If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Government Definition Hidden In Society Mob Mentality Laws
Unity Consciousness #2867

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No longer be confused about the following:
In every society, (every nation on this planet) “government” represents the favored group and their logic, hiding behind the masquerade charade facade masked word: “government” used like a get out of responsibility and culpability, escapegoat magic spellbinder illusion maker.
The illusion is inclusion. In societies, government is always for the benefit, preservation and privilege of the favored group. This is true despite whatever notions the disfavored group has of democracy, freedom, patriotism, citizenship, enfranchisement, voting, participation and rights.
In other words there is inclusion, it's just that the inclusion is in the confusion.

So when a member of the favored group says something like, “it's the law” or “it's against the law” or “there's no law against it,” or it's legal or illegal, what they are really saying is “that's the way we the, anointed by the divine, controllers want it, the law doesn't apply to us so you just need to follow it, don't question it, because if you don't obey the law (us) then you know we got more laws (people like us) who will, as a matter of home training color coordination, make sure there's nothing you can do about it.

This is why human legal laws, or any type of rules or policies, never apply to the favored group in the same way they apply to the disfavored group. What adult doesn't know this?
I just talked to a manager at Lowe's and asked him specifically isn't the point of being a supervisor or manager the ability to exercise discretion when it comes to policies and procedures? He repeated the job was to follow policy. I hung up on his ass. Based on life experiences, I'm sure this manager person's behavior was due to the fact that he is a member of the favored group and I am a member of the disfavored group insisting on exemplary service from him that he has the ability to do but feels no obligation to because of his obligation to favored group logic. I got the same level of dissatisfaction from the overall store manager. Another deficient person who excels on the de-evolutionary scale. People in the favored group have an immediate hatred reaction when a member of the disfavored demands from them, fair treatment, rights, justice, humanity, let's them know they are wrong or performs better than them in any way. Be certain I have had good experiences with the favored group in this regards, but it amounts to about one percent of all my experiences with the favored group. Inhumanity is as constant as it is pervasive when you live in a nation of laws, logic, thinking, behavior and culture that is normal to racists. Lowe's, like, several other businesses on my shit list, will be my place of last resort or no resort. It is no surprise that the business sector is fundamentally racist. Racism could not survive if just one of the institutions in a society was not racist. We already know this, thus only by the grace of random encounters can members of disfavored group receive just as good service or products as members of the favored group. You can be certain that if I was a member of the favored group,that the Lowe's managers would have exercised discretion in the first place and made my situation whole, or at least after my first complaint or expression of dissatisfaction, they would have kissed my ass and offered me concessions to placate me. Whenever possible, I'm taking them all back to the mat.

In every society, in the “government” and all other institutions, the favored group is the overwhelming majority of those in positions of power. Thus they are the ones who make, break and adjudicate laws. Thus keeping things just the way they want them and doing so using any and every means necessary just as a mob of criminals do in criminal countries.

Every time you hear the word government or law, just know what the overall definition of government and law means to the favored group. Remember government and laws are for the enrichment of the favored group and infringement of the disfavored group.