If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Part 2, You Are Not Human If...
Unity Consciousness #2855

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All creatures in their natural setting, know who they are. Thus they are able to function as intended, and none of them need to have someone tell them who they are. All they have to do is observe.
For humans, even if we don't know we are African or we reject we are African or think we are less than 100% African or think African is the lesser part of us, we are still African and we are still human. Our understandings don't change the fixed portions of reality. What our understandings do affect is our ability to live properly in relation to the fixed and variable portions of reality.

The problem is, if you accept any of the diminishments of your Africanness, you are limited in those areas, i.e., physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually..
Early in this journey on Sankofa Road, we remembered that what affects one of the four inseparable aspects of self, also affects the other three.

When you reject your physical origin, your birthplace and birth parents and you reject what that means about your genetics, you are rejecting who you are. You are in self-conflict, inner turmoil, constant self-attack. To not think you think so, you must deaden your awareness in other self-destructive ways, including mental justifications.
It is this limited self and its contradictory and antagonistic relationship with the wholeness self, that struggles unnecessarily and can in no ways evolve or achieve optimal manifestations or beingness. Thus, in a state of contradiction, many more contradictions arise, and for most of us, we ignore them, reject them, deny them and try to be our best without the entire self. Thus we make many goals harder than they need to be and make some goals impossible. What we achieve and call success is based on grading in a suboptimal context on a suboptimal curve. So you know wholeness, as in harmony, does not exist as a norm in societies. This is why societies exist as a form of sickness. In other words, to the degree we know or do not know who we are, where we come from or why we are here, is the degree to which humans organize themselves into either civilizations or societies. This causes those who prefer the grief in their foresight to the relief in their hindsight to be ripe for the thief in the night after repeated warnings of knowing better but not doing better and thinking everything's alright.

By The Way

As discussed elsewhere, imagine if some creatures in any species, let's say, honey bees, acted as if they were not honey bees or not part of the hive or acted as if they were some unique kind of honey bee or acted as if they were bumble bees or wasps?
Secondly, you know we are in trouble when our pets, especially cats and dogs, have many of the same illnesses as us. Why? Because they are not in their natural setting and are not living as the creatures they are. And are eating what we give them? Growing up, we always had dogs, but not once did they go to a veterinarian or have a dog house or eat store bought dog food. And they lived long lives and never came in the house. Pet dogs and pet cats nowadays are weak and untimely passive or aggressive because they are not in their natural minds. We had dogs that got hit by cars and shot and the mange and survived and never got lost and didn't need us to take them on a shit, piss and exercise walk.
Just as it is with plant and animal farming, where we use commercial practices for personal practices, we've allow popularized methods of having a pet in captivity to become the preferred method thought best.
So put all this in the human context and you can perhaps understand why humans have so many litters of problems. We are so disconnected from our natural self and think we are somebody else, some other specie, some other race. We are like disturbed honey bees trying to live on sugar water. We are like honey bees from whom the honey of our Africanness and the honey of our humanness have been substituted for artificial sweetener logic, which is why humans and families, households and nations suffer from many symptoms of colony collapse disorder.
Almost all humans on this planet are not living according to natural settings because they are not in their natural minds, not even many of those in the African nucleus. The living conditions of virus logic must go through the rapid phase of further upheaval on a grander scale in order to alleviate Earth of this pathogen and its variants. This will likely occur in places eating, drinking, feasting and sleeping as if well-prepared because there is nothing needing urgent attention. These large scale events must take place first in the most heinous places before the remnants of African humans can retake stewardship and restart African human civilizations on a new Earth between new Heavens on four sides.