If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Status Quo Of Mental Illness & Racism
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1360


(Part 9ix of 11)

Mental illness is rampant among the masses who are not considered mentally ill. Proof is everywhere. Disconnection from nature is proof positive of mental illness, yet connection to nature does not prove absence of mental illness. Not understanding African origins is proof positive, yet knowing is not proof negative. Having a view of spirit or soul as being primarily within humans is proof positive, yet an understanding of the spirit's ubiquity in all creations, is not proof negative. Not knowing what to eat to achieve health is proof positive, yet, knowing is not proof negative. And the list goes on. It takes all these things to sufficiently stave off or heal from socialized educated mental illness.
All this is to say, mental illness is the greater problem that gives birth to racism.
Since we know racism takes many forms, then we also know, so does mental illness.
When I am mentally ill, I cannot properly orient dualities to the wheel in order to heal self and all else in relation to each other.

Mental health requires maintaining homeostasis between the superhuman and human. This is the greater balance. In doing so, this informs balanced thinking and behavior between the human and human.
Our fight against racism must be against the human status quo which is based on stagnation and a commitment to imbalance, thus racism.

It's Dangerous Focusing On Individual Racism

Roseanne Barr is not the individual of racism. She is a proxy for the collective ideology that breeds Trumps, killer cops, killer kids, killer municipalities, kill food systems, killer technologies, killer education, killer religions and so on.
Racism exists because of culture which is why racism exists worldwide.
Racism is an attack on the rights of creation.

A cancellation of a tv show does nothing to stop racism unless the root is dug out and destroyed. As all root diggers know, the root of something long since established extends enormously in all directions from the part showing above ground. You can be digging for days and never find all the roots of racism. And this is why a complete excavation must take place.
Humans cancel shows; the superhuman cancels status quos.
If we stop at one individual and one tv show, what we are saying is “don't be overt about racism, be covert.” This must be so unless ABC and the tweet-o-sphere do everything within there spheres of influence to dismantle racism.

Thank God For The Superhuman

Human behavior always provides insight into the superhuman. If humans are beginning to kick against the verbal display of racism, but not all the physical displays, then this tells us, the superhuman has already been working to kick against the physical displays against the rights of creation. This is so because, as explained elsewhere, human logic and behavior is on a time delay in relation to the thinking and behavior of the superhuman. This is so simply because humans are formed by the superhuman, therefore humans are informed by the superhuman.

The superhuman will get humans to make corrections to the rights of creation, even if it requires creating conditions that makes us finally stop believing in the big ole lie that our societies are mostly “okay.”
Right now, we are being shown that the societal way of life is toxic. We are being shown that our thinking and behavior in relation to our 64+ basic needs and the acquisition, stewardship, distribution of genetic potential (resources) is way off.

I'll say it again. The status quo of the human only exists by virtue of the status of the superhuman.
The superhuman is the superstructure over and under and around and in between what humans have structured.
Human infrastructures of institutions have duplicated themselves in all ways spiritual, mental, emotional and physical and produced billions of Roseannes.
This tells us that a mentally ill status quo must mass produce mental illness in the masses.
They fired Jimmy the Greek and racism is still rampant in sports and sports reporting and sports fandom.

We must not attack individuals without simultaneously attacking the collective, their system and all that breeds racism into its Hydra-headededness.

What Is The Status Quo?

Status is the state of what be right now. By nature, status quo is always changing, even if humans are unaware.
Quo is Khuo, is Khu, is Kha is spirit-soul.
Status quo is what spirit-soul needs it to be in order to manifest the greater good universally. Included in this is a little bit of temporary leeway for human use of free will to see if we can be entrusted with more genetic potential to use for the greater good.

Just Stop It Already!

None of us are strangers to racism. We need to just quit faking surprise and abhorrence.
Once we get past the admittance of racism's everywhere existence, then we can move on to an everyday, everywhere, every way commitment against racism.
The danger in the current one person “put down” of racism is that it focuses on the individual rather than the collective and the multi-pronged system that allows racism to exist everywhere in every pore of every society. Let us see if ABC, Starbucks and others, including the “I can't stand racism” public, does some soul-searching to remove racism from their houses, workplaces, schools, media, governments, etc. What say these folks regarding the mentally ill fan base and NFL's collusion to squash protests against racism? Why don't everyone and all the sponsors ban against racism in the NFL?

There are so many dangers to our current approach that will delay our progress. There is a danger of the okie doke taking place that slants us against overt individual displays of racism, while doing nothing about the greater racism harming pretty much everything. Do you really think, that when racism doesn't make the daily news, that racism didn't happen that day? Do you really think that Roseanne's behavior was the only racist act and the most harmful?

In other words, it is not possible for a single solitary lone wolf renegade person to commit a crime of racism.
Racism is always a collective effort by many contributors whose crimes accumulate into the ones we choose to notice and choose to say are unacceptable when spoken, but okay when acted out in silence and okay when hidden behind other causes and effects and are okay when we benefit from the racism America is perpetrating all over the world, especially in Africa. No, but we're too self-righteously focused on ISIS, Boko Haram, MS-13, North Korea, the boogie man and all other sorts of gnat-like distractions while being stampeded by racism.

Every day in our societies, thousands are being born whose beingness is becoming the next generation of racism soldiers – attacker victims attacking victims. This must be so unless these children go through an extremely different learning process. Who will teach them? What will they teach them? Where will the information come from? Using what context? What is the incentive? Current generations must go through a relearning, remembering, resocialization process, of which cultural bias awareness is a smidgen that must expand into a comprehensive continuous process to reshape thinking and behavior because that's exactly how we were sickened into mental illness until we made most of it likable and normal, while simultaneously reserving a distaste for only a small portion of mental illness.

By The Way; I have still not found the context that makes what Roseanne initially said about Valerie Jarrett as racist. It is racist for us to assume that Muslim and apes means black folks. Perhaps someone can clarify where the racism is in her statement. What I did see was a lot of ignorance manifesting as stupidity.

Humans are next generation apes, genetically, evolutionary.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Remembering Holy Sabbath Days
Origins, Reckonings, Definitions
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1359


(Part 9iw of 11)

”Days Of The Week & Month, Origins, Reckonings, Definitions, Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1358”

Simply put, Sabbath means cease. This could be ceasing from work or ceasing from not working; ceasing from peace or ceasing from war; ceasing from vice, ceasing from virtue; ceasing from forgiveness, ceasing from patience, and so on. So now we can see how the dual nature of Sabbath is the same as the words recently popularized as coming from King Solomon regarding there is a time for everything under the sun to be and not be. This is more comprehensively what Sabbath means.

Furthermore, once we remember that “the Lord” in Christianity, is based on the eight elementals; we are able to more easily understand the stories concerning the Lord Jesus are about the elementals. So when Jesus says the Sabbath is made for man, he is actually saying the sabbath is made for the elementals because they are the workers and creations in the universe. All elementals have periods of time when their activities change form and frequency. Jesus, the Eighth Elemental, did what he wanted to do on the Sabbath because he is the highest of the elementals, for whom, the Sabbath was made. Therefore, regardless of what has been established, the ruler of the elementals can change it. The rulers are Aquaria and Kepheus and Sun, Moon and Planets. They have the authority to use any means necessary to change things to establish their kingdoms. In other words, there is no sabbath established by humans that is unassailable to the elementals because humans are not the highest rulers of the elementals. We are temporary stewards.

Sabbath also broadly means “ceasing, measuring, founding, resting, restoring, enjoying, knowing, judging, exchanging and having intercourse. (NG2 283/291)

As we are reminded in the previous message, time, as reckoned by days, did not begin with Sunday as the first day of the week or end with Sunday as the last day of the week. Time was reckoned in many ways before there were days of the week. One of those ways was by a month of 28 days.

A week of seven days concluding with the Sabbath is mostly a Semitic ideology. The Egyptian Kemites had the tenait period of seven days (quarter moon cycle) and fourteen days (half-moon cycle). The Sabbath was not based on a seven day period in which Creation took place.
The notion of Creation in six days is a small amount of time compared to the amount of time it actually took. Furthermore, that notion flies in the face of the plethora of evidence that shows creation evolved over a long course of time through many stages that are ongoing. In other words, Creation in six days is unscientific. (AE1 426-8/436-8)

The original place of rest was in Amenta Underworld for the sleeping dead and for Osiris. Amenta is a division of space created in seven stages or periods. The creation of the Underworld was used by some religions to claim creation of the universe took place in six days with one day of rest. (AE1 426-8/436-8)

Egyptian Kemite Sabbaths

Like all other human origins, knowledge of a Sabbath flowed out of Aethiopia and into Egypt Kemet. In Utiopia, the Sabbath was Saturday, the seventh day of a 28-day month, represented by Sut, the mature soul of life in darkness and immature soul of life in lightness. Then, in Egypt Kemet, the sabbath became Sunday, the seventh day of a 30-day month, represented by second Horus, the soul of life in lightness. Then the sabbath was moved to the 15th as the day of Ra. (BB 15/27)

At the ending and beginning of each year, which took place in Summer, the Egyptian Kemites celebrated the renewal of the annual cycle on two holy days: the last night of the old year, and at the evening meal on the first day of the new year (Last Supper)

The Sabbath Day has not always been weekly on Saturday or Sunday. In earlier times, sabbath days took place annually, semi-annually and monthly on the seventh, fourteenth, nineteenth, twenty-first, and twenty-eighth.

In Inner Africa, the birthplace of Kemetic ideology, a five day work week existed. The sixth day was the sabbath for festival and rest from work. (NG2 274/282)

What must be remembered is the history of Egypt Kemet took place over a period of at least 52,000 years (Two Great Year Cycles). Therefore, what took place during that time has many variations; therefore could lead to confusion unless this and other fundamental keys are kept in mind. The elementals, nature and sign-language are the connecting link to unscrambling the information.

