If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, December 30, 2022

If You Eat Every Day
Unity Consciousness #2872

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Back in December 2012, the importance of various types of nutrition was detailed.
Simply put, if you feed your body every day, you should also feed your mind every day and your spirit. There are specific forms of nutrition for the body, just as there are specific forms of nutrition for the mind and specifics for the spirit.
If we consciously choose what we put into our bodies, and do so in the name of health and with the aim of health, we should consciously choose what we feed our minds and what we feed spirit-soul. This is what we must do, if we want to be physically healthy.

Most of us will eat at least three times a day or about every 6 hours. We pretty much make sure we eat and feel depleted and weak if we don't. What do we make sure we feed our minds and spirits every 6 hours? Mind and spirit are still mostly being fed the standard status quo goop and junk food. This is taking place with and without our conscious choice. Think about it while filling your gut and your gut instincts (khut instincts, the rut, the nut, the hut). This is why spirit-mind-emotion is malnourished and why the body suffers greatly as a result, humanity suffers due to weak minds, weak morals and skewed emotions. It is nationally self-evident that we are physically ill, mentally ill, emotionally ill and spiritually ill.

We ingest so much garbage that our nutrition is diluted and neutralized and made of little or slow effect. We have to switch it around so that our nutrition is the overwhelming part of what we ingest and toxic logic packets are diluted, neutralized and excreted.

You Are What You Eat Expanded

Yes we are physically what we eat physically. We are the ecosystem because that's all there is to eat.
Furthermore, and most importantly, we are what we eat spiritually, mentally and emotionally. This is the biggest portion of who we are, but we are fools because we think our physical appearance and geographic location is the bulk of our identity.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Subtle Racism Through Christian Missionaries
Unity Consciousness #2871

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As discussed before, we are again reminded that Christian Missionaries Have Always Been About Racist Bullshit.
As if they are qualified to go to Africa and feed Africans, heal Africans, enlighten Africans, teach Africans a better way, show them a better God. Gods know how black people made it hundreds of thousands of years without a single white person on the planet. They must have starved to death and sat around waiting for deliverance.
The Lord their God is a sneaky God.

Under the cloak and disguise of religion, white people care about black people so much, they want to go to Africa and “do good” but don't want to stand up and fight against the ten institutions of racism in the USA and do good in the USA. Jesus said, better is a friend or neighbor close by than a brother far away.

You know religious missionaries are about some bullshit and have many ulterior motives including the white savior complex, European medication and shots and making sure generations of Africans remain weakened by the European version of Christianity which is actually Christendom. And making sure generations of Africans think it's a good idea for white folks and others to be in Africa with their militaries, businesses, charities and what not.

History, including recent history of the past 500 years, has proven that Africans in black skin have done more for the world in general and to help white people than the other way around.

Does the apple nourish the tree or the tree nourish and produce apples on many branches?
Should the flea get credit for teaching a dog to abandon scratching and rely on flea collars?

What really needs to happen is for Africans, on a mission, to go worldwide and teach African spiritual traditions that have been adulterated into current religions.

Cheap Trick Of Product Discounts
Unity Consciousness #2870

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The trick is cheap to implement but it is expensive when consumers fall for the trick.
Consumers fall for the trick long before product discounts are put in our face like goody bait.

One of the most prevalent things during the months of November and December is the use of product discounts.
After the thrill of the spending spree gifting season is over, we can perhaps be better prepared for next year's version and the daily mini-versions in between we can use for practice.

One way to confirm what we already know about cost and price is by watching the TV series Shark Tank. This show constantly reminds us that things don't cost nowhere near the retail price. The retail price paid by consumers if often anywhere from 3 to 10 times the cost. That's 300% to 1,000% markup.
So when there are coupons, sales and discounts and buy one get one free and buy one and get one at a penny and other enticing pricing schemes, the seller is usually still making more than 100% of what the cost was.

Consumers think they are getting deals and steals because consumers base value on retail price; however sellers base value on their cost. So even if we get a $20 item at 50% off, we are still paying $10 for an item that cost them $3 to make, thus we are still paying 300% more than cost, of its actual value. Thus our value recognition has been skewed which keeps us getting screwed.
During most of the year, lots of other consumers are paying full price which is many times over cost. In a few instances some consumers are able to get things seemingly below cost or free, but in most of these instances, the seller is getting reimbursed by the manufacturer. Or the seller is trading a loss on one product to get consumers in the store so they can pay a higher markup on several other products.

All this is like a fish being born with a hook set in its mouth and the bait being switched without taking the hook out. It's easy to reel the fish in, keep the fish on the line and cast the fish back and repeat. In most instances, the fish jumps in the boat to get the bait or swims up to the boat and waits in line for a chance to get more bait.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

You Just Need One Person To Believe In You But...
Unity Consciousness #2869

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Some people wholeheartedly accept the logic statement: “You just need one person to believe in you.”
However, I say this is overrated, overemphasized and placed in to high of a priority. Expecting or needing the belief of someone else is given too much importance, especially when we think we need someone else's belief BEFORE we can accomplish something or BEFORE we can go any further and farther.

First things first.
You must believe in yourself despite anyone else. If this is not installed instilled in you early on (before you get “grown”), then as you assert you can make your own decisions, you become more and more responsible for your own logic, your own thinking, your own behavior. When you claim adulthood, you become totally responsible for your thinking, your thought processes, your own education, for all the components of your belief system. You can choose what logic you keep and what logic you let go of. This is the same as take it or leave it. This should be the same as know it or believe it. This is because we should only believe what we know, which is why belief in self gets stronger as we increase knowledge of self. In other words, belief is immature knowledge or belief is the first step to actually understanding something.

You show healthy belief in self by pursuing growth in knowing yourself and expressing that knowledge. As this continuous process is taking place, you should be on several of your correct paths. Then, sooner or later, this will manifest people who believe in you, many of which you will never know believe in you and most of which you will never meet face to face; however you will meet them faith to faith as you mature in beingness.

Help Is Needed More Than Belief

Help has been discussed several times. Despite having one person believe in you or many people believe in you, you are still going to continuously need a lot more help than you need belief from someone else.
Be of good cheer. Most of this help comes from superhumans (misunderstood as non-humans) and spirits previously in human form. In other words, with self belief and help from the unstoppable place that transcends the human race, we can progress as long as we are matching available help with the good grace of the genetics already in place within us.

Again The Way of Water From the Great Mother Of Waters
Unity Consciousness #2868

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Perhaps this recent after Winter Solstice December 2022 freeze and unleashing of snow and water flowing from burst pipes, is a precursor to the unleashing of water during warmer weather in the USA during 2023 that will again show who is boss. This freeze is actually taking place during the month of Aquaria and beginning of 2023 which is the beginning of the 17 to 19 year period that ends from 2039 to 2041 when Aquaria Constellation is fully enthroned.

Government Definition Hidden In Society Mob Mentality Laws
Unity Consciousness #2867

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No longer be confused about the following:
In every society, (every nation on this planet) “government” represents the favored group and their logic, hiding behind the masquerade charade facade masked word: “government” used like a get out of responsibility and culpability, escapegoat magic spellbinder illusion maker.
The illusion is inclusion. In societies, government is always for the benefit, preservation and privilege of the favored group. This is true despite whatever notions the disfavored group has of democracy, freedom, patriotism, citizenship, enfranchisement, voting, participation and rights.
In other words there is inclusion, it's just that the inclusion is in the confusion.

So when a member of the favored group says something like, “it's the law” or “it's against the law” or “there's no law against it,” or it's legal or illegal, what they are really saying is “that's the way we the, anointed by the divine, controllers want it, the law doesn't apply to us so you just need to follow it, don't question it, because if you don't obey the law (us) then you know we got more laws (people like us) who will, as a matter of home training color coordination, make sure there's nothing you can do about it.

This is why human legal laws, or any type of rules or policies, never apply to the favored group in the same way they apply to the disfavored group. What adult doesn't know this?
I just talked to a manager at Lowe's and asked him specifically isn't the point of being a supervisor or manager the ability to exercise discretion when it comes to policies and procedures? He repeated the job was to follow policy. I hung up on his ass. Based on life experiences, I'm sure this manager person's behavior was due to the fact that he is a member of the favored group and I am a member of the disfavored group insisting on exemplary service from him that he has the ability to do but feels no obligation to because of his obligation to favored group logic. I got the same level of dissatisfaction from the overall store manager. Another deficient person who excels on the de-evolutionary scale. People in the favored group have an immediate hatred reaction when a member of the disfavored demands from them, fair treatment, rights, justice, humanity, let's them know they are wrong or performs better than them in any way. Be certain I have had good experiences with the favored group in this regards, but it amounts to about one percent of all my experiences with the favored group. Inhumanity is as constant as it is pervasive when you live in a nation of laws, logic, thinking, behavior and culture that is normal to racists. Lowe's, like, several other businesses on my shit list, will be my place of last resort or no resort. It is no surprise that the business sector is fundamentally racist. Racism could not survive if just one of the institutions in a society was not racist. We already know this, thus only by the grace of random encounters can members of disfavored group receive just as good service or products as members of the favored group. You can be certain that if I was a member of the favored group,that the Lowe's managers would have exercised discretion in the first place and made my situation whole, or at least after my first complaint or expression of dissatisfaction, they would have kissed my ass and offered me concessions to placate me. Whenever possible, I'm taking them all back to the mat.

In every society, in the “government” and all other institutions, the favored group is the overwhelming majority of those in positions of power. Thus they are the ones who make, break and adjudicate laws. Thus keeping things just the way they want them and doing so using any and every means necessary just as a mob of criminals do in criminal countries.

Every time you hear the word government or law, just know what the overall definition of government and law means to the favored group. Remember government and laws are for the enrichment of the favored group and infringement of the disfavored group.

Remembering Relationship Laws Involving Children
Unity Consciousness #2866

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Back in the day before all of us were black, as a matter of no need to state obvious fact, there was however a need for laws involving children. This was handled as follows:

In communities too long ago, the government (the communal group, the one family of all families) was involved in divorces because they were involved in marriages because they were involved with the children before they became of marriage age.

This is the basis and foundation and structure of a civilization.

