If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Algebra, Subtraction-Addition, Equality-Inequality: 4 of 5
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1341


(Part 9ie of 11)

In this mathematical universe, we are numbers attempting to function in relationships with all other numbers (creations), no matter how estranged our awareness.
Whatever is to be learned is best understood when we consciously relate the information to self and all else in a whole universe context
The ability to memorize information to pass a test as a high water mark for success is ridiculous. This is why learning that does not relate information to self and all else must lead to chaos – because the rhyme and reason for each subject learned exists in its own bubble-wrapped matrix. Shrink-wrapped inside that is a slew of fragmented terminology – counting numbers, natural numbers, integers, minuends, subtrahends, incomprehends, addends... good grief. I've been counting, adding and subtracting all my life and have never willingly used those terms and neither did I encounter them at any collegiate level or workplace training and neither have I ever heard anyone talk about them when performing math calculations for any reason. Let's see, I need one cup of milk so that's the addend and another half cup but that's not a whole number but at least it's a positive integer so I guess I can keep counting natural numbers....I have a school recipe for math but I don't know what I'm making sense of.
Furthermore, do we really need a bunch of cold dry-fit terms such as sum, difference, product and quotient when we already have answer, solution, total, result? There are incompletely explained terms like these in all subjects. I'm convinced they are simply meant to do-your-thinking-to-an-end so you can't comprehend, thus mo' monay you spend. Gotcha again while you and them both grinning thinking it's win-win. The point is, what else in life and existence do those subject-bound terminologies relate to? To plants, fish, our bodies, outer space, religion, music, history, anything?

1. Subtraction-Addition -
a) Manipulation transformation by separating and recombining some or all of a total.
What is separated must be recombined somewhere else. Likewise, what is recombined must be separated from somewhere else.
There is no subtraction or addition without the other. This is why we now write them together to reveal them both.
Subtraction-addition is a form of the underlying processes of diffusion. Diffusion subtracts something from one space and adds it to another.
When we breathe we are subtracting-adding and diffusing.
b) Addition is usually written initially in the form of 7 + 5 = _____. (When written vertically, the underline does double duty as the equal sign and the total, sum).
What does 7 + 5 = 12 mean if all we end up with is a number and that's that?
In the initial equation there is an unknown, so the equation is better expressed as 7 + 5 = x . As you can already see, the moment we begin to add, we are doing algebra. Thus all math is algebra, unless there are no unknowns. If there are no unknowns there is no problem.
Now, since we are using a whole universe approach, we know if we add something to one side of an equation, then we must subtract it from the other side of the equation (this will become clearer in a few minutes). For instance, we can't just add a child to the world. We must also subtract sperm, egg and nutrients from somewhere else in the world.

Initial equation: 7 + 5 = _____, this is an inequality.
Intermediate equation: 7 + 5 = x, this is an inequality.
Final equation: 7 + 5 = x – 5, this is an equality.

7 + 5 = x – 5
12 = x – 5
12 + 5 = x – 5 + 5
17 = x (This is the intermediate answer)
We now substitute the intermediate solution into the final equation:
7 + 5 = x – 5
7 + 5 = 17 - 5
12 = 12 (another intermediate answer)

2. Understandings:
a) 17 is x, the unknown on the other side.
b) 17 is not the whole. We started out with 7 on one side and 17 on the other side, thus the whole was 24 when the equation was unbalanced, unequal. Now the whole is still 24 but the inequality* has become an equality.
c) The injustice changed when we decided to add 5 to 7 and also to do the opposite (subtract 5) to the other side.
d) We notice the “addition sum” of 12 (7+5) is equal to the “subtraction difference” of 12 (17-5). Coincidence? Yes. Addition and subtraction are co-incidents. They take place simultaneously or concurrently. Addition and subtraction are taking place together always and both must equal in order to maintain equilibrium in the universe.
e) Addition and Subtraction are reciprocals, like darkness-lightness, inhale-exhale, systole-diastole, spirit-soul, dynamic-duo.
f) When we add or subtract, we are always moving something from one space and time into another space and time. When we do so without recognition or consideration of what is being affected, the result is harm.
g) Solving equations is supposed to teach us the value system concept of equating two sides and finding the solution that makes it true that they are equal. This has core implications to explain why, for instance, the male collective and the racist collective don't understand “what's the problem?” We are taught to think in one-slice answers that lack the substance sustenance of understanding the whole or the whole point of education, i.e., knowledge of self.
h) When we start with an inequality we must perform the OPPOSITE operation on each side, unless we want to maintain inequality.
i) When we start with an equality we perform the SAME operation on each side, unless we want to create inequality.
j) To create societies based on inequality, what had happened was textbook Subtraction-Addition Transformation for the purpose of creating inequality. First what was done was opposite on each side of the divide to create the inequality, then to maintain the inequality the same thing was done to each side. This gives false impressions to people who think they are operating on an equal basis when the foundation, infrastructure and superstructure are as unequal as can be. Even so, what is happening now is the opposite process. You have to create a mess to straighten out a mes.
k) What if all our subjects were explained to us early on in this fashion, in relation to self, all else, life and existence? If we at least learned math this way, we'd already be prepared for higher forms of algebra and more responsible use of our genetic potential. Without algebra forming our early context for math arithmetic, we are forced to memorize rules and other stuff without comprehensive understanding. This leads to a society full of stagnant sthinkers and misbehaviors.
l) It's all good when properly understood. A wholeness process of learning math keeps us constantly aware both processes: subtraction and addition, can:
Increase difference and reduce sameness.
Increase sameness and reduce difference.

