If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 10, 2021

Thoughts Along The Way
Unity Consciousness #2439


(9avu of 11)

First Court Case

In the USA, placing a hand on the modern christian bible and swearing to tell the whole truth is an exercise in doublespeak to say I will uphold the okie doke.
The first court case didn't require such a fake method of ascertaining truth.
The first court case was god as the judge of serpent, eve and adam. The trial lasted a few minutes. All parties were found guilty and held accountable. If we used same method today, then in all crimes, the society would be held accountable, along with others who are contributors, including the victims for listening to the wrong folks, when God speaks the truth every day in many ways for us to follow. Knowledge of good and evil is in the trees.

Media Madness Continues With Hurricane Force

If you still think information you get from any human source, especially school books, bibles, studies, authorities, and media has been critically analyzed for you such that the information is accurate, non-contradictory and truthful, then that tells what the hell you're thinking all the time.

Supposedly Fear Is The Main Reason For Not Getting Covid Vaccinated

Today I was asked if my not getting “the vaccine” was due to fear. I paused and then said it was due to wisdom. I'm glad I didn't say due to common sense because among humans, common sense is the problem. However common sense among all other creatures is intact. No other creature needs to get vaccines, yet they live, thrive, overcome without wearing masks, washing hands and all that we great humans do.

Four Pandemics Still Overlooked

1. Physical – cancer. Isn't it strange that they need your money to cure cancer, but not to cure a pandemic, and in fact, they continue to give out a lot of money during the pandemic, plus free vaccines?
2. Mental – miseducation.
3. Spirit-soul – maafa racism.
4. Emotional – mental illness, psychopath, sociopath

Having Subconscious False Assumptions

That you are now in the favored group because you have swallowed the covid meme and accepted the injection of the vaccine is a subconscious false assumption. That you now have a better chance to live is a subconscious false assumption.

Yes, your country is gearing up to create a dichotomy of covid vaccine haves and covid unvaccinated have nots, yet those better off are not who you think. It is those who have not sold themselves to purchase favor from devils.

Hell Must Be Better Than Heaven If

People continue to praise Fuckedupia (USA) as a place better than heaven.

Hell must be better than Heaven if....
1. the USA is the best place to be
2. the USA is the greatest country of all time.
3. maafa racism is better than Freedom or Preedom
4. a whole country of untreated, yet sedated mental patients sounds like heaven
5. the marketing is clever.
6. black folks prefer the USA over Africa
7. we don't know no better
8. we've never lived in heaven, not even in our imagination