If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Khekh Khepera Plant Souls Of Life
Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1356


(Part 9it of 11)

I shall now again call myself Khekh, the whole total. I transformed my wholeness as Zero Preecistence into Spirit and Soul, two circles, two waters of Nun. I am the Single Source who became the Double Source.
a) Khekh Khepera Spirit, the Upper Circle of Preexistence which forms intangible souls of life in the waters.
b) Khekh Khepera Soul, the Lower Circle of Existence which forms more tangible souls of life (elementals) in the waters.
c) These Two Waters transform themselves into all things, including different forms of water. This is why Waters is Plural. Waters means “Many Waters” in One which eventually become separate dimensions of “liquid essence.”
d) The souls of life of the elementals were born out of the Double Source Of Waters and then united in their two contrasting forms, where one becomes the covering and the other becomes the nucleus.

Plant Are Single Souls

Like all recreations of myself, plants begin their process of transformation in the waters.
Plants and animals come into existence together, simultaneously, in water that is transforming itself into different forms such as salt and fresh, milk, blood and other liquid essences.

Water plants evolved first, then water plants rooted in land, then land plants who love damp conditions, then land plants who love alternating periods of wet and dry, then land plants who live in very low moisture environments. This tells us different forms of plant life require different levels of the elementals of water, air, earth, fire, darkness and lightness. These elementals and their souls of life, combine to create the single soul creations called plants. The many souls of the elementals become the single soul of plants.

The next phase is for these single souls to manifest as:
a) Two souls as one-half each
separate male and female plants
female and male on the same plant
b) Two souls as two phases within one soul.
This is the two-fold progression of immaturity and maturity. This can also be called prepubescence and puberty or sterile and fertile. (AE1 430-1/440-1)

Plant evolution provides a better understanding of all evolution:
1. Evolution comes from one soul when:
a) Another specialized dimension is created
b) Adaptation or mutation takes place

2. Evolution comes from two when:
a) Diversification within the same dimension takes place

3. One become two becomes many becomes one in two or more stages, of which, the last reseeds the first.

4. No understanding of evolution, history, ancestry, heritage, beginnings, origin or genesis is a sturdy stable framework of understanding until it at least encompasses its major foundational phases.
a) For instance, an understanding of the circle that stops at either top and bottom or left and right, is unstable. All four of the cardinal points must be included. When this occurs, the mind is also open to all the points in between the main four points.
b) This prevents us from mistaking land plants as the origin of plants, even though in our current form as land animals, we could be led to this incomplete logic. Land plants do have an origin on land but also an earlier evolution in the waters.
c) The continuous logical use of metaphor allows us to take any understanding and gain many more. Regarding the origin of anything, especially your human origin,: “once you have traced the first beginning of anything to its last ending, you have found the origin of everything.” In other words, if any human claims an origin that is not in the same place as all other humans, then we must seek understandings to help us reconcile the difference. We need not go far. Plants teach us that no fruit originates in the branch unless the branch is also the trunk and seed. Therefore, no fruit can sanely claim a partial percentage of origin in the branch that is greater than the percentage of origin in the seed, the starting point.

d) We understand the human through the superhuman manifestations of plants.

e) Plants are a combination of the elementals, so we can also gain understandings in another basic sense.
The first phase is not more important than any other phase. Each phase is needed in order for all stages to continue to exist in the season, when their turn in the cycle comes.
Therefore, Africa, Africans and Blackness are all important as part of the process of many other lands and colors which are equally important for the larger processes continuously changing forms.
Likewise then, the prominence of the feminine in childbirth is not more important than the masculine role. Neither can exist without the other. And is one of the main lessons I am remembering in all the forms I've become and am still transforming.

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