If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Yamessi, Yamasi, Yamassee River Indians | Name Origin & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2443


(9avy of 11)

Regardless of our understandings, all people who venerate some form of superior, supreme, divine being, human or superhuman, is worshiping a form of the ever-coming one. In Egyptian the ever-coming one is IU whose name can begin with Jah Yah, Ya, Ye, Yi, Yo, Yu, Je, Ga, Ka, Ha, Ia, Ca, Sa, Ta and many more opening variations.
This fundamental sameness of deity that can be represented by many symbols. This made it easier for people who were attuned to such flexibility in a suboptimal way, to be okie doked by various suboptimal religious ideologies used by invaders, thugs, terrorists, murderers and the lichens.
All of us have heard a language different than the one we usually speak. We know what will happen if we try to listen to a word in another language and then spell it in our language. This is what Europeans did all over the world, thus we get many abberations of spelling and meaning. We must keep this in mind as we seek to understand the name origin of the Yamasi.

Variations Encountered:

1. Yamassee, Yamasee, Yamasse, Yamasis, Yemassee, Yemasee, Yemassee, Yamasis
2. Jamassi (They Came Before Columbus)
3. Yamaces, Yamasecs, Yamacraw, Yamas, Yamases, Yamassi, Yammassee, Yamossee, Yammosee, Yammonsee, Yomaisee, Yamesee, Yamiscaron, Yamassalgi, Yemasses, Yemmassaw, Yeomansee, Jamasees, Wimosas Tribal Names of the Americas: Spelling Variants and ...” by Patricia Roberts Clark, 2009


All of the following can be transformed to spell Yamasi.

4. (Ya +) Masi from Naisi or Nasi, the elder sun in the lower half of the cycle. Both Nas and Nasi signify fire and flame. (BB)
This could be a secondary meaning.

5. Ra-Nehsi is the black sun, or the black (Neh) son (Si) of Ra, the nigger-god, the Typhonian Amen, Kak. (BB2)

6. Jah-Nehsi from the combination of Sut-Har, Sut-Nubti, founded on the Sun and Sirius as gods of time, or the god of twin-time, expressed by the name of Sebti (Sothis) or Jah-Nehsi. Whether Sabean as Sut, or Solar as Jah, the son of the hinder lower north is the son of the mother only and is called El-Shadai.
Sut-Nahsi is the black god of the Negroes, Sut-Nahsi, the black Sut, Sut-Nubti, Har-Sut, Sebek, Khebekh, the son, the Khe (child) of Kheb, the mother. (BB2)

7. (Jah +) Mata from Matteh (Mata), the potent conqueror of the opposing power as typified by the serpent, the Red Sea, the Phallus and Jah who rises out of and overcomes the status quo context culture. Thus the Mata is masculine. Jah, is identical with Hak and Kak, the earlier Kebek, the Typhonian form of the sun of night. (BB2)
This might be the source of the “unconquered” definition associated with Seminole. It doesn't come from Seminole but from Yemase because Seminoles are a division of Yamasi. See also Bata.

8. (Ya +) Ma-shi, the Two Truths as Twins. (NG1)

9. (Ya +) Mases from Ma-Shu (Mashu, Makhu), a type of Moses. Me, Mo, Mu or Ma is water. Those who are saved out of the water are called Uses (Ukek, Ukes, Usek). Thus the combination is Moses, Muses, Mases. Ses (Kek) means to reach land and breathe after the passage of the waters. Aru-SU is the child of the water, or the river-born, that is the first Horus, Osiris the child. (BB2) Aru (Aur, Aer) is the name of the river.
This is a likely name source since the Yamasi were born of the Mississippi River. This also indicates a timeframe of a Sabean to pre-solar naming.

10. Jah-Moses since Moses announced Jah, a solar god. (BB2)

11. Jah-Nes from the altar of Jah-Nes erected by Moses for Jah, Javeh, Yahweh, the black god, the sun in darkness, the deity of the hindward part, the lower heaven. (BB2)

12. Jah-Mes, Jah-Mesi, Jah-Messu. Mes has the meaning of a product of the river. Thus Messu is not only the water-born, but may be read the child (Su or Si) produced from or by the river. (BB2)

13. Yumas is a North American tribe with an Aztec language affinity. (v3) Yumah, the singular form, ”signifies“ Son of the river,” and is only applied to the Indians born on the banks of the Colorado. This nation is composed of five tribes, part of the great nation of the Yumas.’ (v1)

14. Yubas or Yuvas lived on Yuva River, a tributary to the Sacramento River. (v1)

15. Ka-Nusa from Ka, the land of an interior region, and Nusa denotes the feminine producer. Nusa signifies out of the hinder part. Nu is the abode, receptacle, the feminine bringer; Sa means behind, and the firmament, or Nu, was depicted as producing the sun animal-fashion, from the Nusa, or behind. There is a Mount Nusa in Ethiopia of the celestial north. Nusa means She. (BB2)
This is a likely name meaning.

