If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, May 14, 2021

Outline Snapshot Of Central American Family Origins
Unity Consciousness #2445

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Outline Snapshot Of Central American Family Origins, Unity Consciousness #2445

Summary For Blogger: Snapshot of name origins with details of most commonly known Central American Tribes
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Overall Outline Snapshot Of Central American Origins, Unity Consciousness #2445

Contains some additional and different conclusions than the individual messages. Only includes names most commonly heard and known by the average person.

I. Seven Caves in the Old World of Africa (Chicomoztoc, 'chicome-oztotl). This is a religious designation based on Nanahuatzin and other forms of deity symbolized by serpents. (v2)
The notion of Seven Caves was formulated during the Sabean Typhonian period in Aethiopia. This is why the people of Central America say they journeyed from the land of darkness when there was no sun. Based on Nile Valley Mythology, the basis of human understood science, thus the basis of knowing, this means before those Africans created the solar portion of Nile Valley Mythology & Eschatology. This was at least 36,840 years ago.
All major group names below seem to be religious based and not based on race, ethnicity or geographic location.
A. Mostly Early Nahuas, Nahuans, Nahuatlacas, Nahuatl, Chichimecs in Xibalba and Yucatan regions
i. Mayas (Mayans)
(a) Name based on Makha and Menkat deities and possibly Yemaya and Nyame, thus Mayan is a religious designation, not an ethnic group or race.
(b) Called Yucatees, although Mayas not limited to the Yucatan
(c) First inhabitants must have been the short negro nahsi called Kafruti.
(d) Called Cocomes (plural of Coatl), Tzequiles and Culebras. All three having to do with serpents.
(e) Called Cheles (v2), (v3), (v4)
(f) Ytzamná (Zamná, Cukulcan), son of Typhon (N'chustan) the snake whose name changed to Votan as founder
Called Itzas (Ytzas) at Chichen Itza (v2)
Chichen (Chi-Chen) meaning mouth of wells (v4)
Indicates a birthplace, likely of the Itzabob
Called Chanes (short for Nachan), (See Khent and Kant), followers of Votan
Chanes equivalent to Culhuas
Itzamat Ul is a form of Zamná (v3)
Called old man, father, brother, architect, chief, ruler, king, Iztac Mixcohuatl, Mixcohua, Mixcohuatzin, Iztac Mixcoatl (v3)
Mixcoatl, the Cloud-Serpent, or Iztac-Mixcoatl, the White or Gleaming Cloud-Serpent, spirit of the tornado or thunderstorm (v3)
(g) Founded Xibalba region and capital Nachan (Palenque)
(h) Begat Quiché family of Guatemala (Quauhtemala), Chiapas Ococingo (an earlier Copan near Tulan. This must be near Palenque), Chichen and Chiquimula (a later Copan with its capital in Honduras)
Members of old dark race
Likely first called Iximché [likely Ki Macha from Har Makhu]
Quiché, Aztecs and Tutul Xius speak of a second birthplace as Tula, Tulan, Tulha, Chicomoztoc, which might be Nachan (Palenque) (v5 187)
After arriving from Chicomoztoc in Africa, migration from and as part of the Mayans, that also created the Yaqui and Guatemalans took place much later, likely due to internal and/or external conflict. This fits the three part migration that took place.
Zamná becomes Gueumatz. Also called Hurakhan. Votan and Cukulcan also in use.
(i) Begat Mexicans called Yaqui Negroes, the Medieval Mexicans.
Likely among the first Mississippi Mound-Builders
Mexicans also composed of
Aztecs who later changed name to Mexicas. (v5 325) (see detailed section)
Xochimilcas (v5 308-309)
Toltecs, a confederacy of tribes united by religion. Toltecs is a name first used by Chichimecs. Toltecs made famous by Mazatzin as King of Tollan likely due to his warmongering. Same as USA being more famous for the home wrecking, Arabia, Spain and Britain started.
European Spanish
Called Sons of Mixcoatl (Mexicoatl, Mixcohuatl, Mixcohua, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, Mexitl) (detailed section below)
Mexico City also called Mexico Tenochtitlan
Mexico was Tenochtillan
Tenochtitlan named after chief Tenuch (Tenoch, tenochtli)
Language called Nahua, Aztec or Mexican.
Olmec, Toltec, Chichimec, Culhua and Aztec languages are one.
Aztec is the oldest language of Anáhuae. This can't be if Yaqui preceded Aztecs unless Aztecs equal Quiché and Mayan.
Maya is older than Aztec Nahuan. Maya may be well compared in its grammatical construction and capacity to Aztec. (v3)
Massive stone sculptures in medieval Mexico, a Mayan country.
(j) Begat Cakchiquel (Cakehiquel)
Pretty much same as Quiché
(k) Begat Tutul Xius (v2), (v5)
Indicates Nachan or Mayapan as Tulan (original center birthplace)
Brothers to Quiché who left after the Quiché
Ancient home in Chiapas, then also wandered much
Then went to Chichen Itza, then to Uxmal
(l) Totonacs (Tonacs)
Known under later names of Toltecs and later Chichimec Culhuas
Preceded the Toltecs in Mexico along with many other families
Same institutions as Olmecs
Cempoala in Tlascala in northern Vera Cruz.
Founded Teotihuacan near Tezcuco near Mexico City
Called the religious center of all Nahuans but is was not built before the Tulas and religious centers in Xibalba which includes Yucatan
Deity was Yohuallatonac, Mother as Earth and Mother of Flesh, same as AF
Deity was Tonacateotle (God, Lord of All, Creator of the World)
(m) Huastecs (Huaztecs, Cuextecas)
Preceded Toltecs in Mexico
Inhabited portions of the states of Vera Cruz and Tamaulipas, north of the Totonacs
Led by chief Cuextecatl, Cuextlan (Huaxtlan) became the home in the Pánuco region on the gulf coast.
Same as Olmecs and Aztecs
Likely among the first Mississippi Mound-Builders
Began several centuries before the CE, but likely much earlier Yamessi (Yamasi, Yamassee)
Creek and Seminole are Muskhogee
Muscogee are Yamessi
Many other family tribes are Yamessi

