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A main reason we do history lessons is so we don't have to be guessing what the next chapter holds as the same patterns unfold.1. The same patterns of human thinking and behavior.
2. The same patterns of natural world behavior.
3. The same patterns of spirit-soul behavior.
Over and over, individuals and groups get out of round and attempt things unsound.
Over and over and over, they are all knocked back down, no matter how biggie-sized the monstrous monstrosity gets, trampling dinosaur-like on rights.
The main defeater of these empires is self-defeating logic. The USA, the white and semite collective and favored groups are full of this kind of shitty logic.
The USA's greatest accomplishment is whiteness ideology and Maafa racism. Where would they be without those notions? Where would the USA be if they treated the natives like humans? What if the USA had never engaged in slavery? What if there was no cultural ideology that targeted discrimination at Africans? What would the USA look like?
A few of the fatal flaws of the “humpty dumpties” who fall are:
1. High degree of dysfunction fragmentation. We only have to look at one aspect where there's 50 states, each with multiple counties and local and regional governments, each doing mostly what they want. This is enough of a sickness but there are plenty more examples in the society. Look at each institution.
2. A weak-minded sheep blinded population that continues simple simon like to follow the leaders. Follow the leaders into war, slavery schemes and making deadly alliances and trusting common enemies, to name a few missteps adding to disastrous slides. This occurs because the status quo lemmings do not fulfill their responsibility as the crucial critical thinking double-check of their leaders.
In no historical instance has the favored group been able to land on their feet and not suffer the same or worse defeat as the general population.
The status quo leaders and lemmings would consider their current societies and everything about coronavirus, to be a success by which they have saved their individual, collective and national lives. Patterns of history tell us otherwise because the same lousy logic exists all over the place in human societies, as natural world spirit-soul logic continues to change.So we can continue to expect the same things. A continued batting around and beating around the bush of the same problems. Always a handful of crisis emergencies put in the public face for people to worry about so they won't focus on what's really going on. For confirmation, you can review history lessons or you can wait for the next widespread news story, that is, if you'd rather not review and pay attention to your own life.