If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Seemingly Random Year End Thoughts
Unity Consciousness #2859

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

1. Do you know why the holidays, especially Christmas, are called festive occasions and we also use the word festivities?
Because these holidays are later versions of festivals rooted in Africa. Festi is phesti is Khesti and Khes, same as the Khes exposed with mistletoe.
Thus festive is spiritive, spiritual, spirit ritual. All holidays are spirit rituals and all the things we use and associate with each holiday are part of our spirit ritual. In essence, we do the same things as people we call pagan, cults, devil worshipers and Voodoo. In fact we are worse because we pretend to worship a spirit but instead we are mostly worshiping ourselves.

2. It's amazingly sad that most people can handle knowing they came from some other place than the place they are in now, but they can't carry this out through multiple roads, intersections and locations to find their way home, despite having a human genome map.

3. The Human Genome Project is another way to know all humans have a common origin and that origin is Africa, yet DNA Testing Results, which are based on the Human Genome Project, tell you you are not 100% African. And you believe both, the Project and the Results and see no contradiction, no incongruity, no comprehension of either, no left side connected to the right side.

4. To say God bless America is to say God bless normalized hysteria.

5. Everybody knows there's a price to be paid. What they don't know is in how many ways.

6. Six million ways to die, choose one. A Who Seh Ne Dun (Wake De Man)

7. All but two of those six million ways to die hinge on lies.

8. Death liberates spirits but does not absolve them or resolve relationships.

9. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it think.

10. My people suffer, not for lack of knowledge, but for lack of use of knowledge, especially knowledge already resident in their genetic library.

11. Because societies are based on sustaining stress and strife, the cycle of life has become the psycho of life.

12. A sure sign your logic is weak is if you always refuse to consider the opposite view or a different view and make clear, to yourself, your reasoning for acceptance or rejection.
In other words, a sure sign your logic is weak is if you try to prevent someone else from having access to different logic. (Can you say covid information that was blocked because it did not support the government narrative). See Manipulation Facts.

13. Along those lines, your leaders and experts got you believing that it's better to squash any speech against covid and vaccines than to let this information be heard and debated. Election candidates debate vastly different views, but to do so with covid information, is taboo and dangerous.
Since the masses allowed this to happen, most people in the world must think it's a good idea to listen to the defense and make a decision without listening to the prosecution. At least this is how we think on a handful of select topics, covid, white jews...

14. Supposedly it's a good idea to get a second opinion concerning medical diagnoses and treatment but not when it comes to covid, vaccines and protocols.
You are a pariah if you choose to use critical thinking yet you are the beneficiary of the best education system in the world and the best of everything that's the best.

15. It is no surprise you believe you have freedom when you only have some freedom if you do what the government wants you to do or else face fines and imprisonment and limitations and cancellation of all the certifications and rights that only exist because your government say they exist. Yet you are free.

16. Everyone involved in multi-car accidents should have their licenses revoked because obviously they don't have enough sense to know the conditions are too dangerous to be on the road.
This is another reason why government issuance of licenses is very faulty because it does not test decision-making, thus licenses are no more than another means to extract money.