Covering The Same Ground To Reinforce Understandings

During a different phase, the Kemites celebrated festivals on the first, the sixth, the seventh, and the fifteenth of the month. The sixth was dedicated to Osiris, the reborn soul of life in lightness, which entered the moon on the sixth day of the month. The feast of the first and the fifteenth was a festival of Ra, the reborn perfected immortal Sun, the Holy Spirit, The festival of Ra was dedicated to Horus, an earlier mortal form of Ra, and whose Sabbath was the seventh day, or Saturday in the Aethiopian reckoning which was, like all things Aethiopian, continued in Kemet Egypt, then transformed.

The idea of Sabbath based on puberty is explained another way. The early idea of good, delight, and pleasure is connected to male and female transformation at puberty which signified the ability to reproduce, thus renewal. Therefore this was connected to the new moon. The festival of the sixth day of the new moon was to celebrate the female period and its ending and the male joining with the female to begin new life. (NG2 284-5/292-3)

Sabbat means custom. A Sabbath is a custom established by someone. The individual or collective who establishes a custom can change a custom. Even so, the prevailing set of conditions can also change a custom. Bottom line: we should not become so accustomed to customs as to not account for their changeability, slowly or suddenly, For instance, one such Sabbath custom is the “standing proudly to honor the American flag.” (BB 29/47)

All Sabbaths In The Circle Of Existence Are Based On Seven Elementals Plus One

The words seven and sabbath are identical in their connection to seb-ti. The sabbath is based on the seven and eight elementals before the elementals became timekeepers which eventually led to time being reckoned by days and weeks. (NG2 291-3/299-301)

True Sabbath Of The True Jews

Shabbath was a sacred celebration for festive activity and rest. The rest was not from human labor but a resting of menstrual waters. The festival honored the rebirth of life cycles through the joining of female and male elemental powers. The joining of these souls of life connects to the Ruach. Therefore, even the original Jews understood the sabbath to be connected to puberty which connects to the idea of the ever-comingness of renewal, which is the savior, the messiah, lord and salvation.
The current Jewish sabbath is the true link between the sixth day sabbath and seventh day sabbath because it spans these two days. This is true even as the understanding is misplaced. (NG2 297-9/305-7)

By now we are understanding the sabbath has been observed in numerous ways, and still is.
A seven day week itself is a type of sabbath. In some cultures, past or present, 7 straight days of rest or silence are observed annually. (291-2/299-300)

What this boils down to is that every day is a sabbath day, a holy day, where something somehow is to be held sacred.

Note: King Solomon's saying are derived from Amenhotep IV (Akenaten) which is derived from Ptah-hetep (Ptah-hotep) who is Ptah who is the Supreme Father & Mother. (AE1 517/527)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Days Of The Week & Month
Origins, Reckonings, Definitions
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1358


(Part 9iv of 11)

Every byte of information and misinformation, understanding and misunderstanding contributes to our context, our orientation, our mindset. This exists as the default background settings of logic of our operating system before any daily thinking takes place. Even logic we choose as user settings becomes part of our default settings that we use as the basis for all other thinking.
Origins help us understand what underlies our current usage of logic. Whether or not we know the origins or understand them at all, the information is still influencing our logic for better or worse at different layered levels of consciousness. This is so because no information has been lost. It has only been transformed in such a way that it is misplaced, buried or not consciously accessed in logic, thus it is affecting us but we don't understand where or how. And so we seek to understand motives for behavior others do that we can't explain, while we also seek motivation for behavior we can explain, but we shouldn't do. Meanwhile, need incentive, inspiration and soulspiration are motive and motivation.
The degree of difficulty in life is related to the degree logic is confused (contrarily fused). These fundamentals truths, and more, are interrelated to all understandings, including regarding days of the week and days of the month.
No reckoning, no matter how long ago, has been entirely replaced. It still exists in a different form, revealed and concealed in plain sight. Everything is rooted in nature, sign-language and the elementals. Regardless of what is said in this message, none of it pertains to humans primarily. Humans are late-stage metaphors for much earlier superhuman creations and superhuman goings-on, that, of course, affect human thinking and behavior.
So, the degree our understandings are limited to current societal contexts, speaks directly to our ability to perceive ourselves fully and clearly. Thus wholeness and mental stability become tilted while feeling straight up right. (NG2 292-3/300-01)

This safari in the spiritsphere is the return journey home which involves unity consciousness.

1. Monday – is moon day, the second stage of light. One name of the moon is Taht, which comes from the parent word “That,” as one-half of the pairent “This and That” who represent Spirit-Soul, Two Circles, negative-positive, feminine-masculine.
Taht is also taught, teach and thought. All this, and much more, is mixed in with Moon day Monday. Furthermore, we can extract many other understandings such as “thought” comes first and the moon comes into existence before the sun, thus the second stage of lightness precedes the third stage of lightness and prepubescence precedes pubescence. (BB 437/449)

2. Tuesday – not yet re-membered.

3. Wednesday – not yet re-membered.

4. Thursday, – as the day before Good Friday, is called Shere Thursday. the day of the Last Supper of the Lord.
a) In this instance, the Lord is elemental power number eight, the combination of the seven with the soul of life in blood from the First Parent. It has three stages (rebirth as prepubescent, rebirth as pubescent, rebirth as immortal). It is the power of the ruling star (s).
b) Thursday signifies the closing day of a cycle. It is a day of rejoining of intermediate states. (BB 272/284)
c) The Last Supper is a meal of the seven elementals as the “disciples” and the eighth elemental as their Lord. It is not a meal about humans, but about universal events described in human terms.
d) Tsher means blood, gore, red blood, bloody and is also the name of the red calf or heifer of sacrifice. (BB 273-4/285-6)
This leads us to Tsher-day as being the day of preparation before the sacrifice.
The “Sher” in Shere Thursday also indicates the virile adult elemental of lightness as the Sun as the third stage of lightness.
Thursday is a continuation of Monday because the Sun is a continuation of the Moon. (NG2 447/455). With that being said, all days are a continuation of each other. And so also, all creations are continuations of each other in the circular logic of the universe.

5. Friday – is Parent's Day. According to the cycle, this could also be feminine out front or masculine out front. It is the day of recreation regeneration within the womb. It is also the day of the inundation of waters. Since we are now in the Age of Aquaria, we should expect the feminine and the inundation to increase on Fridays, even as on this day, masculine decreases.
Friday is also a moon day. (NG1 101/119) (NG2 308-9/316-17)
a) Based on the understandings of the 14 day cycle of time reckoning, it is likely that “First Fridays” of the month were feminine and out front and “Second Fridays.” were male out front.
Taking this further, First Saturdays were masculine, thus Second Saturdays were feminine. (AE1 426-8/436-8)

The sixth of the month was Friday and a moon-day to celebrate the entrance of the reborn soul of light as immortal star power Osiris, back into the soul of light as the Moon. It was a time of recognizing the Parent as the Moon as being present in the child as the Moon. It was also a time to celebrate the reseeding of the Parent, thus is a time of reunion of dualities. The next day, Saturday, was the seventh of the month when a phallic festival was held in celebration of the celestial conjunction of moon as soul of life in waters and Saturn as soul of life in light. (AE2 746-7/210-1)

6. Saturday – is the day of the first resurrection because Thursday is the day of first crucifixion. This is the death and rebirth of the moon as immature light.
As the process continued, Friday became the day of the second crucifixion and Sunday as the second resurrection. This is the birth and rebirth of the Sun as mature light. In modern Christian terms, these are the deaths and resurrections of John the Baptist and Jesus. (NG2 447/455)

Saturday, is the day of Saturn as the seventh planet, the day of the seven timekeeper constellations and the seven elementals. This is the day of the Parent as feminine joined with the Child as masculine. Thus this is day of impregnation of the mother by the son, in preparation for a new cycle. (NG2 292-3/300-01)

Saturday is the day of Sut, Setr, Seter, Seterday. It was the seventh day, and then later it was the first day. Sut’s day signifies resurrection or repetition. (NG2 296/304), (NG2 454/462)

7. Sunday – signifies resurrection or repetition of the soul of life in virile lightness was reborn by Osiris, the combined immortal souls of life in the Akhemu Seku never-setting stars. (NG2 454/462) (NG1 101/119)

The seventh day after the new moon was the sun's day (Sunday). This could occur on any day of the week, but it was only once a month on the 15th. Then it was increased to twice per month and weekly by the Jews. (AE2 746-9/210-13)

Time Reckoning Of Days (ascending order):

By the sun and week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
By the moon and sun and week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
By the moon and month: First Day*, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

*The name of the first day is not yet remembered. The name could not have been Sunday. Based on the progression of light where Moon precedes Sun, since there is a Monday, then Sunday would be one or two days afterwards. Using the same context, it also seems the first day of the week would represent Zeroness, Oneness, Twoness, Spirit-Soul, Waters, Darkness, Stars as concentrated sparks or Parents, before there could be a Monday. This is so because neither Moon nor Sun are the beginning of the process of creation of the elementals, therefore their days could not be first, not in the original reckoning.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Perfect Beasts & Imperfect Humans
Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1357


(Part 9iu of 11)

1. I am Spirit-Soul, the Parent of all creations. I create and give birth through transformation. As necessary, I function as both negative and positive within one being or I divide myself into negative and positive within two creations. Either way, it's still me in the form of one or two. According to where we're at in the cycle, sometimes my negative is called female or male and sometimes my positive is called female or male. Many other names are given to this duality. Both of my forms, whether male or female, negative or positive, are both Mother and Father. Both forms are the truth that take turns manifesting out front or on equal footing. Both forms, in the guise of humans, do not always function optimally, healthily.

2. I created the soul of life in blood, a more tangible form of myself.
a) This is the seventh elemental born in the Lower Circle of Existence. In one stage of Kemetic thought, the seven were born of the lower heaven called Earth. This took place later.
b) This seventh is combined with the other six elementals to form the animal of flesh, blood and water. (AE2 862/326)
c) The seven elementals form the soul of life of the perfect beast.

