If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Parental Guidance Advised & Ill-Advised
Unity Consciousness #2843

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzd of 11)

Parents and other adults in the village should be more insistent and consistent in making sure children understand the most important things they need and ensuring children get those things.
The processes that connect those beginnings, middles and ends require child rearing to not be a democracy where everyone get a vote. Which is why people can't vote until a certain age in societies; however, in civilizations, children can't vote until they reach a certain level of understanding.
The combined parental role is the same as that of the per-aa pharaoh of the house, which is to oversee the conditions where the child learns to make the optimal choice towards obtaining or sustaining the most important things, while thinking it was their choice. By product of this approach, children and the collective ascend to higher and higher levels of civilization.
In societies, democracy also guides people towards choices the society wants them to make while thinking it is their choice. By product of this approach, children and the collective descend to lower and lower levels of degradation. This is because the combined parental approach is that of ter-aa terror of the house.
Government is governance which is an overall form of parental guidance. Government authorities, officials and experts they certify in all institutions, guide us toward making choices that the society wants us to make to feed their asili. This is agreed upon by each household that supports, goes along with, kills for, works for, acquiesces, participates in and votes. In other words, governmental parental advice is merely the combination of the parental guidance in each household. For the most part, governmental, institutional and cultural parental guidance will reflect the guidance that serves the favored group and that the favored group uses at home and teaches their children to preserve using any means of deception necessary, a skill which allows this second nature to dominate.
In civilizations, there is no favored group, thus governmental, institutional and cultural parental guidance will reflect the guidance that best serves all citizens, each according to need.
The difference is, the per-aa is the servant of the people and a repa of the pantheon of gods. If war is declared, the per-aa serves on the front lines of the battle.
However, in societies, the ter-aa is the slavemaster of the people and the rekha (home wrecka) of the pantheon of gods. If war is declared, the ter-aa and their cadre of experts, do not serve on the front lines of battle. Thus the masses of people calling themselves citizens, are the servants of those they anoint because the masses think they have used a well informed thought process to vote, elect and make choices to accept leaders, experts, authorities, officials, scholars, media, famous people, stars, popular people, influencers, spokespeople, corporations, institutions and others to guide them through life. However, because they have actually used a well deformed thought process, due to being ill-advised, their choices are disadvantageous and poverty producing. This is why these relatively few, organized as a pack of padres, have more financial wealth than all of the masses put together. In other words, the masses of people have less financial wealth because they have less self assurance to trust the obviousness of imbalance and attribute it to the system they support, even when they themselves benefit to a far lesser degree than the relatively few who provide parental guidance to the masses.**
In other words, the masses of people have less financial wealth because they prefer the yoke of the okie doke because they are first in lines to feed at the crumb trough.

Healthy Parents are expected to possess enough sense to connect children to elder knowledge in the village so that children are firmly rooted on the path of beingness so that they don't get lost when they are “grown” and “on their own.” Both of those “” phrases being understood in the communal village civilization sense and not the societal sense. By necessity this means teaching children using their most harmonious elder knowledge, which is the African Utamawazo Optimal Theory.

**Let us now state clearly that however people choose to organize themselves, it is a function of their parental guidance from above who are the parents of the galaxy, the Age, the Solar System and of Earth. These parents are star constellations and other celestial bodies, otherwise known as souls of life, spirits, principalities and forms of the Supreme Being going through iterations and permutations of beingness fluctuating between optimal and suboptimal, sickness and health and all other dimensions and forms of dynamically balancing sets of truths. They activate and deactivate dimensions of parents above, below, within and without. All of this can be summed up as “the powers to be.”
Right now the powers to be are in two overall groups providing parental guidance to individuals, thus by default, also to the collectives they identify with, the locations they identify with and the destinypurposes they identify with
Ill-advised guidance is waning while the parental guidance advised is waxing. But like all parental guidance, not all of it or not all people, all children, all creations, all citizens will heed all or any of the two sets of guidance.
To repeat: Everything that has, is and will take place in human thinking and behavior is due to parental guidance.