If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Many True Meanings Of Christmas:
Birth Of Christ Was Not A Happy Occasion For Everyone
Unity Consciousness #2858

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Can you say Herod?
According to the Judaeo-Christian account, the position of a star led the wise men to the birthplace of Jesus.
The position of stars is important, yet we ignore their positions when trying to understand what time it is in an overall sense as to what is affecting events in the range of influence of stars. This influence affects all planets in the Solar System and all events for all creatures on Earth, thus climate environmental change. At a minimum, since we know there are at least billions of stars, we should be asking which star was it and why that star?
One of the major stars right now is Sadalsuud (Beta Aquarii). It is located in the star constellation Aquaria (Aquarius) from approximately December 20th to January 20th. Thus both the Winter Solstice and December 25th are now taking place during the annual star of Aquaria as a herald for the Age of Aquaria.

The arrival of the ever-coming one, the karest, scared Herod just like it scares all current groups whose various forms of power are about to be removed from them. They become more heinous by the day, thus so does the barbarism of the favored groups and the kiss ass wannabe groups.
Star alignments always assist the process of removal and replacement of rulership.
As star alignments change, they do so to fulfill the law., the Big Law, fundamental laws.

Current Governments Are Like Herod & His Government

Roman African Herod was only King due to Roman African invasion and murder in African Judea and surrounding area.
Current rulerships have the USA, Europe and the G20 to back each other up. All of them are variants of Herods. Herod had the Great and Mighty All Powerful Roman Empire Wealth and Military. None of these were enough to stop Rome from being laid low.
John and Jesus spoke out against Herods and were imprisoned and killed just as is done today to leaders and followers who oppose current governments. There are plenty of daughters of Herodias who are complicit and just as vicious.
Herod was replaced by Roman African Pontius Pilate and demoted to ruler of Galilee. Herod sent Jesus to Pilate who hung Jesus on a tree just as many bodies have also been hung on trees.
The spirit of John is the spirit of Jesus just as the spirit of our ancestors are our children who will retake possession of their birthright.
Jesus is a composite soul of life who is many souls of life continuously being born under the stars. These souls, these christs, these ever-coming ones come to teach, heal, remove, kill, cause upheaval and fulfill. It is not simply about a birthday in the way current humans understand birthdays.
Be certain to understand that the rulerships of religions is also falling along with the rulerships of all other institutions that keep the willing and disabled masses in a state of schizophrenia.

Christmas is another cycle when many christs are born, reborn in all cycles no matter how short or long the period of time. Neither Christmas or any other cycle is so limited as to only apply to one being, such as a human, and then only once.
The coming and birth of Christ cannot be a one-time, one-off event because it is tied to cycles which continually repeat. These things and more are closer to the true (fuller, more mature) meaning of Christmas.

So in another sense, Christmas is about the best of times and the worst of times.