If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Angry White Birds, Yellow, Brown and Red Also
Unity Consciousness #2454

(9awj of 11)

I still resist sometimes, the urge to say what has been said multiple times, but yet the need persists for these things to be said. This need is not determined by my own decision but by the insistence of rising spirits who continue to make me aware of things in groups and bunches when I try to ignore what I'm being implored to do because I have motive, means, opportunity and am given thoughts to say something a slightly different way. In other words, what is taking place in the thinking and behavior of the masses of people worldwide, makes repetition a necessity. Although I've said my piece, no justice allows no peace, so perhaps one of these repetition variations will reach a few more who want to improve self, thus be a contributing factor in improving all else. Primarily, hopefully these messages will reach the children so they don't waste 20 to 50 years of their lives being confused about what is what.

The job of media is to keep you thinking about and thinking in the way the society wants you to think. As a result, media in all its forms, repeats until you repeat what the media is repeating. So despite the previous message supposedly being a few and far between message, I am repeating because I must.
It is accurate to say that white people and their wannabe-like-white groups, have been angry a long time. And in fact are still constantly angry all the time.

This must be so. We know this because it takes anger to create the notion of whiteness as white people being superior, thus having the superior right to do whatever to anything inferior, including inferior groups of whites. And then defend all that nonsense using false pretense to defend false pretense.

You have to be angry to create Maafa racism.

You have to be angry all the time to uphold, continue and sustain Maafa racism.

You have to be angry to have your 10 major institutions based on Maafa racism, chief among which is the institution of government. Police is a subset of government. You can't remove racism out of the police without removing it out of the government without removing it out of the people without removing it out of the culture of who the people think they are.
Understand clearly that members of Maafa racist collective and who also benefit from Maafa racism do not think they are doing anything wrong, but instead think it is the fault of Africans, blacks, darker people. In their minds, we are to blame because we are inferior, not intelligent, subhuman and not good people worthy of any good or nowhere nearly as good as white people. You hear this all the time in many ways when a wrong has been brought forth. That's why in most instances, as a small example, it is the fault of the black person for getting shot and the good white person had no choice. Bernie Sanders reminded us of this.

Cultures that support Maafa racism are angry cultures. We live in angry cultures. Look at all the other behaviors of people in society when dealing with each other. It is not hard to see that the hate and anger is deep pervasive mental illness, something which is a prerequisite for establishing Maafa racism and for wanting to hold onto ill-gotten gains and privileges. In other words angry people (those who participate in Maafa racism) are mentally ill angry hateful people. This explains all their behavior, including cognitive dissonance. Unbeknownst to these terrorist thug gangbangers, forfeiture statutes, are universal and were not first created by humans.

Africans, we are always dealing with angry people, the reason you don't notice it is because you are not speaking the truth about racism. The moment you do, you will notice their anger, that is, if you have not already noticed how much attacks you and works against you, things that are only possible when white people and their wannabes are happily doing the anger they do do like birds who shit wherever they please because their only concern is to relieve themselves of the pressure of what they've consumed.

White people are only happy when Africans are unhappy, so much so, that when Africans display any signs of being happy, white people are so concerned that they must talk about it and wonder what's going on, and of course, find ways to deride and denigrate whatever happiness displays are taking place.
You have to be unhappy to act like this, and in fact, be angry to act upon this unhappiness.

Listen closely to and watch closely the whites and other people around you. Talk about racism and watch how the good people in them that you thought was there, reveal its angry face. Do not be okie doked by lipservice platitudes and placations and neither be okie doked by actions that do nothing to work against racism. Get yourself clear understandings on what racism is and how it manifests so you won't keep getting played by media (including education) and the people who repeat the media with words and actions.

Understand clearly that anger is hate, thus all acts of Maafa racism are hate crimes. These acts take place by the millions each day and have happened to you from since before the day you were born and happen to you every day. Only an angry and hateful people insist that anything done to alleviate the ills of Maafa racism is an unfair advantage. That's it's unfair for rain to wash away a little bit of their shit, during which time those birds can't fly high and must seek shelter.