If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Gift-Giving Confusing Everything With A Lot Of Other Stuff
Unity Consciousness #2849

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Nobody has everything.
A common piece of flawed human logic that surfaces during the end of year mandatory gift-giving season is, “What do you get the person who has everything?”
This is flawed on four ends.

On the back end, the logic equates everything with having a lot of stuff (human manufactured stuff). Secondly, “having” (has) is confused with “needing”. Thus having something or a lot is conflated with needing something or a lot.

On the front end, the logic equates gift giving with something to go out and get and then give, rather than something I have that the person needs that I can give.

On the two middle ends, the logic mistakes gift giving and receiving as a reciprocal process such that the intent of the gift and utility of the gift are appreciated and communicated so that both parties are satisfied. Even though this should be automatic in a spiritually sane exchange, nowadays it has been degraded to 99% emphasis on the physical due to mental insanity. Thus the getting, giving, receiving and acknowledgment of gifts, often goes sideways into one or both being pressurized and/or dissatisfied, while pretending otherwise. This is why unwanted and unneeded gifts are politically correctly passed along under “re-gifting” as a common noble global thing.
By now, in a predictable moment of logic reflux, somebody reading this has dredged up the common, “it's the thought that counts”. This is often used as a missing the mark excuse; however, if it is the thought that counts, then why not put more thought into it so that “it's the spiritual connection that counts?”

Gifts outside the realm of obtaining and maintaining inherent rights are gifts that fuel the over-consumption mandate of societies rather than energize lives to new civilized highs. This is exacerbated when giving gifts is limited to prescribed occasions and not when the need exists. Ultimately, it is exacerbated by training children to behave the same way because why not expect gifts when the holy day holiday is not supposed to be about you except in a collective benefit way. (I don't recall the three wise men giving gifts to each other or to Mary or Joseph). They were wise weren't they? All holy days are supposed to be about restoring and maintaining group cohesion harmony - group being equal to nation being equal to family being equal to universe and universal principles, thinking and behavior. Instead, holy has become holi pronounced holly which is mostly deception as in hollywood.
Again, who gives gifts to each other, on somebody else's birthday? Where is this in the religious story that Jesus or the disciples said do this?
As discussed elsewhere in regards to wax on wax off holiday behavior, once again, many people are giving many things to people who don't need them and giving things to people who need them but only doing so when in holiday season mode to satisfy their sense of not being a rude human for a few weeks to offset many weeks of passively and actively infringing on the rights of creation due to self-neglect.
All this holiday cheer would yield the greatest benefits to all, if those resources were aimed at ensuring rights of creation for all that would create peace on earth and good will towards all.

Is gift-giving and giving gifts a recent phenomenon? Or has it always existed?

What did people give way back when?

What has a human always needed before the cacophony of secondary creation “stuff” existed?
What if there was no store bought stuff to give?
Would the focus of “the holiday season” return to an emphasis of living daily lives commensurate with the holy days?

One does have everything. Nobody else does because nobody else needs everything all. Everything was spread among Many so that Many would have to share what each other had in order for the universe to function optimally, thus for each creation to function optimally along with their creations. Of course, the opposite behavior and effect is possible which is why, current approaches to holy days as holidays is unholy because even in the midst of gift-giving, the overall effect during the holidays and throughout the year is to maintain a system that does not share Everything with the Many.

Since the One is the only one who has everything, the question becomes, what do you give the Most Holy One who has Everything and whose day is every day?
You give the respect of giving to others what the One would give from the goodness of the universal heart.
Certainly then, this would not be that which is store bought when that which is a primary creation is needed.

On far too many occasions most of us are looking for recognition and gifts from somebody. On each of these occasions we already have our gift – life. We need to recognize that. Jesus, is ever-coming so that we can have life and have it more abundantly. We can't have this if we don't have recognition, appreciation and respect by using the gift of life to enhance life for self and all else.

Life Itself

is a gift. Why spend life infringing on the rights of others, rights that come with life?
For instance, being a genderist and/or a racist is a total waste of life because infringers cannot evolve from caterpillar to butterfly, thus cannot spread their wings and are like crabs, slugs, leeches, ticks, termites, fungus, mold, wood lice, piranha and decomposers as they try to get you to accept their deteriorating context for life and existence. Destroyers always destroy their own nest while claiming to be under unprovoked undeserved attack from without, i.e., criers of reverse racism, antisemitism, terrorism....