Since this logic is not the status quo norm of culture in places like the USA, only in a hell context can the USA be a civilization.
The USA and its favored groups are children born of hell who are prodigal from the heaven of their earthly birthplace.

From The Legal Laws Of Flaws Library: Marriage, Divorce & Children Dichotomy
Unity Consciousness #2865

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Why is it that most of us are okay with divorce laws, but don't have a problem with there being no similar amount of “all up in my business” marriage laws?

In other words,

we think it's okay for the favored group, hiding behind the word “government,”
to impose their logic on our divorce but we don't expect this or defer to “the government” when it comes to our marriage. We welcome the government in on the back end like some kind of 911 crisis reactive help me figure this out solution, but don't seek government assistance on the front end as some kind of 411 careful proactive help me figure this out prevention

Supposedly the crazy amount of crazy divorce laws are to “protect us,” and “administer justice” on a relationship we freely chose to be in. It's practically free to get in (get married) and up to you how you seal the deal and how much it costs, but it almost impossible to get out (get divorced) without there being inescapable cost or you being in control.

Instead of physically kicking against the pricks of sick logic, I say, if it's okay for there to be a bunch of divorce laws, then it should be okay, and expected, for there to be a bunch of marriage laws and a bunch of romantic relationship laws and dating laws.
Perhaps then, all this would make unnecessary a bunch of laws involving children.

Too Many Relationships Bigger Than They Should Be
Unity Consciousness #2864

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No single relationship can be the bulk of your life experience, at least not in a healthy way for either person.
Each relationship is a part of life, a part only, not whole, not half, not half as in other half, or as in better half or as in you complete me.
Keep each relationship in perspective, even if you love each other.
Do not allow any single human relationship of any type to be the bulk of your existence.
Nobody can complete you and no single thing can complete you.
Completion is the result of many parts of self working towards optimal beingness.

As indicated in the previous message, two people can just not be the right match in a romantic way or even in a platonic friendship way.
Continue to invest in self-improvement if you feel you need to, but do so only in the name of health, not for somebody else. However, truth is, even though you must put self first, if you love someone else, then you will work on your own self-improvement so that you can be a better person in the relationship with someone else.

In greater detail, put yourself first in terms of finding out and maturing in understanding who you are, where you came from and why you are here (what you should be putting your resources into, and understanding this in priority order).

It is harmful to children to put everything into them at the expense of self. Truth is, when that is attempted, what happens is that the child gets less and less because the parent is not fulfilled when self is put on hold, but instead is drained and behavior becomes more strange.
Parents are people and must continue to mature in their beingness.
No one can obtain or remain healthy and whole by investing everything into any single thing, such as children, spouse, job, house, church, friends, family, some other pursuit or somebody else's notion of these things, that your spirit-soul knows, something ain't right, but instead is, upsetting your peace, balance, harmony.

You cannot make anybody happy.
Nobody can make you happy.
Happiness emerges out of dynamic balance with the two-part ecosystem of self and all else. Simply put, happiness is Maat.
Happiness is not to be confused with fun, elation, thrill, desire, acceptance, validation, success, destiny, soulmate, fulfillment, love, contentment, wholeness, self-esteem, self-worth and other opiates suboptimally defined.

Romantic Relationship Roulette Still Being Played
Unity Consciousness #2863

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Too often we feel sad, hurt, rejected, defeated when a romantic relationship ends, whether or not we initiated the ending or wanted it to end. This is because we are playing relationship roulette with ourselves in our minds, emotions, spirits and bodies.
This roulette is the spinning wheel in our minds trying to land on figuring out what went wrong and what part of us is insufficient.
We usually leave off the part about trying to figure out what went right and what part of us is sufficient.

I'll start with the simplest aspect first. The truth has always been that everybody is good looking to somebody and several somebodies. This is true just the way you are and no matter how you look or think you look.
Secondly, in terms of spirit-mind-emotion connection and harmony, everybody is also compatible with more than one person. We know this based on friendships.

Besides the problems indicated above that we make for ourselves due to faulty logic, the most common problem is that we put the romantic cart before the friendship horse.
We rush in because we don't meet enough people with whom there is reciprocal attraction in spirit, mind, emotion. Thus we use the body attraction selector and initial newness, excitement and hope to engage in dating sexual time attention relationships we hope are romantic and will last forever, despite not building a strong foundation. These types of relationships are as perishable as fruit in the frigerator.

Under this roulette scenario, there is limited chance for the relationship to mature into forever, thus it ends before one or the other is ready to acknowledge it should end in its current form.
In this mixed up messed up mindset, the roulette keeps spinning because our feelings about the relationship is too tied to time investment, family and friends who know about the person or who have met the person, the experiences we've had and other things.

Newsflash: All that is simply living!

You were living before you met the person, after meeting the person and will continue living. Before the relationship you were spending your time doing something. Family and friends were aware of how you were spending your time. You were having experiences. Same will be true after a premature romantic relationship.
The main reason we make such a big feel deal about the beginning, middle and end of relationships is because we make the relationship bigger than what it should be. This truth will be unpacked in the next message.

Bottom line for this message, if it floats your boat, there's nothing wrong with having a physical relationship with caring about each other and other respectful niceties involved, but that alone, no matter how long it goes on, is in no way sufficient as prerequisite for “romantic love” to grow. Just be verbally clear in the beginning about the details each person wants and how it will play out. Continue to be verbally clear each step of the way when you think the relationship is different or one of you want it to be different. Of course this includes birth control, pregnancy, abortion, diseases, other sexual partners, other non-sexual dating partners, time expectations, holiday expectations, birthday expectations and so on.

Monday, December 26, 2022

This Is Praise! Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2862

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1. Praise consists of numerous word components and combinations, some of which are pr-ra-ai-is-se.
More simply, praise is p + ra-is-e.
Ra is spirit-soul.
“Is” is “It” is heaven is universe, the body of the Creator, the place I am and the place to be.
”Is” is “It” because It is Ti and Ti is duality, the two truths of spirit-soul and the first two divisions of the circle of the universe.
“E” is also many things. In addition to everything, entirety, ever-coming and eternal, for present purposes, E is the elevation and euphoria of Ra.
Praise is that which elevates Ra and creates the sense of euphoria. Euphoria is satisfaction, harmony, utopia, the sense of feeling whole and at home where you belong.
Both the Job of the Creator God and the Job of the Destroyer God can be praised, raised and elevated to create their own sense and context for what euphoria is, satisfaction is, harmony is and utopia is.
Praise to these two forms of Ra is basically what supports the optimal context of civilizations and the suboptimal context of societies.
The “p” in praise is K, C, perimeter, preeminent, perfection, preexistence, circumference, circle, the beginning and end of Khekh.

2. Praise can be summarized in “E” alone. E is simply a form of “A” and all other vowels. Vowels are the energy and voice of spirit-soul, thus spirit-motion, catalyst, enzyme, manifestation, expression. This is contrasted with the consonant, the more tangible form of spirit-soul which is changed as form and function. expression, manifestation.

3. An expression of praise is Alleluia or Hallelujah.
Praise is per asi, per-ati, rep-ati, repa-ti, the repetition of Mati, the two truths.

4. Praise can be spelled Pray-se.
“Se” is Sa is Ka is Ra. Praying to Ra is the same as praise. Praying is not just asking, it is giving. Thus prayer and praise are not intermittent, but rather are continuous expressions of living.
We pray through our actions that elevate God the Creator or God the Destroyer. Each action is a prayer and a praise.

5. Praise is the pursuit of understanding. This is so because the primary action of the Supreme Being is to get understanding to ensure eternal cycles of life.

6. Through many per mutations (permutations, transformations, configurations), praise and prayse become perayse kherayse, kheraise, kheraikhe, kharaikha, kharaakha, khar akha.

7. Akha is spirit, fire, light, up-rising, lively, joyful, time to rise, Bennu, Phoenix, Harbinger (Har-bringer), Ukha, Ukhu. Per, to manifest, come forth, emanate, appear, Pyr, pyramid, the womb which contains fire and water. Per is Pur is Fur is Fir is Fire.
So now we can take Akha and recombine it with Per to get Per-akha and get back to praise as follows: perakha is perikha is perisha is per-isa is persia is praise.
We might ask, what happened to the h? The h is there and forms phraise or phrase, which reminds us again that all words, all phrases are praises.
Thus, in the beginning was the praise and the praise was God. In a Christian sense, Jesus is the praise of God.

8. Language is any form of expression. La-n-gu-age has components lekh, un, akhu, akhakh.
In other words, the basis of praise is contained in language, in all expression.
This last point is a familiar way to confirm the repetition of praise in each of the above examples.

How do I love thee? Let me count the praise.

When They Make You Cuss
Unity Consciousness #2861

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Damn! is when they make you cuss in a good way.
Pretty much all other curse words is when they make you cuss in a bad way.
There are some exceptions, cuss words and additional expressions that can go either way such as Wow! Or Motherfucker! And more.

When the second way (the bad way) emerges in your mind or comes out your mouth, it's a warning sign that it's time to move on, or at least pump the brakes and focus more on self-improvement and the things that fuel that improvement.

There are plenty of people that can make you cuss in the first way, and only a few who can help you reach the maturation of the first way and say Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking 'bout!
This is said in the spirit first and stays there until it blossoms into the mind and then comes out in seeds of satisfaction expressed in different ways.

This is praise for a match made in heaven.


This is praise for an optimal match made in heaven.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Widespread Kwanzaa Quandary Still Exists After Waters Test and Temperature Check
Unity Consciousness #2860

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On one of the Kwanzaa messages on this web log, I posted most of the update below. This was one of many checkups that must be regularly performed. As an additional sample, it indicates there is still a lackadaisical approach to basic resources for self-improvement. This is likely due to a greater focus on a few areas money motivated.
I am dismayed and astonished at how many people obviously don't like to be admonished or ignore reminders to help them remove more of their blinders and binders. Since posting the following message, many people have visited the original page and only one has shown themselves willing to avoid the false positives of the directions being followed, and allow themselves to benefit from the expanding freedom of going beyond the temporary surface interaction with Kwanzaa.

Weakness of knowledge still exists despite decades long pushing towards acknowledging Black History is 365/24/7 and permeates all locations of human habitation and the history of all people because Black History is in all foundations, and is in fact, the entire construction, except for the portion that is current staging of history.