3. The perfect beast then becomes the foundation template for the next stage - the imperfect human.
a) The next stage of evolution is caused by another helping of the soul of life in blood of the Great Mother, this time from the Upper Circle of Existence.
It is only one-half of the whole, thus mortal until reunited with its other half.
This additional soul of life in matter is impubescent.
This causes humans to be considered a higher lifeform.
This is only true because humans have a little bit more free will than the free willpower in other animals formed of flesh and blood and water.
This is not true based on humans possessing greater intelligence.

b) The imperfect human is also born of the soul of life in darkness born out of the waters of Nun of the Upper Circle of Existence. This has a second nature as the soul of life in lightness which has four major phases as (sparks), (Stars including planets), (Moon, Sut, Tum, Atum, first Adam) and (Sun, Horus, Tum, Atum, second Adam).
Thus the first human is an animal reborn of the soul of life in darkness and the soul of life in matter from the Upper Circle of Existence. Before this composite soul in matter can become immortal it must:
Go through its color phase as lightness.
Expand knowledge of self from the Circle of Earth to the uppermost and lowermost Circles
Be reborn by reuniting the soul of life in matter and color with the soul of life in spirit and colorlessness. (AE1 323, 434/444)

c) This second stage that turns animals into human animals can be numbered “seven and one-half” (7 ½) or “eight” (8), which is also named Octava or Ogdoad. (AE1 182)

4. This bears repeating: The perfect beast is the imperfect human.
Human imperfection bears itself out in human behavior that is beast-like. Not beast-like as other animals, but beast-like according to the human denigration of other animals. Human imperfection is a dangerous thing for the rights of creation, thus it imbalances the dynamic balance of the ecosystem.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Khekh Khepera Plant Souls Of Life
Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1356


(Part 9it of 11)

I shall now again call myself Khekh, the whole total. I transformed my wholeness as Zero Preecistence into Spirit and Soul, two circles, two waters of Nun. I am the Single Source who became the Double Source.
a) Khekh Khepera Spirit, the Upper Circle of Preexistence which forms intangible souls of life in the waters.
b) Khekh Khepera Soul, the Lower Circle of Existence which forms more tangible souls of life (elementals) in the waters.
c) These Two Waters transform themselves into all things, including different forms of water. This is why Waters is Plural. Waters means “Many Waters” in One which eventually become separate dimensions of “liquid essence.”
d) The souls of life of the elementals were born out of the Double Source Of Waters and then united in their two contrasting forms, where one becomes the covering and the other becomes the nucleus.

Plant Are Single Souls

Like all recreations of myself, plants begin their process of transformation in the waters.
Plants and animals come into existence together, simultaneously, in water that is transforming itself into different forms such as salt and fresh, milk, blood and other liquid essences.

Water plants evolved first, then water plants rooted in land, then land plants who love damp conditions, then land plants who love alternating periods of wet and dry, then land plants who live in very low moisture environments. This tells us different forms of plant life require different levels of the elementals of water, air, earth, fire, darkness and lightness. These elementals and their souls of life, combine to create the single soul creations called plants. The many souls of the elementals become the single soul of plants.

The next phase is for these single souls to manifest as:
a) Two souls as one-half each
separate male and female plants
female and male on the same plant
b) Two souls as two phases within one soul.
This is the two-fold progression of immaturity and maturity. This can also be called prepubescence and puberty or sterile and fertile. (AE1 430-1/440-1)

Plant evolution provides a better understanding of all evolution:
1. Evolution comes from one soul when:
a) Another specialized dimension is created
b) Adaptation or mutation takes place

2. Evolution comes from two when:
a) Diversification within the same dimension takes place

3. One become two becomes many becomes one in two or more stages, of which, the last reseeds the first.

4. No understanding of evolution, history, ancestry, heritage, beginnings, origin or genesis is a sturdy stable framework of understanding until it at least encompasses its major foundational phases.
a) For instance, an understanding of the circle that stops at either top and bottom or left and right, is unstable. All four of the cardinal points must be included. When this occurs, the mind is also open to all the points in between the main four points.
b) This prevents us from mistaking land plants as the origin of plants, even though in our current form as land animals, we could be led to this incomplete logic. Land plants do have an origin on land but also an earlier evolution in the waters.
c) The continuous logical use of metaphor allows us to take any understanding and gain many more. Regarding the origin of anything, especially your human origin,: “once you have traced the first beginning of anything to its last ending, you have found the origin of everything.” In other words, if any human claims an origin that is not in the same place as all other humans, then we must seek understandings to help us reconcile the difference. We need not go far. Plants teach us that no fruit originates in the branch unless the branch is also the trunk and seed. Therefore, no fruit can sanely claim a partial percentage of origin in the branch that is greater than the percentage of origin in the seed, the starting point.

d) We understand the human through the superhuman manifestations of plants.

e) Plants are a combination of the elementals, so we can also gain understandings in another basic sense.
The first phase is not more important than any other phase. Each phase is needed in order for all stages to continue to exist in the season, when their turn in the cycle comes.
Therefore, Africa, Africans and Blackness are all important as part of the process of many other lands and colors which are equally important for the larger processes continuously changing forms.
Likewise then, the prominence of the feminine in childbirth is not more important than the masculine role. Neither can exist without the other. And is one of the main lessons I am remembering in all the forms I've become and am still transforming.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Expanding Animal Definition & Human Understanding
Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1355


(Part 9is of 11)

Dimensions and my ability to sense them are animations.
They are also animals.
Both animations and animals are created by me, spirit-soul, the animator.
I am both, the anonymous and the animist.
I am anonymous as one in my dormancy.
I am animist when I awaken and begin to duplicate, unpack and create more forms of myself.

I am spirit-soul, The Animal of Animals. I create nothing but animals. Even plants are animals. We know animals are created from seeds.
An animal is a repetition of my breath, which is a transformation of spirit-soul.
I continue to use the word “animal,” in this optimal sense and also in the suboptimal sense that limits animals to a small portion of creation. (BB 150/162, 240/252, 391/403)

Human Animal

I became human after first taking a long time learning about myself in other forms.
Just like the plants before them and the other animals before them, my human self is designed to be an aggregator of my potential. I have given my human form a little bit more free will than plants and other animals on this planet. This is part of the test of myself. In no way have I given any single creation or species full control, majority control or one-third control. Too much is at stake.
Despite the upside of me learning in my human form, the law of duality dictates humans must also have the opposite potential to be an aggravator of my genetic potential. This exists because, my human form has the dual potential to advance knowledge of self and regress in knowledge of self and make choices to not do better despite knowing better.

In order to stave off the death-grip of complacency and stagnation, I continuously experiment with and test my spirit-soul by continuously changing parameters different formulations of me, experience. This fulfills the need incentive that ultimately allows me to maintain everlasting life.

Continuing our understanding of animal:
The word “another” means “a repetition of other,” thus another. This is the same thing as animal.
As one, I am the Other. As two, I am Other & Another. Thus the saying, “one thing leads to another.”
In all of these identifying words we can see the makings of mother and father, martyr and farther and so on. I am the One who is the Martyr because I sacrificed my Oneness Harmony to become Many. I am the Farther who takes what I created farther. The feminine mother begins the process as the first stage seed egg moon, then the masculine father extends the process as the second stage fertilizer virility sun.
All of these words, through many transformations, are still forms of (Animal, Khepera, Spirit-Soul).
Current human use of the word “animal” in a derogatory sense is self-incriminating of what lies hidden within self-awareness. Animals as beasts and as less than human must again be understood along with the other perspective that humans are the epitome of mortal beasts.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Sensing, Touching & Smelling Myself
Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1354


(Part 9ir of 11)

As I am transforming myself into dimensions, I must also create the ability to detect and sense myself. I must create separate sensing abilities within my genetic potential to recognize the form of the noun, the form of the verb and degree of variation. All of this sensing ability is included in each seed according to what the seeds needs to be able to sense. All creations have sensing abilities.

Each sensing ability is an adaptation to match the transformation. This allows spirit-soul to stay in touch with itself. Since there are all types of transformations, there are all types of adaptions that allow me to sense. To start with there is soul adaptation, water adaptation and dark adaptation, tangible-intangible adaptation, liquid-solid adaptation, dark adaptation and light adaptation. They were the first sensing abilities transformed out of spirit-soul and into genetic potential of all creations who are supposed to be able to sense these things.
I am multi-layered and multi-capable and interconnected. Far too many repetitions of myself in human form have forgotten how to optimize the use of multiple sensing abilities. Nowadays, in my human form, the mind dominates what is considered to be the intuitive sense. Skin and hands dominate what is considered to be the sense of touch. Light dominates what is considered to be the sense of sight. The mouth dominates taste. Secondarily what has been fed to the mind by the culture dominates taste. All of this is extremely limited use of sensing abilities.
What determines the nature of something is its relationship to something else.
We are now able to sense, make fuller sense and summarize parts of the universal process:
1. Everything becomes the child of its origin, then becomes the origin of a child, and so on.
2. Everything starts as one, then becomes two, then becomes one, and so on.
3. Everything shares a transition zone. For instance, “beginning” shares the same space as “ending.”
4. Everything is still connected, despite degrees and forms of separation. Human awareness is not the sum total of what forms connections. Everything exists in layers.
5. Everything existing as one, has no contrast. Dimensions make it possible to know self fully to the extent and forget self fully to the extent. Knowledge of self allows optimal use of sensing ability, thus the ability to remain aware of more dimensions of self and more dimensions of all else. However as knowledge of self is diminished, earlier forms of self and all else, become less perceivable. As a result, what usually happens, as is evident today in the human dimension, only the most recent forms are perceived, and furthermore only fragmentedly. This speaks directly to the Giri So to So Dayi levels of awareness.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Trinity Seed Dimensions By The Numbers
Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1353


(Part 9iq of 11)

When I transform my spirit-soul into trinity seeds, I do so instantaneously, simultaneously.
1. In the Zero dimension:
a) single goes through a dual phase: prepubescence and puberty
b) single becomes dual
c) sameness becomes difference

2. In the One-two dimension:
a) dual becomes single
b) difference become sameness
c) single becomes dual, trio, quadruple, multiple. this is where the souls of life of the elementals are brought forth
d) immortal and mortal (timelessness and time, infinity and finity)

3. In the Two-three dimension:
a) single goes through a dual phase: prepubescence and puberty
b) difference and sameness take place within a single creation
c) single becomes dual, and dual becomes single
d) celestial waters give birth to celestial bodies who give birth to terrestrial waters, earth, darkness, lightness, air, fire, blood.

