If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Ankh Cross Loop Noose Of Life & Death
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1209


(Part 9dc of 11)

It's okay to say Ankh means life as long as we realize we're only speaking one side of the truth out the side of our mouths, rather than speaking both truths out of the middle of our mouths.
As we've learned in numerous messages about duality, where one part of a duality exists, the other part must also exist, at least in potential; therefore, the ankh also means death.

The Ankh-cross was the most sacred cross of Kemet. The circle at the top of this cross is the Ru representing the female, uterus, vagina, womb, mouth, opening, oval, zero, universe, egg, seed and the northern celestial birthplace from which the sun is re-born. Time being reborn signifies the beginning of another cycle, thus more time is given to the universe in this manner. Thus, once again, we confirm the continuous birth of cycles is the ever-coming one (Child, Savior, Messiah, Star). When spirit-soul gives birth to itself, it is giving itself more time to transform the things it has created. So it is not time, that is the Savior, but spirit-soul in all forms used in accordance with destinypurpose.
The Goddess of Stars, also called the “Mother of the Revolutions," or “Cycles,” gives birth to another form of him-herself as trinity of time (future, present, past). The earliest shape of the Ankh-cross was a simple loop or noose. The Ankh, circle, uterus, loop and noose all represent the bringing forth of life and the continuing of life. However, the beginning of one cycle also brings with it the ending of another cycle of life. Thus, the Ankh was also a symbol of death. (NG1 192-3/210-11); (NG2 387-8/395-6)

The noose is an Ark or Rek type of reckoning – a symbol of the vagina, woman, all beginning, time and rule. (NG1 423/441); (NG2 271/279)


This is only a peek into the study of Tum/Atum.
During different periods of history, Mut, the mother, and Tum, the father were recognized as the producers of an immortal soul.
The immortal soul itself, was also called the Mut or the Tum, and was the child, the reproduction, the representative likeness, the sem-same in different form. This child, was the immortal soul of life of time, the cycle, the ever-coming rebirth of self. (AE2 892/356)

As a result, Tum represents the total and the measure and the measurer, and also means to cut, strike, announce.
Tum comes from “tumu” to shut up, to close. Tum is the setting sun, the closer in the west. As shutter up of day or of autumn in the annual and great year cycles, he wears the closing lotus on his head. Tum is the antithesis to himself as Horus rising out of the opening flower of dawn. Atum was the closer as well as the opener of Amenta. (AE2 655/119)
Tum is the child of Spirit-soul and is the rebirth of Spirit-soul, the rebirth of the Mother & Father; therefore Tum is (plaintiff, defendant, prosecutor, judge, jury, executioner and savior) who brings forth both forms of justice also adjudicates and punishes and rewards. Therefore both forms of justice save the world in turn and harm the world, out of turn. This is just another way to confirm the necessity of duality that functions in opposite forms of energy. (BB 123/135)

Atum (Atum-Iu) is the name of Justice personified. Atum, like all other deities in Nile Valley Mythology spiritual teachings, is not a person, but rather elemental, nature powers, non-human, superhuman. Religion confuses this and turns the deities of mythology into actual historical people.

Note: Total is Ter, As, Ni, Tem, Matter, Spirit-Soul, Khekh (Kher & Khes)...


AU, as a prefix, means the oldest, the primordial. AU also means “ was.” AU is a modified form of AF, as in Africa. AU means both, to give life and to take life, to chastise, praise, punish and reward, thus Africa also means to give and take in both negative and positive ways. (BB 28/40)

Therefore, Autum is the reverse of Atum.
Atum means to give life with the circle, the loop, the noose. On the flipside, Autum means to take life with the circle, the loop, the noose. (AE1 537/547)

Autum is also a slang term for an execution by hanging, to enclose, exterminate breath, life, time, punishment of a criminal by drawing a noose. (BB 159/171)

The existence of Autum as a reverse form of Tum and Atum, tells us Africans in the Nile Valley had been using the loop and noose to exterminate life and punish criminals. And then when the cycle changed and they were no longer in charge, the same thing was done to their descendants who became criminalized under a different form of justice.
One of the earliest forms of the Ankh was a piece of rope, string made into a loop. The ankh is the power of life and death because the ankh is the circle and the womb and the seed, etc. Since the ankh is the circle, it represents both halves (lower and upper, bottom and top, south and north, first and second, first and last, etc.). Life can be given or taken with any form of any genetic potential once we understand how to use it as such. But this we already knew because we know everything can be used as a tool and a weapon.
The last half of this Great Year has been the Autumn and Winter of the larger cycle when Africans have been the strange fruit, the dead leaves dangling from and falling from trees in all forms. So you know what's coming around mountain as he-she comes and the cycle continues changing. This is inevitable. There is no way for a pendulum to swing from one side to the next and stop smack dab in the middle the first time it moves back in the other direction, unless there is a strong magnetic force that holds it there.

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races." (Charles Darwin, The Descent Of Man)

Note: The making of the ankh with the thumb and another finger to form a circle means “okay.” Inserting a finger into this circle signifies the sexual action of opening of the ankh. Putting fingers and hands together to form a heart is an ankh. Putting a diagonal line through a circle is an ankh.
Everything that has ever existed is still here in another form. We just don't always reckonize it as the sem-same thing.

Note: What is ever-coming is divine, eternal, immortal youth through the rebirth of cycles, every moment, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, season, year, great year and so on. This renewal of cycles is the renewal of spirit-soul, thus the renewal of the forms of spirit-soul, thus the renewal of the elements of life. This continuous renewal and transformation had many names such as Kheper, Horus, Aten, Tum, Nefer-Atum, Iu-em-hetep, Atum-Ra, Jesus.... (AE2 728/192)

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