Update 12.13.22:

And I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that ye also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another. (Romans 15:14) Bring more fullness to your understandings. Just as the spirit of Christmas does not sprout after Turkey Day and wither after Christmas Day, neither does Kwanzaa begin on December 26th or end on January 1st. It is these minimizations of holy days that has us in many quandaries that we can feel in our bones but can't figure out what's wrong.

Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished. (Ecclesiastes 4:13)

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Are we a fly by night learner who routinely has no breadth or depth of understanding, or are we an Initiate of Learning? In the 7 years since posting this message in poem, I'm still wondering why, despite over 1200 views, almost 100% of the people who visit this page in search of Kwanzaa inspiration, do not, as a matter of practical habit, search this blog for additional references to Kwanzaa to expand their learning experience. This web log is over 15 years old and contains almost 3,300 messages. This could be easily ascertained by looking at the list of posts on the right. We must remember to use more of the plant than what we are told to use and understand that each plant contains more benefit than what we are told and each plant connects us to the broader base of truths.

Bottom Lines

It's not primarily about human to human admonishment, chastisement, punishment. The Supreme always does these things. Thus you can shun but you can't slide.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Seemingly Random Year End Thoughts
Unity Consciousness #2859

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1. Do you know why the holidays, especially Christmas, are called festive occasions and we also use the word festivities?
Because these holidays are later versions of festivals rooted in Africa. Festi is phesti is Khesti and Khes, same as the Khes exposed with mistletoe.
Thus festive is spiritive, spiritual, spirit ritual. All holidays are spirit rituals and all the things we use and associate with each holiday are part of our spirit ritual. In essence, we do the same things as people we call pagan, cults, devil worshipers and Voodoo. In fact we are worse because we pretend to worship a spirit but instead we are mostly worshiping ourselves.

2. It's amazingly sad that most people can handle knowing they came from some other place than the place they are in now, but they can't carry this out through multiple roads, intersections and locations to find their way home, despite having a human genome map.

3. The Human Genome Project is another way to know all humans have a common origin and that origin is Africa, yet DNA Testing Results, which are based on the Human Genome Project, tell you you are not 100% African. And you believe both, the Project and the Results and see no contradiction, no incongruity, no comprehension of either, no left side connected to the right side.

4. To say God bless America is to say God bless normalized hysteria.

5. Everybody knows there's a price to be paid. What they don't know is in how many ways.

6. Six million ways to die, choose one. A Who Seh Ne Dun (Wake De Man)

7. All but two of those six million ways to die hinge on lies.

8. Death liberates spirits but does not absolve them or resolve relationships.

9. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it think.

10. My people suffer, not for lack of knowledge, but for lack of use of knowledge, especially knowledge already resident in their genetic library.

11. Because societies are based on sustaining stress and strife, the cycle of life has become the psycho of life.

12. A sure sign your logic is weak is if you always refuse to consider the opposite view or a different view and make clear, to yourself, your reasoning for acceptance or rejection.
In other words, a sure sign your logic is weak is if you try to prevent someone else from having access to different logic. (Can you say covid information that was blocked because it did not support the government narrative). See Manipulation Facts.

13. Along those lines, your leaders and experts got you believing that it's better to squash any speech against covid and vaccines than to let this information be heard and debated. Election candidates debate vastly different views, but to do so with covid information, is taboo and dangerous.
Since the masses allowed this to happen, most people in the world must think it's a good idea to listen to the defense and make a decision without listening to the prosecution. At least this is how we think on a handful of select topics, covid, white jews...

14. Supposedly it's a good idea to get a second opinion concerning medical diagnoses and treatment but not when it comes to covid, vaccines and protocols.
You are a pariah if you choose to use critical thinking yet you are the beneficiary of the best education system in the world and the best of everything that's the best.

15. It is no surprise you believe you have freedom when you only have some freedom if you do what the government wants you to do or else face fines and imprisonment and limitations and cancellation of all the certifications and rights that only exist because your government say they exist. Yet you are free.

16. Everyone involved in multi-car accidents should have their licenses revoked because obviously they don't have enough sense to know the conditions are too dangerous to be on the road.
This is another reason why government issuance of licenses is very faulty because it does not test decision-making, thus licenses are no more than another means to extract money.

Many True Meanings Of Christmas:
Birth Of Christ Was Not A Happy Occasion For Everyone
Unity Consciousness #2858

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Can you say Herod?
According to the Judaeo-Christian account, the position of a star led the wise men to the birthplace of Jesus.
The position of stars is important, yet we ignore their positions when trying to understand what time it is in an overall sense as to what is affecting events in the range of influence of stars. This influence affects all planets in the Solar System and all events for all creatures on Earth, thus climate environmental change. At a minimum, since we know there are at least billions of stars, we should be asking which star was it and why that star?
One of the major stars right now is Sadalsuud (Beta Aquarii). It is located in the star constellation Aquaria (Aquarius) from approximately December 20th to January 20th. Thus both the Winter Solstice and December 25th are now taking place during the annual star of Aquaria as a herald for the Age of Aquaria.

The arrival of the ever-coming one, the karest, scared Herod just like it scares all current groups whose various forms of power are about to be removed from them. They become more heinous by the day, thus so does the barbarism of the favored groups and the kiss ass wannabe groups.
Star alignments always assist the process of removal and replacement of rulership.
As star alignments change, they do so to fulfill the law., the Big Law, fundamental laws.

Current Governments Are Like Herod & His Government

Roman African Herod was only King due to Roman African invasion and murder in African Judea and surrounding area.
Current rulerships have the USA, Europe and the G20 to back each other up. All of them are variants of Herods. Herod had the Great and Mighty All Powerful Roman Empire Wealth and Military. None of these were enough to stop Rome from being laid low.
John and Jesus spoke out against Herods and were imprisoned and killed just as is done today to leaders and followers who oppose current governments. There are plenty of daughters of Herodias who are complicit and just as vicious.
Herod was replaced by Roman African Pontius Pilate and demoted to ruler of Galilee. Herod sent Jesus to Pilate who hung Jesus on a tree just as many bodies have also been hung on trees.
The spirit of John is the spirit of Jesus just as the spirit of our ancestors are our children who will retake possession of their birthright.
Jesus is a composite soul of life who is many souls of life continuously being born under the stars. These souls, these christs, these ever-coming ones come to teach, heal, remove, kill, cause upheaval and fulfill. It is not simply about a birthday in the way current humans understand birthdays.
Be certain to understand that the rulerships of religions is also falling along with the rulerships of all other institutions that keep the willing and disabled masses in a state of schizophrenia.

Christmas is another cycle when many christs are born, reborn in all cycles no matter how short or long the period of time. Neither Christmas or any other cycle is so limited as to only apply to one being, such as a human, and then only once.
The coming and birth of Christ cannot be a one-time, one-off event because it is tied to cycles which continually repeat. These things and more are closer to the true (fuller, more mature) meaning of Christmas.

So in another sense, Christmas is about the best of times and the worst of times.

There Are Only Two Jobs In The World
Unity Consciousness #2857

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

1. Change the world for the better.

2. Change the world for the worst for all humans, all creatures, all animals, all beings, all souls of life.

3. Maintain the world as is. Make no difference by allowing the sum of your actions to negate each other. Be not all good and not all bad. Be null and void. This job has a stagnation effect and always serves the current status quo of harmony justice parity or disharmony injustice disparity. Thus this middle of the road effect aids either Job 1 or Job 2 by providing no assistance or resistance. These are those who think they are balanced because they are undecided, uncommitted, but instead they are lukewarm and avoiding the necessary thought process to be make a choice one way or another. In reality, no one's total actions cancel each other. The balance is always towards either Job 1 or Job 2.

All other jobs are subjobs, branches, variations, extensions, duties.

Job is the same word as God. Thus there are only two jobs because there are only two Gods (Masters). Thus to have a job is to have a God. Thus to work a job, paid or not, for others or for self, is to be serving a God.
Duty is the same word as dudu, duality or du-ali-ty, ali being the elemental souls of life.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Part 3, You Are Not Human If...
Unity Consciousness #2856

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzq of 11)

The Geography Conundrum

It stands on reason that if humans originated in Africa, all human DNA is 100% African.
So what factors caused 100% African DNA to become some other kind of DNA?
1. Factor 1: _____________________?
2. Factor 2: _____________________??
3. Factor 3: _____________________???
I'm sure you are drawing a blank because nothing you put in those blanks will make any damn sense.
Write it down and expose your logic for the fraud that it is.

Did human genetics stop being 100% African while humans were still in Africa?

Or did human genetics stop being 100% African when humans migrated into Asia?
Or Australia? Or Antarctica? Or the Armoricas? Or any of the islands?

Does human DNA change when people move from one place to another?
When we travel somewhere? To outer space?

How long does it take for human DNA to become some other kind of DNA when humans move from one place to another?

Have white folks in the USA for the past 500 years become less than 100% European?

I guess white folks living in South Africa are more African than other white folks in the world.
You can be certain their DNA Testing Results match those of any other white person in terms of making African the least of who they are despite squatting in Africa for generations.

By the way, I guess that's how the Latinos of South America became a different race from the Latinos in Africa and in Western Asia. And from Spanish speakers and from Hispanics and from those from Hispaniola.
So which one of these groups do the Latinos in the USA claim to be from?

Give a people a variation of language, variation of culture and a variation of location and that creates a new race of humans that diminishes the origin of their genetics.

I'm waiting for the Christian race to emerge, along with the Muslim race and Buddhist race, since white Jews use religion to claim they are a race.

There must be at least several hundred races of humans based on geographic location, language and culture, none of them being 100% of anything and most of them being African the least.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Part 2, You Are Not Human If...
Unity Consciousness #2855

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

All creatures in their natural setting, know who they are. Thus they are able to function as intended, and none of them need to have someone tell them who they are. All they have to do is observe.
For humans, even if we don't know we are African or we reject we are African or think we are less than 100% African or think African is the lesser part of us, we are still African and we are still human. Our understandings don't change the fixed portions of reality. What our understandings do affect is our ability to live properly in relation to the fixed and variable portions of reality.