m) As we are maturing in learning, more consciously aware of self and all else, we will become programmed to always asks lots of questions such as: What are we adding? To what? Where did we get it from? What is being subtracted? What is the effect on both sides of the equation? What is the necessity? Is there another, more optimal way? Does the sum equal the difference? And so on.
n) This process will spill over into all areas of life such that all the sayings we use will make more sense such as: You have to give to get, for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction, cause and effect, ain't nothing free, especially freedom....for the simple reason there's something called responsibility and reciprocity and continuously....

3. Partial Review & Lengthy Conclusion
a) We must recognize whether or not something is an equality or inequality so we can know the process we must take in order to:
maintain equality
maintain inequality
transform equality into inequality
transform inequality into equality
b) This will affect:
the number of steps in the process
whether we need to do the same thing to both sides or the opposite to both sides
the size and nature of the adjustments
the timeframe
c) Furthermore, inequality and equality are both tied to the power structure of society, thus in order for transformation of inequality or equality into the other, the power structure must be transformed also. This of course includes all levels and forms of government, thus laws must also be transformed.
d) Also there must be subtraction-addition of land, tools other resources, knowledge, freedom from interference in use of resources, far less taxation and other money-raping schemes, etc.

e) Since we live in societies filled with inequalities:
the worst thing is to do nothing
the second worst thing is to do something to alleviate inequalities without addressing or defining the entirety of the problem. Highly inefficient because thorough conscious analysis is absent.
the second best approach is to do the opposite thing to both sides of the inequality.
the best way is to understand the nature, size of the inequality and all that supports it and change the power structure while simultaneously giving what is needed to the less equal and taking it from the more equal. Thus, for example, this also means, if rights, money or whatever are given to the less equal then rights, money or whatever must be taken away from the more equal. This is the quickest path to rectifying the inequality. This is how the universe operates as darkness or lightness are about to break in opposite directions.
f) In terms of restoring gender equality, it will take a very long time unless the above approach is taken. A few of the major things that must change are things that support genderism such as education, media, religion, the power structure, the thinking and behavior of women, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Women didn't get into this position of inequality by males just increasing and waxing wonderful. No, males increased by decreasing women using many methods, crimes were and still are being committed. This is why, to achieve the quickest route to lessen gender inequality, one must increase (add), one must decrease (subtract), simultaneously, like the pedals on a bicycle, like darkness expansion-contraction. This is what the universe is doing when Moonstar and Sunstar trade places.
g) The ever-coming one has been rumbling for years, slowly erupting and then all at once.
h) Of course the power structure is changing, star powers are climate rearranging everything.

*Important Note: We know the initial equation of 7 + 5 = _____ is an inequality. If it was an equality, then before we added 5 to 7, the equation would have been 7 = 7. Then when we add 5, as in 7+5 = _____, we would automatically know the answer is 7 + 5, because there was already 7 on both sides. Since we don't know the answer, that means we started out with an inequality. Part of the solution to solving the inequality is to determine the size of the inequality and the size of the whole. I repeat, the pre-initial inequality was 7 = 17, which is a difference of 10. By adding 5 to one side and subtracting 5 from the other side, we ended up splitting the difference to reach 12 = 12, a difference of 0.
If we had added 5 to both sides we would end up as follows:
7 + 5 = x + 5
12 = x + 5
12 – 5 = x + 5 – 5
7 = x
Thus, as said earlier, if x was equal to 7 on the side of the unknown, then no problem would exist because we would intuitively know that 7 was there, IF and only IF, it was an equality to start with. Thus, then by extension we know, all problems are inequalities that are being solved to turn them into equalities. To say this an additional way: all problems in life are caused by inequalities.

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