If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Paralysis Of Analysis & Adjustment
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1345


(Part 9ii of 11)

A perverse relationship between thinking and behavior exists when behavior goes on autopilot and thinking is never checked again, except perhaps in a quick glance confirmation bias fashion.
Everything taking place in the universe is based on analysis and ongoing analysis.
Every single one of your cells is constantly analyzing.
The only reason you are able to see things with your physical eyes is that your body is analyzing information continuously, eyes, cells, nerves, brain, etc.
Analysis is a constant, constantly changing, along with everything else.

Good Ole Bad Paralysis Of Analysis

A term often misused is “paralysis of analysis.”
The ushers, pushers and users of this term don't realize there is also such a thing as “paralysis of action due to insufficient analysis.” This causes us to “run in place.” As a result, as the world is moving on, we end up further and further behind. Paralysis of action is masked by the good feeling of action. Similar to the feeling of getting diplomas, degrees and credentials, but yet, that learning is miseducation. Meanwhile the net effect is to move in highly unproductive ways, thus wasting resources and setting up the conditions for forward motion that creates backwards progress. Analysis informs the continuing appropriateness of actions in relation to the current set of changing conditions and in relation to goals established.

Still Undecided Analysis Is Important?

The importance of critical thinking, thought, reflection and analysis is expressed several times in the ”Ten Cardinal Principles Of Ancient African Deep Thought.”

There is no problem-solving without analysis. Furthermore, the part we don't understand is that a problem, once solved, does not always remain solved. This is because everything is continuously changing, therefore the necessity of adjustments must be continuously assessed.
It is not possible to know if we are making the same mistake unless we understand the different forms that the same mistake takes. No I'm not hooked on drugs, but I am addicted to so many other things. No, I'm not going to fall in love again without a background check and credit check, and yet I have fallen in love with ideologies without understanding the criminal history and credit worthiness (credibility) of those ideologies. For instance, Ancestor John Henrik Clarke reminds us, religions are “male chauvinist murder cults.” Now how could that be? It doesn't take much analysis to prove this out. There are different kinds and levels of analysis that apply to different situations. Not all analysis requires days and years of research.
Whatever in your mind is critical, requires the analytical.

Critical Analysis Is The Same Thing As Thought Digestion

You wouldn't just swallow food without checking it out first, without preparing it, without chewing, without breaking it down further in your stomach (the acid test), without slowly absorbing it, without separating the “wheat from the chaff” to eliminate what is not needed.
You would not be resistant to repeating this process several times per day.
You would bot be resistant to repeating this process just because you've eaten the same thing before.
Then neither should you not do these similar things when it comes to taking in and analyzing information. The information must be thought processed. This is the same as investigating, testing, evaluation, examination, questioning, observing, preparation, digestion, elimination, further evaluation, experience review, adjustment and repeating the process of thinking before, during and after you eat and thinking before, during and after you take any other form of action. This is true no matter how long you've been doing or not doing the action, how familiar you are, and how decided you are as to its appropriateness.

Evidence Of Analysis Is Everywhere

There is no place you can look or nothing you can encounter that is not the result of analysis. Everything taking place in the human world is due to somebody doing some analysis somewhere to create the societies we live in.

I just saw an article that said something like 95% of African-Americans are Vitamin D deficient. There are clues indicating this is not credible information. Let's just say it is. Somebody has put in a lot of analysis to determine or suggest that conclusion. The point is: You are continually being analyzed in thousands of ways. Everything taking place in societies is being analyzed by those people who are controlling you without you knowing you are being controlled through your free will that is being programmed at deeper levels to respond a certain way.

If you're not going to analyze, at least compare and contrast.
Perhaps even try to understand more about what logic is fundamentally and how it works in more places than just in your head.

Those who are surprised are those who barely analyze enough to survive. Every single time, when you review what took place, before a human says they were “surprised,” there were plenty of un-analyzed or mis-analyzed signs. We know this because something must have been taking place outside of our awareness to create what finally surprised us. There is no “now you don't see me, now you do” without there also being many a clue.

It's time to move towards the optimal amount of ongoing analysis, ongoing action and ongoing adjustments.

Just for fun-da-mental: “Think But Not Too Much | No se, No se, Higher Self Analysis, Unity Consciousness #133”

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