The problem is, if you accept any of the diminishments of your Africanness, you are limited in those areas, i.e., physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually..
Early in this journey on Sankofa Road, we remembered that what affects one of the four inseparable aspects of self, also affects the other three.

When you reject your physical origin, your birthplace and birth parents and you reject what that means about your genetics, you are rejecting who you are. You are in self-conflict, inner turmoil, constant self-attack. To not think you think so, you must deaden your awareness in other self-destructive ways, including mental justifications.
It is this limited self and its contradictory and antagonistic relationship with the wholeness self, that struggles unnecessarily and can in no ways evolve or achieve optimal manifestations or beingness. Thus, in a state of contradiction, many more contradictions arise, and for most of us, we ignore them, reject them, deny them and try to be our best without the entire self. Thus we make many goals harder than they need to be and make some goals impossible. What we achieve and call success is based on grading in a suboptimal context on a suboptimal curve. So you know wholeness, as in harmony, does not exist as a norm in societies. This is why societies exist as a form of sickness. In other words, to the degree we know or do not know who we are, where we come from or why we are here, is the degree to which humans organize themselves into either civilizations or societies. This causes those who prefer the grief in their foresight to the relief in their hindsight to be ripe for the thief in the night after repeated warnings of knowing better but not doing better and thinking everything's alright.

By The Way

As discussed elsewhere, imagine if some creatures in any species, let's say, honey bees, acted as if they were not honey bees or not part of the hive or acted as if they were some unique kind of honey bee or acted as if they were bumble bees or wasps?
Secondly, you know we are in trouble when our pets, especially cats and dogs, have many of the same illnesses as us. Why? Because they are not in their natural setting and are not living as the creatures they are. And are eating what we give them? Growing up, we always had dogs, but not once did they go to a veterinarian or have a dog house or eat store bought dog food. And they lived long lives and never came in the house. Pet dogs and pet cats nowadays are weak and untimely passive or aggressive because they are not in their natural minds. We had dogs that got hit by cars and shot and the mange and survived and never got lost and didn't need us to take them on a shit, piss and exercise walk.
Just as it is with plant and animal farming, where we use commercial practices for personal practices, we've allow popularized methods of having a pet in captivity to become the preferred method thought best.
So put all this in the human context and you can perhaps understand why humans have so many litters of problems. We are so disconnected from our natural self and think we are somebody else, some other specie, some other race. We are like disturbed honey bees trying to live on sugar water. We are like honey bees from whom the honey of our Africanness and the honey of our humanness have been substituted for artificial sweetener logic, which is why humans and families, households and nations suffer from many symptoms of colony collapse disorder.
Almost all humans on this planet are not living according to natural settings because they are not in their natural minds, not even many of those in the African nucleus. The living conditions of virus logic must go through the rapid phase of further upheaval on a grander scale in order to alleviate Earth of this pathogen and its variants. This will likely occur in places eating, drinking, feasting and sleeping as if well-prepared because there is nothing needing urgent attention. These large scale events must take place first in the most heinous places before the remnants of African humans can retake stewardship and restart African human civilizations on a new Earth between new Heavens on four sides.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

You Are Not Human If You Are Not African
Unity Consciousness #2854

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

This is true for obvious reasons.
All races and ethnic groups want to call themselves by names that are African names in languages started by Africans in other lands. As explained many times, all people are later versions of Africans. Their names, languages, colorations and cultures are versions, variations, conglomerations and mixtures of what started from Africa. There is no other way to originate anything human that is not connected to the origin of humans.
Too many people want to claim being white, European, Asian, Arab, Israeli, Bedouin, Mexican, Hispanic, Latino, American, and all manner of racial, ethnic and country names, but don't want to be African. Well that's too damn, too bad and ugly sad. It's way past time for creatures calling themselves human to still be so basically stupid (fools, foolish, maturely ignorant) as to who they are, where they came from and why they are here, despite most humans thinking this is the best of times, best of technology and best of information, yet ignoring the evidences that this is the worst times of comprehension and morality.
If you are of voting age, drinking age and consider yourself an adult, you are responsible for knowing better as you continuously encounter information that answers these questions or leads you to the answers.
Based on multiple forms and sources of everywhere information, if you continue to insist you are not African, then you are also insisting you are not human.
And on all these notes, if you continue to insist you are not a variation of ape, you cannot be human either, since humans are primates and ape primates existed before human primates and are our ancestors. In the world of humans, we are a planet of apes.
Africans, by many names, existed all over the world, before people by their current names existed. Some of the current names being the same as before. In the fullness of their meaning, these names point straight to Africa.
Since all human DNA originated in Africa, if you continue to insist you are less than 100% African, then you are less than 100% human.
Let go of logic making you slow. Just let it go so purifying logic can flow.
We now Sankofa to UC#2852. Only struggles for the rights for blacks have resulted in benefit to all humans in the location of the struggle. This is because humanity flows from Africa, thus by the default of duality balance, inhumanity also flows from Africa. Africa did give birth to the seeds that became all racist groups, I.e, people of color and colorless people of no color and the enigma immaculate conception that turned religion into a race called white jews.

If you embrace the latest version of yourself and claim it is not African or not 100% African, you are embracing the second manifestation of humans which is inhumanity. This is why all people who deny their Africanness are inhumane against Africans, and against Africa, thus, the inhumanity starts against self, by attacking the truth(s) within self. This is why all racists are psychopath sociopath mentally ill who attack their children first in order to ensure children are damaged enough to not embrace the humanity they are born with and instead embrace the inhumanity.
We can know humans started out in a humane mode because evolution only comes through humanity and harmony. Thus, despite many claims of evolution, recent generations of humans have not evolved and cannot evolve until they become harmonious and embrace their Africanness in totality. In societies, most will not evolve - clearly. Evolution must take place in a cocoon, in isolation in separation from the thinking and behavior of the befuddled masses who feel most secure huddled around the same thinking and behavior, regardless of what the results and effects are and regardless of the absence of critical assessment before, during and after. These are a few reasons why evolution only takes place among a relative few. Thus any hopes of a mass shift away from inhumanity and towards humanity is not the way major change takes place in societies (humans who have organized themselves around the disharmonious). In societies major change always takes place through destructive measures that prolongs the agony of the antagonistic nature of societies or major change takes place through destruction of the society. Both of these processes are always simultaneously taking place in societies. Societies are on a shorter lease of time than civilizations; however, societies are on a long leash of behavior, thus the illusion of invincibility while being scared to death of blowback. Predictably, no society is afraid of or prepared to handle the final waves of blowback from attacking their own humanity and resting their life and existence on the self-assuredness of cosigned insanity and relying on 9-1-1 instead of 4-1-1 from the One.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Deion Sanders Attacked By Racists
How Racism Works
Unity Consciousness #2853

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Some white person in the media started the intifada meme that Deion Sanders is taking the job at the University of Colorado for the money. However deadheads didn't say this about unqualified Jeff Saturday, certified by whiteness rightness, taking the job with the Baltimore Colts. Also the money theme is not said of the college football programs moving from obscure conferences and either up or into the FBS group of conferences (Football Bowl Subdivision Division 1-A).
This is how racism works, plain and simple.
As if black people are less honorable and white people adhere to the highest of standards and are not money driven and are so much in love with family as the most precious thing. (While ignoring the most precious thing about family).
Who the hell wouldn't take a higher paying job in the same damn field they are already in?
Meanwhile, white people and other races, in their quest and thirst for money and self-esteem, have taken criminality to the extreme to create Maafa Racism to give themselves advantages in all areas of people activity so they can get money.

Only those who link too much if what they care about to what others think.

Antifa Also Short For Intifada But Not Equal To Anti-Racist
Unity Consciousness #2852

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

If you use an internet browser to search the word intifada (intifadah), you will get bombarded with retarding definitions that limit intifada to Palestinian uprisings against Israeli occupation of stolen land.

If you search the Orthodox Jewish Bible on biblegateway.com and compare the use of intifada to the Complete Jewish Bible and King James Version, you will find meanings for intifada as revolution, uproar, war, fight, uprising, rise against, rioting, disorder, disorderly gathering, commotion. To this we can quickly add other synonyms such as battle, conflict, attack, gentrification, voting restrictions, religion, rebellion...
In other words, just because the word intifada is not commonly used, that doesn't mean what intifada is, is uncommon.

A Brief Foray Into Antifa

Although there is supposedly no centralized official spokesperson organization, others who are reliable to be unreliable and who rely on their lie ability but not liability, say Antifa is short for Anti-fascists. These definitions also state Antifa is left wing, against Neo-Nazis, White supremacists and racism.
First of all, fascism is government overstep and infringement on the rights of creation. This is evident in societies based on the number of laws (dictates) in all jurisdictions and the number of law enforcing agencies who also turn the other way when it comes to the lawless who are intentionally far from flawless. The USA is proud of one of their slogans as “a nation of laws”, thus, since laws define the USA as the binding ingredient for shattered esteem, laws entwine and confine, thus the USA is surreptitiously proud to be fascist, while denying it is, just as it also denies being racist while maintaining the ten pillars of racism.
The USA operates under a thinly veiled tattered form of fascism called democracy, capitalism and subservience to patriotism to make people think they are free and somebody special by virtue of identifying with a country, no other effort required.
Supposedly, since their inception, Britain and the USA claim to be against Fascism and Nazism, yet both countries and their allies, are fascist and Nazi-like by using race as a means to declare a superior race and favored group. The USA rebelled against fascist Britain. Then those same kind of white folks in the USA treated other white Europeans as less than until they needed them to assist in Maafa Racism. All countries in the United Nations are the same in regards to government overstep and infringement.

By no means should we assume Antifa is actually anti-racist just because they or somebody else say they are. Because Antifa has produced no mature anti-racism fruit, they are certainly not on the level of white people called abolitionists who were against chattel slavery and put their lives on the line along the lines of white John Brown. He is far more worthy of praise than John F. Kennedy or Abraham Lincoln.
We should not assume Antifa members are not racists, no more than we already know the Occupy Movement consisting of mostly white folks was not for human decency for all people and just as we know white feminists are not anti-racists, thus are not for the liberation of black women and just as we know the same applies to LGBTQ movements. The mobilized members of the Occupy Movement quit after several months of beat downs by police and military and were able to reintegrate into the white collective. Also, neither are most of the white folks who voted for Obama, non-racist. In fact, it stands to reason that most are racist because if they were not, racism would crumble due to so many young white people of voting age and working age and college age, fighting against racism and exposing it. Their lack of anti-racism behavior might be excusable since Obama did not exhibit anti-racist behavior while in the Big House White House, and instead did the opposite.