ii. Aztecs
(a) Remained at Chicomoztoc separated from the rest of the Nahuatlacas who came to Central America (Quiché, Yaqui, Guatemalans).
(b) After wandering, arrived in Anáhuae after the Olmec and Toltec periods and called themselves Aztecs, a name that applies to the earlier Nahuatlacas but that spelling not found in use earlier.
(c) Aztecs is the English form of Azteca
possibly from Huexteca (Cuexteca)
(d) Huitzilopotchtli (Mextli, Mixcohuatl) is the god. Huitzitoc (Huitziton) is the human chief who led the Aztec armies during their last wanderings into Anahuac. He was deified as Huitzilopochtli
(e) Called themselves Xochimilcas, wandered some more, then became Tenochtitlans then Mexicas
(f) Aztecs are the second main group who became known as Mexican, even though Mexicans also included many other Nahuans, Culhuans, Chichimecs and later Spanish
iii. Olmec is likely a religious name
(a) Negro-Africans
(b) Seem to have been a very ancient people who occupied the whole eastern region. The name Olmec seems to have been the designation of a phase or era of the Nahuas (v2)
(c) Similarity of name origin with Mayan
(d) Introduction of Xelhua, an Olmec chief before becoming a Toltec chief
Xelhua Architect
founded Cholula (Tlachihualtepec) and its pyramids during the third age of the world
first attempt to build pyramid failed in Cholula (v3)
shared with Xicalancas and ruler Xicalancatl
similar to Nonohualcas
Nonohualco founded by Xelhua
Under reign of Ceacatl Quetzalcoatl, son of Mixcohua Camaxtli, Cholula became seat of new Toltec monarchy, separate from Culhuacan, Otompan (Teotihuacan and Tezcuco) and Tollan
Zamná the elder becomes Quetzalcoatl the younger
(e) Founded by Quiname Ulmecatl and/or ruler Olmecatl
Ulmec (v3)
Possibly a form of Zamná as Itzmat Ul and Mixcohuatl
New doctrines in Xibalba by the chief of Toltecat, a city and divinity
B. Mostly Later Nahuas, Nahuans, Nahuatlacas, Nahuatls, Chichimecs
i. Chichimec (Chicomoztoc under a different name) is a birthplace based named applied retroactively to all Nahuans.
(a) Some later called Toltecs, a religious group (v2)
(b) Likely named after Chicomecoatl, goddess of provisions (Mother Earth and Mother of the Waters). (v2)
Chichimecatl, first Toltec king at Culhuacan (Colhuacan). Likely named after Chicomecoatl. (v5)
Main human name is Nezahualcoyotl with the title of Chichimecatl Tecuhtli
Called Nauhyotl or Nauhyotzin. These might be titles. (v5)
Called Acolhuatl, father of Colhua (Culhua), ancestors of Montezuma and lords of Mexico and Colhuacan. (v3)
(c) founded Culhuacan on northeastern shore of Lake Chalco
C. Mostly Later Nahuas, Nahuans, Nahuatlacas, Nahuatls, Chichimecs
i. Culhuas. Nahua branched into Xelhua branched into Culhua, a location based and religious based name. Then the Culhua name became the overall name for a bunch of tribes and became equal to Chichimec which became equal to Nahua. Mayans and groups south and north of Mexico fall under these names but many historians list them under separate names.
(a) Acolhuas (Aculhuas, Colhuas, Culhuas) were Chichimecs par excellence. The Chichimecs were absorbed by them [after the Toltec era]. (v2)
Toltec Kingdoms:
Acolhua with its capital at Tezcuco (Tezcoco) was under Toltecs then became known as Culhuan
Aztec with Mexico for its capital, under Itzcoatl bearing the title of Culhua Tecuhtli. Itzcoatl, son of Acamapichtli, led them through transition from Aztec to Mexicas and independence from the Alcohuas and Chichimecatl (v5)
Xiuhtemoc (Xiuhtemoe), king of Culhuacan when Toltecs invaded by Chichimecs
The name Culhuas appears more ancient than Toltecs. Mexican civilization might perhaps as appropriately be termed Culhua as Nahua. (v2)
Toltecs remaining in Culhuacan became known as Culhuas [again] (v5, 286)
ii. Chichimec Culhuas (a group of tribes also called Mixcohuas)
(a) Founded Culhuacan. This is name confusion, wrong or Chichimecatl and Mixcohuatl are one. Chichimecatl Nezahualcoyotl and Culhuas should be founders of Culhuacan since he was first king. (v5 242)
(b) Mazatzin
1st King of Tollan, 2nd at Culhuacan
Changed name of Tollan to Toltec. This location based name helped add to the confusion of Toltec as a religious based named used as a substitute designation of people already known by other names
Called old man, father, brother, architect, chief, ruler, king, Iztac Mixcohuatl I, Mixcohua I, Totepeuh I, Mixcohuatl Mazatzin, Mixcohuatzin, Iztac Mixcoatl
Using the “as” (a + s) ending, likely common word forms in use at some point: Aztecas, Chichimecas, Culhuas, Huastecas, Itzas, Mayas, Mexicas, Mixcohuas, Nahuas, Olmecas, Toltecas, Xochilmicas, Yucatas,
From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. I, Pub. 1875.
From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. II, Pub. 1875.
From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. III, Pub. 1875.
From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. IV, Pub. 1875.
From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.