If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, May 7, 2021

Aztec, Huaztec, Huastec, Guaztec | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2435


(9avq of 11)

The Aztecs came from Chicomoztoc in Africa just like everybody else. In Central America, they made the city of Mexico, their capital. (v4) Possible name sources:
1. Huastecs
2. Huaztec
3. Guaztecas
4. Cuextecas
5. Cuextecatl, a chief
6. Iztac (Iztac Mixchohuatal)
7. Iuaxtecas
8. atzin from Nanahuatzin, Huetzin
9. Itzi from Huitziton and tecpa from Tecpatzin. (v5)
10. Aztlan
11. Culhuastecs
12. Nahuastecs

Aztecs is an English plural form, substituted for the Aztec plural substantive Azteca. (v2)

Aztecs are said to be one of the tribes who had no civilization of their own, but instead by means of conquering other people. [Thus, as a warmongering alliance of tribes, they adopted the name of Azteca from Cuextecas, Guastecas or through a suffix substitution added to Aztin, Aztlan, Nahuas or Culhuas]. (v1)
We turn to the Egyptian language. Tek is (T + Ka). Teka means to cut, join, touch, attach, adhere, mix, multiply, cross, twist, intertwine.
“Steka means hide, lie hid, inside.
Tekha is the fish that remained fixed, attached to the shore.

The Aztecs are a group of Nahuas who became separated in Chicomoztoc (v5) and wandered around for many years before reaching Anáhuae, thus their seven cave origin and existence remained hidden from the rest of the Nahuas. Their long period of wanderings to many locations likely resulted in a different mixture than that occurring mainly in middle to southern Central America, including influxes.

The Aztecs were said to leave “Aztlan on 1 Tecpatl (1064 CE). (v5, 322 and v2, 506)
Tecpatl is the flint knife, south (perhaps north), fire (perhaps air). (v2), (v3)

Bottom Line: The name Aztec goes all the way back to the birthplace in Africa. In no aspect of life and existence does our illiteracy become the new legitimacy. - except temporarily in a human midget matrix of disconnected fragmentation born out of cancer.


According to the Quiché, one division from Tulan went north to Mexico and was called Yaqui, which has much the same signification etymologically as Nahuatl, and was commonly applied to the Mexicans. (v5)

The Nahuatlacas left Aztlan (Aquilazco) and then went to Chicomoztoc and then took the long wandering way to Anáhuae. Under their third chief, Tlahuil Tecuhtli, the Nahuatlacas tried to settle in Culhuacan but the people drove them to Teyahualco on the other side of the lake. After several years they attacked Culhuacan but were driven to Ocopetlayuca, where, with the permission of Huetzin, King of Culhuacan, they founded Xochimilco on the western shore of Lake Chalco, which soon became one of the principal places in Anáhuae. This story doesn't sound right because the people didn't trust the Nahuatlacas until after they attacked them. As far as trusting backstabbers goes, this is exactly what is taking place all over the world. The story makes better sense when we view it as spirit-souls and not humans. (v5), (v4)

Aztlan is a word that signifies whiteness. It is the star-spangled milky watery northern circumpolar paradise of seven constellations on the summit of the mount, a great crooked mountain called Culhuacan or Tlaloc, the birthplace of spirit-souls as elemental souls of life. (AE1), (AE2)

Aztlan also existed at the celestial equator and called Pecos (Mexican), the land of the solar birth-place of Montezuma, who promised he would return with a white race [superhumans], and destroy all the enemies of his followers. (NG2)

It was at Chicomoztoc that the separation of the Aztecs from the rest of the Nahuatlacas [Nanahuatl is Nanahuatzin] took place. Then when the Nahuatlacas reached Central America they further divided into what was to become the Quiché-Mayans, the Guatemalans and the Yaqui-Mexican-Aztecs. Thus the Aztecs became a mixture of aboriginals and later arriving widely accumulated mixture.