4. All of these dimensions:
a) create additional differences such as solid and liquid, cold and hot, dry and wet, thick and thin, etc.
b) In other words every duality, when combined in one creation, has all identities, but when the duality is separated and exists in two creations or two phases, then the identities, the personalities are also split.
c) Every dimension created has a bunch of characteristics associated with it. As explained in the early formation of creation, at least eight of these characteristics are common to everything.
d) As more dimensions are created, the separation between what is perceived becomes greater, leading to the what humans perceive as wide ranges such as invisible and visible, when, in fact the differences are both far apart and right beside each other.
e) Because soul transforms and gives birth to itself in other forms, those other forms become the membrane covering the soul. Then, to complete the cycle, those forms transform back into soul which becomes the membrane covering itself, as it was in the beginning of that dimension, soul in the form of soul covering soul in the form of soul.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Trinity Seeds Revisited, Elementals, Elements
Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1352


(Part 9ip of 11)

I am spirit-soul – undivided energy, the Seed of Seeds, the “Ground” Zero Seed, who creates more seeds called the seven elementals such as the soul of life in water, air, fire, earth, darkness, lightness and blood. These are sometimes called the elements. They are the powers of my nature. On a micro-level, the components of the seven elementals are also called the elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, helium, and so on. Elements within elements is what everything is, is who I am.
I make these elemental transformations while buried in the Khaos nucleus in the waters - - just as the scarab does along the banks of the Nile. (AE1 121/131, 135/145)

By transforming myself into separate elementals (seeds), I create contrast difference so I can understand myself clearly and sharply. I create the following much needed dimensions.
a) Intangible-Tangible Contrast in the form of Spirit and Soul. I create these two dimensions from what preexisted as all things. Spirit represents the intangible and soul represents the tangible. Ultimately what is tangible and intangible depends on the difference between the surface first level use of senses and more integrated use that transcends dimensions.

b) Liquid-Solid Contrast in the form of Soul and Waters. I create these two dimensions from Soul. Soul now represents liquid and waters represent solid. (In the earlier stage, spirit represents liquid and soul represents solid). The Liquid-Solid contrast is also the Energy and Matter contrast and the Spiritual and Material contrast.

Water does not become liquid until it transforms itself and gives birth to Earth. Not just this planet, but Earth in the universal sense of Land. Therefore all celestial bodies are Earth.

c) Colorless-Color Contrast in the form of Spirit as energy and Soul as concentrated energy. As I am transforming into spirit and soul and into soul and waters, my undivided energy becomes concentrated in smaller forms of the whole. At first, spirit is colorless and soul is color. Then soul becomes colorless and waters become color. Then one form of the waters become colorless and clear by virtue of giving birth to color as twins:
Darkness, the first twin stage of color as concentrated energy emerges from the waters and provides more dimension, more contrast.
Lightness, the second twin stage of color as diffused energy is the transformation of darkness. The cycle is complete when lightness reconcentrates into darkness.

Darkness manifested first, then lightness as the second form of color. The Colorless-Color contrast is also the Unclear-Clear contrast and the Invisible-Visible contrast and the Hidden-Revealed contrast. All of these simply mean something is more perceivable than something else. When we are only using one perspective or one sensing ability this is problematic, but when we combine perspectives and abilities we are able to remain dynamically balanced.

Color, in relation to Waters, represents the Revealed, but when color is transformed into Darkness and Lightness, then Darkness becomes Hidden and Lightness Revealed.

Because they are twins and two forms of the same and two stages of the same, both Darkness and Lightness contain all colors in different forms of vibrations, emanations, melanations, radiations.
Gaining heat transforms darkness into lightness, then, after a certain threshold, into darkness. Losing heat turns blackness into whiteness, then after a certain threshold, into blackness.

d) Infinite-Finite Contrast was created in the midst of this process of creating other contrasts.

e) Trinity Seeds: Spirit-soul, water, darkness.
f) Trinity Seeds Revisited: (0) Spirit-soul, (1) spirit as intangible; soul as tangible, (2) Soul as liquid; many waters as solid, (3) Water as colorless; darkness-lightness as color.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Conjugate My Being Using The Verb “To Be”
Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1351


(Part 9io of 11)

When I duplicate myself, I open my spirit in order to initiate, germinate, unpack, unzip, grow, multiply and divide my soul. Just as a compressed file does, just as a seed does, just as genetic potential starting a new cycle of life.

I conjugate my vibe, my being.
The vibe, vibration and verb are the same. To conjugate the verb “to be” means conjugate my being. My being in the form of motion, action.
I am, be, been, being, was, were, is are, was, were and will continue to be everything and nothing at the exact same time always. (NG1 240/258)

I am all parts of speech in all languages. In English, the expression “conjugate verbs” is the same thing as changing the form of the verb to express the changing form of action. Conjugate means transform. Transform the way the action is expressed to match the form of the noun and all else (the rest of the sentence). In doing so, we are able to say the same thing in different ways while maintaining the original sense of the message.

In a very basic sense, the human form of myself has taken transformation and conjugation and subjected it to one-sided manipulation, thus causing imbalanced congregations, accumulations, concentrations leading to aggravations due to stagnations and violations of vibrations.

I am all nouns, pronouns and all verbs. Everything is me and about me, thus you too. Conjugator conjugating. Beingness being.

See also UC#1430

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Spirit-Soul Forever
Khepera, Change, Transform, Re-form, Evolution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1350


(Part 9in of 11)

Nothing can live forever unless it dies forever and is reborn forever. No, not even me, spirit-soul.
Nothing can live forever unless it divides forever and unites forever. No, not even myself, spirit-soul.
Nothing can live forever unless it transforms forever and transitions forever. I am doing exactly that.

I am change. Change is transformation of spirit-soul into another form of the same.
One of my names is Khepera.

I Am Spirit-Soul, The Whole Total

I was in a state of dormancy. I aroused myself and began breathing again. This is how I come into being continuously. I am the ever-coming one. When I talk to myself, I transform into and awaken seeds of myself that were also asleep, until I, through them, am fully awake. Throughout this process, nothing changes except spirit-soul - - me, myself and I. (AE1 408/418)

Spirit and soul are interchangeable because they are different forms of each other, thus they are two differences in one and the same thing. This must be so if I am to be the All in All There Is. (NG1 498-9/516-17)

I am the circle, zero, one and two. I am twoness in one and oneness in two. (BB 114/126)

I am all parts of all dualities. For instance, I am good and evil, male and female, darkness and lightness, energy and matter, joy and pain, justice and injustice, valuable and worthless, optimal and suboptimal, truth and lie, tame and wild, first, last and in between; mother-father-child, peace and war, predator and prey, attackers and victims, Africa and all other lands, truthseeker and lying creeper, alien on Earth and human on another planet, primate as ape and primate as human, animal as beast and animal as human, primitive and modern, reform and deform, the supporters of societal mess and the messed up crazies, demon and angel, heaven sent and hell bent, royal and commoner, negative, positive and neutral, order and disorder, merder and murder, selfless and selfish, disconnect and interconnect, Either Or Neither Nor Both...

There is nothing that is that I ain't.

As zero, I am the circle of the same and different. As one, I am the circle of the different and same. As two, I am one half of both. This applies to anything and everything, which is why the more things change, the more they stay the same. (NG1 498-9/516-17)

It is said, “man cannot live on bread alone.” Neither can I live on spirit alone or soul alone. Both of these metaphors tell us nothing can exist in one form, stage or state for long or be sustained on one form, for long. For instance, man cannot live as man alone and neither can man live as human alone.

I, the spirit and I, the soul (I in I) cannot live on good alone or female alone or darkness alone or spirituality alone or harmony alone or love alone. I must transform my being into another form to establish continuous cycles.

I am remembering, everything that is spirit-soul and everything taking place is spirit-soul; therefore, everything I do, I do it with myself and to myself and by myself and by the power that I alone possess.

All interactions are me, myself and I, which is the same as saying, you, us, them, they, it, this, that....

I must keep repeating myself in different ways to help me get my full memory back on track.

As many forms as I've become, I have given myself names for each to keep track of all the ways I've changed, which helps me rearrange and reclaim. My name is your name. Our names are also combined. For instance, Khepera Usekhu, Khepera Jane, Khepera Aquaria, Khepera Katrice, Khepera Imhotep, Khepera Henrietta, Khepera Moon, Khepera Potato, Khepera Africa, Khepera Molecule and so on for all names for all creations. All of these names being the same as saying Spirit-soul Spirit-soul.

I am the psyche, the ever-changing psyche. I am your psyche, and you, are mine. (BB 105/117)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Quick Notes On Unseen Earthquakes and Inundations
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1349


(Part 9im of 11)

I was seeking more detailed information on the Kilauea volcano eruptions, in addition to other worldwide volcanic eruptions taking place right now. I was led into the path of the following understandings after watching the Weather Channel's, Secrets of the Earth, Man-made Earthquakes, S2, Ep6 (Season 2, Episode 6).

