera Moon that causes transformation between species and is the last stage before the crossover. Messages in the form of movies showing humans going retro-evolution and turning back into beasts as werwolves and vampires, are not far off in relating these events as being influenced by the moon.

This again tells us the moon is a fundamental key to evolution of forms between dimensions such as polestar and sunstar. Likewise another potential form of moon key is the monkey as the transition stage between ape and human. Thus moon is half polestar/half sunstar able to manifest in darkness and lightness. Thus so also must the same apply to the monkey as half ape/half human able to live in both worlds.

The Mountains of the Moon are [this list has been revised in a much later post]:
1. Ruwenzori or Rwenzori in Uganda
2. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
3. Kere-Nyaga (Mount Kenya) (Mount Kenya)
4. Possibly all three of these are Mountains of the Moon, simultaneously or at different times in human evolution.
5. Understandings using the current map and what we know about Tanganyika lends itself toward Rwenzori as the most recent or lead Mountain of the Moon. However, we must account for significant changes in landscapes in lakes over the past 400,000 to 500,000 years.

The Twa were said to inhabit the highlands, which in Sign Language is also the thighland, the upper part. I wonder if the Alcheringa womb is in the highlands of one of the Mountains of the Moon where incubation took place and then prepubescence took place at the bottom of the mountain at the foothills, then pubescence took place down the Nile. (NG1 212/230)

We are not able to leave this topic without mentioning what circulates in the subconscious. The Twa and Tutsi are two forms of the same people who clashed in Rwanda which is between two Great Lakes and nearest to Mount Rwenzori. This geographic area is part of the birthplace of the Inapertwa who became the Twa who further divided into Tutsi, among countless others. Mental illness of poison sick toxic logic informing thinking and behavior made it all the way down to the root, but not in its elemental or pre-human form where the stem of the sem is awakening out of dormancy to reseed the people.

”You Can't Outdo Twa Or Hutu | Poem, Unity Consciousness #593.”

Twa Means Two

Twa is Two and is also Twi as in Twin and Twilight.
Twa means two in one that are different and the same. Twa is the same as Apt, Bi, Jeus, Ma, Maat, Me, Pa, Seb, Sebti, To, Too, Uat, You, I, Duo, Deo, Dios, Duality and many more.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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