16. Yemaya. Maya also means Mother and is a name of Great Mother Yemaya. [Also Yemaka, Jamaya, Jamakha, Jamaica]. Maya by itself also becomes Yama + si.

17. Xamayca, Xaimaca, or Yamaca, which means 'abounding in springs,' from the numerous streams descending from the mountains of Jamaica. (Names and Their Histories)

18. Yucatee - inhabitants of the Yucatan.

19. Nyame

20. Chemmitae (BB)

21. Kamadi (Galla) denotes corn, grain, wheat. (BB2)

22. The Assyrian Lu-Masi were probably represented by seven rams of sacrifice (AE2)

23. Kumasi is a city in Ghana

24. Jews + Mexicans = Jew-Mexi
This is the same as IU + mexi which leads to Yumexi, Yumesi, Yumasi, Yamasi.

25. Name origin of Mississippi yields missi, massa, masha, sepe, sipi, sebe, Mes-sipi, Mescha-sebe, Messa-sipi. We can see potential combinations as Yamessipi, Yameschasebe, Yamessasipi. (Names). Perhaps one of the names of the early Mississippi was the Yamasi River.

26. Yaqui could be Yasi

27. Yaqui + “Messi”, the serpent of the “Sacred Word.” This is a possible source of the name Mississippi River since it is a great serpent. Thus a possible earlier group name is Yamessi.

Yoni, Yonia, Yonias

1. Yonias – is an ethnic term equal to the geographic lonians, the Hebrew Javan, Hindi Javanas (Yavanas), Latin Juvenes, and Assyrian Kephenes. The ethnic Yonias are those who left Egypt, and crossed the waters geographically northward. This is when facing south, thus Egypt is the hinder-part to Aethiopia, thus out of Egypt, birth is given to the north of more offspring. (BB2)
Yonias - is also a religious term equal to Typhonians as worshipers of the mother, and later the child. This is because Yoni means the place of going forth or out at the Khepsh of birth, the hinder thigh, uterus, womb, the north, the lower part, Kar, Akar, Amenta, the domain of the nocturnal sun. Thus Yoni is the Great Mother Typhon and her followers. Typh becomes Y, thus Yona is the mother as Yo + Na. Add IA as the second truth of Na, thus we add motion. Yo+Na+Ia is Yonia or Yoni or Yona or Yanias or Yamias or Yamasi.
Thus these Yamasi would have born out of northern Central America (Mexico and crossed the waters of the Gulf of Mexico northward into the Mississippi River of North America.

2. Yoni – is a general name for woman, female. Yoni is the first abode of being. (NG1)

3. Yoni – is also symbolized by a bell because it is shaped like the uterus. This is why in some representations, Buddha sits on a bell. Bell is equal to well or abyss of waters.

4. Yoni in Sanskrit is queen. Yoni is the female organ of generation. This is womb, matrix, uterus, pudendum (external part of sex organs). (NG2)

5. Yoni-stone - typifies the womb of the mother, thus it was also called the Ark-stone and rocking-stone (rekhing-stone) used to whiten, wash, purify, reckoning (divination). The book, “The Primitive Glory of the Kymry” explains the ancient system of the Druids and everything about the Yoni in primitive simplicity. Weeks ago I did not find this book online. What we can infer from Massey's statement is that the Druids, Kymry and Yonias are the same people, thus so also are other names associated with those three words. (BB, BB2)

6. Yoni – is heaven, Jehovah, Jerusalem. Great Mother Pash is the bringer of Peace. Pash, Pekh, and Peace are identical. Peace in Hebrew is shalem. Salama is a name of Goddess Venus, who is Jehovah-Shalem. Thus going up to Jerusalem was going up to heaven, entering the womb, the birthplace. (Basnage, History of the Jews), (BB2)
Iu's (Jews) are a more recent version of Typhonians (Yonians). Both follow the Mother and Child. The IUs follow the solar mythology of the night sun and day sun, whereas the Typhonians followed Ursa Minor Constellation and Polaris South. Thus the difference between the Typhonian Yonians and the IU Jews is the use of different celestial phenomena to represent the same God, gods, souls of life, Elohim.

With this being said, all religions or spiritual practices are a form of the mother, child, mother and child, father, father and child or all three. This is true even when the human figure or an actual human is used to represent the deity.