Since all black people know several racists and many instances of racism. You can be certain, all white people know many more racists and are aware of many more instances of racism, especially since most are racists due to one or more twists of logic that allows them to passively and/or actively support family, friends and coworkers who are racists.
Show me a family of non-racist white folks and I will show you two things: a television movie and a mirage in a moral desert. I grew up and went to school with plenty of white folks. Even though they lived in the same neighborhoods as black folks, not once do I recall any white kids playing with black kids. And yet they want to have high school reunions. To hell with that pretentious stuff to extend the illusion. It is learned behavior for white folks and wannabe groups to have no problem with the contradiction of considering you a classmate and not in the same class.
These are additional reasons black folks should doubt Antifa is anti-racist. If they are willing to protest, fight and break the law to protest against white supremacy, then surely they should be willing to collect evidence and expose every act of racism that they are certainly aware of. It is ridiculous for white folks to claim to not know of acts of racism, when all black folks are constantly aware, except for the completely insane black folks who are ashamed and fearful of calling racism by its name.

Back to the USA. If in fact Antifa is anti-racist then why does the USA government label them as undesirable if the USA is supposedly not racist, according to the lips of fools who regurgitate the gruel from the mouths of knaves.
Antifa may or may not be anti-fascist government, but are most likely only anti-government overstep and are okay with the rest of how government operates in regards to infringing on the rights of the most disfavored group. Antifa is more than likely of the same tactic that tries to confuse and interfere with the revolution against Maafa Racism despite Antifa being cosigned by commission and omission of misguided groups that are definitely co-opted such as Black Lives Matter, NAACP, Urban League, Black Caucus and others who, for less than bowls of pottage, have sold out their portion of the heir apparent birthrights of Aquaria and Kepheus.

Once again we must be clear that no movement that is anti-fascism or anti-government is the same as being anti-racism. No movement such as that against the Supreme Court decision to allow States to ban abortion is the same as being for the sanctity of black female rights. So black people who join in any movement that is not primarily an anti-Maafa Racism movement are being god damned fools.

Let us be certain to understand that no general overall movement for any type of right has ever insured rights for blacks, i.e., women's suffrage. On the other hand, all movements for rights for blacks have benefited whites and all other groups, i.e., civil rights movement in the USA.
In other words, the only way Antifa can be anti-racist is if anti-racism is the primary focus that evolves to understand it must be against the entire system of institutions and its byproducts that support racism, thus, by default becomes anti-fascist.

All societies are engaged in multiple intifadas. Societies are authors of aggressor attacker Intifadas against all citizens, especially the first class favored group who bask in their Stockholm Syndrome leprous logic.
By contrast, all civilizations are engaged in intifadas that buffet self and bring about urgent self-correction.

Since Fada is Kaka, ultimately, all anti-fadas (intifadas) are actually against the old first one, the great mother, the mummy, the karest, Afra, Nganga, Word, Sound, Voice, Spark, Fire, Djindja energy, Spirit-Soul, the Supreme Being. Humans can only win these battles when the stars are aligned in their favor. This again proves battle are indeed against principalities, not flesh and blood and do not hinge on dollars or weapons in the hands of the sanctimonious disharmonious.
As the changeover of two Ages coincide, climate is continuously changing the alignments of principalities with increasing rapid (raw foot) speed that is carpeting (kar put) earth in magic to counteract evil word spells.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

When Being Left Behind Is A Good Thing
Unity Consciousness #2851

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

Misunderstanding Matthew 24 and Luke 17 of the Judaeo-Christian Bible:
Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

To Be Taken Is To Be Chosen In A Bad Way

The metaphor compares the days of Noah Meachem. Noah was saved but Noah was not taken. He was left.
Thus the one in the bed and the one in the field and the one grinding at the mill who were taken were not saved.

And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.
The disciples were not asking where, in regards to the ones left behind because they knew where, one left in the bed, one left grinding, one left in the field.
The disciples were asking to what location were the ones taken?

Two other versions clarify this location:
Where the NEVELAH (DEVARIM, dead body, corpse) is, there also the nesharim (vultures, eagles, birds of prey, scavengers) will be gathered together. (CJB)
“Wherever there’s a dead body, that’s where the vultures gather.” (OJB)

Unlike the black caterpillar, red bull, Sut-Anush, Enoch and the black bambino, to be taken is not always good. Sometimes being left behind is a good thing.

From Culpable Suckables: A Virus Is The Best Delivery System To Reprogram Human Genetics
Unity Consciousness #2850

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A Virus Is The Best Delivery System To Reprogram Human Genetics

From the 2012 movie, Bourne Legacy.
This is simply a quick covid reminder, especially covid vaccines. It is also a reminder about all other things you put into your body that “the government” keeps pumping you with fear to put into your body as if their top priority is to save your life and help you live the best life possible while doing everything to suck the life out of you. You have to be culpable to be suckable.

Gift-Giving Confusing Everything With A Lot Of Other Stuff
Unity Consciousness #2849

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

Nobody has everything.
A common piece of flawed human logic that surfaces during the end of year mandatory gift-giving season is, “What do you get the person who has everything?”
This is flawed on four ends.

On the back end, the logic equates everything with having a lot of stuff (human manufactured stuff). Secondly, “having” (has) is confused with “needing”. Thus having something or a lot is conflated with needing something or a lot.

On the front end, the logic equates gift giving with something to go out and get and then give, rather than something I have that the person needs that I can give.

On the two middle ends, the logic mistakes gift giving and receiving as a reciprocal process such that the intent of the gift and utility of the gift are appreciated and communicated so that both parties are satisfied. Even though this should be automatic in a spiritually sane exchange, nowadays it has been degraded to 99% emphasis on the physical due to mental insanity. Thus the getting, giving, receiving and acknowledgment of gifts, often goes sideways into one or both being pressurized and/or dissatisfied, while pretending otherwise. This is why unwanted and unneeded gifts are politically correctly passed along under “re-gifting” as a common noble global thing.
By now, in a predictable moment of logic reflux, somebody reading this has dredged up the common, “it's the thought that counts”. This is often used as a missing the mark excuse; however, if it is the thought that counts, then why not put more thought into it so that “it's the spiritual connection that counts?”

Gifts outside the realm of obtaining and maintaining inherent rights are gifts that fuel the over-consumption mandate of societies rather than energize lives to new civilized highs. This is exacerbated when giving gifts is limited to prescribed occasions and not when the need exists. Ultimately, it is exacerbated by training children to behave the same way because why not expect gifts when the holy day holiday is not supposed to be about you except in a collective benefit way. (I don't recall the three wise men giving gifts to each other or to Mary or Joseph). They were wise weren't they? All holy days are supposed to be about restoring and maintaining group cohesion harmony - group being equal to nation being equal to family being equal to universe and universal principles, thinking and behavior. Instead, holy has become holi pronounced holly which is mostly deception as in hollywood.
Again, who gives gifts to each other, on somebody else's birthday? Where is this in the religious story that Jesus or the disciples said do this?
As discussed elsewhere in regards to wax on wax off holiday behavior, once again, many people are giving many things to people who don't need them and giving things to people who need them but only doing so when in holiday season mode to satisfy their sense of not being a rude human for a few weeks to offset many weeks of passively and actively infringing on the rights of creation due to self-neglect.
All this holiday cheer would yield the greatest benefits to all, if those resources were aimed at ensuring rights of creation for all that would create peace on earth and good will towards all.

Is gift-giving and giving gifts a recent phenomenon? Or has it always existed?

What did people give way back when?

What has a human always needed before the cacophony of secondary creation “stuff” existed?
What if there was no store bought stuff to give?
Would the focus of “the holiday season” return to an emphasis of living daily lives commensurate with the holy days?

One does have everything. Nobody else does because nobody else needs everything all. Everything was spread among Many so that Many would have to share what each other had in order for the universe to function optimally, thus for each creation to function optimally along with their creations. Of course, the opposite behavior and effect is possible which is why, current approaches to holy days as holidays is unholy because even in the midst of gift-giving, the overall effect during the holidays and throughout the year is to maintain a system that does not share Everything with the Many.

Since the One is the only one who has everything, the question becomes, what do you give the Most Holy One who has Everything and whose day is every day?
You give the respect of giving to others what the One would give from the goodness of the universal heart.
Certainly then, this would not be that which is store bought when that which is a primary creation is needed.

On far too many occasions most of us are looking for recognition and gifts from somebody. On each of these occasions we already have our gift – life. We need to recognize that. Jesus, is ever-coming so that we can have life and have it more abundantly. We can't have this if we don't have recognition, appreciation and respect by using the gift of life to enhance life for self and all else.

Life Itself

is a gift. Why spend life infringing on the rights of others, rights that come with life?
For instance, being a genderist and/or a racist is a total waste of life because infringers cannot evolve from caterpillar to butterfly, thus cannot spread their wings and are like crabs, slugs, leeches, ticks, termites, fungus, mold, wood lice, piranha and decomposers as they try to get you to accept their deteriorating context for life and existence. Destroyers always destroy their own nest while claiming to be under unprovoked undeserved attack from without, i.e., criers of reverse racism, antisemitism, terrorism....

Monday, December 12, 2022

Lamenting Disunity In The USA
Unity Consciousness #2848

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

As the poster child for psychopathology and sociopathology, the USA is an epitome example of what a society is. Part of the full unzipped definition of a society is that it is unified based on disunity. This disunity is a disease that infects all dimensions of life with an exponential deteriorating growth rate.

One of the strategies of societies is to preach individualism as a constant mindset connected with brief focuses on unity. Each person who has reached the age of mature critical thinking should be able to list at least 12 ways in which individualism is preached as a primary philosophy. Yet there are dozens more ways. Furthermore, the same person should also be able to list a dozen ways unity is preached. Further analysis will reveal that most unity philosophies uphold the belief that unity is a fragmented notion based on individualism and default factors unchosen and unexamined, rather than unity being based on consciously maintaining a set of conditions that self-perpetuates maintaining the cohesiveness of the group based on individual and collective pursuit of beingness.