1. A better understanding of diffusion, in more of the ways it takes place, is helpful.

2. A better understanding of pressure and tension in more ways it takes place, is crucial.

3. A better understanding of the Great Year Ages, whose energies are affecting water, wind and the other five elementals, is critical to help us match what is taking place in Earth, heaven above, outer space, inner space, plants, animals, human animals, especially in the liquid essence of life.

4. Unseen volcanoes are corroborated to be possible because unseen earthquakes are possible due to changes in Earth's crust and mantle due to superhuman and human forces.

5. The amount of water currently being diffused across the lands of Earth is changing the distribution of Earth's mass, which has concentrated effects in localized areas which alters structural integrity, causing failures that were just waiting for the right set of conditions.

6. The nature of all “disasters” human and superhuman, is the slowness in which they take shape, the slowness of the adjustments we never make and the suddenness that takes place when they reach critical mass, that last little bit.

7. The amount of water raining down right now not only increases flooding, it also causes water levels to rise behind man-made levies, dikes and dams. This increases pressure tension behind the dam frontward, sideward and especially downward against the earth beneath the damn.

8. The earth we stand on is not only a floor, it is also a roof to several subfloors. Add more weight to a roof in one concentrated spot and we know that is not good. The earth under water behind dams is not all solid continuous unsinkable unmovable bedrock. This is exacerbated by the fact that the earth beneath dams suddenly becomes covered with water when the dam is created by humans as opposed to slowly forming and eroding, filling in, compacting and refilling the floor roof. Natural lakes are formed by natural dams made of earth, rock, trees, etc. on all sides of the lake. This is not the case with man-made lakes from human dams. Not only is the floor of those lakes vulnerable, but also the front door that has nothing to back it up to diffuse the pressure except human incredulity ingenuity.

9. History of the Ages promises us inundations, along with plenty of surprises dues to forgetfulness and other forms of mental illness.

10. Recent conditions of daily rain are setting up the conditions for unseen earthquakes and inundations of “biblical” proportions in places where we continue to feel safe in the unsound. The pathway back to Khaos is through chaos. Therefore, at the same time the possibility of devastation rises in one place, the possibility of nourishment rises in another.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Quick Notes On Unseen Volcanoes
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1348


(Part 9il of 11)

1. Most of us educated folks still think volcanoes really have nothing to do with us because we don't live near them or because they haven't erupted for a while or because some expert told us not to worry. Good is the grief that logically sounds sweet.

2. Most of us don't realize we're living on top of all the makings of a volcano.

3. Earth is a volcano with a core of hot liquid. Earth is a container filled with hot liquid under pressure.

4. Even though the distance to the center of Earth is said to be approximately 4,000 miles,** that is really close. If we can fly 4,000 miles in less than one day, how long does it take jet propulsion from within Earth to reach the surface?

5. Sudden large-scale environmental shifts have taken place historically that are yet unexplained by current societies.

6. Earth is full of holes, pores. Earth is porous and malleable. The crust we're standing on leads to many cracks, crevices, tunnels, fissures, arteries, veins, capillaries, etc. that lead down, down, down. So we know there are pathways throughout earth below that lead up to the surface. Diffusion is always taking place.

7. All parts of Earth, dry or underwater, are within easy striking distance of Earth's liquid hot core.

8. Do be deceived that Earth's mantle is a tightly sealed impenetrable cap that always remains sealed.

9. Do not be deceived by feelings of complete safety from volcanic activity, directly or indirectly.

10. But we've gone too far to prove how close we are to being exposed to the full genetic potential of Earth unleashed. It is enough to say, Earth's mantle is relatively right beneath our feet and is hot enough to do all the damage needed so that all societal paradises are defeated and conceit conceded.

11. There is no natural law that says a constantly changing planet won't change its volcanic dynamics. In fact, the rule is that everything is certain to change.

12. Most of us still rely primarily and solely on “authorities, officials and experts” to think things out for us (analyze) and when that logic fails, we rely on emergency services to bail us out. For instance, how many times does electricity have to go out before we're better prepared on our own to survive at least a couple of weeks?

13. Do not be deceived by human assurances based on logic that depends on defying superhuman nature.

14. ”Violence, Volcanoes & Blaming God”

15. ”Fundamentally Reconciling Khaos & Chaos Of Thoughts, Unity Consciousness #1033”

16. **This distance is interestingly close to the distance from the deep blue source of the Nile to its 7-pronged endpoint that releases the flow into the Great Green Sea. The metaphor from Earth's black-red core to Earth's green surface is clear. Will there be a simultaneous multiple volcanic-like eruption on Earth, from above to below and/or from below to above?

17. Understand the difference in optimal theory and suboptimal theory.
18. What is taking place right now, in terms of volcanoes, has everything to do with the shifting energy flow of the Great Year Ages.
19. And that, of course, has everything to do with spirit-soul embodied in the elementals.

20. It is not helpful to continue to rely on the plausible deniable of “I didn't know.” To do so only worsens the inevitable due our refusal to rely on multiple ways to know – an ability given to all of us in our genetic potential. If this makes us fearful, that we are so powerful, so deeply innately filled with knowledge wanting to explode, at least listen to plants and other animals who are adjusting to changes in the environmental.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Self-Identity: My Basic Self-Created Problem-Solution
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1347


(Part 9ik of 11)

All problems start the same way - - as solutions.

I am spirit-soul who went into motion to preserve life force within myself. That's the solution and the problem.
I knew myself fully to the extent of experience. That's the solution and the problem.
To benefit further, I had to create continuous change. That the solution and the problem.
My biggest solution was knowing myself to inform the use of genetic potential.
My biggest problem is forgetting who I was, intentionally, to inform the use of genetic potential.
Full circle, full cycle understandings are now achievable through the combination of both scenarios.

Duality is the solution and the problem.
Duality is my self-identity.
I am darkness who swallows the seed of lightness. I began to give birth to light as stars, including planets, first dilating the darkness. Then I divided that light in lesser lights such as planets and moons. Then I made that light mature and become brighter as Suns pushing darkness to the perimeter. Due to the difference of the appearance, despite being the same intensity and combined purpose, I became blind in understanding both forms. Two alternating solutions became two alternating problems.

I became embodied in breath and my appreciation was lost for the water I left. I became embodied in flesh and breath became victim to my forgetfulness. I became immortal again, which is to say without limitation, and the combination of hesmen and semen became foreign and alien as to the good, the better, the best.
”Fundamentally Reconciling Khaos & Chaos Of Thoughts, Unity Consciousness #1033”
Now I remember who I am.
The solution is energy that reverses course, transforming its logic, thus itself, thus the problem.
Yes, solutions and problems are fundamentally about the flow of energy.

Through the need to transition into many lives, I made subservient one life. And through the transition into many lives, they also gained eternal life due to their eventual transition back into one life.

”Henrietta Lacks portrait acquired by Smithsonian museums”

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

The Universal Specialized House of Africa
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1346


(Part 9ij of 11)

All universes (lives) start the same way. Genetic potential is awakened from sleep mode with an explosion that rises to the crescendo summit and cries out as the life within is born into another dimension. We sense the vibrations, trepidations, elations.
Continuous non-stop explosions ensue, ensuring life does for me and you.

Analysis takes place First

Nothing exists without information being aligned in such a way to produce the desired result in potential before it is put into action in the next dimension. This is true of all dimensions. Africa is such a dimension.
Africa is a universe created within Earth as the birthplace of life within the life of Earth.
All universes are houses of many mansions (dimensions). Africa is such a house.
Africa House, the place of birth of all life on Earth, is the Projects.

Specialization takes place Second

Before this solar system came into existence, and before Earth, and before Africa, the Galaxy analyzed its needs. The construction project involved Galaxy, Solar System, Earth and Africa.
Each of these are dimensions, mansions, houses, universes, lives.
Each of these are specialized uses of genetic potential.
Each of these are the same genetic potential differently specialized, organized.

To repeat: specialization is based on the need incentive continuously analyzing, learning from, adjusting genetic potential according to the current set of conditions.

Logic that guides the use of genetic potential is continuously being rebuilt, remodeled. These are the days when we are seeing the clear results of work previously made in other dimensions.
Other dimensions are remodeling how their genetic potential is specialized, thus applied.
Same is true in for Galaxy, Solar System, Earth, House of Africa, and all micro-lives within those macro-lives.

Mindframe For Completion

Like all other construction projects, the House of Africa was not built in a minute, deteriorated in a minute and neither will its remodeling happen quickly.
Those of us aged 50+, in our current form, we will not see the House of Africa reconstruction project fully rebuilt to its former glory.
We are the second stage rebuilders, remodelers, rememberers.
We are the second generation foundation layers and framers.
We are breaking down the pallets of genetic construction materials our ancestors left us and adding to the already laid foundation and cornerstones.

The blueprint trueprint has been updated.
We are finishing up the subfloor and all of the underwork.
Wall layouts are being transferred from paper to foundation.

Like most construction projects, to the non-analytical observer, not much progress seems to be taking place until walls go up.
That is now our main focus: the current and next generation's joint job.
All of this simultaneously taking place with earlier awareness of knowledge of self and the reconstruction process.

Panoramic Frame

The House of Africa, since it is the same as Earth, Solar System, Galaxy and Ultimate Universe, contains the ark of the covenant containing the elemental souls of life, thus it contains the Holy of Holies of the sacred secret garden.
Waste no thought, time or other resources doubting the reconstruction project will not restore The House of Africa.
The Great Year Cycles are almost finished with their dimension of the universal remodeling project that provides the energy and logic to inform and fuel specialists.

