If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Romantic Relationship Roulette Still Being Played
Unity Consciousness #2863

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzx of 11)

Too often we feel sad, hurt, rejected, defeated when a romantic relationship ends, whether or not we initiated the ending or wanted it to end. This is because we are playing relationship roulette with ourselves in our minds, emotions, spirits and bodies.
This roulette is the spinning wheel in our minds trying to land on figuring out what went wrong and what part of us is insufficient.
We usually leave off the part about trying to figure out what went right and what part of us is sufficient.

I'll start with the simplest aspect first. The truth has always been that everybody is good looking to somebody and several somebodies. This is true just the way you are and no matter how you look or think you look.
Secondly, in terms of spirit-mind-emotion connection and harmony, everybody is also compatible with more than one person. We know this based on friendships.

Besides the problems indicated above that we make for ourselves due to faulty logic, the most common problem is that we put the romantic cart before the friendship horse.
We rush in because we don't meet enough people with whom there is reciprocal attraction in spirit, mind, emotion. Thus we use the body attraction selector and initial newness, excitement and hope to engage in dating sexual time attention relationships we hope are romantic and will last forever, despite not building a strong foundation. These types of relationships are as perishable as fruit in the frigerator.

Under this roulette scenario, there is limited chance for the relationship to mature into forever, thus it ends before one or the other is ready to acknowledge it should end in its current form.
In this mixed up messed up mindset, the roulette keeps spinning because our feelings about the relationship is too tied to time investment, family and friends who know about the person or who have met the person, the experiences we've had and other things.

Newsflash: All that is simply living!

You were living before you met the person, after meeting the person and will continue living. Before the relationship you were spending your time doing something. Family and friends were aware of how you were spending your time. You were having experiences. Same will be true after a premature romantic relationship.
The main reason we make such a big feel deal about the beginning, middle and end of relationships is because we make the relationship bigger than what it should be. This truth will be unpacked in the next message.

Bottom line for this message, if it floats your boat, there's nothing wrong with having a physical relationship with caring about each other and other respectful niceties involved, but that alone, no matter how long it goes on, is in no way sufficient as prerequisite for “romantic love” to grow. Just be verbally clear in the beginning about the details each person wants and how it will play out. Continue to be verbally clear each step of the way when you think the relationship is different or one of you want it to be different. Of course this includes birth control, pregnancy, abortion, diseases, other sexual partners, other non-sexual dating partners, time expectations, holiday expectations, birthday expectations and so on.