Now the media and all their background think tankers are lamenting that the USA society is in danger due to not having enough shared common lived experiences**, which must now be created and manufactured to hold the country together. These things the media and conspirators say even as they continue to support, maintain and create new versions of disuniting forms of individualism and fragmented unity.
In societies, the seeds of division with the intent to destroy harmony have been so well distributed and are now full grown, that it is no longer possible for societies to be untangled from what strangles and develop unity in ways necessary for the society to survive.

The simultaneous truth that has always existed is that, in addition to a common origin in Africa, all people, indeed, all creatures, do have multiple shared common lived experiences, during times like these, one of which on this Earth is that disparity creates despair. Most people and other creations suffer, due to unjustness of societies, even though the suffering varies in form, duration, intensity as they affect each of the four inseparable aspects of self.
This alone, or any of the other common shared lived experiences are sufficient to form a critical thinking mass to both dismantle the society and reorganize themselves into a civilization. By necessity, this means rebalancing all things unjust and reworking all things that cause the imbalance. By necessity this means reparations, redistribution of wealth, socialism and mountains of re-education that wokes people up from okie dokes so they revolt and revote against master-servant yokes and only accept harambee yokes where the individual good is the collective good and the greater good and what is held in common at the center, extends like spokes to all folks. This is a triage intensive care continuous process of recalibrating logic.
Civilizations will always have far greater longevity than societies because societies depend on people being divided within and without in order for people to focus on attacking each other rather than continuously correcting the society and urgently transforming it in an evolutionary way into a civilization. All this is predictable because it has been repeated throughout history and has contributed to the downfall of all societies, all empires. There is no country of humans that is united in a healthy way that allows the country to continue under the same type of institutional ideology. There must be a Great Reset, voluntarily and swiftly or there will be one involuntarily and sooner than we think because we are already in the midst of it that fools and their followers think is only climate change. These changes taking place coincident with human activities are predictable because they have been repeated throughout history.

**Shared Lived Experiences

This is a major ruse used to confuse to get people to choose to disabuse themselves of their “inherent rights of creation”. In other words, this ruse is used to disguise family feudalism as an equal opportunity form of capitalism. Understand what feudalism is. The difference between feudalism and capitalism is that feudalism is based on the feu (few) to whom benefits accrue, while capitalism is based on many who capit (capitulate). Capitulation is relinquishing of the head, brain, mind, guidance, parenting to someone else or to someone else. This is in distortion to Khepit (kepit) and Khepti (Kepti), which Is wholeness, balance, harmony, duality through totality, self and all else, sharing dynamically balanced so that no one or nothing is left behind and all rise and arrive together.

If there is to be shared lived experiences that unite a people in a sustainable ecosystem way, a primary shared lived experience must be shared resources managed in an “each according to optimal destinypurpose” way and used in an “each according to need” way.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Serving Two Masters Doubles Violent Logic Disaster & Hastens Return To The Hereafter
Unity Consciousness #2847

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I'm past being tired and am just sick of deeply malnourished colorless people of no color and wannabe flunkeys, like rabid dogs, viciously bellyaching about black people getting reparations, and if they do get reparations, oh no, don't give them cash. Instead figure out some contorted distorted attempt at reparations that won't even come close to paying for damages or move the imbalance needle more than a few tenths of one percent. Due to being so consumed with snapping at anything and everything that benefits blacks, racist madness obscures the fact that the fastest way for all other groups to benefit from and get tons more cash from black people getting reparations is to give black people cash.
I, for one, would gladly give white people cash in exchange for something they have that I want.

Old News Flash: White People support a racist society and are okay with that and don't attack the society's systems and institutions constantly in order to create a just system. White people are okay with being treated unfairly because blacks are treated multiple times more unfairly. It's the deal they make with their fellow devils to keep the playing field unlevel and beveled.
On top of being racist, the system is unjust, unfair, imbalanced and despicable, yet you racist collectives (the greatest of hater nations) still support it because you feel inadequate to function in a fair system. Yet you are still too inadequate to prosper in a system designed to benefit you, so you think.
In other words, you support a racist and unjust system, despite the system only throwing crumbs on the floor for most of y'all volunteer thug mob gang cult satan worshiping race mercenaries.
You are trying to serve two masters and are experiencing double disaster. You're doing evil against blacks while trying to do good for yourself and as a means to do good for yourself. This has never worked and you're too dumb to admit it, quit it and fix it.

So whoever is against reparations for blacks and cash reparations and other forms of reparations that must be included as discussed elsewhere, back to hell with you.
Second in line for the nonstop return trip to hell are those who claim to support reparations, but don't want to give up cash or other, more equity producing types of reparations. Double back to hell with you because you are trying to serve two masters by stabbing blacks in the back with a smiling face while appeasing the interests of racists who are too psychotic to stop shooting themselves in the foot daily by being racist.

African Origin & Meaning Behind Kissing Under The Mistletoe
Unity Consciousness #2846

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Although mistletoe was also found on ash trees, apple trees and possibly other fruit trees, Druids (Egyptians and other Nile Valley Africans who were also the first Greeks) especially revered Mistletoe that grows on the oak tree.
They used mistletoe tea to restore fertility to any barren animal, and also used it as a remedy against all poisons.
In addition to fertility, healing and purifying (detoxification), mistletoe also confers immortality, thus, all this means resurrection, rebirth and birth.


Kiss is a form of Kes. Khes is spirit-soul. When spirits or souls of life meet, unite, connect, interact, bond or band, they are forming a khes ing, khesing by arranging themselves in a manner most beneficial to both or all. This is a holy khes, a holy kiss.
Greet one another with a holy kiss to symbolize spiritual unity, unity of consciousness.
Mistletoe is associated with Christmas because of its association with rebirth of the ever-coming one karest at winter solstice. Thus kissing under the mistletoe is a Mythological and Eschatological ritual that commemorates this spiritual process between souls of life that takes place in nature in all creations all the time. Winter solstice is just the beginning of one of many cycles; however, it is a significant beginning in the north.
Kissing under the mistletoe is supposed to be platonic, not romantic, thus in most instances should be a quick closed mouth kiss on the cheek or lips.
Societal representations, as always, produce degradations and retardations of original practices. This is why kissing under the mistletoe is misunderstood and is mostly shown in a romantic way.

Schools Should Close During Inclement Weather Months
Unity Consciousness #2845

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Like daylight savings time, school vacation during summer is part of a white European society that was almost completely agrarian based.
Public and private schools, including colleges and universities should close during the months with the most inclement weather. In most of the USA, this is winter. In other parts of the world, this is monsoon season or when temperatures are dangerously high. Schools closing during these times would solve a lot of problems and resources.
If schools were closed during winter months, this would also coincide with Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and other holidays during November, December and January. It would smooth out the demand caused by a lot people traveling at the same time during very small windows of time.
In the USA, schools being open during summer would still allow plenty of time after school for kids to enjoy the outdoors since summer days have longer periods of daylight.
Non-essential businesses could and should also coordinate slow downs and/or highly flexible schedules and business hours during winter or other months when inclement weather is a factor.
It is foolish for humans to continue to insist on being the only creature who thinks it can still do 99% of what it wants to do all year long.
Except for humans, all other creatures adjust to the weather and do not attempt to do the same things in all kinds of weather.
Schools have not taught us how to weather the weather. Instead of teaching us how to critically think and lead societies to closing schools during inclement weather months, schools have closed our minds.

Praying To Be Softly Stoned To Second Death
Unity Consciousness #2844

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And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. (Revelation 6:15-16)

My Gawd! My Gawd! Pleez lawd hep me sabe my life durin deese scerree times wen dere iz so meni mytee virushes, dzeezes and inflections thretnin my life. Please lawd delibber me frum dis heer evils playgin my life wen alls I's kairs bouts iz sabin my life. Jes let me lib lawd. Shows me de wey to make it thru anuther dae. I'll du anything ta stay heer and lib in feer. Make da wey cleer lawd.
It feels like the sky is falling on my hed lawd is it you calling me home lawd, but I's alredy sed I'm not ready. In stedy stone me out of my misery by gibben me shots to num deese pains dat keeps on dropin on my hed like rocks. It hurts so bad wen my bruhain's quired to werk ta sort thru reports cumin from evrywares dares a claim axin to be herd to keep me scerred wit no wares ta hide, no safe place ta res wiles I's runnin wey frum da inz ov my daes, jes let me stay in a malaise-a kind of wey on an iland of fantasee wares I kin njoi life in ignance an feer without beein cleer bout whys I'z heer.

As all manner of highly infectious pathogens continued to spread by word of mouth and numbers and other logic statements that don't pan out, but fans out like controlled burns fanned out into wildfire pandemic clout unimpeded by benefit of doubt, the people ran to their parental knaves and cried, save us and we will allow you to further enslave us. The knaves obliged and moved to provide an unending supply of vaccines, tests, treatments, products, protocols and lies for slaves to hide behind from the obvious fact that the pathogens were not falling from the sky like raindrops from which they can't easily keep dry by living “normal” lives, but were synchronized sprays of pumped up drivelings out of the mouths of knaves who are all getting paid.

