If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Toltec | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2434


(9avp of 11)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. I, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. II, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. III, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. IV, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.

The great original Nahua empire whether it be called Aztlan, Culhuacan, Teo Culhuacan, Aquilasco, Anáhuae, Nahua, Nachan, Xibalba, Huehue Tlapallan, Huehuetlapallan, the Old Tlapallan, the Old Red Land, Tamoanchan, Tulan, Tula, Tulla or Amaquemecan, was the Chichimec empire. (v5)
The old Red Land was the name of the original home in the north, from which the Toltecs migrated. If we consider all the possibilities of perspective, this “north” could be:
1. the Quiché-Mayan branch that went north towards Mexico (the Yaqui called Nahuatl, Nahuas and Mexicans) and possibly
2. migrations directly from northwest Africa and North Africa and possibly
3. migrations from North America and the Caribbean or
4. the Red Land could be mythological only as the lower north of the red night sun. On earth then, this could be south or north depending on the basis of geographic orientation.

The Toltec leader, Quetzalcoatl, wore a long robe marked with crosses. This is the aspect as the white spirit shown in human form with white skin. This is the same as Ta-Nub. Ta means to cross over the water; Nub is the Lord; and the Lord who crossed was Tanub, or Anhar-Mashu. We can see how the cycle is repeating and many things associated with Aquaria and Kepheus, is what we've been encountering in recent recollections. (BB2)

All of the above is a mental warm-up exercise that restates information before we move on to more critical analysis of information.

The Toltec empire was ruled by a confederacy. (v1) This sounds like the Mixcohuas mentioned in UC#2431. Both the Toltecs and Mixchohuas have the common denominator as Iztac Mixcohuatl. He is known by many names.
The Toltecs established their capital at Tollan, then instead of calling the capital, Tollan, the capital was called Toltec.

Some say Iztac Mixcohuatl (Mixcohuatl Mazatzin), one of the kings of Tollan during the Toltec period, is also father of Ulmecatal, who is said to be the father of the Olmecs. This will be addressed later in the final series summary. What is likely is that the history concerning Mixcohuatl contains lies inserted into actual events. These revisionist fabrications then are the same as European and white Jew history and the history of lighter skinned people superimposed on African history worldwide.

Prior to the Toltecs, Culhuacan was the main capital of all the tribes of the Nahua empire in Anáhuae consisting of seven main tribes. Tollan was third in importance after Otompan. Otompan was a capital because it included Teotihuacan, most importantly, and Tezcuco.

Then comes Mixcohua I (Iztac Mixcohuatl), a person to whom is attached a great deal of intentional confusion and miseducation confusion.
It appears that one or more of the Chichimecs family tribes decided to first and foremost refer to themselves as Toltecs. This was likely the Chichimec Mixcohuas, the second name being based on Iztac Mixcohuatl.
Thus it also appears that the story surrounding Iztac Mixcohuatl and his seven sons, contains lies to give credence the Toltec designation as “a new race” whose authority goes back to the seven caves in Africa. This behavior is similar to trying to make the main holy land and garden of eden in Asia instead of Africa, it's all about controlling the minds of the huddled muddled masses, thus how those masses pledge the allegiance of their resources.

Per Bancroft, “it seems probable that among the Nahua peoples that occupied the country from the sixth to the eleventh centuries [in the common era], a few of the leading powers appropriated to themselves the title Toltecs, which had been at first employed by the inhabitants of Tollan, whose artistic excellence soon rendered it [Toltec] a designation of honor.” (v2)

Tultec, Tultecatl and Toltecat

Tultecos is an alternate spelling of Toltecs. This reference is found in relation to Copan in what is now called Honduras, which fell under Toltec control. (v4)

A human named Tultecatl, was a Huexotzinca (Huexotzinea) captain, who was made ruler of a town after showing valor in war. (v5)

Tultecatl, was a Nahua companion god to Tezcatzoncatl (Tequechmecaniani, Teatlahuiani) the Mexican god of pulque (wine). (v3), (v5)

One of the divinities engaged in the creation, or in the propagation of the new doctrines in the region of Xibalba was the chief of Toltecat. Toltecat is the name of a divinity and also used as a name of a nation. Toltecat is another name prominent in all Nahua traditions as that of their most famous nation, the Toltecs. Whether this is Quetzalcoatl in white robes or not, matters not to our present purpose. (v5)

Further Thoughts On Why Toltecs Are Not A Separate People

All indications say that “Toltec” is a later religious-based name used by some Chichimecs who gained power and control. As thousands of years passed, the usage of Toltec to describe some Chichimecs was included retroactively to apply to earlier Nahua Chichimecs. A few of the main confusions are with Totonacs and Olmecs, who were later called Toltec or whose names and history have been presented under the name of Toltec.
This explains why both the Totonacs and Toltecs claim to have built Teotihuacan, it explains the “mysterious” appearance and disappearance of the Toltecs” and explains the Toltec genesis in Tollan, then Culhuacan then Cholula and why the Toltecs appeared when the Olmecs disappeared.
To paraphrase Bancroft, “certain names, such as Toltec and Chichimec, are impossible to determine whether they are different names applied to the same people or different peoples, or whether they are mythical and apply to no really- existing nations. It is even harder to assign a definite location to Toltecs and Chichimecs [Central America is close enough].
Sahagun is the only one of the oldest writers who mentions the Toltecs, which in later years was used by historians Ixtlilxochitl and Boturini, and after them bandied about more freely [willy nilly, carelessly] by modern writers. (v1)

The Chichimecs, if a separate tribe, were of the same race and language as the Toltecs: (v2) Thus then the Toltecs are Nahuans.
The name Chichimec has been applied to nearly every people mentioned in the ancient history of the Americas. This has caused the greatest confusion, which Bancroft believes can only be cleared up by the supposition that the name Chichimec, like that of Toltec, never was applied as a tribal or national designation proper to any people, while such people were living. It seems probable that among the Nahua peoples that occupied the country from the sixth to the eleventh centuries common era, a few of the leading powers appropriated to themselves the title Toltecs, first by the inhabitants of Tollan, whose artistic excellence soon rendered “Toltec” a designation of honor, just as “Egyptian” was a later name and designation of honor, except in the bastardizing bitchifying Judaeo-Christian textbook on how to control mind, body, emotions, spirit and soul. (v2)

With the destruction of the Toltec empire in eleventh century CE, the term Toltec, as applied to an existing people, disappeared. This disappearance of the name, while the institutions of the nation continued to flourish, may indicate that the designation of the people—or possibly of the ruling family—of Tollan, was- not applied contemporaneously to the whole empire, and that in the traditions and records of later times, it has incidentally acquired a fictitious importance.
Of the Toltec cities, Culhuacan, on the lake border, recovered under the new political combinations something of her old prominence; the name Culhuas applied to its people appears much more ancient than that of Toltecs. (v2)

Here's another clue to tell us that the word “Toltec” does not apply to a different people, but instead only applies to a group of people from many different families (tribes) who decided to call themselves Toltec, likely after the god Toltecat.

A Clue
“Toltec” Kingdoms: (1) Acolhua with its capital at, Tezcuco, under Nezahualcoyotl with the title of Chichimecatl Tecuhtli; (2) the “Aztec” with Mexico for its capital, under Itzcoatl bearing the title of Culhua Tecuhtli. (v5)