Africa is a specialized project of the above below, within and without.
Clear evidence of progress is taking place in the House of Africa within the genetics of the superhuman and human.
Looking at the small portion we are likely assessing things by, will lead to false negatives. The construction project is huge. All types of work is simultaneously taking place, including demolition.
Furthermore, the House of Africa exists everywhere on Earth. Before Africa became many continents and islands, the whole earth was one continental island in the midst of waters (and still is). Currently the African Continent, “Africa Proper” so to speak, is just the location of the temple of life on Earth. The rest of Africa is now known by all the other names of all islands and continents. These islands and other continents are the prodigal lands of the homeland. They are finding their way home via the long route.
Understand the metaphor and you will then understand why the temples of the Nile Valley were so huge. They are symbolizing Africa's significance in relation to its separated portions.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Paralysis Of Analysis & Adjustment
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1345


(Part 9ii of 11)

A perverse relationship between thinking and behavior exists when behavior goes on autopilot and thinking is never checked again, except perhaps in a quick glance confirmation bias fashion.
Everything taking place in the universe is based on analysis and ongoing analysis.
Every single one of your cells is constantly analyzing.
The only reason you are able to see things with your physical eyes is that your body is analyzing information continuously, eyes, cells, nerves, brain, etc.
Analysis is a constant, constantly changing, along with everything else.

Good Ole Bad Paralysis Of Analysis

A term often misused is “paralysis of analysis.”
The ushers, pushers and users of this term don't realize there is also such a thing as “paralysis of action due to insufficient analysis.” This causes us to “run in place.” As a result, as the world is moving on, we end up further and further behind. Paralysis of action is masked by the good feeling of action. Similar to the feeling of getting diplomas, degrees and credentials, but yet, that learning is miseducation. Meanwhile the net effect is to move in highly unproductive ways, thus wasting resources and setting up the conditions for forward motion that creates backwards progress. Analysis informs the continuing appropriateness of actions in relation to the current set of changing conditions and in relation to goals established.

Still Undecided Analysis Is Important?

The importance of critical thinking, thought, reflection and analysis is expressed several times in the ”Ten Cardinal Principles Of Ancient African Deep Thought.”

There is no problem-solving without analysis. Furthermore, the part we don't understand is that a problem, once solved, does not always remain solved. This is because everything is continuously changing, therefore the necessity of adjustments must be continuously assessed.
It is not possible to know if we are making the same mistake unless we understand the different forms that the same mistake takes. No I'm not hooked on drugs, but I am addicted to so many other things. No, I'm not going to fall in love again without a background check and credit check, and yet I have fallen in love with ideologies without understanding the criminal history and credit worthiness (credibility) of those ideologies. For instance, Ancestor John Henrik Clarke reminds us, religions are “male chauvinist murder cults.” Now how could that be? It doesn't take much analysis to prove this out. There are different kinds and levels of analysis that apply to different situations. Not all analysis requires days and years of research.
Whatever in your mind is critical, requires the analytical.

Critical Analysis Is The Same Thing As Thought Digestion

You wouldn't just swallow food without checking it out first, without preparing it, without chewing, without breaking it down further in your stomach (the acid test), without slowly absorbing it, without separating the “wheat from the chaff” to eliminate what is not needed.
You would not be resistant to repeating this process several times per day.
You would bot be resistant to repeating this process just because you've eaten the same thing before.
Then neither should you not do these similar things when it comes to taking in and analyzing information. The information must be thought processed. This is the same as investigating, testing, evaluation, examination, questioning, observing, preparation, digestion, elimination, further evaluation, experience review, adjustment and repeating the process of thinking before, during and after you eat and thinking before, during and after you take any other form of action. This is true no matter how long you've been doing or not doing the action, how familiar you are, and how decided you are as to its appropriateness.

Evidence Of Analysis Is Everywhere

There is no place you can look or nothing you can encounter that is not the result of analysis. Everything taking place in the human world is due to somebody doing some analysis somewhere to create the societies we live in.

I just saw an article that said something like 95% of African-Americans are Vitamin D deficient. There are clues indicating this is not credible information. Let's just say it is. Somebody has put in a lot of analysis to determine or suggest that conclusion. The point is: You are continually being analyzed in thousands of ways. Everything taking place in societies is being analyzed by those people who are controlling you without you knowing you are being controlled through your free will that is being programmed at deeper levels to respond a certain way.

If you're not going to analyze, at least compare and contrast.
Perhaps even try to understand more about what logic is fundamentally and how it works in more places than just in your head.

Those who are surprised are those who barely analyze enough to survive. Every single time, when you review what took place, before a human says they were “surprised,” there were plenty of un-analyzed or mis-analyzed signs. We know this because something must have been taking place outside of our awareness to create what finally surprised us. There is no “now you don't see me, now you do” without there also being many a clue.

It's time to move towards the optimal amount of ongoing analysis, ongoing action and ongoing adjustments.

Just for fun-da-mental: “Think But Not Too Much | No se, No se, Higher Self Analysis, Unity Consciousness #133”

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Algebra/Math/Arithmetic Terms & Definitions
(Part 5 of 5)-Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1344


(Part 9ih of 11)

Usage of these algebra, math, arithmetic terms and definitions included elsewhere in this five-part series along with related concepts throughout this blogic.

1. Adjustment - the amount needed to create equality or inequality. To create equality, the adjustment is one-half the difference.
2. Ancient Method - shows problem-solving is a multi-part process, thus has multiple parts to the solution, qualitative and quantitative. No problem can be solved without analysis. Neither can an existing equality or inequality be maintained without ongoing analysis that changes the form of the equality or inequality as the current set of conditions change.
3. Current Method - shows how to manipulate numbers. Distorts the whole total, thus distorts both sides of an equation. Does not provide a pathway to comprehensive understandings including whether or not equality was actually achieved. All we are taught is to rely on numbers from the one-sided perspective of suboptimal theory. Not much learning takes place except how to manipulate numbers in a complicated way to end up in the same or worsening unequal shape in a different place.
4. Denominator - the basis of what is being expressed. A denominator provides the context for the whole of what is being expressed. A denominator is not limited to the bottom portion of fractions. For instance, an equation is a denominator of the relationship between two sides. In golf, the denominator is par.
5. Difference - the discrepancy between two sides of an equation. In an equality, the difference is two times the adjustment.
6. Dividing Line - a symbol used to separate two sides of an equation. The two sides are the first truth and second truth.
7. Double Check - is duo check. Using different ways of knowing to understand the flowing of cycles. Using different metaphors to understand sameness. Using any degree of duality to understand the same thing from a different angle of light. Checking solutions against solutions and solutions against the problem. Verifying logic to ensure nothing was lost in translation or transformation.
8. Education – instruction in the use of genetic potential (power). Civilizations teach the proper use of power. Societies do not. To the degree education intertwines instruction with optimal knowledge of self is the degree to which civilizations or societies are created.
9. Equation – does not mean an equality exists. Instead it means equating two things, comparing them. An equation can be an equality or inequality. What matters is the preexisting difference, the adjustments being made and the post-adjustment difference.
a) Pre-Initial Equation – expresses the relationship between two sides before any adjustments. Only used in the Ancient Method.
b) Initial Equation – expresses the relationship between two sides with a partial adjustment being made. Used as the only equation in the Current Method.
c) Final Equation – expresses the relationship between two sides after making the adjustment to both sides. Only used in the Ancient Method.
10. Fraction - numerical relationship of something to the whole expressed using a numerator and denominator. A fraction is a whole number and is the reciprocal of a whole number. Although a fraction is a number of any size or form, it is mistakenly limited to numbers less than their denominators. Thus 2 is a whole number when the denominator is 1 or 2; however 2 is a fraction when the denominator is 3. Therefore, there can be two of something that represents the whole or the fraction depending on the basis of denomination.
11. Mathematics/Arithmetic - the process of understanding how to manipulate transform genetic potential conceived in the form of numbers to achieve desired results.
12. Mixed Number - I have not yet found the usefulness for this term because all numbers containing two different numbers are mixed numbers. 10 is a mixed number. Numbers in two forms (whole and fraction) are merely one type of mixed number.
13. Multiple - a whole number or fraction of a number or its reciprocal.
a) For instance, 10 is a multiple of 5 but so also is 3/5. 3/5 is a multiple of 1/5, the reciprocal of 5.
10, as a multiple of 5, is also the fraction 50/5. And 5 is 25/5, So 3/5 fits right in as a multiple.
3/5 means 3 multiples of the whole based on 5 as the denominator of the whole.
It also means 3 wholes of 5 as the greater whole.
14. Number -
a) Information in any form expressed as a quantity for the purpose of perceiving, recognizing, identifying, knowing.
b) A numbers is simply one of many ways of expressing and communicating the whole total. A number is the same thing as a word, symbol, metaphor...
c) A number re-presents Nature and is Nature.
d) Every number expresses the partial and the complete.
e) The size or form of a number does not determine wholeness or fraction. That is determined by essence and understandings.
f) The size or form of a number does not determine equality or inequality. That is determined by the number's relationship to the whole total set of current conditions denominated by the need incentive.
15. Numerator - a quantity expressed in relation to a denominator. A numerator is not limited to the top portion of fractions. Anything expressed as a number is a numerator because the number enumerates, announces the quantity. For instance, 5 coins, 5 people, 5 pounds are all expressions using a numerator. The second word in each phrase is the denominator.
16. One - the second number and second enumerator used to express a quantity. One is also the second form of zero and the first reciprocal of zero. 01 and 10 are reciprocals. 1/1 and 0/0 are reciprocals.
17. Operator - describes what type of action to take (process to perform) to create the desired transformation. An operator is a symbol representing the Khepera metamorphosis principle. The words, operate, operation and operator are based on a form of Khepera as opera. An operator is Khepera spirit-soul energy functioning in time and space.
18. Parenthesis – represents the two halves of the whole circle (the parent thesis). Parenthesis indicate when to keep items together for synthesis before further synthesis takes place. Although parenthesis has other uses in math, it has priority in the order of operations as the assembler, because it also rules as the Denominator of Denominator in the form of the Circle, which is the Assembly. Thus, the parent is the circle as the denominator whose priority is symbolized in the wholeness ratio by parenthesis.
19. Reciprocal - the reverse, other side, flip side, mirror image of something that is a complementary necessary opposite for proper functioning of the whole total universe. An expression of something else in another form, thus another perspective. The universe is based on reciprocals (dualities) which balance each other out and provide full circle perspective and full cycle functioning. Reciprocals are necessary to provide definition and understanding.
20. Solution – a multi-part set of answers, understandings, processes and concepts used to manipulate transform resources to create the desired effect of equality balance or inequality imbalance.
21. Subtraction-Addition – Manipulation Transformation by separating and recombining some or all of a total. What is separated must be recombined somewhere else. Likewise, what is recombined must be separated from somewhere else. This is the same as diffusion and redistribution of abundance.
22. Whole Number – numerical expression of the relationship of something to the whole. A whole number is a fraction and is the reciprocal of a fraction. Although a whole number is a number of any size or form, it is mistakenly limited to those numbers whose numerators are evenly divisible by 1 as the denominator.
23. Whole Total - everything in the circle dimension we are talking about and dealing with. The whole total must be known in order to know how much the difference is between two sides of an equation, thus how much an adjustment must be made to make them equal.
24. Wholeness - process of seeking fullness of self through addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other operations. This also includes parenthesis behavior of grouping our motions and identities inside two halves of a circle where we feel a sense of belongingness.
a) For example, we seek to add love, subtract sickness, divide time, multiply other resources while using a mixture of optimal and suboptimal identifiers.
b) Wholeness exists in layers. Each layer is a whole circle of logic. As you grew physically, the basis of your wholeness was one cell, then it was two cells, ten cells, 100 cells, 10,000 cells, trillions of cells. Throughout this continuous process, you remained whole even as the basis of your wholeness changed.
25. Wholeness Ratio - a single expression where:
a) All numbers in the universe are displayed as a single numerator, and then on the bottom of this single expression, zero is the denominator.
Thus we have zero as the numerator, but it is displayed in the form of many.
Thus we have many as the denominator, but they are displayed in the form of zero.
What connects the “many” in the numerator are all the “operators” used in mathematics.
What connects the numerator and denominator is the dividing line of dimensions, the equator line that turns with the circle, thus so must our orientation to the position of the cycle so we can discern the signs of the current set of conditions, thus properly separating words of truth.
26. Zero - The Whole Number of Whole Numbers and the Denominator of Denominators. Zero is the basis of all numbers and of everything else in the universe. Preexistence and Existence.
a) Zero is the wholeness ratio expressed as 0/0, which is the percent sign (%) which tells us 0/0 is the whole 100 percent. And this is why all numbers are based on 100% because it represents the wholeness ratio, thus zero. All percentages are percentages of the wholeness ratio.
b) Although 1 is said to be the basis of whole numbers, 0 is the original basis, the origin of denomination.
c) Before 1/1 existed, there was 1/0 and before that, 0/0, and before that 0.
d) 1/1 means 1 multiple of the whole based on 1 as the denominator of the whole.
e) 1/0 means 1 multiple of the whole based on 0 as the denominator of the whole.
f) 0/0 means 0 multiple of the whole based on 0 as the denominator of the whole.
g) 0 means I am everything and nothing.
h) Zero is positive, negative and neutral, like an atom.

