If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Algebra/Math/Arithmetic Terms & Definitions
(Part 5 of 5)-Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1344


(Part 9ih of 11)

Usage of these algebra, math, arithmetic terms and definitions included elsewhere in this five-part series along with related concepts throughout this blogic.

1. Adjustment - the amount needed to create equality or inequality. To create equality, the adjustment is one-half the difference.
2. Ancient Method - shows problem-solving is a multi-part process, thus has multiple parts to the solution, qualitative and quantitative. No problem can be solved without analysis. Neither can an existing equality or inequality be maintained without ongoing analysis that changes the form of the equality or inequality as the current set of conditions change.
3. Current Method - shows how to manipulate numbers. Distorts the whole total, thus distorts both sides of an equation. Does not provide a pathway to comprehensive understandings including whether or not equality was actually achieved. All we are taught is to rely on numbers from the one-sided perspective of suboptimal theory. Not much learning takes place except how to manipulate numbers in a complicated way to end up in the same or worsening unequal shape in a different place.
4. Denominator - the basis of what is being expressed. A denominator provides the context for the whole of what is being expressed. A denominator is not limited to the bottom portion of fractions. For instance, an equation is a denominator of the relationship between two sides. In golf, the denominator is par.
5. Difference - the discrepancy between two sides of an equation. In an equality, the difference is two times the adjustment.
6. Dividing Line - a symbol used to separate two sides of an equation. The two sides are the first truth and second truth.
7. Double Check - is duo check. Using different ways of knowing to understand the flowing of cycles. Using different metaphors to understand sameness. Using any degree of duality to understand the same thing from a different angle of light. Checking solutions against solutions and solutions against the problem. Verifying logic to ensure nothing was lost in translation or transformation.
8. Education – instruction in the use of genetic potential (power). Civilizations teach the proper use of power. Societies do not. To the degree education intertwines instruction with optimal knowledge of self is the degree to which civilizations or societies are created.
9. Equation – does not mean an equality exists. Instead it means equating two things, comparing them. An equation can be an equality or inequality. What matters is the preexisting difference, the adjustments being made and the post-adjustment difference.
a) Pre-Initial Equation – expresses the relationship between two sides before any adjustments. Only used in the Ancient Method.
b) Initial Equation – expresses the relationship between two sides with a partial adjustment being made. Used as the only equation in the Current Method.
c) Final Equation – expresses the relationship between two sides after making the adjustment to both sides. Only used in the Ancient Method.
10. Fraction - numerical relationship of something to the whole expressed using a numerator and denominator. A fraction is a whole number and is the reciprocal of a whole number. Although a fraction is a number of any size or form, it is mistakenly limited to numbers less than their denominators. Thus 2 is a whole number when the denominator is 1 or 2; however 2 is a fraction when the denominator is 3. Therefore, there can be two of something that represents the whole or the fraction depending on the basis of denomination.
11. Mathematics/Arithmetic - the process of understanding how to manipulate transform genetic potential conceived in the form of numbers to achieve desired results.
12. Mixed Number - I have not yet found the usefulness for this term because all numbers containing two different numbers are mixed numbers. 10 is a mixed number. Numbers in two forms (whole and fraction) are merely one type of mixed number.
13. Multiple - a whole number or fraction of a number or its reciprocal.
a) For instance, 10 is a multiple of 5 but so also is 3/5. 3/5 is a multiple of 1/5, the reciprocal of 5.
10, as a multiple of 5, is also the fraction 50/5. And 5 is 25/5, So 3/5 fits right in as a multiple.
3/5 means 3 multiples of the whole based on 5 as the denominator of the whole.
It also means 3 wholes of 5 as the greater whole.
14. Number -
a) Information in any form expressed as a quantity for the purpose of perceiving, recognizing, identifying, knowing.
b) A numbers is simply one of many ways of expressing and communicating the whole total. A number is the same thing as a word, symbol, metaphor...
c) A number re-presents Nature and is Nature.
d) Every number expresses the partial and the complete.
e) The size or form of a number does not determine wholeness or fraction. That is determined by essence and understandings.
f) The size or form of a number does not determine equality or inequality. That is determined by the number's relationship to the whole total set of current conditions denominated by the need incentive.
15. Numerator - a quantity expressed in relation to a denominator. A numerator is not limited to the top portion of fractions. Anything expressed as a number is a numerator because the number enumerates, announces the quantity. For instance, 5 coins, 5 people, 5 pounds are all expressions using a numerator. The second word in each phrase is the denominator.