In other words,

since a series of regular-sized glasses of straight shots of covid, rsv and influenza are not enough to keep the momentum going and growing for consent to every kind of shot, pill and vaccine these creeps invent, now they are providing a mixed cocktail of covid, rsv and influenza to keep you out of the light and in the pale. Now all of a sudden, years of influenza have now led to influenza being part of a pandemic trinity, which it never has been by itself, not even in the first two years of covid-19 when pumping covid vaccines into you was more important than flu shots. Same for RSV. Now they're throwing in outbreaks of measles, mumps, polio, shingles and anything else they think will keep critical think in shrink wrap and you dead to rights in their sights.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Parental Guidance Advised & Ill-Advised
Unity Consciousness #2843

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Parents and other adults in the village should be more insistent and consistent in making sure children understand the most important things they need and ensuring children get those things.
The processes that connect those beginnings, middles and ends require child rearing to not be a democracy where everyone get a vote. Which is why people can't vote until a certain age in societies; however, in civilizations, children can't vote until they reach a certain level of understanding.
The combined parental role is the same as that of the per-aa pharaoh of the house, which is to oversee the conditions where the child learns to make the optimal choice towards obtaining or sustaining the most important things, while thinking it was their choice. By product of this approach, children and the collective ascend to higher and higher levels of civilization.
In societies, democracy also guides people towards choices the society wants them to make while thinking it is their choice. By product of this approach, children and the collective descend to lower and lower levels of degradation. This is because the combined parental approach is that of ter-aa terror of the house.
Government is governance which is an overall form of parental guidance. Government authorities, officials and experts they certify in all institutions, guide us toward making choices that the society wants us to make to feed their asili. This is agreed upon by each household that supports, goes along with, kills for, works for, acquiesces, participates in and votes. In other words, governmental parental advice is merely the combination of the parental guidance in each household. For the most part, governmental, institutional and cultural parental guidance will reflect the guidance that serves the favored group and that the favored group uses at home and teaches their children to preserve using any means of deception necessary, a skill which allows this second nature to dominate.
In civilizations, there is no favored group, thus governmental, institutional and cultural parental guidance will reflect the guidance that best serves all citizens, each according to need.
The difference is, the per-aa is the servant of the people and a repa of the pantheon of gods. If war is declared, the per-aa serves on the front lines of the battle.
However, in societies, the ter-aa is the slavemaster of the people and the rekha (home wrecka) of the pantheon of gods. If war is declared, the ter-aa and their cadre of experts, do not serve on the front lines of battle. Thus the masses of people calling themselves citizens, are the servants of those they anoint because the masses think they have used a well informed thought process to vote, elect and make choices to accept leaders, experts, authorities, officials, scholars, media, famous people, stars, popular people, influencers, spokespeople, corporations, institutions and others to guide them through life. However, because they have actually used a well deformed thought process, due to being ill-advised, their choices are disadvantageous and poverty producing. This is why these relatively few, organized as a pack of padres, have more financial wealth than all of the masses put together. In other words, the masses of people have less financial wealth because they have less self assurance to trust the obviousness of imbalance and attribute it to the system they support, even when they themselves benefit to a far lesser degree than the relatively few who provide parental guidance to the masses.**
In other words, the masses of people have less financial wealth because they prefer the yoke of the okie doke because they are first in lines to feed at the crumb trough.

Healthy Parents are expected to possess enough sense to connect children to elder knowledge in the village so that children are firmly rooted on the path of beingness so that they don't get lost when they are “grown” and “on their own.” Both of those “” phrases being understood in the communal village civilization sense and not the societal sense. By necessity this means teaching children using their most harmonious elder knowledge, which is the African Utamawazo Optimal Theory.

**Let us now state clearly that however people choose to organize themselves, it is a function of their parental guidance from above who are the parents of the galaxy, the Age, the Solar System and of Earth. These parents are star constellations and other celestial bodies, otherwise known as souls of life, spirits, principalities and forms of the Supreme Being going through iterations and permutations of beingness fluctuating between optimal and suboptimal, sickness and health and all other dimensions and forms of dynamically balancing sets of truths. They activate and deactivate dimensions of parents above, below, within and without. All of this can be summed up as “the powers to be.”
Right now the powers to be are in two overall groups providing parental guidance to individuals, thus by default, also to the collectives they identify with, the locations they identify with and the destinypurposes they identify with
Ill-advised guidance is waning while the parental guidance advised is waxing. But like all parental guidance, not all of it or not all people, all children, all creations, all citizens will heed all or any of the two sets of guidance.
To repeat: Everything that has, is and will take place in human thinking and behavior is due to parental guidance.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Kwame Ture Then & Now For Times Like These
Unity Consciousness #2842

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Kwame Ture - Lessons from the 60s

Kwame Ture at the University of Georgia, Part I (February 1, 1979)

Kwame Ture at the University of Georgia, Part II (February 1, 1979)

Stokely Carmichael speaking at UCLA 1/31/1973

There are many things to point out in these videos, including a few things that deserve clarification and correction; however, I choose to allow the listener to learn to discern and distinguish truths using a critical analysis thought process, and then absorb the things they need for their journey right now.
I find it interesting sad and proof positive of what history, habit and pattern has proven. Ancestor Ture mentions homelessness of 3 million. This was 60 years ago. The USA cannot and cares not to solve homelessness and yet you think they can “solve” reduce global warming and properly lead you by the nose to be ready for all associated environmental climate changes. And even if this braintrust with emotional pus and spiritual disgust, could solve problems, the only reason they need you masses of citizens, you majority, you favored group, you employees, you slaves, you cult members, you patriots, is to serve them.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Ecosystem Concentrated Definition & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2841

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This portion of the spiritweb contains many references to the ecosystem and its correlations.
Search references to ecosystem, eco-sys-tem, ecosensible, eco-sensible, ecosense, ecosensibility, eco-sensible.

In its simplest form, the ecosystem is a totem system, to-tem and sys-tem. This means it is based on tandem (tandem is a form of totem), in other words, the duality of spirit-soul.

Spirit-soul is in the word akhu.
Akhu system is the same word as eco system, since eco is a form of akhu.
This also yields additional spellings such as khu system and echo system.
We should at least know that echo means, repetition of the same. Thus a culture, a country, is the echo of the people. Problems exist in the country due to problems in the logic of the people. You cannot fix the country's problems unless you fix the problematic logic in the people. Right now, I have no faith that any society can be fixed because they shun self-correction and continue to lie and play around with reparations as if their declarations apply to all creations. In other words, you owe reparations to more than black folks on this earth.
We can now say echo is the same thing as reflection and repetition and mirror image.
Eco also yields ukha and khau, thus ukha system and khau system.

We can go on to say tem is sem is dem is dom, thus kingdom is ecosystem in the accurate use of both words. Also to have dom-inion (dominion) one must have an ecosystem two truth balanced approach to self and all else, to attempt to have dominion in any other way (disharmonious) makes one a do-minion, thus becoming a willing slave to the ecosystem that always trumps the best laid plans of mice and men. Which is why a disharmonious approach to government, education, medicine and other institutions, have continued to beget problems. Which is why cancer exists. Also why the out of balance understanding and approach to climate change is so Chicken Littleish being played out in societies like verbiage garbage and attempts that amount to failing about like chickens with their heads cut off and stuffed up their asses.
With this in mind, we can expand to say system is sestem is estem is esteem. Self-esteem is tied to the balanced, harmonious interaction with the nature of self. This is why at least half of the world's population is screwed up, due to not knowing their place in the ecosystem, their role in the ecosystem and that the ecosystem is where they came from.

Portions of the ecosystem have different names such as Solar System, Constellation, Galaxy, Water cycle and so on. Ecosystem is synonymous with universe and village. This is why it is infantile and juvenile to speak of climate change as if it only relates to changes on Earth and changes that humans can control overall despite what the ecosystem's complete set of cycles are doing.
Furthermore what kind of craziness exists in a country that thinks it is the most intelligent and developed and technologically advanced, but it can't figure out how to be secure in water and food from its own land for all its citizens, or at least for all of its favored group?

When You Have What You Need, You Don't Need A Lot
Unity Consciousness #2840

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This truism* sums up a lot of how and why an ecosystem works.
It also sums up a lot of, if not all, human behavior.
It also sums up why an ecosystem suffers due to inhumane thinking and behavior.
No plant or other creature in nature takes more than what it needs. If it does, it uses that excess to create abundance that returns to feed the ecosystem.
No creature except humans.
All human problems of excess, greed, gluttony and avarice are due to that human or group of humans having a significant deficit in one or more basic needs. In order to fill that need, that is usually misperceived, the human(s) take more than what they need from the ecosystem, including from other humans. This “taking” applies to all things, all resources, all forms of resources, including power, esteem, knowledge, control, authority.
We've explored the 64+ basic needs humans have, but these can be reduced to be the same thing as the 18 inherent rights of creation, which can obviously be further reduced.
You can be certain, that any human or group of humans who take in excess from the ecosystem, including from other humans, is a human or group of humans who are unfulfilled in their inherent rights, while simultaneously believing they are not, and instead swear they are free and that their excess, their criminal behavior, their crimes against nature, their crimes against humanity, their crimes against gods, their crimes against souls of life, are appropriate, efficient, sufficient for this life. This is indicative of unhealthy knowledge of self which cannot lead them to understand that what is sufficient for this life will also be optimal for the next.***

Right now I can't think of a single problem in societies that is not caused by excessive greedy power hungry behavior that is not the result of not having what is really needed due to the lack of one or more inherent rights.
Certainly problems such as genderism**, Maafa Racism, homelessness, hunger, thirst, all forms of illness and so on, are the result of excessive greedy behavior. No other plant, insect, animal or creature in nature has these problems except humans who have disorganized themselves into a structure called society, that of course is screwed up in their minds so that they confuse society with civilization. This misdiagnosis is part of the psychosis.

”When you have what you need you don't need a lot,” is self-evident and prevalent because it is proven by the Supreme Being who only has spirit-soul to work with. In other words, when you have what you need, you don't need a lot because what you need is already a lot, thus you don't need a lot of anything else, plus you don't need what others have that they need.

*Truism heard on Life Below Zero, either during the Back In The Saddle episode or Race Against Time episode on 12.06.22 National Geographic Channel

**The main reasons one gender seeks to infringe upon the inherent rights of another gender is because the offending gender lacks the inherent rights of understanding spirit-soul and the extension which is Maat and the extension which is knowledge of self and all else.
These primary reasons genderism exists are also the two common denominator reasons that are responsible for all human broken logic. If we really examined basic needs and inherent rights and associated problems, we would be hard-pressed to find a different primary cause for human defects..

***Be further certain that a misunderstanding of this life inhibits an understanding of the next. Thus a severe misunderstanding of this life severely limits understanding of the next life. Thus humans with broken logic that infringes on the rights of creation have an impaired spirituality, but they claim to have it under the guise of religion while neither their religion nor nothing in their society supports an ecosensible spirituality. This is self-evident in how all racists are religious.