Through another way of knowing, we are continuing to understand that throughout the universe, throughout Earth's universe, throughout our body's universe, throughout our societal universe, and in the daily living universe we traverse, that despite our level of awareness, the same logic is simultaneously taking place in all these places in mathematical form and in all other forms, thus, all forms are combined, and only separated by thin dimension lines, and must again become unity in consciousness.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Algebra Review: Ancient Method Simplified & Multiplication
(Part 4 of 5 Continued) - Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1343


(Part 9ig of 11)

In the previous messages of this series, we've taken the needful long route to reestablish a conceptual basis, work things out and show the inner-workings of thought processes to help us refine as necessary as we mature in understandings and encounter different forms of problems that must be solved beyond numbers (qualitatively in addition to quantitatively). Now we simplify.
1. Ancient Method Simplified Using 7 = x + 3:
a) Start with the equation given by the Current Method. Recognize it is an inequality because an adjustment is only being made to one side and even without the adjustment, if it was an equality, there would be nothing to solve.
b) Recognize the size of the adjustment of – 3 must be shown on the other side. Put it there.
c) 7 – 3 = x + 3, we have now reformatted the Current Method's inequality into the Ancient Method's equality. Now we solve.
d) 7 – 3 – 3 = x + 3 – 3
e) 1 = x, this is what x was initially, which matches the more detailed Ancient Method
f) Recognize the pre-initial equation was 7 = 1, an inequality
g) Now substitute:
h) 7 – 3 = x + 3
i) 7 – 3 = 1 + 3
j) 4 = 4, this is the final equality. Compare this to the pre-initial inequality to confirm equality has been achieved. It has. It went from 7=1 to 4=4 while maintaining the whole total of 8.
k) We can also check what the final equality should be by subtracting the adjustment from the larger pre-initial number (7 - 3) or adding the adjustment to the smaller pre-initial number (1 + 3).
l) These things would be less understood and appreciated without working through the incorrect method and then the longer correct method, then reconciling the two methods, then simplifying the method. This, of course, speaks exactly to what is taking place in the universe in all dimensions, especially at this critical time of multiple cycle changeovers of superpowers. By the time this awareness has made it into human thinking, it is already long since begun taking place in superhuman behaviors. This is a simplified way of understanding climate change.
Signs of the storm, then calm, then the storm cuts loose.
Signs of peace, then chaos, then peace cuts loose.
Signs of darkness overtaking lightness, then dusk and it seems lighter, and then darkness engulfs.
m) Be certain to understand we need everything provided by never-ending pre-analysis, current analysis and post-analysis of the Ancient Method to determine if we are making progress and to inform of us of other adjustments as everything else also changes.

2. Multiplicaton Using 7 * 5 = _____ :
a) For this example we will use “w” as the unknown “what” we're trying to find. * is the multiplication symbol.

b) Initial equation: 7 * 5 = _____ . This equation is an inequality provided by the Current Method. The rest of this example is the Ancient Method.
c) Add the letter representing the unknown: 7 * 5 = w
d) Recognize the pre-initial equation must be 7 = w, and must be an inequality.
e) Recognize the adjustment appears to be to multiply by 5.
However we started with one multiple of 7 already (7 * 1) because that is the same thing as 7.
Thus the adjustment is *4 being added to *1 to reach *5.
f) Rewrite the initial equation to better show what happened: 7 * 1 + (7 * 4) = w – (7 * 4). We have now transformed what was presented as an inequality into an equality. In setting up the problem in this fashion we have removed many of the mistakes the Current Method makes.

g) Solve the final equation:
h) 7 * 1 + (7 * 4) = w – (7 * 4)
7 * 5 = w – (7 * 4)
35 = w – 28
35 + 28 = w – 28 + 28
63 =w, this is the pre-initial amount of w
i) Substitute into the pre-initial equation of 7 = w, thus 7 = 63 is a whole total of 70.
j) We are reminded that the adjustment is 28 (7 * 4)
k) Two times the adjustment = 56 which is the total difference between the two sides. (63-7)
l) Now we do one final check by substituting w = 63 into the final equation:
7 * 1 + (7 * 4) = w – (7 * 4)
7 * 1 + (7 * 4) = 63 – (7 * 4)
7 * 5 = 63 – 28
35 = 35, the whole total is still 70, but it has been redistributed and the difference is now 0.
m) We can also check what the final equality should be by subtracting the adjustment from the larger pre-initial number (63 - 28) or adding the adjustment to the smaller pre-initial number (7 + 28).
n) Once again, there is no way to get these understandings using the Current Method which only yields a lop-sided answer of 35, which doesn't tell us much at all. This is why our thought processes are severely impaired beyond the early stages of mental illness. This is also why we barely use our genetic potential. This is why the Ancients were able to bring forth what we now distort.
o) In the midst of great confusions, the Ancient Method, as being used by the Ultimate Authority via its Elemental Nature, is working its magic in nature's logic. It is once again exposing:
That Africans being “free” in America since 1863 has never been true.
That Civil Rights, fairness, affirmative action and all other notions of equality, have never been true in America.
That until the power structure is in our hands, we'd better not believe or trust anything without thorough analysis. Then after that, we'd better keep double-checking with every additional piece of information we encounter.
That unequal pressure tension held inside, will and must erupt all of its intensely heated passions, volcano-like, earthquake-like, flood-like, tempest-like.
Anyone who continues to ignore emergences and say, they didn't expect something or think it couldn't happen in their country, province, colony, prefect, state, county, town, street or house, is mentally ill to the gills. All things are possible and on the table to be used as any means necessary to bring about the needed climate changes in all dimensions. There is no limit to where, when, how upheaval and fulfillment take shape and take place. The whole total is on the table moving from subtraction-addition, increasing in momentum, accumulating and becoming multiplication-division.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.

