If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mexico, Mexica, Tenochtillan, Yaqui | Name Origin
Unity Consciousness #2436


(9avr of 11)

Possible Name Sources

1. Mec+acan from Chichimec Culhuacan.

2. Mexico (Spanish Méjico) from Mexitl, the Aztec war-god. The suffix “co” being the Aztec locative postposition. (Names and Their Histories). I suggest that Mexitl is short for Mexicoatl (Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl) or Mixcoatl (whirlwind, god of the chase). “Co” is snake or serpent as the Ka. Or Mexico is named after Mixcohuatl who might be the same as Mixcoatl and/or Mexicoatl. (v2), (v3)

3. Mexicas from Mecitl or Mexi, both from Huitziton or Huitzilopochtli. (v5)

4. Mexican means “son of Mixcoatl”. (They Came Before Columbus)

5. Mixcohua, a god and mythic race. Also from “Mixcohuatl” the “Cloud Serpent,” a chief of the Mexican gods, who is the tropical whirlwind. (v3)

6. Mexicatl-Teohuatzin, “Mexican lord of sacred things”. (v2)

The Aztecs left their home under command of Huitziton or Huitzilopochtli who ordered them to abandon the name “Aztecs” and adopt “Mexicas”. Some did, but some refused and separated into a group called Tlatelulcas [possibly a combination of gods Tlaloc and Tultecatl or Toltecat]. This was probably driven by the different priests who didn't want their priesthood diminished. (v5)


Mexico City was also called Mexico Tenochtitlan. (v2)
Mexico was the name of a city, then the name of the country and then applied to all of Anáhuae. The earlier name of Mexico was Tenochtillan, the 'place of the cactus rock,' which is explained by the legend that when the Aztecs arrived they found a rock in a crevice of which a cactus was growing. On the rock sat an eagle holding a serpent in its mouth. The device of the rock and the cactus, with the eagle holding a serpent, became the tribal totem of the Aztecs, and has been adopted on the flag of the present Mexican republic. (Names and Their Histories)

The Aztec Nahuatlacas from Xochimilco, wandered for some time, and then, at the command of their god, founded the town of Tenochtitlan, also called Mexico. The location was a site where they had found a nopal opuntie cactus growing on a rock. (v3)

A third version claims Tenochtitlan was founded by the Aztecs in 1325 CE. The location was chosen based upon a legendary battle between an eagle and a serpent there. This is the same as the battle between darkness and lightness, Sut and Horus. (They Came Before Columbus), (v2)

Tenochtitlan named after chief or high priest Tenuch [Tenueh, Tenoch, Enoch]
Another version is that Tenochtitlan means “place of tenochtli,” the tenochtli being a species of nopal, and is also the symbol of Tenoch, one of the original chiefs. (v2)
Mexico Tenochtitlan was the largest and most celebrated of the Nahua cities. (v2)

In 1350 CE, the Culhuas of Culhuacan took control of Mexico Tenochtitlan and named, Acamapichtli II, the first king of Mexico Tenochtitlan. (v5)
According to some authors, Huitzilihuitl, was the first king or ruler of the Mexicans. Bancroft has him as second king. (v2), (v5)


Mexican mother-goddess Civacoatl, the serpent woman, is a form of the goddess Seven, as Chicomecoatl (Aztec Cihuacohuatl). This answers to Great Mother Kefa. The seven serpents answer to the seven stars. The seven uraei (serpents) are symbolized as a seven-headed serpent or dragon who was a type of Kefa, the old Typhonian mother creator god. . The virgins who served Chicomecoatl carried seven ears of maize. This shows sameness to Goddess Centeotl. (BB2)

The Mexican Great Mother who was called the woman with the serpent, and the woman of our flesh, was represented as the mother of the twins. She is depicted on a monument in the act of conversing with the serpent whilst her twin children are standing behind her; they are differently colored in token of their diverse character. (NG1)

Negroes We Already Knew

Per oral traditions of some native Americans, “the oldest inhabitants of Mexico were Negroes. Several archaeological objects found in various localities demonstrate their existence, the most notable of which is the colossal granite head of Hueyapan, Vera Cruz. In Teotihuacan abound little heads of the Ethiopian type and paintings of Negroes. In Michoacan and Oxaca the same have also been found. Remarkable similarities between several deities in the Egyptian underworld and those in Olmec Mexico have been found. (They Came Before Columbus)

The Mexican civilization might be appropriately termed Culhua as it is Nahua (Nahsi). (v2) Nahua Aztec or Mexican, is the language of Mexican civilization. Furthermore, Toltec, Chichimec, and Aztec languages are one. Aztec is the oldest language of Anáhuae. (v3)


To know who the Mexicans are, you just need to remember the following:
1. Mexicans worshiped Nanahuatzin, thus they are Nahuas, thus they are Culhuas, thus they are Chichimecs.
2. The Quiché, members of the old dark race, multiplied greatly in Africa before migrating to Central America and dividing into three groups. One went north towards Mexico and were then called Yaqui, Nahuatl, Nahuas and Mexicans.

3. Mexico was likely named after an Aztec god of war, Mexitl. This is God Huitzilopochtli who ordered Aztecs to change their name to Mexicas. Some did, but some separated and called themselves Tlatelulcas. Thus Mexico is a religious name, not an ethnic group or a race.

4. Some of the oldest inhabitants of Mexico were Negroes, the original African. This is because early Mexico was a Mayan country. Far too many European historians like to try to keep the Mayans tucked away in the Yucatan, something which goes against natural sense.

5. The language of Mexican civilization is called either Nahua, Aztec or Mexican. It is not called Spanish. Spanish is the language of the Spanish Conquerors of Mexico. Therefore current day Mexicans do not speak Mexican.

6. Mexicans are Mexicas, Tenochtitlans, Xochimilcas, Aztecs, Yaqui, Quiché, Nahuatl, Nahuatlacas, Nanahuatzins, Nahuas, Culhuas, Chichimecs, Chicomoztocs, Aztlans, Aethiopians, Negroes, Africans. The last five are “optimal identifiers of self” and apply to all humans.