16. One - the second number and second enumerator used to express a quantity. One is also the second form of zero and the first reciprocal of zero. 01 and 10 are reciprocals. 1/1 and 0/0 are reciprocals.
17. Operator - describes what type of action to take (process to perform) to create the desired transformation. An operator is a symbol representing the Khepera metamorphosis principle. The words, operate, operation and operator are based on a form of Khepera as opera. An operator is Khepera spirit-soul energy functioning in time and space.
18. Parenthesis – represents the two halves of the whole circle (the parent thesis). Parenthesis indicate when to keep items together for synthesis before further synthesis takes place. Although parenthesis has other uses in math, it has priority in the order of operations as the assembler, because it also rules as the Denominator of Denominator in the form of the Circle, which is the Assembly. Thus, the parent is the circle as the denominator whose priority is symbolized in the wholeness ratio by parenthesis.
19. Reciprocal - the reverse, other side, flip side, mirror image of something that is a complementary necessary opposite for proper functioning of the whole total universe. An expression of something else in another form, thus another perspective. The universe is based on reciprocals (dualities) which balance each other out and provide full circle perspective and full cycle functioning. Reciprocals are necessary to provide definition and understanding.
20. Solution – a multi-part set of answers, understandings, processes and concepts used to manipulate transform resources to create the desired effect of equality balance or inequality imbalance.
21. Subtraction-Addition – Manipulation Transformation by separating and recombining some or all of a total. What is separated must be recombined somewhere else. Likewise, what is recombined must be separated from somewhere else. This is the same as diffusion and redistribution of abundance.
22. Whole Number – numerical expression of the relationship of something to the whole. A whole number is a fraction and is the reciprocal of a fraction. Although a whole number is a number of any size or form, it is mistakenly limited to those numbers whose numerators are evenly divisible by 1 as the denominator.
23. Whole Total - everything in the circle dimension we are talking about and dealing with. The whole total must be known in order to know how much the difference is between two sides of an equation, thus how much an adjustment must be made to make them equal.
24. Wholeness - process of seeking fullness of self through addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other operations. This also includes parenthesis behavior of grouping our motions and identities inside two halves of a circle where we feel a sense of belongingness.
a) For example, we seek to add love, subtract sickness, divide time, multiply other resources while using a mixture of optimal and suboptimal identifiers.
b) Wholeness exists in layers. Each layer is a whole circle of logic. As you grew physically, the basis of your wholeness was one cell, then it was two cells, ten cells, 100 cells, 10,000 cells, trillions of cells. Throughout this continuous process, you remained whole even as the basis of your wholeness changed.
25. Wholeness Ratio - a single expression where:
a) All numbers in the universe are displayed as a single numerator, and then on the bottom of this single expression, zero is the denominator.
Thus we have zero as the numerator, but it is displayed in the form of many.
Thus we have many as the denominator, but they are displayed in the form of zero.
What connects the “many” in the numerator are all the “operators” used in mathematics.
What connects the numerator and denominator is the dividing line of dimensions, the equator line that turns with the circle, thus so must our orientation to the position of the cycle so we can discern the signs of the current set of conditions, thus properly separating words of truth.
26. Zero - The Whole Number of Whole Numbers and the Denominator of Denominators. Zero is the basis of all numbers and of everything else in the universe. Preexistence and Existence.
a) Zero is the wholeness ratio expressed as 0/0, which is the percent sign (%) which tells us 0/0 is the whole 100 percent. And this is why all numbers are based on 100% because it represents the wholeness ratio, thus zero. All percentages are percentages of the wholeness ratio.
b) Although 1 is said to be the basis of whole numbers, 0 is the original basis, the origin of denomination.
c) Before 1/1 existed, there was 1/0 and before that, 0/0, and before that 0.
d) 1/1 means 1 multiple of the whole based on 1 as the denominator of the whole.
e) 1/0 means 1 multiple of the whole based on 0 as the denominator of the whole.
f) 0/0 means 0 multiple of the whole based on 0 as the denominator of the whole.
g) 0 means I am everything and nothing.
h) Zero is positive, negative and neutral, like an atom.

Through another way of knowing, we are continuing to understand that throughout the universe, throughout Earth's universe, throughout our body's universe, throughout our societal universe, and in the daily living universe we traverse, that despite our level of awareness, the same logic is simultaneously taking place in all these places in mathematical form and in all other forms, thus, all forms are combined, and only separated by thin dimension lines, and must again become unity in consciousness.

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