Montezuma (Moteuhzoma or Moteuezoma) was a diety of the sun and rain and symbolized by a snake. He was also a Mexican-Aztec-Nahuan ruler. Montezuma was a name of the city of Tollan. Montezuma I was Tlacaeleltzin. The Colhuas (Culhuas, Nahuas) are called ancestors of Montezuma. Most of the Pueblo tribes call themselves the descendants of Montezuma. (v3), (v4), (v5)

Huitzilopochtli & Crew

Twins Huitzilopochtil of the upper half of the circle and Tezcatlipoca of the lower half, share the title of chief divinity with Montezuma.
Huitzilopotchtli or Mextli, was a form of Quetzalcoatl and also the god of war and special protector. (v2), (v3) Because Huitzilopochtli was the sun as a course of daily, annual and great year time, the snake also represented the beneficial influence of the atmosphere, the yearly renewed course of nature and the continual rejuvenation of nature. (v3)

Huitzilopochtli is Huitzitoc (Huitziton) as the name of the chief who led the Aztec armies during their last wanderings from Chicomoztoc into Anahuac. Under his leadership the Aztecs were victorious, and for this reason after his death he was called Huitzilopochtli and placed on the left side of Tezcatlipoca. (v3) Also called Ixteocale (eyes of the lord of the divine house.) (v2)

Tlaloc, the rain-god, held a serpent-shaped piece of gold, which likely represented lightning. Tlaloc as water god, was also the sender of thunder and lightning, lord of the earthly paradise, and fertilizer of earth. (v3)

Tonatiuh was the Sun whose huge pyramid mound stands on the plain of Teotihuacan.

Aztecs believed in a Supreme Deity, whom they called Teotl, God Ipalnemoani or Tloque Nahuaque.

The evil spirit was Tlacatecololotl, the Rational Owl. (v3)

Centeotl is a goddess with many names who holds an important place in the divine world of Central American peoples. She was goddess of maize, and the producing earth. (v3)

Great Mother Cihuacohuatl, gave birth to twin serpents, as twins of light and darkness, one female and one male, to whom the Aztecs attributed the origin of mankind.
Hence Twins and Serpents are synonymous as Cocohua,—Côhua being the singular for serpent; Cocohua the plural. (NG1). The male is also called Cox-Cox. (AE2)


The Huastecs, Huastees, Huaztecs, Huaztees, Huaxtecs, Guastecs, or Cuextecas inhabited portions of the states of Vera Cruz and Tamaulipas, north of the Totonacs. Two northern branches of the Mayan language are the Huastec and the Totonac. (v3) Huastecs belonged to the same group of nations as Olmecs and Aztecs, yet some inconsistently say the Huaztec language was distinct from the Nahua but connected to the Mayan. There is a false significance of dichotomy between Nahua and Mayan. Mayans are earlier Nahuans. (v1), (v2), (v5)
Led by chief Cuextecatl, Cuextlan became the home of the Huastecs in the Pánuco region on the gulf coast In 1514 CE, the city of Quetzalapan in Cuextlan was invaded by Aztecs. Possibly the land of the Huastecs was also called Huaxtlan, the land ‘where the huaxi fruit abounds. (v5) Love of flowers was a passion with the Aztecs, and they bestowed great care upon the cultivation of gardens. The finest and largest of these were at Iztapalapan and Huastepec. (v2)


The languages of the civilized nations of Central America, being all affiliated, more or less, may be properly classified as the Maya-Quiché family, the Maya constituting the mother tongue. Yet Bancroft immediately states that the Maya language is to the south as the Aztec language is to the far north. Thus this falsely indicates there was a large language difference that then also indicates a large difference of who the people were. (v3)
Bancroft goes on to say: Toltec, Chichimec, and Aztec languages are one and the Nahua (Aztec), is the oldest known language of Anáhuac. All of the aboriginals of Anáhuac are said to have spoken the Aztec [because it is synonymous with Nahuan and Nanahuaztzin].
Throughout Anáhuac Aztec was the dominant stock language. (v3)
Yet Maya is older than Aztec Nahuan. The Maya, with its many affiliations, may be well compared in its grammatical construction and capacity to the Aztec. (v3)

When the Spaniards took notes by writing down what they saw, the Costa Ricans thought they were working out some magic spell. (v2) This is another reminder that all information, no matter the form presented in, is magic, is a spell, is science, is spirit motion. Every spirit, every soul casts spells with each motion and groups of motions and accumulation of motions. There are no exceptions.

Finally, the migration and wanderings of survivors from one station of the pole to another is a common feature in the astronomical mythos, particularly in the Aztec, Peruvian, and Mexican legends. This then indicates that at a minimum the arrival of the Aztecs in Anáhuae must have taken place at the onset of the Age of Wepwat in 1652 BCE. However, since the Aztecs used serpent symbolism, we must go back at least to Draconis beginning in 5355 BCE. (AE2)

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. I, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. II, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. III, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. IV, Pub. 1875.

From Primitive History by Hubert Howe Bancroft, “The Native Races Of The Pacific States Of North America”, Vol. V, Pub. 1876.