Using different celestial phenomena to represent Deities was not just wily-nily or a matter of personal preference or choice that was left up to “to each his own” as if it didn't matter. No, instead, the use of celestial phenomena shows the evolution of understanding in regards to reckoning time and cycles. It was tied to the arrangement of celestial bodies, thus led to understandings about what is going on and what is going to happen. Cycles of celestial bodies tell us when natural law is changing, thus also explains environmental change and climate change. No celestial body is more supreme than the other. We are supposed to use them all, because they are all gods, souls of life, spirit-souls, souls of life, manifestations of the Superhuman Supreme, signposts and mile markers on the Milky Way Information Highway. (BB2)

7. Yoni - is the RU (LU, Ur, Mouth, Opening, Gate, Door, Water-way, Kharu, Mestru, Tepru, Kafru). This is the the natural entrance or outrance of the Mount, and all its co-types and equivalents, such as the female. This is because the Mount is the Mother who brought forth her children from the earth. (BB), (AE1)

8. Yoni as the hinder thigh is a type of “Ur Heka,” the great magic power. This must be so if Yoni is heaven, womb and universe.

9. Yoneh is the sword and/or the dove because the sword had great power to kill and the dove was a symbol of the mother. Sword and dove are also called Yoni. Yoneh or Yoni are united in the circle with the wings and tail of the dove. The Yonias continued the dove as the bird of soul. (NG1)

A sword is a Kherub (Cherub), an angel, a soul of life, a spirit word that cuts and divides. The sword that cuts and takes life is combined with the dove that unites and gives life. This is Aquarius and Kepheus. Christians are long lost Typhonians. Christianity is dominant because it is the anti-thesis of Typhonian. Jesus said he comes to bring peace and not to bring peace. (Luke 2:14; John 16:27, Luke 12:51, Matt. 10:34). In Judaism and Christianity, the dove is the Holy Spirit is the Ruach Hakodesh is the Mother. The cults of Christianity and Judaism chose to keep the dove as representing Spirit just as the Typhonian Yonians did; however the Egyptian Osirians used the hawk in their solar cult. The Ages are ever-coming ones and princes of peace. This peace is accomplished through the giving of life and the taking of life to establish the new law and new order. Every empire has its favored groups who are responsible for tyranny. A significant number of these tyrants must flee, be enslaved or die. This is just how it has always been when the changing of the celestial guardians takes place. The perfect storm of weakness and strength is taking place above and below. The Great Mother and Son are en route to restore Maat. (AE2), (NG2) Jesus was pierced with a sword because he was the old god (falling christ, phoenix) becoming the new god (phoenix rising christ). Before Jesus could establish peace, he first had to release all the bitterness inside his soul of life as the ever-coming one. Jesus as the black spirit had to release bitterness to become Jesus the white spirit. This is the sickness coming out of humans and coming out of some in a greater corrupt degree. They and their collective seed will die and be cut off from entering into the new kingdom on Earth.

10. Yoni- as a circle of one, divides into Yin (Yen) (water, lower, odd, one, left, female) and Ying (breath, upper, even, two, right, female first, then male. son first, then father) (NG2)

11. Yoneh – is Jonah. Thus Simon Bar-Jonah is “Simon, son of Yoni, the mother,” who is the S'men that erects, prepares, establishes, the son in the place of the father so the son can develop into the father. Thus Jesus is his own father and why it says that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One. (BB)
Thus Seminoles are offspring of Yamasi and so are the Creek and Muscogee (Muskhogee). All four of these words represent a collection of many tribes with many names.


The name Yamasi is likely related to meanings conveying:
1. river born and crossing the water, the mes. We see this water meaning in the name origins of the Muskhogees, and in a suboptimal sense in the Creeks.
2. the mother as Yoni and Ya
3. the son as Nasi and Ya

The Yamassees are like the Chichimecs, Mexicans, Nahuas, Egyptians, Creeks, Seminoles and Muscogee. They are a mixture of many tribes from the inception of the name. Yamasi is an overall name, a general group name, a group surname. Each family (tribe) serves as the first name. Other names such as Creek, Seminole and Muskhogee are intermediate group names and would be written as:
1. (Name of Tribe) + Creek Muscogee Yamasi
2. (Name of Tribe) + Muscogee Yamasi
3. (Name of Tribe) + Seminole Muscogee Yamasi

All Possible Routes For People To Enter Lower North America

1. northwards by land from Central America
2. northwards by water from Central America
3. southwards by land from Upper North America (Canada)
4. southwards by water from Eastern Asia
5. eastwards by water from Australia and Asia
6. westwards by water from Africa
7. westwards by water from Caribbean Islands