Algebra Review Double-Checking Equality Inequality
(Part 4 of 5 Continued) - Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1342


(Part 9if of 11)

This message is best understood by first reading “Algebra, Subtraction-Addition, Equality-Inequality: 4 of 5”

1. In the previous message, 7 + 5 does equal 12. We simply expanded the understandings to show what took place before, during and after so we can gain fuller understandings of the purpose of mathematics-arithmetic. Here are all the numbers and operators involved:
a) 7 + 5 = _____, the initial equation, which we determined to be an inequality.
b) 7 = 1, the pre-initial inequality that is not given using the Current Method of teaching math. The previous message provides the underlying context to recognize this inequality exists.
c) 7, the initial amount on the left side because it comes before the operator plus sign.
d) 5, the amount being added to the left side. 5 is the adjustment.
e) = shows we are trying to create equality or maintain equality.
f) -5, the amount being subtracted from the right side. Since +5 took place on the left side, that means 5 of something was being added to the left side, thus 5 must be also be adjusted from the right side because we started with an inequality. -5 is the adjustment. This amount was inferred because it is not given to us using the Current Method of teaching.
g) “x” is the unknown on the right side.
h) 12, the initial answer to “x”
i) 17, the initial amount on the right side. Determined by the Ancient Method of teaching math.
j) 24, the total amount of the whole, 7 = 17 initially as an inequality, then 12 = 12 after creating an equality.
k) 10, the difference between 7 on the left and 17 on the right. This difference was split into 5 and 5 by subtracting 5 from the right and adding 5 to the left. (This is why + 5 is shown. Unfortunately -5 is omitted in the Current Method).
l) RULE: The total difference in two sides of an inequality is two times the amount being added to or subtracted from one side. We add this total difference to the side the adjustment is being made to in order to the determine the pre-initial amount on the other side. OR We subtract the difference on the side being subtracted from. [which one is used depends on which one is known in the initial equation]
Applying The Rule:
7 + 5 = _____, means 5 is being added, thus the difference is 2 x 5=10.
We add 7 and 10 to get 17 on the right side
The pre-initial inequality is 7 = 17
We must know these things in order to solve the equation properly. In other words, we must know these things in order to manipulate resources to create the desired effect - to create equality or inequality.

2. Double-Checking Using 7 = x + 3: Current New School Method:
a) 7 = x + 3
b) 7 - 3 = x + 3 – 3
c) 4 = x (final answer)
d) Now we substitute to double-check:
e) 7 = x + 3
f) 7 = 4 + 3
g) 7 = 7 (not considered part of the answer)
h) This method does not provide any understandings, just how to manipulate numbers.

3. Double-Checking Using 7 = x + 3: Ancient Old School Method:
a) Continuous training in knowledge of self in relation to all else.
Includes but not limited to contextual knowledge of the whole, equations, equality, inequality, balance, imbalance, purpose of maintaining, cause and effect)
Presupposition: We live in a universe that is the whole. Everything taking place within this whole must balance itself out. Every action must and does have a corresponding opposite reaction. This is called a reciprocal relationship. Therefore, when you see a change in anything, try to understand what the corresponding change(s) are taking place. This will bring fullness of understanding due to understanding the whole nature of change. In terms of math equations, each equation must be formatted to reflect changes being made are taken into account on both sides.
Incorrect format: 7=x+3. Correct format: 7-3=x+3.
Incorrect answer: 4. Correct answer: 1. This is still not the complete answer solution.
b) Pre-analysis must be performed and continuing re-analysis:
We can see 3 is the adjustment on the right, therefore 2 x 3 = 6 is the difference between the two sides.
Since 3 is on the side being added to, and we don't know “x,” we subtract the difference from the left side.
7 – 6 = 1. This is the initial amount on the right side. (we already know the amount on the left side is 7)
The pre-initial inequality is 7 = 1. This is what exists before making the adjustment of +3
The whole total is 8 ( 7 + 1), which again shows us the difference of 6.

c) Determine type and amount of adjustment.
Since this is an inequality, the opposite adjustment must be made to both sides.
We already know the adjustment is shown as + 3 on the right side, thus must be -3 on the left side, if we want to create equality.
d) We can now see the steps that lead to the final equation:
7 = x + 3, initial equation (inequality) transforms into
7 = 1, pre-initial equation (inequality) transforms into
7 - x = 1 + x , final equation (equality) (notice how different this is from 7 = x + 3)
Intuitively we already know the answer must be 4 = 4, because that's the only way to divide 8 equally when there are only two sides. Therefore, once we determine the whole total during pre-analysis, all we have to do is divide it by two.
e) Solve the final equation:
7 - x = 1 + x
7 – x + x = 1 + x + x
7 = 1 + 2x
7 - 1 = 1 + 2x -1
6= 2x
3 = x (this is how you calculate the adjustment using the long way or for more complex problems)
f) Now make substitutions to verify the adjustment creates equality:
7 – x = 1 + x
7 – 3 = 1 + 3
4 = 4 (this is still an intermediate answer)
g) The lesson is not done until more answers come from additional understandings:
The whole total went from 7 = 1 to 4 = 4, both still 8
Notice how in the Current Method, the final equality is 7 = 7 for a total of 14, but in the Ancient Method, the final equality is 4 = 4 for a total of 8. This is explained in the next section.
Use the initial equation provided by the Current Method, to determine the pre-initial equation of the Ancient Method.
Then use the pre-initial equation, along with other information from pre-analysis, to form the final equation. Thus we have transformed the Current Method into the Ancient Method, mainly through analysis informed by the optimal theory of the African Utamawazo.
Using the Ancient Method we went from inequality as the solution, to inequality as the pre-existing condition to equality as the solution.
Using the Current Method we went from inequality as the solution to inequality in a different form as the solution.
As the Current Method shows, it is possible to equate something, and do so unequally, and conclude you did so equally and have the numbers to prove it.
The main point of math problems is not to just simply add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers. More importantly the point is to recognize the difference between what an equality is and what an inequality is and then understand how to manipulate transform them or maintain them. Doing all of this in relation to self in relation to all else. Additional understandings are listed throughout Parts 1-5 of this series.

4. Slickery Trickery Method:
a) Another name for the Current Method.
b) Current Method overstates totals. In the example above, the total is overstated by 6
Using Current Method: final equality is 7 = 7, thus whole total is 14
No way of double-checking, what we end up with because what we start with is not considered.
We are told you start out with an equality where things are balanced on both sides, then you add 3 to one side and end up with an equality.
Using Ancient Method: final equality is 4 = 4 , thus whole total is 8 after equality created.
This is proven by double-checking against the pre-initial inequality of 7 = 1, thus the total is also 8 before equality created.

c) A series of mistakes when using the Current Method:
The context is suboptimal.
The upfront assumption that the equation presented is an equality is faulty – even though it returns an answer that makes the equation appear equal.
This is only possible by ignoring or hiding the whole total we started with. Then using the difference to falsely inflate both sides, thus also falsely inflate the whole total.
We are not alerted to the fact that the equation, as stated, is an inequality, therefore x + 3 does not equal 7. It can't. It can only equal 7 by virtue of the adjustment of +3. When and where did the adjustment of -3 take place? Furthermore, x cannot equal 7, because if it did, the equation would start out as 7=7 and end up as 4=10, none of which makes sense, especially when only a +3 is introduced.
You cannot put half of an adjustment in an equation to achieve equality.
No, and neither can you fix it by making the other half of the adjustment during solving the problem in order to maintain balance throughout the process and reach true equality. This is why analysis, as a daily part of life and existence, must be ongoing. And it is, we just make poor use of it.
Both parts of the adjustment must be reflected in the initial equation as shown by the Ancient Method.
In the Current Method, we are not taught that +3 means an adjustment is being made
We are not taught +3 is only half of the adjustment.
We think 4 is the answer that represents what x was initially
Instead, 4 represents what x is AFTER adding 3 to it. (therefore x is 1 initially as shown by the Ancient Method)
d) Reconciling the two methods:
The difference between the totals using two methods represents “the difference” of 6 we calculated in the Ancient Method.
In the Current Method, due to a series of logic error mistakes, we ended up falsely inflating the total from 8 to 14 by adding the difference of 6 to the total rather than splitting the difference and redistributing it.
Also, even more sinister, this error also transforms both sides as follows:
Left side: 7 plus the 3 that wasn't finally subtracted = 10 on the left side.
Right side: 7 minus the 3 that wasn't an initial part of “x”. This is not the same as the separate +3 shown as the adjustment. This gives us 4 on the right side.
Thus the final equation using the Current Method of logic is to create an inequality of 10 = 4 which is the same as the initial inequality of 7 = 1. Both show a difference of 6 between the two sides.
Using the Current Method, we are led to think the two sides are 7 = 7, but they are actually 10 = 4. The Ancient Method reveals the shenanigans. Ashe! Asante Sana.
The Current Method is the kind of math arithmetic that quantifies the national debt/deficit that keeps rising giving us a false impression of prosperity and why we think our quality of life has improved, because our income rises based on the numbers. All false. We can't know how quality has changed without qualitative understanding achieved via sufficient analysis of the before, during and after effects of change.
e) Adding to the whole total can only take place out of Preexistence Waters of Nun due to expansion. All other additions to other dimensions must be subtracted from somewhere else in this universe, usually from the closest dimensions to us.
f) To briefly summarize a few points I find interesting:
The Current Method of teaching us how to manipulate numbers inflates the whole total, inflates both sides, does not help you understand whether or not equality was actually achieved, instead numbers are used to tell you equality has been achieved or decreased.
Using the Current Method, understanding is lost and glossed – over.
When you don't do opposite things to both sides of an inequality and you misstate and inflate the total, the net effect is more inequality, of course.
The equation for equality (the process to achieve it) must be setup in the proper format in order to achieve equality. This must be checked and rechecked continuously, before, during and after the fact.
Current thinking and behavior among the masses has been calibrated to equate things unequally, and conclude it was done equally based on numbers and other information improperly arrived at and used.
The Current Method admits you must do the same thing to both sides of an equality. It fails to do so in the setup of the problem, thus false equality is achieved.
The Current Method also admits you must perform the opposite operation to remove a number or variable from one side of an equation. Then carry that same adjustment to the other side. Yet when the initial problem is not setup properly, the discrepancy between the two sides that existed, gets hidden.
The Current Method teaches that an “equation” means you're always dealing with an equality. Instead “equation” means you are equating two things, comparing them. An equation can also be an inequality. What determines whether or not it is an equality is the preexisting difference, the adjustments being made and the difference after the adjustments.
The Ancient Method shows us the solution to a problem is always a multi-part solution. No problem can be solved without analysis. And no existing state of equality or inequality can be maintained without ongoing analysis that changes the form of the equality or inequality according to the current set of conditions.

Copyright 1995-2018 Ancestors through Usekhu. All Rights Reserved.