Monday, December 5, 2022

No Sport Is About The Purity Of The Sports Game
Unity Consciousness #2839

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This message started out to highlight the preferential treatment and deference given to College Football's FBS League, but the main point is about Money as the God of All Sports.
When it comes to leagues, owners, commissioners, committees, management, labor, players and media, sports products, sports services, naming rights and endorsements, all sports are about financial gain, pure and simple. They are not about wins and losses or the skill level of players or safety of players or records set by players or teams. Money is what matters most. This is why, in all sports on all levels and all leagues, teams that perform the worst on the field year after year, still exist, despite losing more than winning and despite not winning titles. Making money is what matters most and trumps all else, except in the gullible feeble minds of fans who have bought into the illusions that keeps them giving up lots of money to the teams. Every year, the FBS College Football shennigans begin with a jury of, mostly white males, deciding who they will rank as the best team. From there the falsities continue to crescendo into who will be chosen to play for the National Championship. Everybody goes along with it, including the colleges in the league that have the lowest chance of being selected for the playoffs or for certain bowl games, despite good on field performance. This performance is always downgraded or upgraded based on being one of the most prestigious (money-making) colleges. These less prestigious colleges go along with the plan because the college still makes a lot of money in multiple ways.
The FBS College Football Playoff Committee is appointed by the conferences in The FBS and is as self-serving as alumni associations, the commissioners of major national sports and as as criminal as homeowner's associations, historic districts, building code offices, elections and supreme courts.
You're a fool if you think sports committees, rankings, referees, judges or any other human, by virtue of their job, are just automatically honest and dedicated to the purity of the game and not prone to corruption from money, power, control, authority or other distorted human logic. The most money flows to the colleges that can generate the most revenue and attendance to sporting events and attendance in pursuing education at the college. This allows these schools to attract the best players by offering attractive scholarships “free rides.” This allows these colleges to have the best facilities and other perks and based on reputation, give the players a better chance of making it to the National Football League. This is paired with the notion of the education these schools offer as being better than other schools, thus the students make better employees. This causes more students to want to attend the school, thus more money follows.

Schools With Highest Sports Attendance Generally Make The Playoffs

In the past ten years, the four college teams in FBS playoffs have come from only five of the conferences in the FBS league, who are unashamedly called the Power Five. Even among these five, preference is given to mostly the top three money generating conferences. https://collegefootballplayoff.com/sports/2019/5/22/history

2022 Alabama (SEC), Georgia (SEC), Cincinnati (AAC Group of 5), Michigan (Big Ten)
2021 Alabama (SEC), Notre Dame (Big Ten), Ohio State (Big Ten), Michigan (Big Ten)
2020 LSU (SEC), Oklahoma (Big 12), Ohio State (Big Ten), Clemson (ACC)
2019 Alabama (SEC), Notre Dame (Big Ten), Oklahoma (Big 12), Clemson (ACC)
2018 Alabama (SEC), Georgia (SEC), Oklahoma (Big 12), Clemson (ACC)
2017 Alabama (SEC), Washington (PAC-12), Ohio State (Big Ten), Clemson (ACC)
2016 Alabama (SEC), Oklahoma (Big 12), Michigan State (Big Ten), Clemson (ACC)
2015 Alabama (SEC), Oregon (PAC-12), Ohio State (Big Ten), Florida State (ACC)
2014 Alabama (SEC), Oregon (PAC-12), Ohio State (Big Ten), Florida State (ACC)
2013 Bowl Championship Series (BCS), which was in place for 16 seasons and was replaced by the College Football Playoff (CFP) at the start of the 2014 season. The BCS was a ball of confusion and so is the CFP. The only consistency is inconsistency and criminality of ranking teams in a highly subjective manner, though presented as objective, despite many convolutions that allow pure subjectivity (personal preference). The CFP system is as crooked as election primaries, general elections, national committees determining presidential candidates and electoral college votes determining the presidency rather than the popular vote. https://collegefootballplayoff.com/sports/2016/10/24/selection-committee-protocol
1. https://slapthesign.com/2021/07/30/notre-dame-football-stay-independent/
2. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/ncaa-football/news/notre-dame-conference-independent-football/v59x02eh6yt21nc786brczykn
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southeastern_Conference

Heisman Trophy

This award is supposed to be about the best college football player in the USA. Although this award is available to any college player, you can be certain that players in the FBS have an advantage of being considered because the schools are said to have higher quality players and opponents. Also, mostly quarterbacks, running backs and wide receivers are chosen. Of course the selection committee and process is significantly subjective, depending on the personal preferences of each voter. Notice which colleges are usually involved as having Heisman contenders.

Year..Winner...........................................2nd Place...............................................3rd Place
2021 Bryce Young - QB, Alabama..........Aidan Hutchinson - DE, Michigan..........CJ Stroud - QB, Pittsburgh
2020 DeVonta Smith - WR, Alabama..Trevor Lawrence - QB, Clemson..............Mac Jones - QB, Alabama
2019 Joe Burrow - QB, LSU....................Jalen Hurts - QB, Oklahoma......................Justin Fields - QB, Ohio State
2018 Kyler Murray - QB, Oklahoma...Tua Tagovailoa - QB, Alabama...................Dwayne Haskins- QB, Ohio State
2017 Baker Mayfield - QB, Oklahoma..Bryce Love – RB, Stanford.........................Lamar Jackson – QB, Louisville
2016 Lamar Jackson - QB, Louisville.....Deshaun Watson – QB, Clemson............Baker Mayfield – QB, Oklahoma
2015 Derrick Henry – RB, Alabama.......Christian McCaffrey – RB, Stanford.........Deshaun Watson – QB, Clemson
2014 Marcus Mariota – QB, Oregon.....Melvin Gordon – RB, Wisconsin................Amari Cooper – WR, Alabama
2013 Jameis Winston – QB, Florida State..A.J. McCarron – QB, Alabama..............Jordan Lynch – QB, Northern Illinois
2012 Johnny Manziel – QB, Texas A&M.....Manti Te'o – LB, Notre Dame...............Collin Klein – QB, Kansas State

This Just In On December 10th, Proving The FBS Dominates Heisman Selection Based On Money And Media Hype Hyperbole

The 2022 Heisman winner and other finalists in order of the most votes:
USC's Caleb Williams (PAC-12)
TCU's Max Duggan (Big 12)
Ohio State's C.J. Stroud (Big 10)
Georgia's Stetson Bennett (SEC)

Colleges With The Most Players Drafted Into NFL

All of these are FBS schools.
Notre Dame: 522
USC: 519
Ohio State: 479
Oklahoma: 409
Michigan: 392
Alabama: 391
Penn State: 375
LSU: 369

Highest Paid College Coaches Annual Salary

The average NFL head coach's salary is $6.692 million:
1. Nick Saban: $11.7 million (Alabama)
2. Kirby Smart: $11.25 million (Georgia)
3. Dabo Swinney: $10.5 million (Clemson)
4. Lincoln Riley: $10-plus million (USC)
5. Brian Kelly: $9.5 million (LSU)
6. Mel Tucker: $9.5 million (Michigan State)
7. Ryan Day: $9.5 million (Ohio State)
8. David Shaw: $8.925 million (Stanford)
9. Mario Cristobal: $8 million (Miami)
10. Jimbo Fisher: $7.5 million (Texas A&M)

Highest Paid College Athletic Directors Annual Salary

1. Jack Swarbrick, Notre Dame ($3.05 Million)
2. Jim Phillips, Northwestern ($1.57 Million)
3. Barry Alvarez, Wisconsin ($1.55 Million)
4. Kevin White, Duke ($1.451 Million)
5. Kirby Hocutt, Texas Tech ($1.45 Million)
6. Chris Del Conte, Texas ($1.435 Million)
7. Gene Smith, Ohio State ($1.42 Million)
8. Greg Byrne, Alabama ($1.255 Million)
9. Joe Castiglione, Oklahoma ($1.149 Million)
10. Ron Wellman, Wake Forest ($1.106 Million)

Does it need to be said that one year's salary of even athletic directors is more money than a lot of people will make in a lifetime working a job for someone else?

The fact that sports are all about money was proven again on the 12.06.22 episode of ESPN's Pardon The interruption. The question was asked, which is the better conference, the SEC or Big Ten. The answer was the SEC when it comes to football but the Big Ten when it comes to money per Wilbon. Whether or not the Big Ten makes more money than the SEC has not been verified and is not the point. The point is, what makes a conference better is based on money. At least some sports analysts know this.

Money & Gentlemen

Golf is the so-called Gentleman's Game, however, money is evidently what makes the difference between a gentleman and a traitorous brute.
PGA crybabies claim that PGA players who are now going to Dubai to play in their league are traitors and disrespecting the game. Meanwhile the PGA has been making big bank bucks while players, who are self-employed, have to bear a lot of expenses in hopes of winning a tournament where they might win a few million every once in a while. The PGA is a business corporation who is all about money. There is no sport, or Olympics that is not about money first and foremost. Despite what is told to children and promoted by media, sports are not about the game, the purity of the game. They are about the amount of monetary gain. The only people that actually care about skill level and hall of fame are players and fans. Whatever illusion it takes to get people to play and get people to pay money to watch and become emotionally and mentally invested in a team. Of course, good lessons can be learned from sports but these lessons are byproducts of sports, not the main purpose of sports.
Every decision in sports is money driven, except for decisions by fans who are the targets and who do not earn any money from sports. Thankfully now justice is improving that is allowing college players to make money from sports. Take that you money thugrats on the backs of athletes who are putting their health in danger and who do all the hard work, while those making the most money sit back and come up with a longer list of things to fine players for so they can take money back, not because they care about the stated reason for the fine.

By The Way: After money, sports are about white owner mentality, then about whites in almost all positions of power, then about males, then about white males in their illegitimate white societies, then about white males in the USA as the best in the world, then about Hitleresque white male master mentality controlling people who ain't white. Money alone is enough to corrupt the purity of sports; however, when you add all these other pieces of broken logic, there is no way sports can primarily or secondarily be about the purity of the sports game. Let us not forget that favored groups will use any means necessary to win at anything, and agree to spread championships around, just as Republicans and Democrats agree to share the presidency, all this to keep people distractedly engaged while money is being made and more than the sports games are being played.